Eternal Existence

Chapter 5343 Immediate Success

Chen Feng defeated three opponents in succession. Just when Chen Feng wanted to find the Blood Battle Saint and wanted to attack, the emperor finally stopped him.

It was still a huge palm, and it seemed that the opponent had not broken his palm before.

But the next moment, the palm was pierced by a war spear.

It was not the Spear of All Evil, but it was as powerful as the Spear of All Evil.

The Gate of Origin did not expect Chen Feng to have such a result, but it did not prevent it from responding to circumstances. Since Chen Feng had already injured the opponent, the Gate of Origin would naturally use means.

A great emperor was injured, which gave the Gate of Origin an opportunity and finally willing to use its hidden power.

Chen Feng became more and more curious about how many origin-level weapons the Gate of Origin had mastered? The most important thing was that the opponent would obey the control of the Gate of Origin so much.

But now even if the emperor was injured, just a war spear was not enough, even if two origin-level beings came.

"Is this the emperor from the origin of war?" Chen Feng guessed.

But since the Gate of Origin chose to take action, Chen Feng was relieved, so he continued to hunt other practitioners.

However, the Blood Battle Saint didn't know where he went, and the injured Hunyuan had reshaped their bodies in a short time, which made Chen Feng a little depressed.

However, such a chaotic situation was a good opportunity to hunt the opponent, and Chen Feng would certainly not miss it, but locked the opponent as much as possible.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng received the will fluctuation from the Gate of Origin, and even Chen Feng, who was as hard as iron, opened his eyes wide at this time.

Then Chen Feng turned around and flew away quickly, met the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, and took the two away from here at the fastest speed without saying a word.

"What's the matter?"

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were a little curious, but it was obvious from Chen Feng's appearance that it was very dangerous next.

Soon the two knew that a giant energy ball exploded, forming a larger energy circle at the beginning, and crushing everything wherever it passed.

The two looked back and even saw the body of a great emperor being torn apart, and then even their perception and vision were blinded.

"Another energy ball."

The two understood, but they thought it was Chen Feng's handiwork.

Soon a powerful force hit, even though Chen Feng was very fast, he was still washed away by the energy.

However, with the strength of the three people, such a range of destruction can no longer do anything to the three people.

Without running far, Chen Feng immediately stopped and started to return with the two people.

"This fighting method is really strange!" said the Second World.

"It's just that it consumes too much." White Mirror Swordsman said.

That kind of giant energy ball is at the origin level. Even above Hunyuan, it is difficult to have such a treasure.

Unexpectedly, two of them exploded in a short time.

Chen Feng didn't say much, because the energy ball just now was not taken out by himself, but by the means of the Gate of Origin.

"I didn't expect that the Gate of Origin also collected this kind of energy ball." The reason why Chen Feng didn't think it was made by the Gate of Origin was because this self-destructing energy ball was the same origin as what he got in the Origin of Illusion.

"It's quite insidious, but if it's just a simple serious injury to a great emperor, then it's not worth the loss." Chen Feng quickly returned and happened to meet the severely injured Hunyuan again.

This time, the opponent's injuries were more serious. The body that had been reshaped with great difficulty before became torn into pieces, and the healing speed was slower. It happened to meet Chen Feng again, and the end was imaginable.

Chen Feng quickly dealt with the opponent, and then looked forward again.

At this time, Chen Feng no longer looked down on these injured Hunyuan, but stared at the injured emperor.

Although this emperor had reached the highest level in cultivation, his body collapsed at this time, and three origin-level weapons were besieging him frantically.

"Hey, if this emperor is solved, it will be a huge gain for the Gate of Origin, but since I'm here, I have to share a piece of the pie. No matter what, I started this matter this time, and such a force was also dispersed by me." Chen Feng said.

Although Chen Feng does not have many clones now, with the help of the fortune map, the second world and the white mirror swordsman, it is also a very strong force. Under normal circumstances, it can even solve this seriously injured emperor.

"Dear fellow Taoists, a great opportunity has come. There is a wounded emperor in front of us. We can all benefit from killing him." Chen Feng said.

The dozen or so Hunyuans in the Creation Formation naturally understood what Chen Feng meant, so they desperately output their mana, directly making the Creation Formation reach its maximum power.

Although the emperor was severely injured, he was still not panicked. He actually blocked the siege of the three weapons of the Academy level with his broken body, and even released his will to stop Chen Feng.

"Haha, how could such a good opportunity be missed? Even if I miss it, the Gate of Origin will not, and besides, it has paid such a great price." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng made a full-strength attack, and with the power of the Creation Formation, he directly hit the opponent. This was because Chen Feng divided some of his energy to dissolve his will, otherwise Chen Feng would even think of getting close to the opponent and then crushing him.

