Eternal Existence

Chapter 5280: Good Cooperation

The three finally came to a mountain. This mountain suppressed something. The previous fusion light was released by this mountain.

"This is a formation center, suppressing some chaotic power. The power of different attributes merged together to produce some mutations. This is the light we encountered before, but judging from the attack of these lights, spiritual intelligence should have the upper hand." Thunder Master said.


Chen Feng felt that this mountain was very familiar at first sight, and then he remembered the blood and flesh mountain he encountered on the way here.

The two are very familiar.

One swallowed a lot of Hunyuan, and the other suppressed the power of different attributes.

"Maybe this is also a fusion of various lives." Chen Feng guessed.

In any case, this mountain gave Chen Feng a feeling that was very similar to the blood and flesh mountain he encountered before. Chen Feng would never believe that there was no relationship between the two.

"This is just one array eye. There must be other array eyes. The attacks we encountered before were either from one powerful array eye or from multiple array eyes."

"It seems so. Although the array eye in front of us is very strong, we can still solve it together."

"Don't attack, otherwise you will find a large-scale attack." At this time, the White Mirror Swordsman shouted hurriedly from behind.

But it was too late. Chen Feng and the other two had already attacked.

Sure enough, when the three of them touched the mountain in front of them, a strong breath locked the three of them.

Then various fusion lights appeared, just like before, condensed into a piece of silk net.

"It's the same attack we encountered before." Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other, but they were not nervous. They only saw Chen Feng releasing the power of origin again, and Thunder True Lord and the Second World also used their own methods. As before, the three of them were extremely skilled this time.


Seeing that the situation was still the same, the White Mirror Swordsman couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't stop. He still held the long sword and stepped forward, wanting to help the three break the silk net this time as before.

But this time the situation was different. The power that Chen Feng and the other two had exploded was even stronger than before.

Especially Chen Feng didn't want to stalemate with the other party like before. After releasing the power of origin, Chen Feng suddenly accelerated, went upstream, and came directly to the front of the mountain.

Although the process seemed very short, Chen Feng actually endured a lot of pressure. It can be said that Chen Feng directly knocked open the extremely rich fusion light.

And Chen Feng was also taking risks by doing this. In addition to using the power imprint, he also used the art of walking.

Even so, the protective armor on Chen Feng's body was torn apart. If there was no armor to block it, even Chen Feng's chaotic body would have left some wounds.

"Come to me." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the mountain.

Although they were all mountains, the one in front of him was still much worse than the one he encountered on the road before. Besides, even if it was as powerful as the previous mountain, I couldn't retreat.

Chen Feng was a skilled and bold man. He wanted to take the mountain directly. Even if he couldn't, he had to shake the other party, at least he had to trigger the other formation eyes, although he was not sure how these formation eyes were connected.


Chen Feng grabbed it, and the whole mountain really shook, resulting in more fusion light bursting out from the mountain.

However, Chen Feng also noticed that although the light he faced this time was also fused, it was not as strong as the one he encountered before.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while and knew that this was just a formation eye. The fusion power was limited. Only by fusion with the power light of other formation eyes could it burst out stronger power.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Thunder Lord and the Second World naturally understood everything, and no longer said anything, but used all their strength to resist the descending silk net.

Chen Feng used all his strength on the mountain, so naturally some fusion light fell on him, causing Chen Feng's protective armor to continue to shatter.

But then a golden light flashed, the protective armor returned to its original state, and Chen Feng finally pulled up the mountain.

"Although it is not a magic weapon, and it does not look as good as my origin mountain, it is quite heavy." Chen Feng did not simply use his power to pull out the mountain, but used his own magic power to wrap the mountain, which was a safe behavior.

During this process, Chen Feng also noticed that this mountain was closely connected to other array eyes. He shook all the array eyes as soon as he started, which was the most difficult part.

Chen Feng went all out, the power of the avenue poured in, his heart beat vigorously, and the power that burst out was even beyond the power of most avenues.

You must know that Chen Feng's heart is too powerful, integrating many powerful forces, and some magic weapons. The strongest magic weapon is naturally the origin furnace, which can melt everything. This is an origin-level treasure. Although it has not been completely integrated with Chen Feng's heart, it can also burst out a certain amount of power.

The burst of power from many aspects has caused Chen Feng's power to be extremely powerful. While attacking the mountain, he wants to uproot the mountain, which can also disrupt the situation and perhaps cause some other changes.

