Eternal Existence

Chapter 5301: Breaking the Formation

That is to say, so many emperors actually gathered together to venture out. It was really incredible and something that I dared not even think about.

Or was it their cultivation talent on one hand, and the benefits they got on the other hand, or both.

Chen Feng still didn't believe that the other party's talent was so strong, but then he thought of the source of this matter. If he wanted to get benefits from the special area, wouldn't he have to offend these emperors.

Even if it was only a part of the emperors, the number was considerable.

"But I'm not afraid of these. Anyway, I have caused enough trouble. But if they show up in the Origin War, how will the situation go? And does the Origin Gate know about these things?" Chen Feng thought quickly in his heart.

At this time, the screen showed that the battles ended one after another, and the Thunder Origin side had the upper hand. Some of the opponents were killed, and some escaped.

Among them, Thunder True Lord was one of the escapees.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was relieved.

"I know you have some friendship with the other party. If possible, I will let the other party live." Thunder Emperor said.

"Thank you." Chen Feng nodded.

Then the two sides exchanged some more words, and the Thunder Emperor disappeared again.

Then Chen Feng received the news from the Gate of Origin through the long river of time, and the Gate of Origin finally set out.

It is normal for a large number of people above the Hunyuan to fall. Some of them have met Chen Feng before. According to the arrangement of the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng will still lead them all the way.

However, Chen Feng did not agree for the time being.

"The origin of the Zerg, the origin of the disaster, and the origin of life, these three families also participated, which is really unexpected. I think they were also recruited by the Gate of Origin, but these three families still have to fight against Guixu, and I am afraid that they can't draw out much power." Chen Feng thought.

"And such a large-scale origin war will definitely have some changes. After all, the movement is too big, and it may attract many unexpected forces."

"Hey, I don't know how many people above the Hunyuan will fall, but since the Thunder Emperor and these special areas are not of the same mind, it is different from what I thought before."

"Daoyou, you also noticed it." At this time, the Second World looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng came back to his senses, nodded and said: "The battle has begun, and the forces behind me will soon join the battle."

"This is lively." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"You two Taoist friends, don't think too much, I don't mean to win you over." Chen Feng understood what the two were thinking.

"Why, Taoist friends, do you still look down on us?" The Second World laughed.

"It's been quite pleasant to cooperate with Taoist friends during this period. If Taoist friends don't mind, we really want to join in the fun." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"You two make the decision, but the development of things next may be different from what you two Taoist friends imagine." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The Second World and the Second World became curious.

"I have already discussed it with the Thunder Emperor. Next, I will choose to cooperate with the Thunder Emperor to deal with outsiders." Chen Feng said bluntly.

Since the two are willing to follow him, Chen Feng doesn't want to hide it.


It must be said that the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were a little shocked. They didn't expect that Chen Feng had contacted the Thunder Emperor unknowingly.

"Are you sure it's the Thunder Emperor?" The Second asked in surprise. After all, everyone has been acting together, and no one has seen anything unusual with Chen Feng.

"Yes, this origin is interesting. Of course, it's not just me. There is a force behind me, a very strong force. I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to divide up the Thunder Origin, but now I have changed my mind." Chen Feng said.

"That's good." The Second said in a daze.

Anyway, as long as we can get the benefits, it's fine. We knew before that the Thunder Origin was not so easy to deal with. Now that they have become a partnership, the Second and the White Mirror Swordsman secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"When will we start? No, have we already fought?" The White Mirror Swordsman asked.

The two felt the power fluctuations coming from afar, and there were some abnormalities in this origin.

"It has already started, and some of the invaders have been solved. The Thunder Emperor has been dispatching troops. After all, this is his territory, and he can defeat the invaders one by one. According to my speculation, there are dozens of casualties among the invaders, and we have solved some of them before." Chen Feng said.

However, just as the voice fell, there was a huge movement in front, and the space began to collapse.

"What's going on?"

"What a coincidence that a battlefield is in front of us."

Compared with the Second Generation and the White Mirror Swordsman, Chen Feng went to communicate with the Thunder Emperor at the first time.

"Nothing, it was a force that was attracted. The other party gathered together and exploded directly, trying to shake this origin." The Thunder Emperor responded.

"I always feel that it's not that simple." Chen Feng muttered in his heart.

The space in front of him was still collapsing, and it was getting worse and worse. No matter how you look at it, the Thunder Origin is at a disadvantage.

