Eternal Existence

Chapter 5266 Wan Dao

"This is the special feature of time. The Gate of Time and Space is a little behind them. However, the Gate of Time and Space also has great potential. Although it has made rapid progress, it is still a little behind the River of Time." Chen Feng carefully understood the situation of the clones of all parties.

These clones are Chen Feng himself. Needless to say, they have the talent for cultivation, but they do not necessarily have the opportunities and luck of Chen Feng himself.

However, the cultivation is still very fast, after all, Chen Feng has laid a good foundation and some help later.

Even so, there are still a few clones who have accidents.

This is also within Chen Feng's expectations.

For many clones, it is still very dangerous to wander in the free space. Maybe one day they will enter some dangerous environment, or encounter some super strong opponents, and it is normal to fall in the end.

But no matter what happened, Chen Feng could understand it clearly by using the causal technique or the time retracing method.

At the beginning, Chen Feng had mobilized other clones to go there to make money. If he really encountered a problem that could not be solved, he could go there himself.

But this time Chen Feng's pattern is different. Chen Feng completely let go of the control of the clones. Even if they are really in danger, Chen Feng will not help.

"Compared to this, the number of clones I left in the control range of the Gate of Origin is still a little more. In fact, now I think there is no need for this." Chen Feng also left some clones in other origins, but the total number is probably not as many as in the Gate of Origin.

Speaking of which, it was quite difficult for Chen Feng to clone in the Gate of Origin.

The strongest clone has actually achieved Chen Feng's original goal and can be completely integrated with Chen Feng's original body.

But now Chen Feng still chooses to delay for some time, because these clones still have enough potential, and he himself has no intention of integrating these clones now.

In addition, Chen Feng himself also needs to practice. In short, according to Chen Feng's thoughts, the opportunity is not here yet.

After understanding the situation of all the clones, Chen Feng also began to move around in the free space.

Speaking of which, although Chen Feng came from a universe in the free space, there are still many places in the entire free space that he has not been to, or in other words, Chen Feng has not been to most of the universes.

When Chen Feng was cultivating in the Savage Universe before, he also walked around, and even his clones walked around, but there were still many areas that he had not explored.

Including many special areas in the Gate of Origin that he had not been to.

Chen Feng recalled his previous experiences and was a little emotional. At that time, in his opinion, these places were boundless.

Unexpectedly, after walking out of the Origin, he saw many origins of all sizes, and even controlled some of them.

However, Chen Feng also understood that the more he knew about the situation in the Gate of Origin, the clearer his understanding of the strength of the Gate of Origin would be.

Of course, Chen Feng also understood that if he walked around casually now, he would definitely alarm the Gate of Origin.

Maybe he is now under the attention of the Gate of Origin.

If it was in the past, when the strength was not too strong, the Gate of Origin might not really care.

But now the Gate of Origin and Chen Feng have reached a point of equal communication. Chen Feng believes that if he walks in the free space, there may not be too much problem. If he walks inside the Gate of Origin, there will be a little pressure on both sides.

"So I'd better see the universes in all directions first. After all, I came out of the universe, and I also practiced the ten thousand ways, and I think there will be some gains in the future." Chen Feng took a step and reached a light-year away.

For Chen Feng, there was no need to deliberately use the wings of God at this time. Just simply rushing on the road could give him a sense of transcendence.

"With my current strength, it won't take long to explore the entire free space. Even if there are some special places, they can't stop me, and some dangerous areas in the past can't block my sight." Chen Feng suddenly stopped, and the energy storm in front of him was in full view in Chen Feng's eyes. There was a group of insect tides in it, which reminded Chen Feng of what happened when he just walked out of the universe.

At the beginning, he struggled in it, and everything he saw now really seemed like an ant. As long as he wanted, he could destroy everything in a flash of thought.

Of course, Chen Feng did not do this, but disappeared silently on the spot.

When Chen Feng appeared again, he had already reached another part of the energy storm. Then Chen Feng took a few steps and came to a base in the free space.

Chen Feng thought about it seriously. He had been to this life base before.

"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."

Chen Feng's thoughts were shrouded, and he even saw a few familiar beings.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I have cultivated to this point, but these people are still here, and even their strength has not improved much." The cultivators who were at the same level as Chen Feng at the time were now too weak in Chen Feng's eyes.

