Eternal Existence

Chapter 5262: Coming to Die Again

Dealing with the opponent's clone first is also a heavy blow to the opponent.

After a fight, the opponent's original body was still the first to be blown up, and it was the Soul Emperor who did it.

Chen Feng and Mie Jue did not grab the benefits as before, but entangled the opponent's clone tightly.

"It's been blown up twice, I wonder if you can still rush out." Chen Feng sneered.

The Killing Emperor fought desperately, and the killing aura condensed into substance, which may be the strongest state of cultivation so far.

But it was useless, who let Chen Feng and others be so strong.

Chen Feng finally seized the opportunity and stabbed the opponent with a spear, but it was not fatal. However, Chen Feng also had helpers. The Gate of Time and Space appeared out of thin air and directly pulled the clone of the Killing Emperor into it.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the Gate of Time and Space to trap this powerful opponent, even if the opponent is just a clone, but it is also extremely powerful.

However, there are good fortune and evil swamps in the Gate of Time and Space, plus the two origin mountains provided by Chen Feng, so there is no problem in suppressing the opponent.

Seeing Chen Feng solve a clone, Miejue and Tu Lu were a little envious, but soon Chen Feng just helped them.

No matter what, Miejue and Tu Lu helped a lot, and Chen Feng was not the kind of person who didn't know what was good for him, so Chen Feng planned to give this clone to the two of them.

Sure enough, after a fight, the clone of the Killing Emperor was blown up, and Miejue and Tu Lu hurriedly suppressed the other's body.

But this time it didn't work, because things changed again.

The old man in the spirit realm who left before came again.

In fact, Chen Feng knew that the Killing Emperor must have something to do with the old man in the spirit realm, otherwise he would not come to rescue.

At this time, the Killing Emperor was about to fall, and the old man in the spirit realm naturally came to help.

"It's not the right time." Chen Feng sighed. Since the old man in the spirit realm came, the Killing Emperor would not die.

What a pity!

It's really a pity.

However, Chen Feng still took the initiative to rush forward, wanting to entangle the other party for a while. Who knew that this time the old man in the spiritual realm did not entangle with Chen Feng at all. He flashed in front of the God of Nothingness and covered the God of Nothingness with a powerful blinding force.

Forcing the God of Nothingness to retreat had actually opened a gap, but the old man in the spiritual realm still attacked the Emperor of the Heart.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's thoughts turned in his mind, and he and Miejue continued to kill the clone of the Emperor of Killing.

This time it was successful, and the clone of the Emperor of Killing exploded again, and all the benefits were given to Miejue and Tu Lu, and the two became more and more satisfied.

On the other side, the original body of the Emperor of Killing had escaped the crisis, but was also severely injured. In addition, his own clone fell, and the murderous aura in the heart of the Emperor of Killing almost condensed into substance.

A simple clone is nothing, but a clone that is so powerful that it is almost close to the original body is not so easy to cultivate.

This was originally the trump card of the Emperor of Killing, but it was gone this time.

And if the old man in the spiritual realm had not come, his original body would also fall.

After thinking about this, the old man in the spiritual realm regretted it a little. If he had known not to participate, he would have been seriously injured so far, and his subordinates must have suffered many casualties. This time he suffered a great loss.

In another fight, the Soul Emperor showed his powerful means, confronting the old man in the spiritual realm face to face, and he didn't care about the old man's blinding power.

Although the old man in the spiritual realm could also resolve the spiritual attack, he didn't seem to be so calm.

In addition, the God of Nothingness attacked on the side, and the old man in the spiritual realm retreated step by step, so he had to leave this place with the Emperor of Killing.

The Soul Emperor did not chase, but observed the battlefield for a while, and suddenly rushed towards the collapsed origin of the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng also noticed that the various forces that had fought before rushed in one direction, in order to divide the collapsed origin of the spiritual realm.

At this time, whether it was an ally or an enemy, everyone had the same goal.

"Since we can't completely solve the opponent, it's time to leave." Chen Feng said.

"But it will take some time."

Chen Feng did not participate in it. The origin of the spiritual realm was over. As for whether the old man of the spiritual realm would retaliate next, it was not within Chen Feng's consideration. Besides, maybe these masters were also thinking about joining forces to kill the old man of the spiritual realm.

After all, the threat of the old man of the spiritual realm was still very strong.

"And the Soul Emperor, where will he go after this matter is over? It's a pity that the relationship with him is still average, otherwise he can win him over to fight against the Emperor Wanjie and others." Chen Feng thought of several opponents he had made before, and he felt a little headache.

However, this time the movement was so big, and the other party did not show up. It seems that the injury has not recovered yet.

"I don't know what will happen when I meet them next time." Chen Feng sighed.

Extinction and Slaughter said hello to Chen Feng and went to reunite with the Death Clan. Chen Feng also noticed that the strongest death life he had fought before was still alive and well. Not only that, there was another equally powerful death life.

"I thought the old man of the spiritual realm had dealt with them." Chen Feng was a little curious about the previous situation.

