Eternal Existence

Chapter 5371: Terrifying Black Smoke

"It's really a bit strange. Could it be that there is another cave on the other side of the source of power?" The God of Nothingness had no judgment for a while and could only make some guesses.

Just when Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness were communicating, the mutant life launched an attack on the Hunyuan Above.

The strength of these Hunyuan Above is naturally far inferior to that of the Great Emperor, and they are in the opponent's territory. In a one-on-one situation, they can only be slaughtered when facing mutant life.

In the blink of an eye, two Hunyuan Above were seriously injured.

The reason why Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness did not step forward was because the target of the opponent's attack was not their side.

This also shows that this mutant life is not stupid. Knowing that Chen Feng's side is not easy to mess with, he chose other invaders.

"I originally planned to take action afterwards, but now it seems unnecessary." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"So let's continue to divide the origin." The God of Nothingness said.

Next, the God of Nothingness did not act alone, but helped Chen Feng to sit in the origin. In this way, the speed of erosion increased exponentially.

It can be said that the speed at which Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness joined forces to plunder the origin exceeded that of everyone present.

Later, Chen Feng released the volcanic origin, and the invasion momentum became more fierce. He saw large areas of the mutation origin area being plundered.

But Chen Feng noticed that the mutant life was not as anxious as he imagined, and the other party was still attacking the Hunyuan.

"Maybe the other party thinks that they can't stop us, so they might as well do something else." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe it's because the other party has become a life, and this piece of mutation origin is just an empty shell, maybe it's not that important." Void God said.

"That's right, since the other party has condensed into life, I must have extracted enough energy before, but I don't know how much energy the other party has accumulated?" Chen Feng nodded.

Although the mutant life did not attack Chen Feng's side, it was only temporary. Who knows if the other party will do something else after solving other Hunyuan?

And will the other party attack Chen Feng's side? At that time, even if Chen Feng wants to stop it, it will be too late.

But now Chen Feng and Void God don't want to stop the other party. No matter what, this is the other party's territory after all, and they are not sure to solve the other party if they go forward to fight.

At this time, collecting resources is the most important thing.

So Chen Feng notified the others to gather together, so that even if they were attacked, they could work together to deal with it.

Chen Feng emphasized notifying the Second Generation, after all, the Second Generation could burst out with combat power close to that of the Great Emperor.

It was just that these Hunyuan Above had separated in twos and threes before, and each entered the Origin to plunder. It would take some time to get them together.

Under normal circumstances, these Hunyuan Above were willing to obey Chen Feng's orders, and coupled with the attacks from the mutant life, these Hunyuan Above gathered together.

In this way, a powerful force was formed, and they could do better to destroy this Origin, and then divide the things they got equally.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief everywhere, but then something unexpected happened.

The previous shadow area began to erupt with power, which was the power that Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness had collected before.

The momentum of the eruption was very strong, and the power seemed a little chaotic, but it was certain that Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness were surprised.

The two looked at each other and rushed over immediately.

In this situation, even a normal Hunyuan could not approach, but Chen Feng and Void God took action to collect all the erupting power.

"It was the mysterious emperor who broke the passage. It seems that letting him in was the right choice." Chen Feng laughed.

"I was worried that he would get more benefits." Void God said so.

But no matter what, the benefits they gained were real.

As more and more power was ejected from the power source, Chen Feng and Void God could not help laughing.

The two were more certain that the mysterious emperor had sometimes played the role of leading the charge, and it looked good.

The power ejected in a short period of time was more than what the two had collected before. Of course, this time Chen Feng and Void God exerted their full strength and did not let the power escape.

"The harvest is huge." Void God said with a smile.

"Yes, it is indeed a huge harvest. The changes in things are always beyond people's imagination. It may be a bad thing in the previous moment, but it may become a good thing for us in the next moment." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But if that mysterious emperor knew that all the good things were given to us, I don't know what he would think, maybe he would choose to attack us." Although the God of Nothingness said this, he still had an expression of indifference.

It must be said that the God of Nothingness has seen too many emperors, and ordinary emperors are no longer in the eyes of the God of Nothingness.

Although the mysterious emperor before did not come into contact with the God of Nothingness, from Chen Feng's description, it can be known that the other party's strength is not too strong among the emperors.

