Eternal Existence

Chapter 5274 The Power of Evil

Just as the two of them were moving forward bit by bit, a powerful force rushed out of the nine magic arrays.

It seemed as if they could not bear the pressure of the two people, and the nine magic arrays finally began to explode, taking out the finale.

What came out were actually nine Hunyuan Above, or nine puppets refined by Hunyuan Above.

Because Chen Feng recognized that two of the puppets were the Hunyuan Above he was looking for, he did not expect that the other party would end up like this in a short time after coming in.

Completely lost his will, and became a puppet like a killing tool.

This made Chen Feng sigh, this state is really worse than death.

"Could it be that the legal operation also caused this result?" Chen Feng shook his head, naturally not believing it.

To say that it was just a simple legal operation before, but the appearance of these nine puppets shows that there is a powerful existence behind it controlling everything.

"I was also made into a puppet, but after all, it is my clone, it is not so easy to deal with me." Lei Ting Zhenjun said the special means of direct combat, and sure enough, one of the puppets stopped immediately and fell into a state of confusion and struggle.

Although he was influenced by the Thunder Lord, he still did not immediately put things right.

The Thunder Lord's face was not very good, but this was also considered to have reduced one combat power.

"Be careful, the strength of these puppets seems to be stronger than when they were alive." Thunder Lord reminded Chen Feng.

At this time, there were already puppets killing in front of Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was a little helpless. Among them was the Hunyuan Shang Shang he was looking for.

After all, they were sent by the Gate of Origin. The purpose of his coming this time was to rescue them. Could it be that he had to kill them now?

Moreover, their combat power was greatly improved after becoming puppets, so Chen Feng could not take it lightly.

"Let's suppress them first." Chen Feng did not have the means of putting things right like the Thunder Lord. If the power of the Long River of Time was strong enough, it would be possible, but the power of the Long River of Time had always been intermittent. Now that the two sides were fighting, the connection between the Long River of Time and Chen Feng had problems.

However, just when Chen Feng was thinking about relying on his own means, a strong force of time suddenly burst out, wrapping up the two Hunyuans who rushed in front of Chen Feng. Under the fierce wash, the two Hunyuans began to struggle.

"This creates an opportunity for me." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled the other party into the origin.

Chen Feng did not suppress the other party, because after being isolated by the origin, the state of the two Hunyuans gradually recovered from struggling.

"You stabilize your state first." Seeing that they recovered, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, the people were rescued.

The remaining puppets had nothing to do with him, so Chen Feng was no longer polite and directly used the killer. A puppet with good strength was directly pierced by the Spear of Destiny.

With Chen Feng's current strength and the weapons in his hands, it is easy to deal with opponents of this level.

In a short time, all these puppets that rushed up were severely injured and retreated.

If it weren't for the influence of the power of the magic circle, Chen Feng might be able to kill the opponent.

"These puppets are quite powerful, but they are just for us to practice." When Chen Feng hit his opponent again and again, Thunder Lord was even more violent. Except for his clone, all other puppets were shattered in the thunder.

"Not bad weapons."

Chen Feng looked at the spear in Thunder Lord's hand, which was not inferior to the Spear of Destiny in his hand, especially the attack power was stronger.

However, just as the two were about to deal with these puppets, the magic circle suddenly paused slightly, and nine more puppets rushed over.

"Also, why didn't they kill them together before? This way, they could deal with us better, or there was some reason." Although there were more opponents, Chen Feng did not panic, but instead had more curious thoughts.

However, these thoughts soon dissipated because nine more puppets rushed out.

This time, Chen Feng and Thunder Lord felt a little bad.

"I don't know how long these magic circles have existed, and I don't know how many lives that came here to adventure have been calculated." Chen Feng said with some emotion. At this time, Chen Feng remembered the giant mountain of flesh and blood he had encountered before.

As the top level of cultivators, there are very few above Hunyuan no matter where they are. Even in the previous battle of origin, there were only hundreds of them. Now, there are so many above Hunyuan in just one area of ​​the origin.

Under normal circumstances, these above Hunyuan can completely disrupt the origin of one side, but now they fall into the magic circle.

Chen Feng didn't even know who was behind the scenes.

