Eternal Existence

Chapter 5278 White Mirror Swordsman

"But I'm still a little worried. Apart from that, I don't know if there are any other dangers or if the other party is increasing the intensity of its attacks." II said.

Chen Feng went to observe the situation of the wire mesh. It was still overlapping and the specific situation outside could not be seen for the time being, which meant that the stalemate would continue in a short time.

Just when the three of them were ready to hold on for a while, an extremely strong sword intent penetrated from outside.

"somebody is coming."

"He is a master and a swordsman. His sword power is so strong that it can actually affect my mind."

"Now it seems that the other party is saving us, which also shows that the attack outside should not be so strong."

Chen Feng and the three of them were communicating and remained calm. Even if someone attacked from outside, the three of them had no intention of fighting back.

Finally, I saw the gradually thinning silk screen, and also saw a domineering swordsman slashing down with his sword.

The silk screen in front of him was torn apart layer by layer under the long sword.

Finally the last layer of silk screen was cut and the two sides came together.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help." The Second Emperor was the first to express his gratitude.

Chen Feng and True Lord Thunder followed closely behind, but they were still sizing each other up.

After solving those silk nets, the opponent's aura has somewhat subsided. In Chen Feng's view, the opponent's strength does not seem to be as strong as previously imagined.

If he were holding a long sword, he could also cut through those silk nets. If the opponent could break through them with one sword and block them layer by layer, then he would be truly powerful.

"You're welcome. Maybe I'm being reckless. The three fellow Taoists are so powerful that they don't need my help at all." The swordsman was a little polite.

The two sides announced their names. Chen Feng knew that the other party was called White Mirror Swordsman. This title was still a bit strange, but Chen Feng didn't ask any more questions.

Through communication, I learned that the other party had been in this area for a while and knew the place well, so I decided to help when I saw someone trapped.

"The environment here is somewhat special. There is an endless stream of extremely powerful light. I always thought there was someone behind it. Speaking of which, I have almost traveled all over this area. Unfortunately, I have never found the hidden existence. But when After several fellow Taoists arrived, new powers were triggered, but it's a pity that I still haven't captured the source of these powers," said the White Mirror Swordsman.

"That's really a bit curious, but there are many such special areas in the origin of this place. Even if it is weird, I feel that I can accept it. Just because what fellow Taoist said just now, there are some powerful forces here. Apart from the light, there are no other benefits, so I am a little hesitant, should I continue to stay here?" Chen Feng said.

"This is indeed a problem." True Lord Thunder also nodded, and at the same time, he thought that it was somewhat similar to the magic circle he encountered before, and he tried to collect the magic evidence before. As a result, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, but nothing was gained in the end. Is it possible to stay here to collect these lights of power?

Chen Feng actually remembered the time when he was wandering around in the universe. At that time, he would also choose to collect some special light of power as his trump card. However, as his strength improved later, he saw powerful people with various attributes. After gaining strength, ordinary light of power is no longer in his eyes.

If he really wanted to stay here, Chen Feng would be more interested in the method of integration.

"The three of us can only defend ourselves together. Fellow Taoist has been here for a while, and now it seems to be intact. It's really admirable." The second said.

"It is impossible to say that I have not been injured. Once I was almost turned into pieces, and I rushed out with all my strength. If the three Taoists want to leave, I know a safe way. Road." II said.

"Then do fellow Taoists also want to leave with us?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"I still need to practice here for a while. The environment here is quite suitable for my practice." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"In this case, let's stay here for a while. I am quite interested in these fusion lights." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, I have also practiced the power of fusion. This place will give me some inspiration. With so many of us, we might be able to find the existence behind it. No matter how strong the other party is, we may not be able to join forces when the time comes. I'm afraid of the other party," said the second generation.

"What I'm worried about now is whether the situation just now will happen again. If it happens one after another, we won't be able to stop the consumption." True Lord Thunder said.

"If there is another attack like that, we can use another method." Chen Feng took out the Rigellian Sword. It is better to use a long sword here than a war spear.

True Lord Thunder was a little surprised when he saw that Chen Feng had a weapon in his hand that he had never seen before, and it was also of such a high grade.

