Eternal Existence

Chapter 5355: Changes in Change

However, Chen Feng has made some progress. In addition to the adjustment of his own state, the most important thing is that the copy law is recovering little by little.

But it still takes some time.

However, the speed of the copy law recovery is gradually accelerating under Chen Feng's interference.

You should know that some things have been added to the copy law. Now that Chen Feng takes the initiative to solve it, he can better release the power of the copy law.

"Daoyou, hold on for a while." Chen Feng could only say this to the second generation.

The White Mirror Swordsman wanted to fight with the other party on behalf of the second generation, but he felt that his strength was not enough.

However, there are ways. The second generation returned, and the fortune formation diagram started the defense mode. Everyone occupied one side of the formation, mainly defending, and sometimes attacking.

This scene seemed to be unbearable, so the opponent's attack was more fierce, but it had not broken the defense of the fortune formation diagram for a while, and this side of the origin was slightly slowed down.

In the eyes of the other party, Chen Feng and others were doomed, and they were just delaying time.

"This is not a solution, or should I try to attack again?" said the second generation.

Chen Feng shook his head and refused. The second generation was not in a good state and needed a period of rest.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoists. I have some preparations here. Give me some more time and I can lead everyone to fight out." Chen Feng said.

"Why haven't they appeared yet at the Gate of Time and Space? They are entangled even if they come." Someone said at this time.

"It seems that the situation in the Gate of Origin is not good. Since we can still hold on, we can just delay here for a little longer."

"That's what I said, I'm afraid that if we can delay time, we will see that the Gate of Origin has collapsed when we go out."

"Indeed, it is a bit worrying that we can't see the situation of the Gate of Origin. Can you contact the Gate of Origin now, fellow Taoist Changtian?"

Although some of the Chaos Clouds have left their own marks in the Gate of Origin, they are now in different origins and in a state of war. Meimei cannot understand the situation of the Gate of Origin. She only feels that the Gate of Origin is fighting through her own marks, and it seems very fierce.

"The Long River of Time has not responded to me, but there is no need to worry. I believe in the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng can only comfort everyone in this way.

The Chaos Yuans present also believe in Chen Feng. After all, there is no other good way now.

Regardless of whether the Gate of Origin collapses or not, at least he is still alive, which is a good thing.

Besides, for the Gate of Origin, he has fulfilled his responsibility. Even now, isn't he fighting desperately?

The replication law has recovered a certain strength, but Chen Feng still wants to wait a little longer and rush out in one fell swoop.

The quieter Chen Feng is, the more reassured the people present are, because they know that Chen Feng is preparing a means.

Finally, Chen Feng decided to take action.

First, he gathered the strength of everyone to launch a strong counterattack. After forcing the opponent back a distance, Chen Feng directly used the replication law.

The next moment, everyone disappeared from the spot.

However, this time, because Chen Feng brought too many people, the time of shuttle was greatly reduced.

But he still successfully came to the outside of this group of origins.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but then saw the other party chasing out again.

"If we fight outside the origin, we don't have to be afraid of them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Before, fighting in the opponent's territory, his side was still very disadvantaged, and the combat effectiveness was compressed a lot.

However, it was still too close to the origin, so Chen Feng led everyone to run further away again.

But the other party was chasing them closely, with a momentum of not giving up.

"They really set their sights on us. Do they think we are easy to mess with?" Chen Feng sneered.

"The other party invaded the Gate of Origin just to rob resources. Killing us will naturally bring huge benefits." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"By the same token, we also want to get rid of the other party. The purpose of coming here is even to divide this origin. It's a pity that the strength of this origin is beyond our imagination. In this way, the force sent by the other party will be stronger." Chen Feng said.

"Since we have left this origin, let's first understand the situation of the Gate of Origin." Someone suggested.

Although they said this to Chen Feng, several people have already used means to understand the situation in the Gate of Origin.

Unless there is an absolute crisis, these Hunyuan Above who participated in it at the beginning still have a strong sense of belonging to the Gate of Origin.

"The Gate of Origin has not fallen. Although the free space is shaking, it still hasn't collapsed."

"It will collapse sooner or later if it continues like this. Even if this level of fighting ends now, it will have a huge impact on the free space. Of course, if we take action, we can stabilize the free space."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Since the Gate of Origin is fine for the time being, let's find a way to deal with the pursuers behind us."

"Without help, even if we leave the opponent's territory, we can't do anything about these pursuers now."

This is the fact. There are several origin-level pursuers. These few people alone can entangle Chen Feng and others firmly.

