Eternal Existence

Chapter 5128: Start trying

"The second method is good, but if this is the case, wouldn't it immediately alarm the origin? Don't forget that we didn't come here for this ancient tree of chaos." Chen Feng spoke at this time.

"How can we take the good things here without taking action? Are we just here to take a look?" Someone from the Primordial Chaos said dissatisfiedly.

Because of Chen Feng's attitude, the few people from the Primordial Chaos who joined later had some resistance to Chen Feng.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled: "In this case, I will see if your methods can take this ancient tree of chaos. Of course, if you attract any danger, you will have to bear it yourself."

These people from the Primordial Chaos wanted to say more, but were stopped by the Gourd Venerable: "Fellow Daoists, now is not the time for us to quarrel. Since we have come here, we must naturally cooperate and get the benefits here. This origin is very powerful. We must stick together to deal with the dangers that may arise next."

"I don't care. I don't care whether I can get the benefits or not." Chen Feng said lightly.

Gourd Venerable frowned a little, but he also understood Chen Feng's style. After all, Chen Feng was powerful and had fought with this origin before. He was qualified to look down on these ordinary Hunyuan Above, but he had his own purpose, and these Hunyuan Above were still useful for the time being.

Chen Feng also saw Gourd Venerable's plan to some extent. Of course, all this didn't matter to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng wanted to collect the benefits here, and it didn't matter whether these people present could become helpers.

However, this time, after Gourd Venerable's persuasion, the Hunyuan Above present didn't say anything more.

"My plan is to go further in and let everyone understand the situation here first, especially to find the power that is superior to the origin. If you can find it and get that kind of power, then it is too easy to break the obstacles in front of you and get the Chaos Ancient Tree. Besides, if you really get that kind of power, I think we will look down on this kind of Chaos Ancient Tree." Gourd Venerable said so.

"That's true."

Gourd Venerable's words made others agree.

So under the leadership of Gourd Venerable, they continued to walk forward.

"There are indeed good things here." The Gate of Time and Space was also communicating with Chen Feng in secret.

"There must be good things. I have already felt the existence of that kind of power. What the Gourd Venerable said just now makes sense. If you can get that kind of power, you can quickly break through the previous obstacles. However, in the process of collecting that kind of power, you will also be targeted by this side of the origin. I want to see what means the Gourd Venerable will use next." Chen Feng said.

In the following period of time, everyone saw some Chaos Fruit Trees one after another.

Although the tree species are different, the quality is similar. They all belong to Chaos Spiritual Roots.

"Speaking of which, I haven't transplanted this level of spiritual roots for a long time. I can put it in my inner world or in the origin. Both are good."

Chen Feng has marked the location of these Chaos Ancient Trees and will come back to collect them later.

Now what Chen Feng wants to see most is the power that surpasses the origin that the Gourd Venerable said.

Just as the Gourd Venerable said before, if you can really get that kind of power, then the value will naturally exceed these Chaos Ancient Trees.

"Are there no other resources here besides the Chaos Ancient Tree?" Someone from Hunyuan suddenly said at this time.

"There should be. I encountered a spiritual root here before, but it was not as good as the Condensation Ancient Tree I saw before, so I collected it in the end." Chaos Venerable explained.

Facts have proved that what Hulu Venerable said is also correct, because some spiritual roots were indeed encountered not long after.

Although there are some time and space sky curtains blocking, it is obvious that this kind of spiritual root is not as good as the Chaos Ancient Tree and cannot get the attention of this origin, so someone opened the barrier and got it.

Chen Feng also collected one, feeling good, and put it in his inner world.

After experiencing the Chaos Ancient Tree and some different types of spiritual roots, everyone also encountered some harsh environments.

Of course, this harsh environment is nothing to Hunyuan.

If it is placed in other origins, there may be some powerful Chaos Ancient Beasts and Origin Beasts lurking here, but there are none here.

In this way, this person can be regarded as saving some effort.

Finally, Chen Feng slowed down a little, because Chen Feng knew that the place had arrived.

"Right here I felt the breath beyond the origin, and I also captured some, but later as I continued to increase my strength, I attracted the opponent's counterattack. According to the situation at the time, if I didn't leave, I would be in big trouble, and I might be trapped here." The Gourd Master said and released some power fluctuations.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, it was indeed a power beyond the origin.

