Eternal Existence

Chapter 5299 The Origin of Thunder

It was as if the Thunder Emperor had specially placed the benefits here for Chen Feng to collect.

"Such a special area exists here, and no outsiders have destroyed it. Even some powerful local practitioners will not let it go. It is really incredible that they are waiting for us to collect it." The Second World said.

"It is indeed a bit strange, which also shows that we are lucky. After all, in the origin of one side, multiple layers of space coexist, and time and space are vast and boundless. It is normal that some places have not been explored. It is also possible that the owner here left for something before. In short, we are lucky to come here." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"I hope there will be some such luck next time." The Second World said with a smile.

No matter what you say, the benefits are in hand, which is enough.

Chen Feng continued to collect these powers into the avenue, and in a short period of time, two avenues really broke through, which also caused some fluctuations in Chen Feng's strength.

"This can be regarded as getting the benefits given by Emperor Thunder. No matter how the situation changes next, it is not good to take the initiative to attack this origin, unless this origin really collapses. At that time, I will take the opportunity to collect some benefits. I think Emperor Thunder himself will not say anything." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

Emperor Thunder gave Chen Feng a total of three coordinates, and now he has obtained the benefits of one. Although this benefit is not as big as imagined before, it is enough.

There is nothing to say next. Chen Feng found an excuse and took the two to two special areas.

The result was smooth sailing.

Chen Feng felt that his practice had reached a saturated stage and could not continue to notify. It took some time to digest it well.

Moreover, Chen Feng clearly felt the limit of his practice. Now he can completely break through the realm in front of him and directly enter the level above Hunyuan.

Once the breakthrough, his own strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, and it will be several times stronger than it is now.

It has to be said that this temptation is still quite strong.

But Chen Feng thought about it, since he could still suppress it, he should wait a little longer.

"Things went unexpectedly smoothly. My magic power has been rising steadily, and I am more confident about the dangers that will happen next." The White Mirror Swordsman said in high spirits.

But then his expression became solemn again: "Although I have become stronger, I can still feel the pressure I felt before. The change is getting closer and closer, right in this origin, unless I leave immediately."

"Daoyou has also gained something during this period, and you can choose to leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if there is danger, I have to participate in it, even if it is just to watch the excitement. It is too unwilling to leave now, and it is not in line with my practice concept." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

Compared with the White Mirror Swordsman, the aura of the Second World fluctuates from time to time. It is obvious that he has gained more. The power of different attributes obtained by the first line can allow the Second World to better perform the fusion technique.

Chen Feng guessed that the Second World might have prepared some fusion energy balls again.

"It is a little bit similar to the Wan Dao Emperor I met before, but he is best at the fusion method. Maybe the initial stage is similar to my practice. In this way, the second generation is ahead of me in practice." According to what Chen Feng knows, the second generation's practice method has a great inspiration and help to him.

Moreover, the two sides communicated, and the second generation did not hide too much.

Besides, the communication was originally a two-way communication, so Chen Feng naturally talked about his own practice method.

"In this way, the Taoist friend's luck is really good. It may not be too difficult to open up so many avenues, but it is not so easy to collect enough matching attribute energy, especially at our level, the quality of energy required is also very high." The second generation said.

"So the origin war is also a good opportunity for us. At that time, there will be many high-level beings participating in the war. It is possible that one side of the origin will be divided. As long as we can get some, we can absorb it for a long time." Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng received an update from the long river of time. It turned out that a large number of invaders entered this origin.

Not only that, the long river of time finally detected a large number of local practitioners.

Chen Feng had not encountered them before because these local practitioners had long been gathered together by fate, and some of them had even begun to move out to block these invaders.

Once the two sides clashed, there might be a chain reaction, starting the War of Origin.

"No matter what, outsiders still suffer some disadvantages in terms of geographical advantages, unless their strength far exceeds that of this side of the origin, but these invaders are not fools, they have already considered various situations."

On the other side, the Gate of Origin still did not move out, as for whether it was gathering strength, Chen Feng did not know.