Besides, this place is not far from the opponent's origin, and the opponent can also use the power of the origin.

"It's still not far enough."

Chen Feng said that he was going to use the Copy Law again. Who knew that the power of the River of Time finally arrived, the bright time flashed, and several beings rushed out.

It turned out that Time Changhe was not here to lead Chen Feng and others away, but to send reinforcements.

It was an old acquaintance of Chen Feng who came.

The Sword of Ending, the Wheel of Destruction, the Spear of All Evil, and the Spear of Judgment are the four major killing weapons.

As soon as they arrived, they changed the situation of the battle, and they joined forces to defeat an opponent with a single blow.

This opponent was also an original being, and the fragments after the explosion were swallowed up by the Sword of Ending and the others.

Chen Feng only had time to collect less than 10% of the fragments.

"Okay, continue, don't let them run away." Chen Feng didn't care about this. There were still some opponents in front of him.

The origin of this side is indeed very strong, but the pursuers are not all their strength.

They were indeed prepared for the Sword of Ending, and it was a killing weapon in itself. It was of course normal for them to achieve results in the first instance.

However, the opponent's reaction was also very fast, and the remaining origins fled immediately. At the same time, the source also reacted immediately, sending strength to stop Chen Feng while teleporting other Hunyuan.

The speed above Hunyuan is very fast, but it is still not as fast as the original existence, so it is a bit slower.

In short, they did not expect to encounter a strong opponent outside the origin, especially since Chen Feng and others had been thinking about escaping, and there was no sign of an ambush at all.

However, no matter how fast they are, they can't compare to the Sword of Ending. After all, the two sides are too close.

What's more, there are Chen Feng and others.

"Hahaha, why did you run away? Stay and have fun." Chen Feng said and entangled an original being as fast as he could.

The Sword of Ending and the others were faster than Chen Feng, and the four killing weapons firmly locked onto another being.

"Hey, this time the opponent is going to be seriously injured." Chen Feng grasped the entire battlefield. This scene made Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Feng admitted that the origin of this side was very strong. Under normal circumstances, the two sides had a clear plan. Even if they came with the Ending Sword, it was uncertain who would win and who would lose. But now things have turned around, or there has been a change. turnaround.

Chen Feng escaped from the Origin with the help of the Copying Law, and part of the opponent's strength caught up with him, and then he encountered the Sword of Ending and the others.

He killed an original being as soon as he came up, thus weakening the opponent's power.

Weakening the opponent means strengthening oneself, not to mention that it is just the beginning, and the source of the two parties can be solved later.

No matter how fast that source of power is, it still takes time.

Killing three origin beings in one go is also a major blow to the origin of one party.


Chen Feng mobilized everyone's strength to fight the opponent head-on. Both sides seemed to be evenly matched, but Chen Feng laughed and continued to attack.

The Sword of Ending quickly eliminated the opponent, then came to help Chen Feng, and finally killed the opponent before the opponent's reinforcements were brought.


The power of origin came, but everyone joined forces to block it.

After all, it is not the power of the entire origin.

Dozens of Hunyuan and above from the Origin side also arrived, but after seeing the strength of Chen Feng and others, they decisively chose to retreat.

"Kill back again." Chen Feng said.

This moment and that moment, if I don't take the opportunity to kill him now, when will I wait?

With the Sword of Ending opening the way, they were simply unstoppable, while Chen Feng and others felt much more relaxed.




After successively breaking the obstruction of this origin, Chen Feng and the Sword of Ending rushed into this origin one after another.

"Are you just going to destroy it or do you want to solve the origin?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"You make up your mind." The response of the Ending Sword surprised Chen Feng. After thinking for a while, he said: "We will leave when the other party's intruders return. Of course, everything depends on the situation. Maybe we can directly Find the opponent's core area, and then carve up its origins in one fell swoop."

Chen Feng just said that, thinking on the bright side, after all, this is a large-scale origin, and it still has strength and foundation. Although it has lost three original beings, it has not reached the point of being exhausted.

At the beginning, the momentum of Chen Feng's side was indeed invincible. The space continued to collapse wherever it passed, and the dozens of Hunyuan above could not stop it at all.

However, as the origin of this side continued to carry out will attacks, and with the appearance of an origin being, the forward momentum of Chen Feng and others slowed down.

After all, it is the opponent's territory. Even if you can sense the opponent's core location, you still have to be able to rush over.

Fortunately, the power of time and the power of the gate of time and space followed up at this time, and they also brought news to Chen Feng.

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