Eternal Existence

Chapter 5340: Crazy Copying of Clones

"Ahem." Hearing what Chen Feng said, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman looked a little tangled. On the one hand, they really wanted to fight against a master like the emperor, but on the other hand, they were indeed no match for the emperor. If they were not careful, they might be killed. Will get killed.

However, this continuous fighting is also a huge impact on the two of them.

In fact, both of them need war. As a swordsman, the White Mirror Swordsman himself needs a lot of killing.

As for the second generation, in order to regain his strength, he naturally needs constant training. This is one of the reasons why the two of them are willing to follow Chen Feng.

Although the number of opponents has increased, the situation is actually better for Chen Feng than before.

It is easier to deal with these strange beasts than those swordsmen.

The only bad thing is that more battles occur in free space. The relocation and expansion of the battlefield is not a good thing for the Gate of Origin.

"It seems that the Gate of Origin does not have the overwhelming power to deal with these intruders." Chen Feng sighed with emotion. Although he said that he had collected the Savage Origin, he did not want the free space to be too chaotic. According to Chen Feng's plan, he still To release the wild universe.

Moreover, the scale of the free space is extremely vast. Chen Feng still has many places that he has not explored. Now that it has been affected by the war, some hidden places have appeared one after another, but no matter how special these areas are, Fenben cannot bear it. The power of a battle of this level fluctuates.


A battle puppet was torn into pieces by the alien beasts. Chen Feng shook his head. This was originally given to him by the Thunder Emperor and was used to cause destruction at the Origin of Illusion, but now it was used at the Gate of Origin.

"But speaking of Origin Gate, we have met some allies recently, so we are not thinking about finding allies for help." Chen Feng had such an idea.

Just as Chen Feng continued to fight, the space channel appeared again, and another part of the Hunyuan under Chen Feng's command passed in.

Not all, that is, dozens of people, but they are all the best.

Chen Feng knew that the Gate of Origin must have done this for a reason.

Soon Chen Feng knew that the space not far away was torn open, and another large group of practitioners came in.

"Hey, you can't even move the battlefield." In Chen Feng's view, no matter what preparations the Gate of Origin has, the battlefield is in free space, and the damage caused is real. Even the Gate of Origin can absorb these powers. , but the speed is very fast and cannot keep up with the opponent's destruction.

"The Gate of Origin will not be defeated, right? If it is defeated, then the free space will be divided up." Chen Feng said.

So Chen Feng communicated with the river of time and learned about the situation outside the Gate of Origin.

In Chen Feng's opinion, since the Gate of Origin has moved people in, the number of intruders outside has decreased. Who knows that this is not the case, but the number of intruders from outside has increased.

However, helpers finally came to the Gate of Origin, and they were practitioners from the Yuan Realm and the Void Illusion Realm.

There are not many, that is, more than dozens of Hunyuan.

"It can't change much of the situation." Chen Feng said that he could only do his best.


A strange beast was killed by Chen Feng's sword, and then its body grew larger, with golden light shining all over its body, and arms stretched out from its back.

A magical power that transcends the combat body and is comparable to three times the combat power.

Not to mention that his strength has become stronger, and he is more suitable for group battles. I only saw Chen Feng making a long river, smashing his fists, scratching and tearing randomly.

He only saw golden light shining wherever Chen Feng passed, and strange beasts were constantly being smashed into pieces.

After Chen Feng's energy passed, dozens of alien beasts turned into blood mist and were swallowed up by a huge whirlpool.

At this moment, two long swords stabbed Chen Feng, one on the left and one on the right. This was a long-planned attack by the opponent. Under the powerful attack, even the golden light on Chen Feng's body began to dissipate.

Two long swords pierced Chen Feng's body, and the powerful force of destruction shattered Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng really started to collapse.


The two swordsmen succeeded in a sneak attack and were happy at first, but soon felt something was wrong.

Although his attack is very strong, Chen Feng's defense is stronger. We have fought against each other for a while before, so of course we know how strong Chen Feng's body is.

These four swordsmen even believed that Chen Feng's physical strength was the strongest practitioner they had ever seen.

But it was torn apart.

"No, I got hit."

Just when the two swordsmen felt something was wrong, it was too late, and a long sword pierced the body of one swordsman.

The power beyond the origin was released from the long sword, and the swordsman collapsed.

Just like Chen Feng just now.


Only then did another swordsman see him sneaking up on his companion with a long sword.

"Aren't you surprised? What you just attacked was just a clone. It's a small trick, but I didn't expect it to be hidden from you." Chen Feng said with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, a sacred mountain fell down.

