Eternal Existence

Chapter 5382 Cannon Fodder

He has many people on his side, as well as the powerful God of Nothingness, and the Sword of Ending. It is not a problem to destroy an emperor.

"Since we are aware of the other party's methods, we can just deal with it." Chen Feng thought for a while and stayed in the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng planned to help the Gate of Origin first, but something happened to the part of his body that he suppressed.

"Hmph, I can suppress even the complete Emperor, let alone just half of his body. If this is your method, then you are being smart." Chen Feng sneered.

The Li Liang that the opponent unleashed was indeed very strong. This kind of deception type of power was most suitable for invasion. The opponent wanted to invade the origin controlled by Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng suddenly created three black holes, all of which emitted powerful devouring power.

These three black holes come from Chen Feng's swallowing technique, the origin furnace, and the vortex origin.

In just one short breath, a full 30% of the deception power was swallowed up.

The origin of the suppression of this great emperor is also constantly being absorbed, which solves another 10%.

In this way, the opponent's strength has been greatly weakened. Even if there are some follow-up methods, the threat to Chen Feng is not great.

"It's nothing to be afraid of." Chen Feng sneered.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to completely eliminate the opponent, a new opponent appeared.

The powerful force of deception appeared again, and Chen Feng was once again sure that it was the old man in the spiritual realm who came.

The God of Nothingness walked out of the gate of time and space.

"Old man in spiritual realm!"

Chen Feng and Niwu Shen looked at each other and could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

I thought he was an old man from the spiritual realm before, but he ended up killing another great emperor. Is the one who comes out now an old man from the spiritual realm?

"If the other party had been there from the beginning and appeared so early, the two emperors could have dealt with us." Chen Feng said strangely.

"Although I don't know what's going on, the most important thing right now is to deal with the other party. But I'm afraid it won't be that easy. The other party appeared at the wrong time. We haven't completely solved the suppressed emperor yet." Nihility God seems calm, but in fact Not easy.

"Yes, the other party chose to show up at this time, not to die." Chen Feng forcibly sealed the origin.

There is no time now, let’s deal with the immediate situation first.

Chen Feng's will was transmitted, and the second generation and the others quickly formed a formation. As the formation moved, waves of power swept out like a tornado, quickly dispersing the approaching blinding power.

"Old man in the spiritual realm, come out. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed if the great emperor is hiding in secret and scheming?" Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng didn't think about forcing the opponent out, he only thought about locking the opponent's position. Who knew that the opponent would actually come out.

He is really an old man in spiritual realm.

"I underestimated you." The old man in the spirit realm said calmly, still releasing the power of blindness, not caring that his own power was scattered by the magic circle.

Then someone appeared again, and the person who came was completely unexpected by Chen Feng.

The huge war beast brought powerful oppression, but Chen Feng just glanced at it and landed on the practitioner above the war beast.

A great emperor.

How the war beast came here, how it joined forces with the old man in the spiritual realm, these are not important.

The most important point in Chen Feng's opinion was that there were two great emperors in front of him.

In this case, the emperor who was divided up before became the one being calculated, that is, the cannon fodder who spearheaded the attack.

Using a powerful emperor as cannon fodder is too generous, this method is too ruthless, and this calculation is too deep.

Moreover, Chen Feng also knew that besides these two great emperors, there were other opponents. For example, this war beast could release a group of powerful Hunyuan Shang.

There may be other forces besides this. Besides, will Guixu just sit back and watch?

"I have seen the Blood War Saint before. What do you call this Taoist friend?" Chen Feng asked calmly.

Anyway, we have become enemies with the Origin of War before, so there is not much to say next, but we still need to find out about the other party's situation.

"You can call me the Blood Sea Emperor. As for the Blood War Saint you are talking about, I don't know him at all." The practitioner above the war beast said calmly.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. The other party shouldn't lie. So they are both emperors and don't know each other? It seems that the origin of the war is not small.

Since the other party did not know each other, Chen Feng continued: "We have no grievances. I don't know why you want to get involved. After all, we are not easy to mess with."

"Stop talking nonsense and release Old Man Taixuan quickly. We still have some discussion, otherwise we will have to fight to the end." The Blood Sea Emperor sneered.

"It turns out that the person you used as cannon fodder was Old Man Taixuan. It's a pity that there was an error in your calculations. Otherwise, you three great emperors would have eliminated us long ago when they swarmed up." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since the opponent did not take action immediately, Chen Feng was happy to delay the situation. Speaking of which, since two great emperors appeared, Chen Feng really did not want to fight with the opponent.

