Eternal Existence

Chapter 5116: Becoming More Skilled

Chen Feng waved his long sword to resist. Although he defeated Chang Bian, the powerful force also made Chen Feng retreat again and again. He was concentrated by other long whips without paying attention.

A force similar to corrosion began to invade Chen Feng's body, and at the same time, the silk net behind Chen Feng also swept in reverse, wrapping Chen Feng in it.

But the next moment, Chen Feng burst into dazzling sword light, and all the attacks were broken into pieces. The domain that Chen Feng had prepared long ago was even more overlapping, blooming around Chen Feng as the center.

This time Chen Feng stood in his own territory and had a brief relief.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also paying attention to the situation of others.

Yuan Yi had already used the origin that he had just opened up, which was also the strongest means.

It looked like he was alone in a small boat in the raging sea, and the situation was precarious.

Chen Feng swung a sword and cut a crack. Yuan Yi took the opportunity to rush in front of Chen Feng.

In addition, those dead lives used more explosive means, and the breath of death invaded everywhere. The strongest dead life had already started to attack a law.

These laws are connected to each other, and the power is even more intertwined, so it is not so easy to extract.

Chen Feng had already understood this, so Chen Feng brought Yuan Yi to a law quickly.

Yuan Yi used the space law enforcement to stabilize the surroundings, and Chen Feng swung the long sword, trying to cut the law in front of him directly.

It's not that Chen Feng doesn't want to extract directly, but it's not that simple.

As long as the law can be cut in the middle, it is equivalent to defeating the opponent's power, so it is more convenient to extract.

And if the damage is not serious, it can be repaired quickly.

"This method is quite violent, but it is also the most difficult to break the restraint first." Yuan Yi said.

Chen Feng certainly understood this, so he encountered a strong force when he slashed out with a sword.

This kind of power is very resilient, and Chen Feng's attacks were resolved bit by bit by the opponent.

And then countless tentacles extended from the law, densely spreading towards Chen Feng.

Wanted to cover Chen Feng as a whole, but fortunately it was blocked by the multi-layer space created by Yuan Yi.

However, these tentacles have strong attack power and can easily break through layers of space.

Chen Feng swung his sword and countless tentacles were cut off, but more tentacles grew.

The speed of these tentacles was too fast, as if they were splitting.

Chen Feng kept swinging his sword, and he killed more and more. Later, Chen Feng had no choice but to retreat.

After retreating to a certain distance, these tentacles stopped chasing and retracted into the law.

Chen Feng knew that once he went forward to attack again, he would encounter the same level of attack.

Chen Feng saw the death life rushing in the front. The other party's actions were more domineering. He directly invaded one of the laws with the breath of death. After grabbing this law, he fiercely extracted it.

As long as the power of the breath of death erodes to a certain extent, it is really possible to extract this law.

"It may not be so easy to do this, but these death lives actually used this method, so I think there is still some confidence." Chen Feng noticed that the other death lives also used the breath of death to directly erode.

"Looking at how fierce the other party is, it is possible that they will succeed. Once they succeed, the pressure here will be reduced." Yuan Yi said.

"That's true. It depends on who can break it first." Chen Feng nodded and swung his long sword to continue slashing.

The long sword in his hand was of extremely high grade, and Chen Feng even thought that he could cut the law with one sword.

However, during the process of the sword energy falling, the opponent's dense tentacles appeared again, and the tentacles were also dissolved in the process of being cut.

According to this situation, Chen Feng will fail again.

However, this time Chen Feng was naturally prepared and released the origin fire directly. As a result, these tentacles could actually resist the burning of the flames.

Moreover, Chen Feng noticed that some of the tentacles could actually absorb Chen Feng's origin fire. In this case, the opponent would devour Chengfeng's power to strengthen itself.

So Chen Feng quickly stopped this action.

Then Chen Feng used the sacred mountain and slammed forward fiercely. This time, he shook the law. Chen Feng noticed that the power of these laws twisted together was somewhat loose.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, so he created a bunch of sword lights, trying to take advantage of the opportunity.

In the end, he was still blocked by the opponent's dense tentacles, and some tentacles were like crazy creepers, covering the sacred mountain.

Chen Feng hurriedly urged the sacred mountain to rotate continuously, and only after hitting back and forth did he get rid of the package of these attacks.

"Just now I saw some hope." Yuan Yi said.

"That's true, but that little hope may not succeed." Chen Feng looked at the tentacles in front of him that were shrinking back little by little and began to think.

