Eternal Existence

Chapter 5328: Massive Massacre

These dozens of Hunyuan Above are naturally from other forces.

"Using an origin-level existence in exchange for these dozens of powerful Hunyuan Above, is it a loss or an advantage? Moreover, it is not yet a situation where both sides are hurt, and this method is constantly used. But if this origin has enough origins and self-destructs, it will be troublesome." Chen Feng said.

"Now it seems that the conclusion is indeed so. Maybe in the long years, this origin has created a large number of energy balls, just waiting for the right opportunity to self-destruct. It is better to notify others. After all, even the emperor will suffer." Void God said that he had already passed the message.

Soon the ancestor of the virtual beast responded, but unlike what everyone imagined, the ancestor of the virtual beast was also attacked by the assassin.

Although it was not the emperor, it also caused some damage to the lord of the virtual beast.

"I hope nothing will happen." Although Chen Feng believed in the power of the ancestor of the virtual beast, after seeing the fall of the emperor, Chen Feng also understood that everything is possible.

The news from the Soul Land, the Gate of Origin, and the River of Time came one after another. The two sides shared the news and could draw some inferences.

This mysterious origin is using various means to hunt foreign forces, and many lives have been killed.

The Gate of Origin also suffered a blow to another force, losing dozens of Hunyuan, but they were resurrected by the Gate of Origin.

In addition to the helper of Emperor Guhuo, this mysterious origin also has other helpers.

"The movement here is getting bigger and bigger. In fact, Emperor Lei Ting doesn't need to ask me for help at all, because the development of things here is going according to Emperor Lei Ting's wishes." Chen Feng didn't believe that Emperor Lei Ting couldn't calculate this, so why did he give himself so many combat puppets.

Is it for more insurance, or does he really regard himself as an ally?

But no matter what, the thirty-six powerful combat puppets fell into his hands, so they are his things, and even Emperor Lei Ting can't take them away.

After knowing these news, Chen Feng naturally won't walk around, after all, he still has so many Hunyuan under his command.

If I leave, these people on Hunyuan will suffer heavy losses if they are attacked.

But staying with these people on Hunyuan all the time is not in line with Chen Feng's style.

He can only lead everyone to move in different directions, wanting to explore some interesting areas.

But Chen Feng still can't suppress everyone, and some people on Hunyuan choose to leave quietly.

Because they have cultivated to this level, they believe in their own strength more.

Besides, even if they know that the opponent is strong, so what? If they take risks by themselves, they may find better opportunities.

"Maybe they can find their own opportunities, but they may die here. I hope that the Gate of Origin can revive them by then." Chen Feng didn't care about the departure of these people on Hunyuan.

There is no need to stop them by force, which will also cause dissatisfaction in their hearts. When the war starts, it is easy to have a situation where they work but don't work hard.

When Chen Feng led everyone forward in the void, he finally attracted an attack from this origin.

Several origins that he had never seen before appeared with hundreds of combat puppets and hundreds of people on Hunyuan.

This force shocked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng noticed that these several origins were still comprehensive types. Although it was the first time to deal with them, he had already encountered opponents of the same level.

Chen Feng was still confident.

What Chen Feng cared about was the number of the opponent's combat puppets and the above Hunyuan.

From the information emanating from them, it can be determined that this is indeed a local force.

From the number, it shows that the opponent is also well prepared.

Even if he has the helper of the Great Emperor, the God of Nothingness, if the two sides fight, there will be casualties among the above Hunyuan under his command.

There was no time to think about it. The opponent immediately launched an attack after appearing.

The two sides quickly fought together.

Although these combat puppets are still a little worse than the real above Hunyuan, they are not afraid of death and will self-destruct at a critical moment.

Both sides suffered damage as soon as they clashed.

What made Chen Feng even more depressed was that the God of Nothingness was moved to an independent space by the opponent as soon as he intervened.

It is obvious that the opponent also dispatched the existence of the earth level.

So Chen Feng fought with all his strength, wanting to solve the opponent as soon as possible, so as to gain more life for other Hunyuan Above.

It must be said that no matter whether it is a combat puppet or an ordinary Hunyuan Above, it is not Chen Feng's opponent at all.

Opponents were blown up one by one wherever Chen Feng passed, and even if the opponents joined forces, they could not stop Chen Feng's violence.

The number of opponents was constantly decreasing, and it would not take long for Chen Feng to tilt the balance.

But soon the opponent showed a real master, and the four Hunyuan Above blocked Chen Feng's moving route as soon as they appeared.

The two sides started a fierce melee, and for a while Chen Feng was unable to do anything to the four Hunyuan Above.

