Eternal Existence

Chapter 5395 Test

The Second and Chen Feng looked at each other. Although the opponent disappeared after the sneak attack, they could still see something.

"Apart from the dead bodies of living things and the dead spirits, is there anything else here?" Chen Feng no longer entangled with the dead spirit, but left the battlefield at the fastest speed. The wings behind him fluttered, and the whole person entered a state of transcendence, as if he was not in this space.

Then Chen Feng used the pupil technique to find the opponent. Just as Chen Feng's eyes swept back and forth, a bone spear floated silently and pierced Chen Feng's back.

As soon as the bone spear approached Chen Feng, it was immediately blocked by the force, but the lines on the bone spear burned, easily breaking through all obstacles, and it was about to pierce Chen Feng. There was also a spear rushing out from behind Chen Feng, which was the Spear of Destiny.

The two spears collided accurately, and the lines on the bone spear turned into cracks, but soon recovered.

The Spear of Destiny is a weapon of the origin level. This confrontation shows that the bone spear is not as good as the Spear of Destiny.

However, the bone spear was not completely broken, which also shows that the grade is second only to the Spear of Destiny.

"Who is this? You dare to come and take advantage of me. You are really looking for death." Chen Feng turned around and punched down. The space collapsed and a cultivator holding a bone spear appeared.

The other party showed surprise in his eyes, as if he didn't expect his sneak attack to fail.

The sneak attack failed, and the other party wanted to leave, but was blocked by Chen Feng's fist. Seeing the Spear of Destiny in front of him, he quickly waved the bone spear in his hand to deal with it.

The weapons collided for several rounds, and Chen Feng punched. The attacker couldn't resist and rolled out.

"A cultivator from the outside world?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

He thought that even if it was not a dead spirit, it would most likely belong to Guixu and assassinate under Guixu's order.

Who knew that the other party was also from outside.

"Just a Hunyuan above dared to participate in it, isn't this looking for death?" In Chen Feng's opinion, this person's strength was pretty good, and he could sneak attack other Hunyuan above one-on-one.

But now it was a war, and a single person participated in it. What did the other party think?

And why did the other party take action?

"Everyone be careful, there may be someone hiding in the dark." Chen Feng hurriedly informed the others.

As a result, someone was really attacked.

The target this time was Baijing Swordsman.

At first, Chen Feng went on a journey with Baijing Swordsman and the Second Generation. At the beginning, the strength of the two of them was not much different.

But with each battle, the Second Generation's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is actually very close to the Great Emperor.

Maybe it won't be long before he will become the Second Generation Great Emperor.

In comparison, Baijing Swordsman has become weaker.

In fact, it is not that Baijing Swordsman has become weaker. On the contrary, since he went on an adventure with Chen Feng, Baijing Swordsman has become much stronger.

In addition, Baijing Swordsman is the most skilled swordsman in fighting, so at least he can be called a master at the level above Hunyuan.

It's just that the Great Emperor's sharp edge covers it, so the strength of Baijing Swordsman can't be shown.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't need to remind him, because everyone present was a veteran of fighting, not to mention that Chen Feng had just been attacked.

It was also a bone spear. It seemed that the White Mirror Swordsman did not dodge it, but after the bone spear stabbed down, only circles of ripples were seen, and then even the bone spear was bound.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng smiled.

Since the White Mirror Swordsman used this method, it seemed that the sneak attacker would have a hard time.

Sure enough, the shadow of a mirror appeared, and the White Mirror Swordsman walked out of the mirror.

At this time, the bone spear was bound, but the powerful force was still released from the bone spear, but the ripples were rippling in circles, dissolving the opponent's attack.

Then the White Mirror Swordsman slashed with a sword.

This sword was invincible and seemed to be able to split everything.

The sneak attacker finally burst out his strength to the extreme and drew out the war spear, but it was still a step too late. He was affected by the sword energy and half of his body began to collapse.


Although injured, the sneak attacker reacted quickly. He knew that something was wrong, but he was not in a hurry, but disappeared at the fastest speed.

Once the opponent disappeared, it would be difficult to find the opponent again.

However, at this time, the mirror was shining with light and sweeping across continuously. Under the illumination, everything was clear and transparent.

The sneak attacker who was disappearing appeared again, and then was pierced by a beam of sword energy.

At this time, several Hunyuans who were closest finally took action. With a joint attack, the sneak attacker was beaten to pieces.

Then he was covered by the mirror light and couldn't escape.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled and ignored the other party. The fighting power of the White Mirror Swordsman was somewhat unexpected. With the help of others, it was not a problem to kill the other party.

It's just that two sneak attackers from unknown sources have appeared so far, and their strength is still good, which makes Chen Feng feel like a thorn in his back.

I hate this kind of guy who sneaks in the dark the most.