According to the development of the previous events, Chen Feng believed that even if the old man in the Spirit Realm did not solve the other party, he had temporarily eliminated some hidden dangers.

Who knew that these two powerful death creatures were actually fine.

"Did they reach an agreement?" Chen Feng had this thought, but it felt a little impossible. If the two sides really reached an agreement, relying on the old man in the Spirit Realm and these masters of the Death Clan, this should be the most powerful force, and the origin of the Spirit Realm would not collapse.

"I don't know what happened? But there is no need to explore these. Our side is the strongest now." There is the God of Nothingness and the Great Mind Emperor, as well as the enemy's enemy, the Great Emperor of Wandao, and the Gate of Origin has always been Paying attention to the situation here, Chen Feng believed that there would be no more danger.

Unless a master of the same level appears, Chen Feng believes that even if a master of that level does appear, it is still uncertain whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Chen Feng has been paying attention to the situation of the origin of the spiritual realm. He watched helplessly as this origin was divided up. There were naturally some conflicts in the process. The ordinary Hunyuan was somewhat damaged, but those top-level beings had been restrained and did not fight. .

Chen Feng could see that the old man in the spiritual realm was angry, but he was suppressing his anger, because everyone was carving up this origin. If the old man in the spiritual realm broke out, he would be an enemy of everyone, which would be miserable.

"This time we should take this opportunity to join forces to deal with the old man in the spiritual realm. If we miss such a good opportunity, we will be the unlucky ones in the future." Chen Feng thought this way.

Can you cultivate to this point? Could it be that you still can't see it? Or is it because no one took action first?

Just when Chen Feng was confused, Wandao Emperor broke out first and rushed directly towards the Killing Emperor.

You must know that the Killing Emperor was very miserable before. It can be said that his vitality was seriously injured. If it weren't for the spiritual realm old man, then the Killing Emperor would really be dead. However, he did not leave and followed the spiritual realm old man. After all, an existence of this level only needs to The immortal combat power is still far superior to those of ordinary Hunyuan.

"court death!"

The old man in the spirit realm was furious and immediately wanted to stop him, but was stopped by the Great Spirit Emperor and the God of Nothingness.

Not only that, the two most powerful death beings also came to kill them from both sides.

For a time, the old man in the spiritual realm was in crisis.

"Fortunately, the previous Tianlun Zhenjun ran away. It would have caused some trouble if the other party stayed, but speaking of which, the old man in the spirit realm also has some friends." Chen Feng's eyes flickered and he looked at another force.

It was a long river of time looming in the void. The opponent was not just a long river of time, but there was also a master and hundreds of Hunyuan in the long river, who was also an extraordinary force.

However, after they divided up the origin of the spiritual realm, they did not participate in the siege of the old man in the spiritual realm. They seemed to want to wait for both sides to kill each other to the death, and then move forward to take advantage.

"It's such a simple thing if you want to get a bargain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt the crisis, and at the same time, the power of time appeared in front of him, and then exploded, and a huge wheel crashed down.

"Master Tianlun!"

Chen Feng's heart moved, but he didn't expect that Tianlun Zhenjun, who was seriously injured and escaped, shot back with a carbine.

Moreover, the opponent couldn't afford to offend other masters, so he chose to sneak attack Chen Feng. This was really an act of flexibility.

No matter what, Chen Feng and the other party had a big feud, so it was normal for the other party to take action.

But your injury was so serious before, you should hide and recuperate. Now that you show up, it is possible that you are really back to your peak condition.

Chen Feng didn't believe this.

"You are really looking for death." Chen Feng said with a smile. Avenues have been extended. This time, instead of condensing clones like before, they directly used the avenues to form a large formation, hoping to suppress the opponent.

By doing this, Chen Feng gained confidence in his own strength, and he also wanted to see how far the other party had recovered.

As a result, things changed again. Before Lord Tianlun had time to confront Chen Feng head-on, the Wheel of Destruction appeared and blocked the Heavenly Wheel. The Sword of Ending and the Spear of All Evils attacked Lord Tianlun from the left and right. .

In this way, Chen Feng felt relaxed, but then he stabbed out with the Spear of Destiny.

After fighting for several rounds, the Spear of Destiny stabbed the True Lord Tianlun. At the same time, the Great Dao suppressed him, and coupled with the attacks of the Sword of Ending and the Spear of All Evils, he saw True Lord Tianlun collapse again.

At the critical moment, the old man in the spirit realm appeared, and a strong force of deception swept around, forcing Lin Feng's side to retreat continuously.

Chen Feng was startled by the appearance of the old man in the spiritual realm out of thin air, but then he knew that it was the clone of the old man in the spiritual realm.

"I forgot about this." Chen Feng thought to himself, but Chen Feng also knew that even if he was on guard, it would be useless. With the opponent's strength here, there would be no problem in rescuing True Lord Tianlun.

However, Chen Feng and the Sword of Ending's reaction was not slow. They just had one more clone, so let's kill them together.

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