"Maybe the Thunder Emperor and the Gate of Origin are discussing, and this time, in addition to the major origins, it is unknown whether the Soul Emperor and other figures will appear. The Thunder Origin is such a special place, and there are many forces appearing one after another. With such a big movement, I think the Soul Emperor knows about it and will definitely not want to miss it." Chen Feng said secretly.

After getting benefits three times in a row, Chen Feng slowed down because he had already visited the place provided by the Thunder Emperor. If he wanted to go to the special area again, he would have to explore it by himself. Things would not happen as smoothly as before. .

But the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman had some expectations. They were because since Chen Feng could find such a good place, he would definitely be able to do the same next time.

Chen Feng could also guess what they were thinking, and could only secretly smile bitterly.

At that time, Chen Feng was suddenly pulled into an independent space by the Thunder Emperor again.

"What's going on, fellow Taoist? You're not going to point me to a few more special areas, are you?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I have reached an agreement with the power behind you. We will cooperate to deal with the outsiders this time, and then attack their home base afterwards." The Thunder Emperor said.

"When will we start?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Origin Gate had actually negotiated with the other party, but Origin Gate had not informed him yet.

"We have started now." The Thunder Emperor said, and a picture appeared in front of him. Some pictures showed dozens of Hunyuan and above fighting, and some showed just a few people.

There were only two people with the smallest number, but these two were so strong that even Chen Feng felt suspicious.

But the common point is that one side has the upper hand, and this side certainly belongs to Thunder Origin.

"Now that you have arranged your manpower, you should use absolute strength to deal with your opponents. Why is there still a one-on-one situation here?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Actually, I haven't prepared everything. Moreover, I don't have much power at hand right now. What's more, once I mobilize enough power, there will be vacancies elsewhere. As for one-on-one, it is also what the other party requires. Since the other party wants to have such a fight, of course I will help him." The Thunder Emperor said.

Next, there was another flickering picture. This time, Chen Feng saw a group of practitioners from the Thunder clan, and among them happened to be True Lord Thunder.

Although Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged, there was still some confusion in his heart. After all, he had fought side by side before.

Even now that he has become an opponent, Chen Feng only focuses on the Thunder clan. "Actually, if they don't separate, I will need to mobilize more power, and I won't be able to take action for a while. Since they are willing to separate, it is also an opportunity for me." The Thunder Emperor said.

"The Thunder Clan has had the idea of ​​​​this origin before. How can I let them succeed? This time they must hit the opponent hard."

"I have some doubts. We are now allies. Can you tell us the specific situation of these special areas." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

The Thunder Emperor was silent for a while, but still said: "Okay, I'll just say a few words."

"Actually, the origin of this place was not created by me, nor did it belong to me in the beginning."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Feng was a little surprised and instinctively didn't believe it, but he also thought that there was no need for the Thunder Emperor to deceive him.

"A long time ago, my strength was far less powerful than it is now. Back then, I and a group of like-minded practitioners gathered together for an adventure, and later discovered a special area. You can imagine that this is a source of power. There are Sources of different attributes can create their own origins with the help of the power here.”

After hearing this, Chen Feng felt a little weird, a little curious, seemed a little familiar, and seemed to have seen the door to a new world.

"I got the power of thunder. I didn't think about opening up the origin at first. I only thought about strengthening myself, but then things changed."

"Someone opened up the origin, and it went smoothly at first, but soon something happened, and the created origin went out of control. At first, I thought it was an accident, but other people started to have the same situation, which meant something was wrong. "

At this time, Chen Feng started to grasp something. He didn't ask any questions, but just listened patiently.

"I had no intention of opening up the origin in the first place. After what happened, I will not open up the origin even more."


Speaking of this, the Thunder Emperor paused for a while. Chen Feng could see that the other party's emotions were a little fluctuating and complicated. It was obvious that he remembered what happened back then. Even if they were far apart, even if he had remembered it many times, even if he was so powerful, he still remembered it. Some hearts and minds fluctuate.

"But later I was also influenced and passively opened up my own origin." The Thunder Emperor said.

"Didn't you say that you didn't create this place?" Chen Feng wondered.

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