Eternal Existence

Chapter 513 Liu Mufeng

"Such a powerful blood power. No wonder he said the lowest level is Earth Immortal. Anyway, the blood of Human Immortal doesn't have this kind of power." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, blood-thirsty poisonous mosquitoes rushed towards Chen Feng, but before they got close to Chen Feng, they were burned to ashes by the five elements fire released by Chen Feng. Fire is undoubtedly the most effective way to deal with such mosquitoes.

"Brother Chen, there are many masters here. We must be careful." At this time, Bai Yunyan followed up. Chen Feng understood what Bai Yunyan meant. These blood-thirsty poisonous mosquitoes were not a big threat. The threat was to other cultivators, especially to Chen Feng, who might be more vulnerable to attack. You know, there are countless cultivators in the entire Beiyuan cultivation world who want to capture and kill Chen Feng.


The lake water exploded, and a ball of blood-red lake water flew up, then fell into Chen Feng's hands and disappeared. Of course, this was just what others saw, and the real situation was that this ball of lake water had already reached the Longevity Tower, and was caught in the tower's hands, and was analyzing its components.

"There seem to be some spiritual medicines by the lake. Let's go and have a look." Bai Yunyan said.


When Chen Feng and the others arrived at the lake, they saw two monks fighting for a blood-red flower.

"It's the Blood Soul Flower." Bai Yunyan said in surprise.

"This is a good thing." Chen Feng said as he rushed directly to the blood-red flower and pulled it up with one hand. Waves of impact force emanated from the flower, stirring up Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

When the two people who were fighting saw that the things they were trying to rob were taken away, they immediately stopped fighting and attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

One of them used palm thunder, and thunder and lightning rolled when he waved his hand, which contained powerful thunder power. The other used a long sword with great destructive power. The sword energy was crisscrossed, cutting through the space, constantly cutting, trying to cut Chen Feng into pieces.

"A cultivator of the fifth level of heaven and man, a cultivator of this level can also break in here." Chen Feng quickly saw through the two people's strengths and weaknesses, and was a little surprised, but Chen Feng did not hesitate to act, and directly hit the sword of death. Just one sword made the two people spit blood and fly backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Sacred weapon!"

"Sixth-grade sacred weapon!"

Chen Feng's move immediately alarmed some cultivators, of course not because of Chen Feng's strength, but because of the sacred weapon in Chen Feng's hand.

Feeling the pressure emanating from the sword of death in Chen Feng's hand just now, some people were terrified, some were envious, some were jealous, and some people even showed greed in their eyes.

Chen Feng stepped forward, collected the space bags on the two people, and then turned his eyes to other cultivators, feeling the soul power sweeping over him. Chen Feng sneered in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm and indifferent, as if he didn't take the cultivators present seriously.

"Chen Feng!"

"It's Chen Feng who is wanted by Jiuxiao Palace."

"Hey, I know this little guy. Is he a disciple of Taiyi Sect? But why is he walking with the disciples of Liuyun Pavilion?"

"Junior Sister Bai, you are here too." At this time, a tall and handsome young monk came to Bai Yunyan.

Sword-like eyebrows, star-like pupils, straight nose, firm face, a white light armor, hair tied into a crown, wearing a valuable jade pendant, and a simple long sword hanging from his waist. His appearance and temperament are both top-notch. The occasional aura he exudes makes Chen Feng alert. However, the man's eyes when looking at Bai Yunyan are filled with admiration, but when looking at Chen Feng, it is not the same. The occasional flash of murderous intent was captured by Chen Feng alertly, which made Chen Feng feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, this guy looks much better than me! But he seems to be hostile to me. I wonder if it's because of Bai Yunyan, or because of the wanted order of Jiuxiao Palace, or he just wants to kill me, robbing me?" Chen Feng thought in his heart. Although he was a little alert, he didn't take the other party seriously. The eighth-level cultivator of the Heavenly Man could not cause much trouble to Chen Feng. If he angered Chen Feng, at most he would waste some energy and mobilize the Longevity Tower to shock him to death.

"Senior Brother Liu!" Bai Yunyan bowed respectfully.

"Haha, I've said it so many times, Junior Sister Bai doesn't need to be so polite in front of me. I originally planned to look for Junior Sister Bai as soon as I entered the secret realm, but the space here is too big, and I simply have no clue. Fortunately, I met Junior Sister now. Junior Sister, let's leave here first. Don't be with this kind of person, so as not to bring trouble to yourself." Liu Mufeng said quickly.

"Senior Brother Liu, let me introduce you. This is Senior Brother Chen Feng from Taiyi Sect, and this is Senior Brother Liu Mufeng from our sect." Bai Yunyan's eyes flashed with displeasure after hearing Liu Mufeng's words, but she still stepped forward to introduce them.