However, Chen Feng couldn't be sure how much of this power the Gourd Master had collected? Was it really just a little bit as he said?

And with this period of contact, Chen Feng also found that the Gourd Master had hidden too many things, and he didn't tell himself before, but everyone met by chance and didn't know each other, so it was normal to hide this.

Chen Feng was still calm, but the Hunyuan above present were excited.

Such a powerful force, isn't it what they have been pursuing all along? So they each released their perception and swept around.

Finally, the perception of one of the Hunyuan touched a mysterious area. This area suddenly exploded, and dense patterns emerged. The powerful force seemed to be released from a loophole.

Everyone present, including Chen Feng, felt this breath and trembled.

Chen Feng immediately knew that this was the power beyond the origin.

The Gourd Master did not lie.

Chen Feng secretly compared this power with the power imprint he controlled.

The two should belong to the same grade, but the power he touched this time seemed to be more spiritual.

But this is normal.

After all, this level of power cannot be exerted at its peak in Chen Feng's hands.

I don't know how this strange power exists in front of me, and I don't know how long it has existed here. Is this origin behind it?

There are too many uncontrollable factors.

But none of this is important. What Chen Feng has to do next is to extract this power and master it in his own hands.

Needless to say, the few Hunyuans have joined forces to use their magical powers to sweep the four directions.

The rolling energy dissipated, revealing more lines, powerful power, and aura that kept penetrating. Later, it even wrapped everyone up, as if the power of chaos was constantly sweeping back and forth, making everyone feel pressured.

This has not yet begun to be collected.

Although it was a little excited, the Hunyuans who explored did not lose their direction, knowing that it would not be so easy to collect this kind of power.

"Fellow Taoists, don't be impulsive. We need to join forces next. If we go rashly, it is easy to encounter danger." Hulu Zun said so, and in order to make everyone believe, he released a puppet.

The puppet quickly rushed to one of the lines, with an extremely fast speed, and it could also burst out with powerful power.

Each burst would advance a distance, but when it entered the area, the power surged and directly wrapped the puppet.

Then the puppet was squeezed into pieces.

"Although the puppet I just used cannot reach the state of Hunyuan, its defense is very strong and can withstand the slash of origin-level weapons." said the Gourd Master.

After the demonstration, everyone present understood.

But even if they understood, they had to step forward. Hunyuan Master used a defensive magic to protect himself, and then rushed forward quickly.

The idea of ​​this Hunyuan Master was very simple. Since Hunyuan Master could collect this kind of power, he should be able to do it by using some means. It's nothing more than how much power to collect.

At the same time as Hunyuan Master made a move, the others also began to burst out in all directions.

If everyone makes a move together, the pressure they bear will be shared, so it should be easier to collect benefits.

Chen Feng saw that Hunyuan Master also made a move, and it seemed that he chose a direction at random.

But Chen Feng secretly thought that things should not be so simple.

Hunyuan Master's understanding of various families here must have chosen a better area.

In any case, now they have all made a move, and only Chen Feng stayed where he was. This also surprised the people who made the move, but no one said much.

At this time, everyone has their own choice. If Chen Feng is unwilling to take action, then naturally he will not be able to gain any benefits.

Then a powerful force erupted, and the defense of the first person who rushed forward was directly defeated.

However, this person successfully escaped, although he did not gain any benefits and was not injured.

But someone was injured.

Chen Feng did not go forward, but kept observing everyone, so he saw it more clearly.

Including the Gourd Master, the attacks suffered by these adventurers were actually different.

One of the adventurers was pierced through the body by a beam of light.

That beam of light had a strong penetrating power and easily broke through the opponent's defense.

However, these people above the Hunyuan finally escaped unscathed, even if they were injured, they were not serious, and even the one who was pierced through the body successfully repaired the wound.

Chen Feng noticed that except for the Gourd Master who grabbed some energy, the six adventurers all gained nothing.

However, these adventurers were not disappointed. Just now, it was just the first time to take action. Since it failed, then they just need to continue to take action next time. There will definitely be a time of success.

It would be enough to grab a little bit of this power.

So although they were a little envious of the energy fluctuations in the hands of the Gourd Master, no one dared to make any plans, or there was no need to have any bad intentions now.

"Why didn't Daoist friend take action just now?" Gourd Master looked at Chen Feng with some curiosity. He didn't understand why Chen Feng could be so calm and hold back from taking action in the face of such energy.

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