Eternal Existence

Chapter 5312: Tearing

Chen Feng kept accepting, analyzing quickly, and preparing at the same time.

Finally, Chen Feng made a move, thrusting out with a sword at an extremely fast speed. Chen Feng thought very well and wanted to use speed to severely injure the opponent.

As a result, the power of time was shattered wherever the sword light passed, but at the same time, the attack launched by Chen Feng was constantly worn away.

It was worn away cleanly all the time.

But Chen Feng didn't know whether he hurt the opponent.

"It worked."

The news came from the Long River of Time. Although Chen Feng's attack just now also shattered part of his own power of time, the Long River of Time didn't say much.

In fact, the reason why the Long River of Time came at the same time as Chen Feng was because he was helpless and was not sure to solve the opponent, but he didn't want to find other people to participate, so finding Chen Feng was the best choice.

Constantly providing Chen Feng with the opponent's loopholes was also to allow Chen Feng to better understand the opponent. No matter what, Chen Feng opened up the Avenue of Time and had a deep accumulation. If he refined and absorbed all of it, it would be comparable to the small-scale Long River of Time.

Chen Feng soon understood this, so he concentrated all his energy to grasp everything.

Finally, Chen Feng attacked again, still with swordsmanship, but this time, a sword swung out and a storm of sword energy erupted.

This large-scale attack did not hurt the long river of time on his side.

"Okay, I seized the opportunity." Chen Feng knew that he succeeded this time, and the opponent was also injured. A piece of time power was melted, but the time power fluctuated, and the opponent quickly returned to normal.

"It's a bit tricky." Chen Feng originally wanted to wear down the opponent with thousands of attacks, but when he thought of the special power of time, Chen Feng stopped this idea.

"Just treat it as a test." Then Chen Feng still attacked several times, hitting the opponent every time, but twice it still affected the long river of time on his side.

"Block the four directions, suppress the four directions."

At this time, Chen Feng received the news from the long river of time, and without hesitation, he immediately attacked.

There was no need to prepare at all. Chen Feng released the origin of the vortex in an instant.

The vortexes seemed to be the center of the formation, directly covering the four areas, and were still extending rapidly. Looking at this expansion momentum, it was eager to exceed the origin of thunder.

However, Chen Feng and Emperor Thunder had an agreement, so even in the Thunder Origin, he would not be blocked.

However, soon, Chen Feng discovered that the expansion of the vortex origin slowed down, and there were even signs of time going back. Knowing that it was the means of the other party's long river of time, he couldn't help but smile: "Although the origin I control is broken, it is still an origin after all. No matter how strong you are, you have not surpassed the origin of one party, not to mention that you have opponents of the same level."

However, Chen Feng said it easily, but in fact it was not easy at all. Even if the origin was used, it would be difficult to completely block the opponent.

After all, the power of time is pervasive, and Chen Feng does not want to use all his trump cards.

However, Chen Feng has helpers around him. The Gate of Time and Space and the Sea of ​​Time and Space appeared, each occupying one side.

These two control the way of time and space, which is just right for dealing with the long river of time.

Besides, the Source of Creation and the Evil Swamp are also watching in secret, ready to take action at any time.

"With so much power, I should be able to deal with the opponent." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Originally, the battle between the River of Time was evenly matched, and with Chen Feng's help, the balance naturally tilted.

However, it is still difficult to grasp the core of the opponent and solve the opponent in one fell swoop.

Even the River of Time can only take a risk.

So it is risky to let Chen Feng use the power of the origin to block and suppress.

Seeing that Chen Feng's side was well arranged, the River of Time immediately broke out and used the means that had been prepared long ago.

However, the opponent also broke out. Everyone is the River of Time, and some means are naturally very familiar. Besides, this situation can be seen clearly at a glance, and there is no need to calculate and speculate.

"The opponent wants to run." The River of Time said.

"Can't run away." Chen Feng finally used the Avenue of Time, not to use the Avenue of Time to deal with the opponent, but to use the characteristics of time to contain and attract the opponent.

This is the only way to better lock the River of Time. In fact, Chen Feng's approach is correct, but he still underestimated the opponent. Countless thunders of time exploded, and some of the power of time wanted to take the opportunity to escape, and it was about to succeed.

However, since Chen Feng could grasp this point, he could stop the other party again. However, as soon as Chen Feng moved, a beam of light tore through all the obstacles and shot towards Chen Feng.

Not only that, there were more lights after the light, but Chen Feng had no time to see them. He waved his sword to block the attack. With a collision, the light turned into a cultivator and appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"It turned out to be reinforcements."

"But it is understandable. The River of Time has helpers, and it is normal for the other party to have helpers." Chen Feng was not surprised, but tried his best to stop the other party, but he still felt regretful in his heart. He had thought it was good. Now that the other party has helpers, it may be difficult to deal with the other party. However, since he came, he must get some benefits.