"No need to introduce, I know this guy, Chen Feng, a fugitive from Taiyi Sect, who has now offended Jiuxiao Palace. Hehe, in my opinion, he won't live long. Junior Sister, you should stay away from him and don't get into trouble." Liu Mufeng sneered at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this. This guy looked good, but it was not good for him to keep targeting him. However, Chen Feng didn't say anything for Bai Yunyan's sake, but just stepped back a distance.

"Did I let you go, Junior Sister? Stay away. I'll teach this guy a lesson." Liu Mufeng stepped forward and stopped Bai Yunyan behind him. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Feng. A finger wind attacked Chen Feng. Although it seemed a bit casual, Chen Feng clearly felt the powerful force condensed in the finger wind.


The finger wind suddenly exploded in front of Chen Feng, and then turned into countless sword qi, densely covering Chen Feng's whole body.

Such a sinister attack really scared Chen Feng, but at this time, the protective armor hidden under Chen Feng's skin emerged under Chen Feng's urging, wrapping Chen Feng up completely, and all these sword qi were blocked without a trace.

After just blocking for a while, the protective armor disappeared into Chen Feng's body again, but Chen Feng knew that it would be difficult to activate this treasure again in a short time.

"Hey, this guy named Liu Mufeng has good cultivation, but he is too arrogant. In this case, I can't be polite." After blocking Liu Mufeng's attack, Chen Feng's Zhoutian force suddenly surged out, and quickly condensed into a solid palm, grabbed the Death Sword and slashed at Liu Mufeng.

"Hmph, are you the only one with a holy weapon? Look at my Liufeng Holy Sword!" The ancient long sword was pulled out, and the long sword full of spiritual energy slashed at Chen Feng's Death Sword.

"Hey, it's just a first-grade holy weapon, you don't know whether to live or die." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and urged the Death Sword to slash heavily.


The two holy weapons collided with each other, and then the Liufeng Holy Sword was chopped off, and at the same time it hit Liu Mufeng heavily. Liu Mufeng flew backwards with blood spurting from his mouth. This was because Chen Feng had retained some strength, otherwise he would have killed Liu Mufeng.

Liu Mufeng was only at the eighth level of the Heavenly Man Realm, and with a first-grade holy weapon, it would be amazing if he could block the attack of the sixth-grade holy weapon. Although Chen Feng could not exert the full power of the holy weapon, Liu Mufeng also only exerted a part of the power of the Flowing Wind Holy Sword.

"Brother Liu, are you okay?" Bai Yunyan stepped forward to catch Liu Mufeng. No matter what, they were all from the same sect, and Bai Yunyan naturally could not watch Liu Mufeng die in front of her.


Chen Feng's figure flashed in front of Liu Mufeng. At this time, Liu Mufeng was still spurting blood from his mouth. The Flowing Wind Holy Sword also fell to the ground. There were cracks on the sword, the luster was dim, and it was severely damaged.

"You, you!" Liu Mufeng opened his mouth, and the blood gushing out of his mouth was mixed with fragments of his internal organs. His internal organs were also severely damaged by the previous attack.

"Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a disciple of a famous sect. You are not dead like this. Do you think I should add another sword?" Chen Feng smiled and counted with the sword of death.

Looking at Chen Feng's smiling face, Liu Mufeng's eyes flashed with a trace of fear. Perhaps it was because of the potential in his body that Liu Mufeng stood up by himself.

"It's not that easy to kill me." Liu Mufeng finally said a complete sentence.

"What's the matter? Do you still want to self-destruct? Otherwise, I can easily kill you with one sword." Chen Feng laughed.

"Brother Chen, forget it. Brother Liu is my fellow disciple of Liuyun Pavilion after all. He has been seriously injured by you. There is no need to kill again." Bai Yunyan said immediately.

"Well, for the sake of Sister Bai, I won't kill you. Keep your eyes open in the future. Fortunately, I met you this time. If it were other cultivators, seeing your arrogant look, I'm afraid they would kill you." Chen Feng said lightly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Mufeng felt that his self-esteem was hit. He couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a stream of blood again, and his breath became weaker.

"Who dares to hurt our disciples of Liuyun Pavilion?" At this time, a charming and beautiful woman who looked about 30 years old flew over like a white cloud, came to Liu Mufeng, stretched out her hand and sent out a stream of true energy, Liu Mufeng stopped spitting blood, and the injuries on his body recovered quickly.

"Hello, Senior Sister Shangguan." Bai Yunyan was shocked and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Humph!" The beautiful woman just snorted coldly, ignored Bai Yunyan, and took out a pill to heal Liu Mufeng's wounds.

"A cultivator of the ninth level of heaven and man." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, thinking that there would be no more fighting, so he secretly began to mobilize his strength, thinking that if the other party was looking for trouble, he would use a big move to suppress the other party as soon as he came up.

"Are you Chen Feng? You dared to hurt our people in Liuyun Pavilion, do you know your crime? Now hand over the long sword in your hand immediately as an apology, maybe I can reduce your punishment next time." The beautiful woman looked at Chen Feng and said lightly.

"Hahahahahaha!" After hearing this, Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing.

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