Eternal Existence

Chapter 533 Lingbo City

"Thank you, seniors. You are free now. I hope you will be satisfied with the outside world." Chen Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, all the things on the three immortals fell into his hands.

"Hahaha, I finally came to this world. Although the spiritual energy is not as good as that in the secret realm, it contains the complete laws of heaven and earth. I feel that my cultivation has loosened. As long as I give me some time, I can break through again." The Purple Lightning Marten said excitedly.

"Little brother, I really thank you for coming out this time. If you have anything in the future, just ask." The Flame Phantom Bird thanked Chen Feng.

"You are polite. Several seniors have helped me a lot just now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No matter what, we still owe you a favor. Here are some spiritual medicines that may be of some help to you." The Flame Phantom Bird took out a hundred spiritual medicines, the fragrance of the medicine was soaring, and the medicinal gas solidified, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Spiritual medicine with a medicinal age of ten thousand years! This is too expensive." Chen Feng waved his hands repeatedly.

"Hehe, these are just some personal belongings. The seven of us have been around the spirit stone mine for so many years, but we don't care about these spiritual medicines. Although the little brother has treasures, his cultivation is still a little shallow. These spiritual medicines should be able to play a role." The Flame Phantom Bird waved his hand indifferently.

"In this case, I will accept it. Next, I plan to go to the Central Plains. I hope we can meet again in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng and these monster kings have no friendship. They just use each other. After the world ends, the two sides should separate.

After these monster kings left, Chen Feng released all the monsters he had collected in the Longevity Tower, including the dark dragon, blue dragon, blood-bone dragon, etc.

"Finally out, how long has it been." The dark dragon Kuanglong was the first to shout in dissatisfaction, but the monsters that were captured and suppressed by Chen Feng were different. After being released by Chen Feng, their first thought was to escape from here, but they all stopped after seeing the strange scene.

"This is the Eternal World, a real world with a territory of billions of miles. Everyone, we will meet again." Chen Feng waved his hand after speaking, and flew directly into the air with Jian Xiaotian and flew away.

Not long after Chen Feng left, the Flame Eagle quickly caught up with Chen Feng and the others. At this time, the Flame Eagle had become a demon king, and the aura on his body was also very stable. It did not look like he had just survived the thunder tribulation. Only then did Chen Feng believe what the tower said. This Flame Eagle was indeed very advanced and had been suppressing his own strength. Now that he had come to the outside world, it was a natural thing for him to be promoted to a demon king.

"Congratulations, you can dominate the cultivation world after being promoted to a demon king." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not that easy, but I still want to thank you. Where are you going, I will take you there." The Flame Eagle said with a smile.

Chen Feng thought about it and said, "Okay, that's troublesome."

At first, Chen Feng wanted to refuse, but he thought about killing three human immortals just now. If his own human immortals chased him, he would not be able to deal with it, so what Chen Feng wanted to do most now was to leave the Starry Sea first.

"The Xingchen Sea is 300,000 miles long, there won't be many treasures. If there weren't pursuers, I would have explored here for a year or two. Now it seems that I can only come back later." Chen Feng sighed.

"Brother Chen, don't be disappointed. There will be better places waiting for you to adventure in the Central Plains." Jian Xiao said.

Taiyi Gate.

Jiuxiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace.

The three places where the soul marks are stored almost had cultivators running out at the same time, with horrified looks on their faces, and quickly rushed to the place where the headmaster was.

"What happened that you are so panicked."

"One of the jade talismans storing the soul mark was broken, it's a human immortal."


Wanjiecheng was originally practicing, and he stood up immediately after hearing this, and quickly rushed to the Soul Mark Hall.

At the same time, Duan Lang, the headmaster of Jiuxiao Palace, and Qin Ming of Zixiao Palace also received the news almost at the same time. Both of them looked extremely ugly. You know, the dead and injured are not ordinary disciples. Even if more than a dozen core disciples died, these headmasters would not change color. But human immortals are different. The existence of human immortals is the real foundation of a sect. Even a sect of the level of Jiuxiao Palace does not have many human immortals. A while ago, a human immortal was killed in Jiuxiao Palace. It has not been long since then, and another one died. If Duan Lang had not been so advanced in cultivation and suppressed it by force, he would have probably cursed. But now the two heads of the sect can't bear it anymore. What they need to do now is to find out what happened immediately.

"Chen Feng, it's actually related to Chen Feng." The expression on Wanjiecheng's face has disappeared, leaving only some thoughtful eyes.

"Chen Feng, it's this little guy again. These trash can't even deal with a small secret realm cultivator. Now another human immortal has died. There must be something wrong." Duan Lang shouted angrily.