Those who can participate in this situation are of course the best among the Hunyuan. Chen Feng even felt the breath of the origin, so the power of the source of creation and the evil swamp has quietly extended out.

"We should call the Void God or the Ancestor of Void Beasts, but the levels of these two are too high, and their every move is being watched by masters of the same level. Maybe they will start a war ahead of time." Chen Feng suddenly released several clones as his thoughts flashed.

This time it was not the Dao clone, but Chen Feng's magic weapon clone, which is stronger than the Dao clone.

In fact, before the Dao clone, Chen Feng had many clones, some of which were plundered, some were refined by himself, and some were transformed by clones, but the strongest was the magic weapon clone.

These clones made from high-level magic weapons are even more powerful than Chen Feng himself from some perspectives.

Chen Feng's magic weapons are famous for being numerous. Not to mention the treasures of the origin level, there are more origin level and chaos level. They are usually used to suppress themselves. As Chen Feng nourishes them, they become stronger and stronger.

After these clones came out, they blocked the rescuers from the Hunyuan, and the two sides fought in a group.

"If I had known this, I should have brought more helpers." Chen Feng said, waves of power emanated from his body, constantly sweeping and impacting, and forming the first layer of the field wherever he passed.

This is the power of the origin of the volcano.

If you can't keep the long river of time perfectly, it's also good to solve some opponents.

As long as they are opponents, killing them will reduce some troubles.

The origins of both parties, this is Chen Feng's confidence. Even if these above Hunyuan have some strength, he can resist them.


As a result, there was another change, and Chen Feng's origin was strongly impacted by the opponent.

"The opponent also used the origin, is it the same broken origin as mine, or the origin he opened up, or the complete origin behind him, but no matter which one it is, it is not easy to deal with." Chen Feng said, and then communicated with the Long River of Time, and soon learned everything.

It was not the origin behind the opponent, but a cultivator opened up his own origin. This is an extremely powerful master, the top among the above Hunyuan.

The opponent can break Chen Feng's origin, and constantly shake the two origins released by Chen Feng, which is enough to show the opponent's strength.

This one entangled Chen Feng, but there is also the Gate of Time and Space to help the Long River of Time, and the situation is still dominant.

The two sides fought for a long time, and the opponent finally chose to retreat. Chen Feng did not even confront the master who opened up the origin head-on.

The beginning and the end of this fight were somewhat unexpected to Chen Feng. Although the opponent's Time River escaped, it was also severely damaged.

His side still got some benefits. Chen Feng only had some guesses about what the Time River had gained. Chen Feng himself also got some profits, which were still some time power and time laws. They were all suppressed by Chen Feng in the Avenue of Time, and he would slowly practice and comprehend them in the future.

"It's a pity that I didn't completely solve the opponent." Chen Feng still had some regrets.

"The fight has just begun. The opponent escaped and will recover soon. Maybe he will continue to fight with me in the next moment." Time River said.

"I really hope so." Chen Feng said with a smile, but it was not so easy to see Time River, and he knew that it was hard to say who would win or lose in the next fight.

The strength of both sides was equal, and the external force factor was very important.

So Chen Feng sent a message to Time River, asking the other party to be careful and communicate with him at any time.

However, Chen Feng knew that there was a Gate of Origin behind the Long River of Time, so he should not encounter a crisis that Hua could not solve. The most important thing was that the main body of the Long River of Time was still in the Gate of Origin.

After solving the problem here in the Long River of Time, Chen Feng felt that his trip was not in vain, and at least he could improve the Avenue of Time.

Just as he was thinking about going back, a warning sign suddenly appeared, and the power of time exploded in front of Chen Feng, blocking the fatal sneak attack that appeared out of thin air.

Chen Feng also reacted at this time, and the long sword in his hand swept out fiercely.

As a result, he encountered an indestructible thing. Just when Chen Feng wanted to exert force again, the opponent actually tore the barrier of time, and the shock force made Chen Feng's long sword a little uncontrollable.

In this case, it seems that only dodge is available.

But how can this level of fight be avoided? Chen Feng shouted coldly, and two beams of fire shot out of his eyes, and everything in front of him began to melt.

A roll of white light in the fire broke through Chen Feng's defense and hit Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng was injured. His chaotic body failed to block the opponent's attack. A blood hole was broken, and his flesh and blood squirmed, but he did not recover immediately.

"What a powerful attack." Chen Feng looked solemn. With a flicker of his wrist, the long sword flew out of his hand and turned into a sword curtain to block the four directions. Chen Feng punched and his fist force exploded in waves.

But then a white light flashed, and Chen Feng's fist force was shattered one after another, and even Chen Feng's fist was torn apart.

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