Eternal Existence

Chapter 5397 Suppression

They were affected at that time, and then Chen Feng seized the opportunity to injure the two again. Not only that, Bai Jing Jianke and his men also took this opportunity to injure the opponent.

Although it seems that Chen Feng's side has fewer people, they have suffered heavy losses under Chen Feng's continuous operations.

This made these sneak attackers more and more uncertain, and they began to think whether this action was a bit too hasty?

However, at this point, there is no reason to retreat.

These sneak attackers still have some confidence, because they still have some means that they have not used.

"It's a pity that we can only injure the opponent now, and we can't solve them one by one." Chen Feng also felt a little regretful.

After all, Chen Feng had suppressed a lot of Hunyuan above before.

Originally, before this, he divided the origin of mutation and collected the source of power. Before that, the major origins also suppressed a lot of resources. It can be said that some of the Hunyuan above that were suppressed before have reached Chen Feng's limit.

Chen Feng couldn't even use too much power of the origin, so the situation in front of him made Chen Feng a little regretful. He could suppress the opponent by releasing the origin, but now he could only fight with weapons in hand.

This is the result of Chen Feng's continuous cultivation, but no matter how hard he tries, cultivation cannot match the frequency of fighting.

"Under normal circumstances, I should find a place to retreat for a long time in my current state, or the kind of retreat that can last for a period of time." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng used the replication law only once, and then put it away after severely injuring several opponents.

After all, the replication law also suppresses some of the above Hunyuan, which cannot be refined in a short period of time.

Speaking of which, this is Chen Feng's means of saving his life, and he has no choice but to use it now.

As his thoughts flashed, Chen Feng saw that someone on his side was injured again. Although he quickly stabilized, Chen Feng's expression fluctuated.

Although he still has the upper hand now, and has the Gate of Origin as a backer, he is fighting in Guixu after all, and he never knows how many opponents will appear next. This is the most uncertain place.

If it weren't for the appearance of a great emperor-level undead on the other side, if it weren't for the sneak attackers who appeared later, Chen Feng's side would definitely win.

The two changes made Chen Feng feel uncertain.

Just when Chen Feng was feeling a little uneasy, he finally received the news from the God of Nothingness, which made Chen Feng feel certain.

When Chen Feng received the news from the Emperor of Emptiness again, Chen Feng couldn't help but flash a trace of relaxation in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that both of them got benefits." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Before, the Emperor of Emptiness suddenly appeared, and then suddenly disappeared. Chen Feng thought that the other party was entangled.

The same was true for the God of Nothingness afterwards. Who knew that they had just received the news from the two people, and they temporarily solved the trouble and even got some benefits. This made Chen Feng a little envious.

But think about it, the other party is a great emperor, and it is normal to have these gains.

What was even more unexpected to Chen Feng was that the Emperor of Heart also sent a message.

This time Chen Feng was not surprised, but felt a little strange.

Is it such a coincidence?

They didn't appear before, and now they appear together.

Although I have received a message from the Emperor of Heart before, I never came.

Moreover, Chen Feng also knew that the Soul Emperor had been fighting with Guixu all the time. So did he discuss with the Gate of Origin this time? Would it affect the war situation, or was the battle with Guixu over?

"Perhaps there is only one reason, that is, the Soul Emperor knows that there are benefits here." Chen Feng's expression suddenly calmed down.

As for how the other party knew, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to it, because it was meaningless.

"Anyway, since you are willing to show up, then hurry up, solve these opponents, and then look for the benefits you think." Chen Feng said, and his body flashed, dodging the opponent's attack.

Then there is no need to go all out.

Chen Feng even took back his clone.

The Soul Emperor arrived first, which was slightly beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

These sneak attackers had already felt something was wrong from Chen Feng's subtle changes, but no matter how fast they reacted, they could not compare with the emperor.

What's more, he was a master among the emperors, and he was good at the power of the mind.

Amid screams, all the sneak attackers present found the attack of the power of the mind.

"These Hunyuan Above are for you." The Soul Emperor had not really arrived yet, but he had already truly controlled the battlefield, which made Chen Feng once again feel that the Soul Emperor had become stronger than before.

"Could it be that the fight with Guixu actually brought benefits?" Chen Feng was surprised.

Originally, I thought that the other party would have to pay a price regardless of the victory or defeat in the battle with Guixu, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, but I still need your help to the end. I don't have too much power to suppress these opponents now." Chen Feng said hurriedly.

"It seems that you have consumed a lot before." The Soul Emperor said, but he did not refuse Chen Feng, and continued to activate the mind technique.