It doesn't seem to work if we fight like this.

Because what he is dealing with is not just one law, but also the power of other laws.

Chen Feng also noticed that maybe because his side could not succeed for a long time, this side of the origin did not descend other means, or this pair of origins had completely poured their power into these laws.

"I have an idea. Daoyou attacks again, and I will use space law enforcement to cut these tentacles." Yuan Yi suggested.

"You can try it." Chen Feng nodded.

Then the two cooperated, Chen Feng blew the sacred mountain and rushed forward.

When the tentacles appeared, Yuan Yi created countless space blades to cut these tentacles.

As expected, Chen Feng felt a little relieved, urged the sacred mountain, and hit it hard on a law.

Although this law burst out with various attributes of power to dissolve Chen Feng's impact, the law still continued to vibrate.

This time the loosening was larger than before. Chen Feng poured the prepared power into the sacred mountain and hit it hard again.

This time the law was looser, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to use a sword to create a crack in the law.

Almost cut off the law, so Chen Feng continued to swing his sword.

Seeing that the law was about to be cut off by Chen Feng, suddenly a group of big sun rushed out of the law and directly knocked the sacred mountain out.

Then another group rushed towards Chen Feng, and Chen Feng hurriedly waved his long sword to resist. Under the powerful force, Chen Feng also retreated again and again.

Then the sun exploded directly, turning into rolling energy that enveloped the sacred mountain.

Chen Feng felt bad and dodged quickly, but it was still a little too late. The sun in front of him also exploded directly, and the powerful force tore through Chen Feng's defenses and broke Chen Feng's body.

Before Chen Feng rushed out of the chaos, he was quickly approached by those dense tentacles, which first bound Chen Feng's hands and feet, and then quickly spread to other areas of Chen Feng.

This time, Chen Feng felt the strong power of the seal again. He had suffered from this before.

This time is not like waiting like before. If this situation cannot be resolved in the shortest time, the situation will become worse and worse.

So Chen Feng pushed the power imprint to protect himself, and at the same time, the power of the origin of the fierce wind swept through.

In this way, Chen Feng was able to block the opponent's attack.

The power of the origin changed in Chen Feng's hands, forming an energy blade that frantically cut these tentacles.

Now Chen Feng's power is strong enough, so even if these tentacles continue to grow, Chen Feng can cut them quickly.

The reason why Chen Feng exploded the power of origin so quickly was that he was unable to cope with it, and Yuan Yi also encountered trouble.

At first, Yuan Yi's space blade was quite sharp and effective in cutting these tentacles, but when Chen Feng was attacked by the sun, Yuan Yi did not dodge it either. He was first hit by the sun and then wrapped up by the power of the sun.

Yuan Yi seemed to have turned into a big ball, but Chen Feng could see that Yuan Yi was mobilizing the power of origin to persist.

Chen Feng waved his sword to rescue Yuan Yi, but Chen Feng was hit by a sudden sun again.

Seeing the sun explode again, Chen Feng hurriedly made an energy shield to resist, but this time the opponent changed his tricks and shook Chen Feng, and then jumped and hit Yuan Yi hard.

Chen Feng clearly heard the sound of the crack and knew that Yuan Yi was seriously injured.

Helplessly, Chen Feng could only add the power imprint to the long sword in his hand, so Chen Feng's attack became truly indestructible, and he forcibly cut a path. In the process, Chen Feng even split a group of suns that wanted to sneak attack.

Chen Feng swung the long sword to cut through the restraints on Yuan Yi's body, and indeed saw Yuan Yi repairing his body.

Yuan Yi's body collapsed under the impact just now, and the origin that had been used to protect himself also collapsed.

"I lost a lot this time." Yuan Yi said.

"It's not a bad thing to suffer a little loss. This way you can see your own shortcomings. Just pay attention next time. Moreover, your origin has just been opened up. Even if it collapses, it can be repaired again. At that time, you will find that the repaired origin will be stronger than before." Chen Feng comforted.

"You comfort me like this, and I am speechless. No matter what, I don't want to get hurt. What's more, this is just the beginning. Isn't the situation going to be worse next time?" Yuan Yi said.

"Maybe, so I'm still looking forward to collecting a law." Chen Feng said, and suddenly used the power imprint to form a thick shield to block the two people.

A ball of sun fell fiercely, and the shield in Chen Feng's hand vibrated violently, and dense cracks appeared.

Although the shield was broken this time, it lasted longer than before.

This also shows that Chen Feng is becoming more and more proficient in using the power imprint.

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