Eternal Existence

Chapter 5243 The Existence of Evil

Anyway, the opponent left. In fact, the River of Time also appeared. Although it was only a little bit of power, it also changed the situation before. In this way, Chen Feng's side began to gain the upper hand.

Only then did he return to the origin of the corrosive energy, and the clone that had come out to suppress one side disappeared again.

However, although the opponent's River of Time left, the surrounding power still existed and continued to attack Chen Feng's origin, and those above the Hunyuan did not retreat at all.

"It will still be a fierce battle if it goes on like this." Chen Feng knew that he could not quickly deal with the situation in his eyes, even if the River of Time came.

Even if he could completely defeat the opponent, his side would have to pay a price at that time.

But war is like this. If you want to solve the opponent without paying anything, unless the strength gap between the two sides is very large.

"What does the Gate of Origin think?" Chen Feng asked the River of Time.

"It is mainly to deal with that person of my kind. The opponent's strength is stronger than mine. The opponent's power of time covers many origins and leaves some branches. If you want to solve the opponent, you can only start little by little. This side of the origin has a branch of the opponent." The River of Time said.

"I didn't intend to attack the other party. Who knew that this origin would actually destroy the passage arranged by the Gate of Origin? There is my power in that passage, and the other party has also noticed my existence. The fight between the two sides is inevitable. The Gate of Origin not only found you, but also used some power to deal with other origins." Time River said simply.

Chen Feng understood everything. In this way, the Gate of Origin really attaches great importance to Time River.

But think about it. Time River may be the number one existence under the Gate of Origin. Naturally, we have to help Time River plunder benefits, so that we can also improve ourselves.

But Chen Feng became the pioneer of one of them.

But think about it again. Some benefits have fallen into my hands before. In the future, whether it is the Avenue of Time or the Avenue of Destiny, there will be breakthroughs. So there was some dissatisfaction before this action, but now it has disappeared.

Being able to obtain benefits is the most real.

"It's a pity that the other party escaped." Chen Feng said again.

"It's not so easy to escape. My body will stop the other party." Time River said.

"I hope you can succeed and evolve into real life in the future. Otherwise, you will never be free. But I have some doubts about whether you have evolved into real life. Everything I see is the appearance you let me see." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It is not so easy to evolve into life, but I have indeed found some ways, and I will definitely succeed in the future." Time Changhe said.

Time Changhe's words seemed to be responding to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng felt that the other party was still not telling the truth.

However, Chen Feng did not ask further. Everyone has their own secrets and it is impossible to tell everything to each other.

Although it was the Gate of Origin that asked him to come here, he also agreed, and if it were not for Time Changhe to help, it would be really difficult to solve the opponent.

"So can we leave at any time now?" Chen Feng asked.

"If you want to leave, of course there is no problem, but others may have to stay." Time Changhe said.

Chen Feng knew that those above Hunyuan still had to stay to act as pioneers. If he did not sit in charge, these above Hunyuan would definitely suffer heavy casualties, and they might even be wiped out.

So Chen Feng just asked and didn't leave for the time being, but he had this plan in mind.

If he really couldn't get any benefit by continuing, then he would naturally consider leaving this place.

Whether it was killing the Hunyuan here or collecting the energy here, it would be a big gain.

But compared with the previous origin adventure and the gains in the long river of time, Chen Feng looked down on these.

It's not that the energy here is of bad quality, but it's too weird and can burn. The collection process is not smooth. Even if it is collected, it is suppressed, and it takes more experience to refine it after suppression.

But then again, it's because the origin energy here is special, so Chen Feng also wants to collect some. It doesn't matter if he spends some effort. It's better than ordinary ideas.

Of course, this is Chen Feng's comfort for not leaving this place.

The origin of corrosive energy suddenly expanded, and those burning origin energies were forced to retreat, and some were wrapped by the origin.

After all, the origin controlled by Chen Feng can have a strong corrosive power, which exceeds many other origins.

Just now, it was just a tug-of-war with the opponent. In fact, Chen Feng has been mobilizing and accumulating this corrosive power. When it explodes at this time, the opponent will naturally be unable to resist.

In addition, the opponent has no help from the Long River of Time. It is difficult for the ordinary origin of one side to deal with Chen Feng and other outsiders.