The sneak attacker who was beaten by Chen Feng just now disappeared, but Chen Feng had left a mark on the other party in the brief fight just now. Even if Chen Feng only relies on the cause and effect technique, he can find the other party.

What Chen Feng cares about is how many such sneak attackers there are.

This time, Chen Feng not only used the Insight Technique, but also mobilized some of the power of the Long River of Time and the Gate of Space and Time.

Then Chen Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a step forward to a certain area. He slashed with a sword, and a long crack appeared in front of him.

Chen Feng did not hesitate and strode in.

Then Chen Feng was ambushed.

More than a dozen breaths burst out at the same time, and weapons such as bone spears and long swords were aimed at Chen Feng.

"This is the opponent's lair." Chen Feng laughed, without any ambush.


The attack fell, and Chen Feng was shattered, just like a reflection in the water, a mirror image.

"I'm here!"

Chen Feng appeared in another direction. At this time, Chen Feng had three heads and six arms, holding the Sword of Cangsu, the Spear of Destiny, and the Thousand Illusions that he had robbed before. These were all weapons of the academy level.

And Chen Feng was not just a simple fighting method at this time. He also had the means of copying the law, copying his own clone, and then merging into three heads and six arms. Under the superposition and fusion, Chen Feng's combat power increased linearly.

Chen Feng didn't know there was an ambush here before, but Chen Feng would not just barge in like this.

He must have been prepared.

Even though he faced many opponents this time, Chen Feng was not panicked at all, but was a little happy to find the opponent's lair.

It was obvious that this was a considerable force, and the opponent definitely had a reason to come here.

But no matter what the other party's reasons are, no matter where the other party comes from, now it is only his opponent.

Just kill the other party.

Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, no defense, only offense, only head-on collision.

After the two sides collided, Chen Feng had more wounds on his body, but the weapon in Chen Feng's hand also pierced through the bodies of three opponents.

With super strong defense, he can undoubtedly have the upper hand in this situation.

Speaking of which, the strength of these sneak attackers is not bad. If the target is changed to other Hunyuan, even the emperor, they can get some advantages under the surprise attack.

But this time they met Chen Feng, so these sneak attackers suffered a big loss.

Originally, these sneak attackers were a little happy to see Chen Feng break in, but they didn't expect it to be so smooth. They thought they could solve Chen Feng in one fell swoop, but who knew that what happened was completely beyond their expectations.

They hid in the dark and knew Chen Feng's strength, but now it seems that they still underestimated it.

The second collision caused three attackers to be seriously injured, and Chen Feng looked bruised and battered, but these injuries healed after he broke out of the encirclement. This scene made the other party feel a little shocked.

This body is too strong.

Although Chen Feng seemed to have the upper hand, he would not stay and fight to the end. He took advantage just now and caught the other party off guard. Now that the other party has come to his senses, there must be a targeted way.

However, although Chen Feng rushed out, he did not run away, but stood firm and continued to fight with the other party.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if so many opponents can be delayed, it will be effective for the entire battle.

However, Chen Feng's helpers still arrived.

Seeing that Chen Feng was ambushed, several white mirror swordsmen rushed over, and the two sides fought without saying a word.

Since they have been entangled, these people will no longer hide, or they can't hide.

However, with such a force, the situation is not favorable for Chen Feng's side.

They still can't solve the monster in the Gate of Time and Space, and the second generation is still fighting with the opponent.

The overall situation is a bit stalemate.

This made Chen Feng somewhat dissatisfied, and he gradually became uncertain.

Originally, it was a very good situation. He thought that he could gradually solve the opponent, even the body of the monster could be solved. Chen Feng even thought that if he gave the Gate of Origin, he would be mentally unbalanced.

Now, there is no need to be mentally unbalanced, because continuing to fight may not necessarily lead to victory.

"If the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of Emptiness appear, they can sweep across the four directions and change the situation. However, if they do not appear, they will definitely be entangled by opponents of the same level, so there may be no help next, while the opponent may have help." Chen Feng thought.

"You guys are really looking for death, and you don't even ask about our origins. But since you are involved, it can only be a fight to the death." Chen Feng said viciously.

It's just that the words are powerful, and the opponent has already taken out the corresponding means and no longer confronts Chen Feng head-on. Chen Feng's two consecutive attacks did not seriously injure the opponent.

It has to be said that these opponents who are good at hiding are still difficult to deal with.

Chen Feng simply dismissed his three-headed, six-armed combat body and transformed into his main body and clone state, which gave him more opportunities.

In addition, Chen Feng used the power of the copy law and finally seized the opportunity again.

This time, he did not simply use the shuttle ability of the copy law, but used the copy law to fight.

After the copy law appeared, countless tentacles extended out, trying to wrap up these opponents.

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