And Chen Feng also felt a strong breath, there are many people coming.

I just don't know which family it is.

But it doesn't matter, no matter where they come from, I probably don't know them, and they will become my opponents.

"I just agreed to the agreement with the Thunder Emperor, and I encountered this kind of thing. It's really unlucky." Chen Feng shook his head. According to Chen Feng's idea, even if there is a dispute between the two sides now, he should stay away from the war zone. Even if he takes action, it will be against those special areas. The main purpose is to gain benefits, not to participate now. Even if the Origin Gate has started to act, Chen Feng has not obeyed the arrangement of the Origin Gate to become the leader of one side.

It's not that I don't agree, but it's not possible now.


The space collapsed completely, and a group of practitioners rushed in. Some local practitioners stepped forward to stop them, but they were killed and retreated step by step.

"This is not the edge of the origin. They were killed by the other party. There must be some special means." The second generation said with some surprise.

"I don't know where the other party came from. It's completely unfamiliar, but the other party is very strong. Should we hide?" said the White Mirror Swordsman.

The other party is not only a practitioner, but also an origin. These origins are sitting behind. After breaking through the Thunder Origin, they began to evolve their own territory.

It looks like a fierce battle, just like the origin battle that Chen Feng had seen before.

It's just that the Thunder Origin is so powerful, and the Thunder Emperor had seen through everything before, so how could so many people be killed and retreated one after another.

And even if he was caught off guard at the beginning, he should have come back to his senses now, and mobilized his strength to deal with it.

Except for some local practitioners in front of him, there is no other power, and the Thunder Emperor sent a message again, asking Chen Feng to stop it.

However, in order to prevent Chen Feng from refusing, I immediately told Chen Feng two treasures.

In this way, even if Chen Feng refuses, he has to think about it.

"If you don't make a move, then the previous alliance will be broken. Although I want to represent alone, I can't represent it at all." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman wanted to retreat, Chen Feng waved his hand and released an origin.

Since he made a move, he had to choose the way to make a move. Chen Feng did not plan to go forward alone to fight hard.

Instead, he used a defensive method, and Chen Feng had some ideas of his own.

Chen Feng used the vortex origin. In addition to defense, it was also easier to devour the surrounding power.

One was the opponent's power, and the other was the power of the thunder origin.

Of course, Chen Feng was not devouring randomly, but extracting the opponent's essence.

Chen Feng was becoming more and more proficient in controlling the vortex origin, and it was too easy to strip off some energy.

He couldn't do it in vain, and at least he had to get some benefits back.

Then a force came down from nowhere and rushed towards the vortex origin.

This was the power from the thunder origin. Since Chen Feng had taken action, the Thunder Emperor had to show some expression.

Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied.

Not only that, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman who took action later also received the blessing of this origin.

At least the mana consumed in the battle had to be replenished in place.

A field was formed with Chen Feng as the center, and even the broken origin could block a large number of practitioners.

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman stood on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, and formed a defense line with Chen Feng.

"Ahem, I haven't encountered this situation before. After all, the number of opponents is a bit strong, and the origins behind them are stronger than me." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"Me too." Second World said.

Because of Chen Feng's obstruction, the momentum of the collapsed space was blocked. Although they chose to block it, Chen Feng and the other two still temporarily avoided the peak and retreated a distance. This can be regarded as observing the opponent and preparing.

But at this level, this distance is nothing at all, and the two sides collided soon.

The opponent took Chen Feng and the other two as local practitioners for granted. Without saying a word, a torrent of energy swept towards Chen Feng fiercely.

As a result, the origin of the vortex began to shake, and Chen Feng looked a little solemn. This was a method jointly created by multiple practitioners.

"If it was only this degree, it wouldn't matter." Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that this was just the beginning, and just now it was just a test, or the other party underestimated him.

"Origin, it turns out that it is the existence that opened up the origin." The other party saw through Chen Feng's situation, but was not surprised, but took it for granted. Before coming, they had found out the situation of this origin, and naturally knew what they would face next.

Speaking of which, there is no origin so far, and there are no large numbers of practitioners blocking them, which makes them feel something is wrong, and they guess whether there is a trap waiting ahead.

But even if there is a trap, it doesn't matter, relying on their own strength, they can directly flatten it.

So the other party sent out masters next.

Under the premise of the torrent of power, three masters rushed straight to Lin Feng.

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