"This is different from what I thought before. Why don't we withdraw first and avoid the peak for a while." Thunder True Lord was originally very domineering, but suddenly became timid.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy. The opponent's accumulated power has exploded. He must go all out to solve us. If we can't deal with it, we may become puppets." Chen Feng said and suddenly thrust out a spear.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity very well. He made a move at the moment when the magic circle paused. The power of the Spear of Destiny seemed to affect the fate of these magic circles. Just a spear thrust out, one of the magic circles and the other magic circles were separated.

However, nine puppets still jumped out.

"There are nine more Hunyuan above, but now it seems that this array is much weaker." Chen Feng said as the avenue behind him emerged, and the power of origin rushed into the avenue, and actually blocked more than a dozen puppets that rushed up in one breath.

"Group battles, I am too familiar with it." Chen Feng said lightly.

Maybe these puppets are very powerful, but Chen Feng thinks he can still block them in a short time.

A lot of things can be done during this period of time.


Another spear, a big hole appeared in the split array again, the powerful force of fate continued to conflict in the array, and the restrictions in the array collapsed in large areas.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to succeed, suddenly two puppets exploded, generating a destructive force several times stronger than before, and the impact of Chen Feng's avenue could not resist.

And the other array was mixed with the original, and it quickly extended over, and it was about to merge the split array again.

Not far away, the Thunder Lord took action, and a thunder ball flashed into the hole opened by Chen Feng.

Even though Chen Feng was separated from the magic circle, he could still feel the destructive power of thunder.

"This should be the killer of the Thunder Lord, condensed from his own origin. It would be great if there were a few more." Although Chen Feng said this, he still chose to retreat because the magic circle had begun to collapse.

"What a pity!"

Chen Feng shook his head. Such a magic circle actually collapsed. He did not get any benefit at all. Although he used the copying method during the battle, he was not sure whether he could copy it afterwards.

Besides, even if he could copy it, he needed enough materials.

However, Chen Feng also knew that these magic circles were powerful, and it was basically unrealistic to collect the opponent as he had thought before.

Besides, according to the process of fighting with the opponent, even if he used the origin to cover the opponent, the opponent might explode in the end. At that time, both sides would suffer losses, which would also have a huge impact on his origin.

So Chen Feng's goal was no longer to collect the magic circle as before, but to get rid of the opponent.

After all, the magic circle has become a huge threat so far.

Apart from anything else, the number of puppets above the level of Hunyuan that rushed out of the magic circle alone has already made Chen Feng on full alert.

On the other side, Thunder Master had the same idea, otherwise he would not have seized the opportunity to join forces with Chen Feng to break the magic circle.

"After solving this magic circle, we have made a good start. The power of the remaining magic circles should be weakened." Thunder Master said.

"The power has indeed weakened, but the magnitude is not large, which shows that the opponent still has a lot of hidden origins. Although it is a pity to break it, we can still collect the broken energy, which is better than nothing." Chen Feng said.

However, the two sides soon stopped communicating, because those puppets were still very troublesome, and some attacks had already fallen on Chen Feng and Thunder Master.

If it weren't for the super strong defense of the two, they would have been unable to resist.

And through the magic circle that was just blown up, the two also confirmed that there should be no more puppets.

Sure enough, for a period of time, although the remaining magic circles were still running, no puppets rushed out.

"Even so, it is still somewhat shocking that so many Hunyuan have ended up like this." Chen Feng said.

"In this way, we have done a good thing. If we hadn't taken action, I don't know how many adventurers would have died here in the future." Thunder Lord said.

"That's really good. In this case, let's find a way to separate the remaining arrays. As the number of arrays decreases, maybe we can collect one or two arrays." Chen Feng felt that he still needed to try.

Even if we can collect one array, it can be considered a lot of gains.

It's a good idea, but it's hard to say whether it will succeed next.

Chen Feng and Thunder Lord continued to burst out various powerful means. In addition to the weapons in their hands, they were also using their own origins. In addition, there were also original means like the thunder bomb before.

As time went on, both sides had some surprising understandings of each other, and they felt that they underestimated each other.

But this is also good. If the opponent's strength is not strong enough, then I will feel a little disappointed.

Now it is more of an expectation.

Just as Chen Feng used his power to split another magic circle, a very evil force appeared silently.

He didn't know where the other party came from, and Chen Feng didn't notice it at all. When he felt something was wrong again, he had already been entangled.

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