Even if Chen Feng used the power of origin, he was still defeated by the opponent's joint efforts.

Seeing that the Hunyuan Above on his side continued to suffer casualties, Chen Feng finally released the combat puppet given to him by the Thunder Emperor.

Of course, Chen Feng did not take out all the combat puppets at once, but released twelve of them. As soon as these twelve combat puppets appeared, they turned around and besieged the four masters.

Chen Feng freed his hands to seize the opportunity to seriously injure one opponent in one fell swoop. Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue chasing and killing, the space fluctuation came and directly moved Chen Feng out.

This situation where the origin directly participated in the battle made it difficult for Chen Feng to compete.

Chen Feng naturally wanted to return to the previous battlefield, but there were densely packed beasts in front of him, and coupled with the space force that constantly suppressed him from all directions, Chen Feng knew that the opponent was also well prepared, and this method could completely entangle him for a while.

"Then kill them all." Chen Feng's eyes bloomed with a strong murderous intent. Even if the number of these beasts was large enough, it was not in vain.

Since you want to entangle with this method, then as you wish.

Chen Feng's body became huge, and at the same time, one side of the origin spread.

This origin belongs to a part of the underworld. Chen Feng has not had it for a long time and has not mastered it well, but he released it at this time just to trap these beasts.

As for killing, leave it to yourself.

Compared with other origins, this origin is actually quite complete. Even if it is only a part of the underworld, it has been separated for so long that it has long evolved into an independent origin.

Countless beasts rushed in and fell into it, and their every move was seriously affected.

And Chen Feng took a step forward to a beast and punched it to death.

However, Chen Feng took the initiative to blow it, and this origin began to devour the scattered power. After the beast finally reshaped its body, it found that part of its own power had disappeared.

Chen Feng did not kill the other party with one punch because he restrained his strength, but in this case, if Chen Feng punched one more time, the other party would definitely die.




Wherever Chen Feng passed, the sound of explosions represented the explosion of a beast, and this origin was also constantly speeding up the speed of devouring.

Chen Feng suddenly performed a Dharma-like magical power, becoming a three-headed, six-armed being. He did not hold any weapons, but just relied on the strength of his body to charge forward. This way, he could deal with the beasts faster.

Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously, providing Chen Feng with energy continuously. The Origin Furnace was also running at full capacity. In short, Chen Feng kept bursting out. After dealing with hundreds of beasts, he was still in peak condition.

"Enjoy it!"

Chen Feng had not killed like this for a long time, and even forgot the situation outside. When these beasts joined forces to send out a torrent of will, Chen Feng felt a little worried, not for himself, but for those Hunyuan under his command.

"Even if we can win, this time we will suffer heavy losses." Chen Feng said and began to release the Dao clone, and at the same time released the remaining 24 combat puppets.

In this way, Chen Feng's killing speed increased by ten times, and Chen Feng finally divided more power to control this origin.

As more and more power was absorbed, this origin began to expand significantly.

"I hope nothing unexpected will happen!" Chen Feng was still a little worried. After all, he had only controlled this origin for a short time, and he was also worried about some loopholes.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt empty, and then he found that all the beasts had been slaughtered.

"How many beasts were killed? Thousands or tens of thousands?" Chen Feng couldn't be sure for a while.

"Are there more?" Chen Feng suddenly felt unsatisfied, and he wanted the other side to have more opponents.


Chen Feng tore open the space barrier and returned to the previous battlefield.

The situation was exactly as Chen Feng guessed. Although the opponent suffered heavy casualties, his side also had casualties.

"I wonder if the Gate of Origin can be resurrected?" Chen Feng was helpless.

He couldn't resurrect them, and what he had to do now was to quickly deal with the other side.

"The God of Nothingness still hasn't shown up. It seems that he is really entangled by the other party." Chen Feng thought, and waved his hand. The battle puppet and the avenue clone rushed up.

Chen Feng was no longer fighting like crazy as before, but was trying his best to control the origin that evolved from a part of the underworld.

After all, too much energy was absorbed, and some changes occurred during the expansion process, so Chen Feng could only deal with it.

However, Chen Feng did not want to let go of such a situation. One vortex after another appeared, and there was a clone of Chen Feng in each vortex.

With the origin of the vortex and the clone refined by the origin-level magic weapon, Chen Feng believed that there should be no problem.

This war consumed a lot of energy, so naturally he had to find a way to replenish it.

"This is the benefit of me opening up multiple avenues. Otherwise, even if the chaotic body can withstand the experience of various attributes, it will take more time." Chen Feng said.

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