Of course, the swordsman knew that the little trick Chen Feng mentioned was not simple, but now was not the time to think about it, so he quickly swung his sword to kill Chen Feng.

But soon the crisis arose, and a long sword penetrated the swordsman's body.

"You don't think I can only copy one clone, do you?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Just now, Chen Feng used the Law of Copying and the power beyond the origin to finally defeat the two swordsmen.

Seeing stronger sword energy shooting out of the broken body, Chen Feng released his sword array to resist.

With the suppression of the sacred mountain and the swallowing of the whirlpool, these two extremely powerful Chaos were finally killed by Chen Feng.

"Two more!"

Chen Feng's eyes swept across the area, and he realized that the other two swordsmen had already escaped.

It was obvious that Chen Feng's behavior just now frightened them.

However, it is not easy for these two swordsmen to leave. The power of time is constantly chasing them. As long as they do not leave the range of the Gate of Origin, they can be locked at any time.

"It's not that easy to run away." Chen Feng disappeared instantly.

A swordsman of this level is a threat, but if you kill the opponent, you will get enough benefits.

But before Chen Feng could catch up with them, the two swordsmen shattered the space and escaped. A group of combat puppets rushed out of the space, blocking Chen Feng's way.

Chen Feng sighed, knowing that he had eliminated these battle puppets, and the two swordsmen had disappeared.

More importantly, Chen Feng sensed something was wrong. Instead of fighting Chen Feng, these combat puppets chose to self-destruct, overwhelming Chen Feng with their powerful force.

"It's this method again!"

Chen Feng naturally rushed out of the chaos. He looked embarrassed, but in fact he was not injured. The self-destruction of these battle puppets was only to stop Chen Feng.

Chen Feng thought for a while, but still did not leave the free space.

No matter that the two swordsmen left, Chen Feng could better deal with the intruders.




Chen Feng's heart was beating, and unprecedented power surged out and penetrated Chen Feng's body.

Under constant sacrificial refining, the origin furnace and the heart have been further integrated, and the origin furnace has been smelting Hunyuan during this period, transforming them into the most digestible energy.

Avenues stretched out from behind Chen Feng. Although they were just shadows, they seemed to be integrated into signs of time and space.

A clone walked out of the avenue, and then the compound law burst into dazzling light.

The light disappeared, and dozens of clones were copied, including Chen Feng's original self.

The consumption this time was huge. Even the Copy Law was somewhat silent. Recently, Chen Feng used the Copy Law one after another. Not only himself, but also the power accumulated by the Copy Law was almost used up.

"Hey, if it were any other place, I wouldn't be so desperate." Chen Feng said.

Just when Chen Feng was sighing, the long river of time appeared, running across Chen Feng's head. He didn't know where the first place was, but it ran through the entire free space.

Not only that, the phantom of the Gate of Origin also appeared.

The power of time spilled out, and the cyan air flow overflowed from the Gate of Origin. The two merged into one, and dozens of Chen Feng's clones appeared.


Seeing the intervention of the Gate of Origin and the River of Time, Chen Feng smiled. Whether they were clones copied by the Law of Copying or clones created by the Law of Time, they were all blessed by the Gate of Origin, so they were very powerful in combat.

In a short period of time, there were hundreds of Hunyuan in front of Chen Feng. Although they paid a high price, they were indeed a very powerful force that could influence the direction of the Origin War.

Under the pull of the power of time, these clones of Chen Feng went in different directions.

This is to hunt the intruders.

If these clones can survive, they will return naturally. If they die, it will only consume some mana for Chen Feng, which will be slowly replenished later.

"Take a rest." Seeing so many clones leaving, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was still moving around, he was not hunting like before.

After the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman solved the strange beasts, they also found Chen Feng. Although they had seen Chen Feng's various methods, they were still frightened by the appearance of more than a hundred clones above the level of Hunyuan. Two people.

Such a force can completely hunt down the emperor.

"How much mana does this cost?" The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also have clones, so they naturally understand the price they need to pay to condense such a level of clones, but when they think about the origin's support, it's understandable.

"It seems that the intruders will be eliminated soon." The two of them thought in their hearts.

Chen Feng said he was resting, but in fact he was constantly drawing strength from the origin furnace to recover. At the same time, Chen Feng's own will also entered the broken origin, quickly refining the previous harvest.

Although he has created many clones, Chen Feng still has to prepare for the worse. Who knows what will happen next? With so many forces involved, there may be many more Hunyuan beings who will appear. He just said The clone only plays some role and cannot defeat everything.

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