Chen Feng's progress was not slow. Thunder Lord and Second World actually blocked the silk screens coming from all directions.

Thunder Lord's methods were fine, Chen Feng knew them clearly before, but the strength that Second World burst out this time was even greater than before, and the fusion light that burst out actually blocked most of the silk screens.

As for the White Mirror Swordsman who had just arrived, he did not hesitate and continued to use his sword to smash these silk nets as before.

It's just that this time the silk screen was not completely wiped out. When there was still a part left, it suddenly disappeared completely, which made the three Thunder Lords rush to nothing.


"Did you make it."

Only then did Lord Thunder and the Second Emperor see that the mountain peak that served as the formation's eye had fallen into Chen Feng's hands.

Although he was still struggling, he was gradually pulled into the origin by Chen Feng.

The overall situation has been decided.

I don't know if it was Chen Feng's intention, or whether the opponent's power was too strong. After the mountain was taken away by Chen Feng, the vacated area burst into bursts of light of power.

It's like a volcano erupting.

"This is good stuff."

The second generation stepped forward quickly. Although these lights of power were still powerful, their power was weaker than before. The second generation quickly took action to snatch these lights of power.

Not only the second generation, True Lord Thunder and the White Mirror Swordsman not far away also rushed forward quickly.

Soon these rays of light were snatched away, and the mountain peak fell into Chen Feng's hands.

There is also a large amount of light of power in that mountain peak. In Chen Feng's opinion, the mountain peak itself is at the chaos level and cannot reach the origin level.

But there are also some nice gains.

Chen Feng learned some news through this mountain peak.

"There are still thirty-five formations here. It's a good start. Let's carve them up little by little." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, don't you have anything to say?" True Lord Thunder looked at the White Mirror Swordsman.

The White Mirror Swordsman's expression changed, and finally he sighed: "Okay, I didn't make some things clear, but I really don't have any ill intentions towards you."

"All ears." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I think you all have guessed a lot of things." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"It's simple to say the least. I've been in this area for a while, and I want to monopolize this area."

"It's that simple." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"No, this thing sounds simple, but it is not simple to do." True Lord Thunder laughed.

"It's not easy for Taoist friends to monopolize this area. In addition to dealing with the threats in the area itself, there are also those outside adventurers. But it seems that Taoist friends are doing a good job."

"I acted selfishly, and at the same time I overestimated myself. Although I drove away some outside adventurers, I never had any control over this area. I couldn't even capture one of the formations." The White Mirror Swordsman said slowly.

"There are several Taoist friends who are very powerful, so I naturally can't drive them away. That's why I thought of delaying the process. I didn't want these fellow Taoists to discover the situation here. I didn't expect that it would come to this point."

"Then what do you have in mind to stop us?" II asked with a smile, but he looked ready to take action at any time.

"To tell you the truth, if you are not strong enough, of course I will not be polite, but now I am no match for a few fellow Taoists. Besides, I also want to understand that it is impossible to monopolize this area, even if there are not a few. There will be other powerful adventurers among the Taoists, so I decided to cooperate with several Taoists to carve up this area," said the White Mirror Swordsman.

"Fellow Taoist wants to join the gang, haha." True Lord Thunderbolt laughed, and then looked at Chen Feng: "Fellow Taoist, what do you think?"

"This area is not that easy to deal with. It would be good to have one more Taoist friend." Chen Feng said.

"Then listen to fellow Taoist." The second generation also said the same.

"Welcome to join." Chen Feng looked at the White Mirror Swordsman and said.

"Then I hope that fellow Taoists will speak frankly about the situation here so that we can better collect the benefits here. We also need to discuss the allocation of some resources here in advance to avoid conflicts due to uneven distribution. That's not good." Chen Feng said.

"This is as it should be." The White Mirror Swordsman nodded.

Although Chen Feng and the others guessed something, they did not know as much as the White Mirror Swordsman. Therefore, after the White Mirror Swordsman explained the situation here in detail, it did play a big role in Chen Feng and the others.

"It seems that even the formation eyes have strengths and weaknesses, and there are loopholes in some places. The formation eye we chose this time is not the best choice, so what is the next suggestion from fellow Taoist." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If you believe me, then I will show you the way." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

Seeing that Chen Feng and the others agreed, the White Mirror Swordsman made some calculations silently before locking in an area.

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