Eternal Existence

Chapter 5393 Providing Time

Faced with this kind of opponent who swept everything, Chen Feng also used his boxing skills to fight the opponent head-on.

After several rounds, Chen Feng was almost hit by the opponent, but he still retreated again and again.

If it weren't for the Sword of the End, Chen Feng's situation would be even more dangerous.

However, this also made the opponent stop roaring and concentrate on dealing with Chen Feng and other opponents.

Although this monster is very powerful, Chen Feng and others are not vegetarians. They can kill a great emperor together.

The Gate of Time and Space finally blocked the four sides, and this huge monster was firmly surrounded in the middle, constantly releasing power, trying to suppress the opponent.

Chen Feng and the Sword of the End surrounded the opponent and kept attacking.

This returned to the familiar situation before. In Chen Feng's view, this is a good start. Maybe he can really suppress the opponent next.

But when I think about it, if I really do this step, then this monster will fall into the hands of the Gate of Origin?

Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied when he thought about it.

Although the power of the Gate of Origin is good for Chen Feng, it is a bit unfair for Chen Feng if all the benefits belong to the Gate of Origin, even though all the beings that contributed to it belong to the Gate of Origin.

But Chen Feng did not consider the problem from this perspective.

"If the Gate of Origin gets this monster again, even if it gets the bodies of two emperors this time, won't it become stronger in the future?" Chen Feng thought so.

Although he thought so, Chen Feng's moves were still not slow, and he went all out every time, without any sign of retreat.

Facing such an opponent, he could fall into a dangerous situation if he was not careful.

And didn't the Gate of Time and Space think of this? They were also doing their best.

Other things were a bit too far away. The most important thing at the moment was that this monster was his opponent. If he chose to retreat, all the Hunyuan on the scene would be slaughtered by the opponent.

"But then again, if the Gate of Origin becomes stronger, the free space will be more stable, which is also a good thing for me, but I still want to get a share, and I want to get as much benefit as possible." Chen Feng seized the opportunity and suddenly came to the monster, and directly stretched out his palm and pressed on the other's wound.

This wound was pierced by the Spear of All Evil. It doesn't look big, but it is very deep. Even if the other party recovers quickly, it will not recover for a while.

Chen Feng performed the Devouring Technique, and the other party's wound exploded directly, and the rolling power was pulled out by Chen Feng.

Although these powers are nothing to this monster, they also angered the other party, and a vast and unmatched will impact wrapped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was affected on the spot, and then hit by the other party's power that followed.

Chen Feng rolled out, but fortunately Chen Feng was not alone. He only saw a flash of light, and Chen Feng entered the Gate of Time and Space.

After a short rest in the Gate of Time and Space, Chen Feng rushed out again.

This time, he did not rush forward recklessly, but chose a good opportunity to attack the monster again.

This was a wound cut by the sword of the end, and Chen Feng once again performed the swallowing technique.

The wound exploded, and the blood and qi flowed wildly.

"I still like this method."

Chen Feng started out by relying on this swallowing technique, plundering wildly to replenish himself.

Otherwise, even if Chen Feng had a chaotic body, he would not be able to practice so fast without enough power.

But as Chen Feng became stronger and stronger, this method was used less and less, not to mention that even if he encountered a strong opponent, it would be difficult for Chen Feng to get close to the opponent.

This opportunity was rare, and under the siege of everyone, Chen Feng could naturally seize good opportunities again and again.

And through the confrontation just now, Chen Feng also confirmed one thing, that the monster in front of him that looked like life was not really life, or that the other party was life before he died.

Like the body he encountered before, this was also the body of a powerful life after death, but it was controlled by the undead.

It was stronger than the two bodies he had encountered before, but the most worrying thing now was whether the undead controlled in secret had reached the level of the Great Emperor? Was the other party hiding in the dark and preparing for a sneak attack?

Just as he thought of this, Chen Feng heard a scream.

A person above the Primordial was directly shattered by the undead, and the quick attack of the River of Time only saved part of the other party's body.

It was normal for both sides to suffer damage in the battle, but Chen Feng felt something was wrong.

These undead suffered more damage, and it was reasonable that they would be completely at a disadvantage next, but the counterattack just now was a bit unusual.

Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, and was hit by the other party again. Chen Feng quickly got into the Taixu Gate.

This time Chen Feng did not come out immediately, but observed the situation outside in the portal.

Sure enough, he saw more things in the portal.

Several of the undead suddenly became stronger, suddenly exploded, and tore another person above the Primordial into pieces.