So the God of Nothingness is not afraid of the other party. Besides, there are Chen Feng and others here, even if the other party is stronger, they can make the other party look bad.

"But the other party did not choose to attack before, it seems that he is not the kind of cruel person, and does not like to cause too much trouble." Chen Feng said.

"Good stuff!"

Just as the two were constantly absorbing power here, a person above the Hunyuan rushed over.

This is a new cultivator. His strength is good, otherwise he would not dare to rush over rashly.

However, this cultivator still overestimated himself. Before he got close, he was tied up by the Void God with the Void Chain.

Then Chen Feng rushed in front of him and punched him to pieces.

"It is incredible that someone is looking for death in this situation." Chen Feng said with a smile. He did not really solve the opponent, but let the opponent's broken body escape far away.

In comparison, it is more important to collect the power here.

Seeing Chen Feng and the Void God so cruel, the cultivators who were still ready to move immediately gave up this idea.

It is a great opportunity to plunder some benefits from the origin of mutation. There is no need to seek death.

Some people even saw the mutant life constantly hunting cultivators and have begun to choose to leave this place.

"I have also been to many origin cores and seen some special sources of power, but this situation is the first time I have seen it." Chen Feng felt a little incredible as he felt the increasingly strong impact of power.

"This is also the first time I have encountered such a situation. How can the power here be so strong? It seems that the momentum is endless. Although we have gained enough benefits, it still feels a little incredible. I feel that something strange will happen next." Void God said.

"Is it possible that you feel danger?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I don't feel danger, this is what makes me feel strange. Could it be that there is too much power and it blinds my perception? If so, we still have to be prepared." Void God said.

"Aren't they always prepared? Besides, even if there are ten emperors ahead, we can't stop now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's true, but I don't think there will be so many emperors before and after, otherwise, the one who went in before might be torn to pieces." Void God said.

But just after he finished speaking, the mysterious emperor that Chen Feng met before rushed out of the shadow.

Only half of his body.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng took a breath of cold air, and a strong sense of crisis rushed towards him.

"It seems a little bad." Void God and Chen Feng retreated one after another, but they did not stop in the process of retreating.

"Two Taoist friends, help me." The seriously injured mysterious emperor saw Chen Feng and Void God, and his eyes showed surprise.

But then a black smoke rose from the depths of the shadow and quickly chased the injured mysterious emperor.

The speed of this black smoke was very fast, and it was about to wrap up the mysterious emperor.

And Chen Feng also noticed that the edge of the mysterious emperor's broken body was entangled with this black smoke.

Void God still made a move, and countless silk threads wrapped up the mysterious emperor, pulling the emperor over before the black smoke covered him.

And Chen Feng released a storm of power in order to stop this black smoke, but the next moment Chen Feng's storm of power was like water vapor meeting the scorching sun, and it was corroded in the blink of an eye.

"So powerful, what kind of power is this? It can actually corrode the emperor's body." Chen Feng felt incredible, even the power beyond the origin would hardly cause such a result.

"I have never seen this kind of power, but this kind of power can wipe me out." A complex look flashed in the eyes of the God of Nothingness.

"Fortunately, we didn't rush in before."

"Power is just power. It depends on who is controlling it. If we can control this kind of power, even the emperor will not be afraid." Chen Feng said.

"It's not that easy. Don't you also have the power beyond the origin in your hand?" said the God of Nothingness.

Seeing the black smoke coming again, Chen Feng used the power of reincarnation. It worked a little, but the power was not enough, just like dealing with the power of truth and the power of deception.

So Chen Feng used the power beyond the origin and cooperated with the power of reincarnation to block the attack of the black smoke.

The mysterious emperor rushed out of the shadow and came in front of Chen Feng and the others. The flesh and blood stained with black smoke kept falling down. Only after shaking off the black smoke did new flesh and blood grow.

"I am Kongji. Thank you two Taoist friends for your help." The mysterious emperor reported his name. It must be said that the mysterious emperor was also scared just now.

"What happened?" Chen Feng asked.

"The other end of the power source is connected to a mysterious world, which is very strange." Emperor Kongji calmed down, and looked at the blocked black smoke and couldn't help but glance at Chen Feng.

"How strange." Chen Feng suddenly used the swallowing technique to wrap up the black smoke, and regardless of Emperor Kongji's obstruction, he collected the black smoke.

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