"Hey, I want Taiyi Sect to seek justice for this matter. No, no, three human immortals went to kill Chen Feng, but they lost their lives in the end. This matter is a joke. It seems that we need to make a new plan. This Chen Feng is really not simple." Qin Ming also gradually calmed down.

Chen Feng didn't know how much trouble killing three human immortals would cause, and Chen Feng didn't know that two human immortal-level masters were targeting him.

At this time, Chen Feng had separated from the flame eagle. On the back of the flame eagle, Chen Feng flew out of the sea of ​​​​stars in a short time. This speed made both Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian secretly stunned.

"Hey, if you can tame such a flying monster, it will be easier to go out." Jian Xiaotian said with some envy.

"It's not that easy, unless your strength far exceeds that of the opponent." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Killing three immortals this time will definitely cause chaos in the world. It is impossible to follow the previous route. There is only one way now, and that is to find a safe place to stay for a while and wait for the news to pass. Coming out."

"But it's not easy to find a safe place."

"Hey, Beiyuan is so big. No matter how powerful Jiuxiao Palace is, it can't cover the sky with one hand. If we keep a low profile, it should be fine. Besides, the warship of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce has not been repaired yet. We can't keep flying like this. It's too dangerous. ”

In the end, Chen Feng and the two quickly agreed to find a safe place to hide.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian did not hide in the barren mountains and mountains, but went directly to a large city called Lingbo City.

Lingbo City belongs to the Tianchi Sect and is surrounded by water. It is not very large and can only be compared with medium-sized cities. However, the city is extremely prosperous and rich in cultivation materials. In particular, there are several large trading places for monks. It always attracts monks from all over the Northern Plains to come here to find what they need. There are monks from the Central Plains, Dongzhou, Western Regions, Icefields and even further places who come here to exchange things.

In fact, Lingbo City is not most famous for these things. There is a lake in Lingbo City called Lingbo Lake. There is a spiritual spring in Lingbo Lake called Tianmu Spiritual Spring. The spring water gushing out of the spiritual spring can give life to human flesh and bones. For monks, What's even more important is that the spring water in Tianmu Lingquan can nourish the soul, strengthen the fire of the soul, and can also condense eye skills and improve eyesight. Therefore, countless monks come here from all over the world every year just to think about it. In exchange for one or two drops of Tianmu spiritual spring water.

"Is it so magical?" Chen Feng said with some surprise.

At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were in an exquisite and elegant courtyard in Lingbo City. This courtyard was the property of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian's figures changed drastically, and even the aura on their bodies changed. They were different from before. If they didn't speak, neither Chen Feng nor Jian Xiaotian would be able to recognize each other.

This was what Chen Feng asked Ta to do before entering Lingbo City. After successfully entering Lingbo City and finding a place to stay, Chen Feng and the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it was Ta who took action, Chen Feng didn't believe that anyone could see his flaws, and since this was the property of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, safety was guaranteed.

Up to now, the two of them have stayed in the small courtyard for seven days. During these seven days, the two of them have hardly gone out and practiced in the courtyard with peace of mind. There is a spirit gathering array in the small courtyard, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the air is higher than that outside the city. Several times, Chen Feng and Chen Feng didn't want to go out after practicing.

Of course, such a good environment comes at a high price. Three hundred treasure crystals a day is enough to deter some monks. Not to mention the monks in the secret realm, even the monks in the heavenly realm will have to grit their teeth. Of course All this is nothing to Chen Feng. You must know that there are mountains of holy crystals piled up in the Tower of Eternal Life, which are more advanced spiritual stones than precious crystals.

Now the two are talking about some situations in Lingbo City. Although Chen Feng is an out-and-out Beiyuan monk, he knows far less than Jian Xiaotian.

"Hehe, you are also a disciple of Taiyi Sect after all, but you don't even know these common senses." Jian Xiaotian chuckled and said: "What I said is true. This Tianmu Spirit Spring is really a good thing, because it is too Because of its preciousness, the Tianchi Sect only exchanges a small part with other monks every year. The price is ridiculously high. Sometimes if you want to exchange one or two drops, you need precious spiritual objects. Of course, there are many people who have the opportunity to exchange. None, and if you want to use spiritual stones to buy it, don’t even think about it.”

"If the spring water in the spiritual spring really has this effect, it is indeed worthy of many people exchanging things. But when you say this, I am moved. I wonder if I can exchange some. If not, just grab it directly. Take away the entire spiritual spring," Chen Feng said with a smile.

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