In fact, the situation is also clear. It is impossible to make significant progress in such a place. If you rashly enter the free space, it is also very dangerous.

Staying in such a stronghold to shelter from the wind and rain is actually the final destination of many adventurers. Anyway, their lifespan is very long. Maybe after staying here enough, they will enter the vast free space and give it a try.

Chen Feng sighed and came to the place he had been to before. Because of meeting acquaintances, he felt a sense of time passing, as if he had returned to the past.

At this time, Chen Feng's Avenue of Time fluctuated a little. This was because he had some insights in cultivation. Chen Feng simply stayed here for a while.

But not long after, Chen Feng still chose to leave. Whether Chen Feng came or left, all the practitioners here did not notice it at all.

The strength between the two sides was too different. It seemed that the two sides were not in the same time and space dimension.

Chen Feng found the cultivation insights and decided to go to the place he had been to take another look.

Even if Chen Feng can ignore time and space now, it will take enough time.

You know, Chen Feng has been to many places.

But Chen Feng didn't care about these. Now he just had nothing to do, so walking more was more suitable for cultivation.

The boundless free space in the past has shrunk more than ten thousand times in Chen Feng's view now.

Time passed silently, and Chen Feng kept coming to places he had been to before. Of course, many areas no longer exist. After all, the changes in the free space are too great, and sometimes a storm can wipe out everything.

Even the origin of one side will be destroyed.

Not every place has gains, but there are also some places where Chen Feng will stop and have some insights.

However, this kind of insight is only in the early stage, and it will be difficult to have such a situation later.

Chen Feng was not disappointed. During this period, Chen Feng was not only simply looking for the old place, but also practicing. The gains brought by the previous origin war and the powerful existence of suppression all require Chen Feng to spend some energy.

However, Chen Feng first studied various avenues, especially the avenue of killing and the avenue of ten thousand calamities. As for the avenue of blinding of the old man in the spiritual realm, although Chen Feng had some clues, it was not the same thing when practicing. Even if he had plundered some blinding power before, Chen Feng felt that it was far worse than other attribute powers.

"Strange, even if it is the opponent's natural power, I can feel it." Chen Feng felt a little incredible.

You know, even if it is the real power, Chen Feng has successfully opened up the real avenue. Even because he collected a lot of real power before, Chen Feng's attainments in the real avenue have been advancing by leaps and bounds. Chen Feng thought that if he completely refined and absorbed the real power in stock, he would not be so embarrassed when facing the old man in the spiritual realm, and he could resist it to some extent.

The Wanjie Avenue was successfully opened up, and the progress was not fast or slow, but it was also rewarding for Chen Feng.

The speed of progress in the killing avenue was slightly faster, which was also related to Chen Feng's occasional fighting.

"After the practice here is over, I will visit the Wandao Emperor." Chen Feng had such an idea.

Although he has opened up many avenues and has sorted and gathered them again and again in the past, Chen Feng has always believed that there is no problem with his way of practice before meeting the Wandao Emperor.

In fact, it is true. The method is fine, and the direction of the avenue is fine, but more changes are still needed.

"If the Wan Dao Emperor is sincere in his guidance, then my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. However, before that, I need to collect some powers of different attributes. After all, power does not appear out of thin air. If it can appear with illusions, then it is the avenue of illusion." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In addition, the Wan Dao Emperor had only used part of the power of the avenue before, which always gave Chen Feng a feeling of ease.

This shows that the Wan Dao Emperor still has a lot of power that has not been exerted. Chen Feng is very curious about how many avenues the other party has opened up.

Although he knew that ten thousand was just a general number, Chen Feng still had to guess that the other party would not really open up ten thousand avenues.

"If that's the case, how much energy would it take to do one thing for all? Even if there is this method, it must be gathered and communicated with the main body." Chen Feng was a little depressed before that he could not practice the blinding avenue, but this time he changed his direction, and after continuous deepening, the phantoms of the avenues emerged behind him.

At first, only the avenues that had made breakthroughs would appear, and later, even the avenues that Chen Feng ignored were released.

Until all the phantoms of the avenue emerged, there really was a feeling of thousands of streams converging, and Chen Feng became the source of the confluence of thousands of streams.

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