Moreover, the dense death energy madly invaded the injured Hunyuan Supremes. When the Second Emperor went to suppress it, these undead spirits returned to their normal state.

However, several undead spirits in another direction suddenly erupted with stronger combat power than themselves, like a volcanic eruption.

The Second Emperor hurried to rescue them, just like playing whack-a-mole, but the mole was more cunning and the Second Emperor could not keep up at all.

In a short period of time, several Hunyuan were seriously injured. Although they were taken away by the long river of time and did not fall, they completely lost their combat effectiveness and could not recover in a short period of time.

The most important thing is that for every person lost, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness will be reduced by one point.

Chen Feng was a little anxious, but he didn't have a good solution. According to Chen Feng's speculation, the sudden strength of those undead spirits should be related to the powerful undead spirits hidden in the dark.

Unless he can find the other party, even if he rushes up, it may not have much effect.

But he still has to go out. Chen Feng went out from the other side of the portal and did not fight with the monster, but rushed to the side of the second generation.

At this time, the second generation was trying to lock the other party, but before he succeeded, he saw Chen Feng coming to his side.

"Is there any way?" The second generation asked hurriedly.

Chen Feng shook his head. Although he came here, he really didn't have a good way.

The undead spirit hidden in the dark is a bit strange. Unlike other undead spirits, this undead spirit is very powerful first, and he can use means, and he has mastered special magical powers.

It is very difficult to deal with.

As expected, several undead spirits became stronger, but this time everyone was on guard. While these undead spirits became stronger, the targeted Hunyuan Above also received the blessing of others.

The two sides fought, and the Hunyuan Above was severely injured, but he was not torn apart like before.

Several Hunyuan Above rushed forward and protected the injured Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng nodded. Everyone responded well, but this was still a defensive state. If they continued, they would be defeated by the other party sooner or later.

"Join hands!"

After Chen Feng said this, he released the Fortune Map and activated the Samsara Realm.

When the Second World saw this scene, he immediately used his magic power. Because the Second World also practiced the same technique, the Samsara Realm was directly activated to an extreme state.

Then the Hunyuan Above present entered the Fortune Array Map one after another. Since the other party had means, they would not give the other party a chance.

After Chen Feng got the participation of the Hunyuan Above present, the Fortune Array Map also exerted its strongest power.

Chen Feng planned to fight the opponent with overwhelming force, head-on, so that even if the opponent had means, he would not be able to use them.

He could only bring all his strength to the table for a duel.

Chen Feng's approach was indeed correct. The two sides collided for several rounds in succession, and the undead present were completely at a disadvantage, and even two undead turned into smoke.

But the opponent still did not appear, and was still hiding in the dark and using his own means.

This time was slightly different from the previous time. All the undead present were blessed with power, and their combat effectiveness was comprehensively improved, and they actually blocked the impact of everyone.


Chen Feng was not impatient, but he had been trying to find a way to lock on the opponent. As long as he could find the opponent, even if the opponent was an emperor, he could find a way to entangle the opponent.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this kind of elusive existence was the most difficult to deal with. This was when everyone was gathered together. If they acted alone in Guixu and encountered such an opponent, no matter how many people there were, they would be hunted down by the opponent if they were not at the emperor level.

Chen Feng's fortune array and reincarnation field are very strong, especially the second generation's current strength is infinitely close to the emperor. Whether the opponent is hiding or showing up, it can't change the situation.




The two sides kept colliding, Chen Feng and others were round and integrated, and the power penetrated. Whether it was charging or defending, they reached the peak.

On the contrary, although these undead spirits were more in number, although they were blessed by the power of the secret existence, and although they were the life of the same origin, they seemed a little chaotic at this time. Every collision would cause the undead spirits to be severely injured, and even scattered.

"Hmph, even if you are the emperor, what can you do." Chen Feng sneered. They were still fighting with the powerful monster at the Gate of Time and Space. He had already gained the upper hand, and every collision could weaken the opponent's strength.

Chen Feng thought about following the steps, but who knew that the second generation suddenly broke out.

"Found the opponent."

The second generation rushed out suddenly, knocked away two undead spirits, and then burst out with a fierce blow.

A dead spirit appeared out of nowhere, looking no different from other dead spirits, but it blocked the attack of the Second World.

The fact that he could do this showed that the other party was a hidden existence.

The Second World attacked continuously in order to entangle the other party, and he did it, providing time for Chen Feng's subsequent attacks.

"I have suppressed one dead spirit, and I don't mind suppressing another one." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword formation descended.

Chen Feng is certainly not suitable to suppress a great emperor-level dead spirit now, but he can share it with the Second World.

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