"Good opportunity!"

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were also a little crazy, and they each used their most advanced means.




The great emperor was seriously injured, his body was pierced by a war spear, he was slashed by Chen Feng's sword, and he was even suppressed by the formation of good fortune and was shaken repeatedly.

The emperor became angry, and balls of flames erupted from his body. This kind of flame was very strange. In addition to containing rich power of destruction, it also contained the power of life.

While attacking the opponent, it can also speed up the repair of one's own injuries.

"Hey, this is the fire of the origin, and it also burned part of the origin. This is desperate." Chen Feng immediately understood the opponent's state and knew that he could not give the opponent time, otherwise he would not be able to deal with him after he recovered from his injuries. .

"Gate of Origin, is there anything else you can do?" Chen Feng asked, and then Chen Feng also burned the Origin Fragments and used the Power Brand at the same time.

In this way, Chen Feng hurt the opponent again, so he seized the opportunity to use the Devouring Technique.

The billowing energy was pulled out by Chen Feng. Although he was very fast, Chen Feng looked solemn. The other party was the Great Emperor, and his savings were too deep. Even if he used the Devouring Technique to the extreme, it would take some time. This time is enough for many things to happen. .

Such as the opponent's recovery and counterattack.


Chen Feng was beaten back repeatedly by the opponent.

Chen Feng noticed that the injuries on the other party's body were recovering faster and faster.

But fortunately, the formation of good fortune suppressed it. Not only that, Chen Feng's clone of the original sacred mountain also collided fiercely, as well as the three original-level weapons, plus the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman, under successive attacks , this great emperor is also constantly spurting blood.


A tyrannical force caused the formation of creation to collapse, and more than a dozen Hunyuan people rolled out, but the three original-level weapons fell on each other together, especially the war spear that once again penetrated the emperor's body.

The emperor's body was torn apart and he was about to collapse.

The clone transformed from the original sacred mountain knocked the opponent hard, and the second generation suddenly used another magical power.

This great emperor was temporarily sealed, and even the flow of power in his body stopped.

It's like time has stood still.

"good chance!"

Chen Feng charged forward again, wielding the Spear of Destiny and pierced the opponent's head with just one blow.

"That's all." Chen Feng said lightly, and the brand of power mixed with the power of fate penetrated into the opponent's head.


The emperor's head exploded, and an extremely tyrannical force swept around. Chen Feng couldn't bear it and could only retreat continuously.

The war spear fell, and another part of his body collapsed.

After a series of heavy blows, half of the emperor's body collapsed, but the power exploded by the opponent also injured Chen Feng and others.

However, Chen Feng's eyes were getting colder and colder. The great emperor Mashan was about to be divided up. Even if the opponent tried his best before dying, even if he pulled someone to support him, he couldn't retreat at this time.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to be able to surround and kill an emperor this time." The second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman were a little excited. Just now, the two of them had taken part of the emperor's body, and their previous efforts were already worth it.

"Don't be careless, be careful of the opponent's self-destruction." Chen Feng said, still at the front, stabbing out the war spear again and again in his hand.


Someone blew himself up, not this great emperor, but other practitioners from the Origin of War.

Hunyuan self-destructed in order to rescue this great emperor, and the powerful force directly washed away an original weapon.

Then two more people came out and desperately entangled the other two original-level weapons.

Not only that, there are also several different magical powers that rush towards Chen Feng. These attacks cannot hurt Chen Feng, but they can stop Chen Feng.

"I forgot about them."

Chen Feng was also anxious. Those Hunyuan were also very strong before, and he only hunted a few of them. But now the appearance of the other party can change the situation and destroy the benefits gained by himself and others.


The White Mirror Swordsman roared angrily, but could not get close to the great emperor because he was also entangled.

After such a delay, the great emperor also changed, and streams of air rushed out from the broken body.

Each stream of air turned into a clone, blocking all the opponents who rushed up.

As soon as the two sides fought, Chen Feng felt that this clone had a calamity-worthy mana. This time the opponent really tried his best, first burning the source, which touched the foundation.

Even if the opponent consumes a lot of mana to cultivate, but the opponent's goal is achieved, as long as he does not perish, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it.

Chen Feng was anxious and helpless, but there was nothing he could do. He had tried his best and could only watch helplessly as the other party continued to recover.

"After all, he is the Great Emperor. He has many methods and is still difficult to deal with. Even ordinary Hunyuan has many desperate methods." Chen Feng sighed with emotion.

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