Eternal Existence

Chapter 5276: Another helper

"Some special areas can suppress my power, but I am not prepared. Next, I will take out more of them. But if you really encounter the same situation as before, don't count on me. After all, I am not good at fighting." said the Long River of Time.

Chen Feng expressed his understanding. The Long River of Time is not good at fighting, but other aspects.

With the Long River of Time exploring the way ahead, he can save himself a lot of trouble.

In fact, after walking in this origin, Chen Feng can see that it is not much different from the origins he has been to before.

Except for the special areas he encountered before.

And there are quite a few such special areas in this origin, which makes people feel more confused.

But so far, no matter whether it is the news from the Long River of Time or the Gate of Rising Clouds, there is no deeper understanding of this origin.

I don't know why there are so many special areas.

To say before, Chen Feng would not care too much, after all, there are some special areas in most origins.

But through some previous experiences, Chen Feng saw that the powerful existence in the special area can already threaten himself.

If the other special areas in this origin can also reach this level, then the existence of this origin has to make people feel puzzled.

"Otherwise, let's look for other special areas." Lei Ting Zhenjun suggested.

"Since we are here, we must take a good look. Even if the area we are going to next time is more dangerous, we can't escape." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood why the Gate of Origin did not send a large army to kill like before, but sent people to investigate the enemy first, because this origin is indeed too dangerous.

Think about it, the previous nine magic arrays alone can turn so many Hunyuan into puppets.

If the Gate of Origin directly sent out a large army, that area alone would cause heavy losses to the army.

"Although the opponent's magic array was broken by us, I think it will be restored soon. It's just a change of position. In the next period of time, it will still pose a huge threat to the adventurers who come here." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng and Lei Ting Zhenjun communicated with each other, and walked casually in this origin.

Finally met a local life.

It was also because the two did not restrain themselves that they attracted the attention of local life.

Naturally, they were also beings of the same level.

"Above ordinary Hunyuan."

"At least they have reached this level, so they should know more."

The two decided to get some information about the origin of this place from each other, but they were a little disappointed.

The other party was not a pure local life, but an outside adventurer, but he had been here for a long time and was no longer much different from the local life.

As for the other party's understanding of the origin of this place, it was indeed a little, but it was not of much use to Chen Feng and the others.

Because the two knew the true face of the origin of this place, and the other party obviously did not know much, and even this cultivator had an experience of being trapped in a special area, and this period of time was long enough.

Of course, the other party must have some concealment, and Chen Feng and Lei Ting Zhenjun did not ask too much about this.

However, from the other party's mouth, the two still knew the location of some special areas.

If there is any benefit, it is that Chen Feng and the others can save some time.

After parting with the other party, Chen Feng and Lei Ting Zhenjun also communicated secretly.

Should he continue to explore little by little using his own methods, or should I follow the other party's instructions and go directly to find the special area.

"Don't worry, we can move forward slowly in the direction specified by the other party. I always feel that in addition to the special area, there should be other secrets in this origin. I have a hunch that I will stay in this origin for a long enough time next." Chen Feng said.

"My clone is back, and the purpose has been achieved. There is nothing to do next, so I will walk around in this origin and hope to gain something." Thunder Lord said.

Chen Feng understood that Thunder Lord must have other things, and it is impossible for him to come here in person for a clone. Besides, it must be Thunder Lord's intention for the clone to enter this origin to explore.

In fact, Chen Feng doesn't care about these things. Doesn't he have other purposes? First, he helps the Gate of Origin to find out the situation here, and then he may bring a large army to invade this origin in the future.

Although Chen Feng has not been here for a long time, Chen Feng has a hunch that the Gate of Origin may not be able to take advantage of it if they add more hands to come here.

Unless a large-scale war is launched, with many origins participating, and multiple soul emperors coming, it is possible to solve this origin.

"Forget it, I think the Gate of Origin should know the situation here. Even if it is not clear, the long river of time will be transmitted back, and it should make the right response." Chen Feng said.

"Two Taoist friends." Just as Chen Feng and Thunder Master were moving forward casually, a special will came from a distance.

"It's a bit strange."

"It's a master."

Although Chen Feng and Thunder Master have not seen each other yet, they can deduce something just through the other party's communication.