Besides, Chen Feng has made such a big move, and it is very impressive that the opponent can persist until now.

So far, Chen Feng also understands the opponent's final means, or conventional means, that is, special origin energy and a very objective number of Hunyuan.

"That's it, it's just an ordinary origin touched by the Long River of Time." Chen Feng thought so.

The two sides fought for a while, and these Hunyuan were damaged, but instead of retreating, they became more crazy and even started to fight desperately.

This is different from some situations that Chen Feng has encountered in the past. After all, most of the Hunyuan will not fight for one side's origin.

Moreover, the origin energy here is also burning more fiercely. If it was burned in parts before, it is now burning in large quantities, just like the Hunyuan, it doesn't care at all, just thinking about how to severely injure these outsiders.

"There is no need to fight with them." Chen Feng's corrosion energy origin began to shake violently. Under the powerful force, Chen Feng was a little out of control.

If this goes on, even if he can solve the opponent, his own corrosion energy origin will suffer heavy losses.

It's not worth it.

"Then it's time to leave." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that there is a powerful force behind all this." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

"It doesn't matter, unless the other party can be found immediately, or the current situation can be changed immediately." Chen Feng said.

"I'll try again." After asking Chen Feng for consent, the Long River of Time continued to merge with the Law of Replication.

So the tentacles of the Law of Replication began to extend violently, and it seemed that it was going to cover the entire origin. If the other party couldn't control it, it could even control the entire origin.

Chen Feng really expected this to happen, but soon he discovered a hidden force in the dark.

This force was very powerful and evil. At first, Chen Feng thought it was the will of this origin, but after a short and quick confrontation between the two sides, he no longer thought so.

"What is the other party?" Chen Feng was curious.

"There is a part of the original energy, and a part of the power of time and the power of destiny, but the core is a part of the evil power. This fusion of multiple forces is not sure whether it is created or one of the forces is dominant." Time Changhe said.

After finding the other party, he had already used means to lock the other party, making it impossible for the other party to hide.

"Deal with him." Chen Feng said, suddenly vibrating the origin of corrosive energy and moving the Hunyuan above out.

No matter where they go to fight, Chen Feng can now better control the origin of corrosive energy.

What Chen Feng has to do is to go all out and capture this existence, wanting to see what ability the other party has to secretly drive this origin.

Speaking of which, what Chen Feng hates most is this kind of existence that plots behind the scenes, so it would be best if he could seize the opportunity to solve the other party in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng broke through the void and instantly arrived in front of the other party. Chen Feng noticed that the other party was emitting invisible power fluctuations from time to time. These power fluctuations seemed to be integrated into this origin, but in fact they were controlling this origin.

"Who are you? I don't think you are the will of this origin?" Chen Feng asked. Before the other party answered, Chen Feng had already launched an attack.

The origin of corrosive energy directly suppressed the other party.

As long as you fall into your own origin, you can't run away.

Chen Feng hasn't used such a sinister sneak attack for a long time, and even the evil existence in front of him didn't expect it.

However, the other party reacted quickly and used various means to deal with it at the critical moment.

First, the method of time retracing was used, which had a little effect, but was cracked by the long river of time, and then the law of destiny was used, and at the same time, the power of such origin was used, but it was still covered by the origin of corrosive energy.

However, the next moment, the other party released evil power, which actually corroded Chen Feng's origin and took the opportunity to rush out.

This made Chen Feng feel incredible. The origin he mastered originally had a strong corrosive power. Who knew that the other party was so evil.

At this moment, Chen Feng thought of the Death Clan. Although the two did not have the same power, their power was extremely strong and pure.

"Sure enough, it is based on evil. It seems that you are hiding in the dark, not only devouring the will of this origin, but also stealing the power of the Long River of Time and the Long River of Destiny. I don't believe they can't find you, or they have already discovered your existence and just deliberately let you grow." Chen Feng guessed.

"Friend, we don't interfere with each other. This time you took the lead in invading my territory. It's not too much for me to launch a counterattack." The other party also responded.

"It's said to be an invasion, so what else is there to say? Now I have found you out, do you think you can still run away?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You can't do anything to me. I can leave at any time. At worst, I will give up this origin. Anyway, I have got what I need." This evil existence didn't care about Chen Feng's threat.

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