But now that the other party has come to kill him, things will not go well today.

"I hope I can refine Taixuan Old Man as soon as possible." Chen Feng secretly thought in his heart, and at the same time, he has been paying attention to the situation of the Gate of Time and Space.

Now they are all refining Old Man Taixuan at the Gate of Time and Space, and their strength must have been affected.

However, Chen Feng believed that the two emperors in front of him must also know this, but the other party did not rush to take action. This was really strange. Could it be that the other party also wanted the death of Taixuan Elder.

"Maybe the other party is also waiting for help, or making some arrangements in secret, and then solve us in one fell swoop." Void God said.

"We are now in large numbers, so we are not necessarily afraid of the other party. Moreover, since the Gate of Time and Space has come here, it means that the Gate of Origin is paying attention to the situation here, so if there is danger, the Gate of Origin will also come, and Guixu may not intervene. The other party hopes that we will both lose." Chen Feng said.

"I hope so, I'm afraid that we will have to join forces with the other party at that time." Void God said with some concern.

"If that's the case, then I'm in trouble." Chen Feng said.

The two communicated in secret, and the other party finally stopped delaying time. The war beast opened its mouth and dozens of Hunyuan rushed out.

This was within Chen Feng's expectations.

According to Chen Feng's idea, a war beast only has so much power. Maybe there are still a lot of Hunyuan Jinxian in the other party, but in the current level of battle, the other party will not come out, but will only output some mana in the war beast and operate the magic array.

"This should not be all the power." Chen Feng swept his eyes, and his stronger insight saw something else.

The existence hidden in the dark revealed their figures one after another.

There are a total of eight magic arrays, all controlled by Hunyuan.

"This is an outsider. It seems that the other party is also well prepared. I am still curious about how they joined forces with the mutant life."

When mentioning the mutant life, Chen Feng found that he didn't know where the other party was hiding, and his insight technique didn't find the other party.

But Chen Feng knew that the other party must not have left, but was hiding in the dark looking for a suitable opportunity.

Each of these emperors is very difficult to deal with. The most important thing is that the other party is no longer fighting alone. It is difficult for him to effectively block the other party with the portal.

"What a pity." Chen Feng felt a little regretful. If there was only one emperor, he could still suppress the other party with the previous means. Now, the other party is stronger than his side.

If there is any worry, it is his side that is worried.

"Since you are unwilling to release Elder Taixuan, don't blame us for being rude." Elder Lingjing said and disappeared.

The power of blinding can not only blind the opponent, but also blind oneself. However, Chen Feng did not expect that a master of Elder Lingjing's level would use such a sneak attack.

"Be careful, I always feel that the other party's behavior is a bit strange." The God of Nothingness sent a message.


The Blood Sea Emperor gave the order, and those practitioners of the origin of war rushed up immediately. Not only that, the surrounding magic array also launched an attack under operation.


Chen Feng took out his long sword to defeat the waves of power impact, and then suddenly exerted force and rushed quickly in the direction of the origin of war.

Since he had started, he had to find a way to solve the opponent in the shortest time. The long-term entanglement here made Chen Feng feel insecure.

However, it was very difficult for Chen Feng to eliminate these opponents, but this situation was nothing to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had experienced a lot in the past. Although his opponents were strong, they were not overwhelming.

Chen Feng kept cheering himself up, but the old man in the spirit realm suddenly appeared in front of him.

Not only that, the old man in the spirit realm also appeared with the mutant life.

The two emperors chose to snipe Chen Feng together, which made Chen Feng feel a fatal threat for a while.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng might be killed by the other party in seconds.

However, Chen Feng was also prepared. The Void God, who was originally in another direction, appeared next to Chen Chong for some reason, and Chen Feng's clone also appeared together.

It turned out that Chen Feng began to prepare secretly when the other party appeared, and copied his clone using the copy law.

The Void God who appeared next to Chen Feng was also a clone, so the situation seemed to be leveled.

In order to fight against the emperor, Chen Feng and the Void God also took great pains. Although they had the means to copy the strongest clone, it consumed a lot of energy. Chen Feng would not do this unless it was a special case.

But even so, Chen Feng and Void God could not do anything to their opponents, and could only resist for a short time.

But as long as they could hold them back, it was enough. The Gate of Time and Space was enough to deal with the opponents of the origin of war.

Although they had not completely refined the Taixuan Elder, they had also refined a part of it, which was enough to exert most of their strength.

The four major gates plus the four killing weapons, as well as the Second World, were enough.

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