On the contrary, the second generation had known Chen Feng for a relatively short time and did not express much. The White Mirror Swordsman looked at Chen Feng a few more times. Since Chen Feng had such a long sword in his hand, he probably did not have much attainments in the way of the sword. It's probably too low, but we can talk about it.

So this small group became four people again, and Chen Feng secretly murmured in his heart, and he kept thinking and analyzing.

I met three powerful Hunyuan Shang in succession, and according to my own perception, each of these three was more powerful than the last.

"The last swordsman should be the strongest, unless my perception is wrong, or someone is hiding very well, but it doesn't matter. Whether they have any purpose or not, it has no effect on me, and it is also a kind of luck for me to meet such a master." Chen Feng said so.

The attack that was worried about before never appeared again. Chen Feng and the other two walked around this area under the leadership of the White Mirror Swordsman.

"It seems that the Taoist friend is very familiar with this place and knows where to go without touching the other party. But in this case, it is a bit meaningless. We are not here for tourism. The Taoist friend said before that he was looking for the existence in the dark. In this case, it can't be found. Or we can work together to find it and turn this area upside down. Maybe the existence behind it will come out." Chen Feng suggested.

"Yes, it is true. We have entered the special area before. Although there were some crises, we were still flattened in the end." Thunder True Lord said proudly.

"Several Taoist friends have solved a special area." White Mirror Swordsman said with some surprise.

"Yes, maybe that area is just restrained by us." Lei Ting Zhenjun certainly did not explain in detail.

However, the magic array area moved away by itself, and it was obvious that it was afraid of the two of them. It was reasonable to say that it was flattened.

"I have also visited this area, and I have more or less some understanding, so let's go to some places I haven't been to." Chen Feng said as he slashed the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy was indestructible, cutting directly at an area.

This is an area that has not been visited before. It looks empty. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely be shattered under Chen Feng's sword.

This time, there was indeed a drastic change. Seeing that this sword energy was about to tear everything apart, a beam of light was born from nothingness, exploded with a bang, and turned into thousands of threads, and the next moment it tied up Chen Feng's sword light.

But then the sword light bloomed, and these threads were instantly shattered.

It turned out that Chen Feng had hidden a second force in the sword energy.

"Sure enough, there is something. Let me see what it is. To be honest, I am still a little curious." Chen Feng took a step forward, and a road quickly spread forward. Even if there was a shining light, it was quickly suppressed by the road.

The power of thunder and the fusion power of the second generation also rushed on the road to suppress the chaos.

"These three guys still found clues, but they knew they couldn't hide it." The white mirror swordsman shook his head and sighed at the back, but still followed.

Soon, a fusion light appeared, trying to block the way of Chen Feng and others, but it was not as strong as the previous silk net, and was quickly defeated by Chen Feng and the other two, without even much effort.

"The White Mirror Swordsman has caught up with us. It seems that the other party has no ill intentions."

"Maybe he has confidence in himself."

"At least he helped us before. No matter what the purpose is, let's wait and see what happens. Don't rush to take action."

"It's obvious. Maybe the other party has no ill intentions, but he is hiding something. But I can understand that if there are benefits, I don't want to share them with others."

"Benefits. Even if it is dangerous here, there will be some adventurers coming. It is not so easy to monopolize the benefits, unless the other party is very powerful and can suppress everything. But in this case, you can also collect the benefits here."

"Yes, you can't collect the benefits here in a short time. You have met us again, and we are not so easy to mess with, so you can't take action. You can only find other ways."

Chen Feng and the other two communicated. With everything they saw, they had guessed the truth of the matter.

Fortunately, the White Mirror Swordsman did not show any ill intentions at this time, otherwise Chen Feng and the other two would have joined forces to deal with him.

The three finally came to a mountain. This mountain suppressed some things. The previous fusion light was released by this mountain.

"This is the center of the formation, suppressing some chaotic forces. The forces of different attributes merge together and produce some mutations. This is the light we encountered before, but judging from the attacks of these lights, spiritual intelligence should have the upper hand." Thunder Master said.


Chen Feng felt that this mountain was very familiar at first sight, and then he remembered the flesh and blood mountain he encountered on the way here.

The two are very familiar.

One swallowed a lot of Hunyuan, and the other suppressed the forces of different attributes.

"Maybe this is also a fusion of various lives." Chen Feng guessed.

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