Under the strange attack of a great emperor, these sneak attackers were completely at a disadvantage, and some began to try to escape.

But it was useless. The Soul Emperor still appeared, holding a sneak attacker who escaped in his hand.

I don't know what means the Soul Emperor used to completely suppress this Hunyuan Above.

Not only that, two sneak attackers were tied up by the silk thread transformed by the power of the mind.

This is an internal and external binding, blocking the opponent's power flow, even the thinking is somewhat stagnant.

"Here you go!"

The Soul Emperor gave the three sneak attackers to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to suppress them in the origin.

Chen Feng felt much more relaxed because of the Soul Emperor's move.

The White Mirror Swordsman also took the opportunity to blow up the opponent. Although the whole army was not destroyed, only a few people escaped.

"We should have left them all behind." Chen Feng said with some regret.

"It would have been possible, but I am more interested in these dead spirits." The Soul Emperor said with a smile, and the next moment he appeared in front of the emperor-level dead spirit.

These dead spirits were also going to flee, and after a choice between the two, the Soul Emperor still let the sneak attackers go.

But soon Chen Feng realized that this was not the whole reason.

"Be careful, there are masters behind those practitioners." The Soul Emperor said so.

Then the emperor-level dead spirit was completely suppressed by the Soul Emperor.

The Second World frowned, his expression was a little complicated.

Although he could not do anything to this dead spirit, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he saw it being snatched away by others.

The most important thing is that he cannot leave now. If he leaves the opponent to the Psychic Emperor, on the one hand, his attitude will be criticized. On the other hand, although the Psychic Emperor is powerful, the opponent has also reached the level of the Great Emperor, and some changes may occur.

In the entanglement, the Psychic Emperor has already dispersed the dead spirit.

"Divide into two, fight quickly and decide quickly." The Psychic Emperor said and suppressed a scattered energy.

The Second World did not have time to think about it, and quickly suppressed another part of the scattered energy.

"I thought too much." After suppressing half of the Great Emperor-level dead spirit, the Second World also knew that he had gained a lot. If it were not for the Psychic Emperor's action, he would never be able to do this.

Just as he was about to thank him, he saw the Psychic Emperor rushing towards the monster body.

"Strange, since this Great Emperor-level dead spirit has been solved, who is controlling this body, or is it that the life that was born later really integrated with this body." The Second World was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much. There are still many opponents to be solved at the moment.

With the participation of the Psychic Emperor, the situation is completely reversed.

This is the power of a Great Emperor.

But it's not over yet, because the God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of Void finally appeared.

The appearance of these two people can be regarded as a real sweep of the situation in front of them.

However, as soon as they appeared, they all rushed towards the monster. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also laughed.

The most important thing in the entire battlefield is the monster. It is obvious that everyone wants to have a share.

But it's good that no one monopolizes it anymore.

Everyone can get a part. Although it's a pity, it's also somewhat equal.

However, these masters still communicated with each other. They also felt that it was a pity to divide this monster, so they joined forces to seal the monster and suppressed it in the long river of time.

How to divide it will be discussed later.

In fact, when the God of Nothingness and the Great Emperor of Void appeared, the monster wanted to escape, but failed.

The undead and sneak attackers present also failed.

Almost most of the undead and sneak attackers were killed.

The arrival of the three emperors completely changed the situation.

They gained something, and the Hunyuan on the scene also gained something.

"What happened?" Chen Feng asked Emperor Kongji curiously.

"This area is quite interesting. I was entangled as soon as I arrived. Fortunately, I used some means to get rid of the opponent for the time being." Emperor Kongji said.

"Just get rid of the opponent." This is a little different from what Chen Feng thought. He thought that Emperor Kongji had solved the opponent and got the benefits.

"My strength alone is not enough, so I need help. Who knows that the situation here is not good either." Emperor Kongji said.

"But since the situation here has been solved, let's work together." Chen Feng said.

When Chen Feng communicated with Emperor Kongji, he was also secretly communicating with the God of Nothingness.

The God of Nothingness also encountered trouble, but the difference was that the God of Nothingness solved the opponent.

Three emperors, four portals, four origin-level killing weapons, hundreds of Hunyuan and above, the second generation with strength close to the emperor, plus Chen Feng, this is a very powerful force.

But the strongest is still the Emperor of the Heart.

Chen Feng looked over, and the Emperor of the Heart nodded, indicating that he would act together, which also made Chen Feng relieved.

Although there are more people and the benefits need to be distributed, Chen Feng doesn't care. The previous gains are enough, not to mention that the Soul Emperor also helped him suppress some of the Hunyuan.

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