"Let's see where the other party comes from. Maybe they are foreign adventurers like us."

"Hey, you dare to come to us alone, and you are not afraid of danger. It seems that you are confident in your own strength."

The two slowed down. A cultivator seemed to be integrated with time and space, and seemed to transcend time and space, giving people an illusion of sight, from far to near, and from near to far.

Chen Feng and Lei Ting Zhenjun only felt a trance, and the other party appeared in front of them.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng asked lightly. The other party did not show his strength, but also showed his strength.

Chen Feng believed that the other party must be well prepared, just like Lei Ting Zhenjun.

"I am the second generation, and I have met the two Taoist friends." The cultivator looked very polite.

"Is there anything for you, fellow Taoists?" Lei Ting Zhenjun asked.

"Originally, it was fine, but when I saw the two Taoist friends, I suddenly felt something in my heart, knowing that we would have a deep cause and effect next, so I came forward to meet you two." The second generation said.

"Cause and effect!" Chen Feng laughed.

At this moment, Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect and the art of destiny to explore.

"Cause and effect can be good or bad, maybe we will be rivals?"

"If that's the case, you've taken the initiative to come to me." Thunder Master's murderous intent flashed.

"You two Taoist friends are full of murderous intent, it seems that there was a fight before, but I really have no ill intentions, I think you should be able to feel my kindness." The second generation said, and the same person didn't care about the two people's prying.

In fact, the actions of Chen Feng and Thunder Master were already a provocation, but the other party pretended not to know.

"There are indeed some causes and effects, but when the other party came to the door, the cause and effect was established, but I saw a very tangled and complicated cause and effect line, which means that we will have a period of communication in the future. This is quite interesting. Has the other party calculated these? If I say that I refuse the other party now, will there be cause and effect in the future?" Chen Feng only took a general look, and it would take more time and energy to analyze the details.

It is obvious that the current situation is not a good opportunity.

Moreover, Chen Feng also saw some things in his destiny. Although it was a little illusory, with various changes and various future trends, combined with the cause and effect, Chen Feng came to a conclusion that the two sides were indeed not enemies.

"I just don't know what Lei Ting Zhenjun saw." Chen Feng had roughly understood the reason why the other party came to him and the other two, which was nothing more than the same situation as Lei Ting Zhenjun before.

If there was really no malice, then Chen Feng would not mind having one more partner.

The premise is that the other party has the strength to stand on equal footing with himself.

At this time, Chen Feng had to think more. First, Lei Ting Zhenjun came, and then another one came.

"Coincidence, or other reasons?" In fact, Chen Feng did not hate this kind of thing. Before this, he had met some friends one after another, either by chance or by chance.

"What do you think, fellow Daoist?" Just when Chen Feng was thinking, he received a message from Lei Ting Zhenjun.

"Let's ask the other party what he thinks first?" Chen Feng said.

"I think the other party should have no malice, and it seems that he is also with us." Lei Ting Zhenjun said.

At this time, the other party continued, "I just came to this origin, and I don't know much about the situation here. I want to find someone to partner with. I calculated that I have a fate with the two Taoist friends, so I spoke rashly."

"It seems that there is no benefit if you don't know this origin." Chen Feng said with some disappointment.

"Isn't it our first time here?" Thunder Master said with a smile.

"Haha, Taoist friend is straightforward. To be honest, we are not sure about taking risks here. With Taoist friends joining, we have more strength. We are more than happy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The atmosphere between the two sides was very harmonious from the beginning. Although they are not too familiar with each other now, it will not take long for them to become partners fighting side by side.

"Although this is my first time to come to this origin, I still know a little about it. I can share the news I know." The second generation looked a little familiar and took the initiative to speak out the news he knew.

"Daoyou know a lot about this origin. Unlike us, we don't know anything about this origin and encountered trouble as soon as we came in. If we had met Taoist friends earlier, we would have been more relaxed before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng and Master Lei Ting did not hide anything and talked about their previous experiences. The two sides exchanged ideas and reached a certain degree of consensus.

"There is also a special area not far ahead. Perhaps we should discuss whether to go in and take a look." Master Lei Ting said.

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