Eternal Existence

Chapter 5113: Like a Living Thing

In fact, it doesn't matter if you think about it. Whether the other party is sincere in winning over me or trying to frame me, they have already fallen into the vortex of this war, and they are also helping the dead life to entangle the power of this origin.

So no matter what these dead lives are planning, their goals are finally achieved.

Chen Feng was at a disadvantage under the attack from this side, and he has always been using defensive means to fight back.

Because it is difficult for Chen Feng to counterattack, he can only try to resolve it after this side's origin takes action.

This makes Chen Feng very passive, but there is no way, unless Chen Feng can leave this line of origin.

Otherwise, all actions will be under the control of this side's origin.


A beam of light flashed, and Chen Feng did not dodge it, and there was a small hole on his body.

Chen Feng was a little angry about this.

"Do you really think I'm easy to mess with?"

Chen Feng looked at the Gate of Time and Space and Yuan Yi. They were still practicing, and it seemed that they would not be able to finish for a while.

In fact, this area should be closed, which is too slow.

Chen Feng was still a little worried about the Gate of Space and Time, and the Bio-Space Gate would also be attacked.

However, when Chen Feng was injured again, he decided to change his previous idea.

So Chen Feng communicated with the Gate of Space and Time, and no longer stayed in this area, but rushed to a battlefield.

Since he had been attacked by this origin, Chen Feng's place was also a battlefield.

In order to avoid being passively beaten, Chen Feng decided to take a risk.

So Chen Feng took the initiative to participate in another battlefield. Instead of fighting with the local life in the positive origin, Chen Feng did not want to deal with the personal attack from this origin.

Besides, it does not mean that you have to do your best in the fighting process. Everything still depends on the development of things.

Chen Feng quickly chose a battlefield. The reason for choosing here is that the two warring parties are not as invincible as imagined.

Not the top death life, which also makes Chen Feng feel a little relieved. As for these local life as opponents, Chen Feng does not feel any pressure.

Chen Feng has seen this kind of scene a lot.

Not to mention dozens of ordinary Hunyuan, even if there are more, he can handle it.

Chen Feng's joining surprised both sides of the war. It was the first time that an outside adventurer took the initiative to help the dead life.

However, both sides soon knew why Chen Feng did this, which was nothing more than to get rid of the targeting from this side of the origin.

"I have said before that I am an adventurer, because I don't want to get involved in the affairs between you two. It's a pity that the practitioners here are too much. No wonder there will be a deadly war." Chen Feng spoke first before the other party scolded him, and put himself in the position of being bullied.

Besides, Chen Feng had guessed what the other party was going to say, and the two sides had become opponents, so there was no need to say more.

Chen Feng took the initiative to entangle two Hunyuan above, and it can be said that Chen Feng had spare energy.

Because the special attack methods from the origin that had been constantly descending on Chen Feng disappeared.

Chen Feng felt very relaxed, and his previous approach was correct.

However, Chen Feng was still on guard against the two Hunyuan above, and was also worried that they would suddenly attack him.

But with Chen Feng's participation, the situation between the two sides of the war also changed.

These two dead lives freed up their hands and killed the local lives and retreated again and again.

Finally, one of the Hunyuan Above fell, and the power gap between the two sides widened again.

Chen Feng also sighed a little. If that's the case, if these local lives fell here, it would also be directly related to him.

But he was also helpless. He had to do this. If he really wanted to blame someone, he would blame this origin.

"Anyway, you are all lives born from this group of origins. There is nothing wrong with dying here. From nothing to something, and then to nothing, and you have also enjoyed such a long time." Chen Feng said.


Interestingly, Chen Feng's words angered these local lives, and because they couldn't deal with these two dead lives, they vented their anger on Chen Feng.

Thinking that it would be good to have someone to take the blame before dying, several Hunyuan Above came up, and they still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng under siege.

Who made Chen Feng's defense so strong? He was from this origin before, and he could withstand direct attacks.

What's more, these ordinary Hunyuan Above?

From another perspective, Chen Feng was talking to multiple opponents alone, so the two death lives fought faster.

It didn't take much time to kill all the other local lives, and then joined forces to launch the light of death against Chen Feng's opponents.

This light of death easily penetrated the body of Hunyuan. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was really worried about whether he would be hurt by mistake.

Fortunately, their attacks were quite accurate, and Chen Feng was relieved and went forward to kill all those Hunyuan.

In this war, the death life and Chen Feng joined forces to achieve a huge victory.

At this time, the attack from the origin came again, first the pressure appeared, and then the origin core.

Just before the arrival of the origin core, the two death lives opened a passage, and before leaving, they said to Chen Feng: "Leave together."

Under this situation, the choice is actually very simple. Chen Feng naturally cannot stay to resist the attack of this origin, so he can only leave with these two death lives.

When he appeared, he arrived at another battlefield.

Here is a death life facing dozens of Hunyuan.

If Chen Feng had seen this scene for the first time, he would definitely be very shocked, but now Chen Feng is very calm.

It is normal for death lives to have such strength in Chen Feng's view.

With the arrival of the three people, the situation of this war naturally changed.

However, Chen Feng did not intend to take action, but watched these three death lives slaughter.

"Hey, how did I become a death life?" Chen Feng felt more and more uncomfortable.

According to Chen Feng's idea before, if you encounter this kind of death life, you have to find a way to kill it.

In Chen Feng's view, these death lives are more brutal than the destruction spiders he encountered before. It can be said that as long as the practitioners are strong enough, they must work together to solve this kind of death life, because they are a threat to life.

As a result, I made friends with the dead life without knowing it, and now I am fighting against this origin together with the dead life.

Wouldn't I become a big villain who destroyed the origin of life.

"But I am also a victim. They attacked me first." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

Just when these local lives in front of him were about to be slaughtered, a master finally appeared.

First, a huge cage descended from the air, completely covering the four-sided area. Chen Feng immediately felt the surrounding time and space, which was more than a hundred times stronger in an instant.

In this state, it is difficult for the two sides to break the space again, but this is not the most important thing. Chen Feng felt that this progressive power was constantly invading his body.

And this is just the beginning. Just when Chen Feng was sighing that this is a level of existence similar to the gate of time and space, a long stick appeared.

After the long stick appeared, it smashed hard, and the death life that had fought side by side with Chen Feng before was directly beaten to a bloody head and broken bones.

This stick almost killed this death.

This is another weapon that surpasses the origin level, and it is an active attack type, just like Chen Feng's Cangsu Sword.

"This is not good, it just trapped us directly, and wanted to kill us all here." Chen Feng was a little depressed.

Perhaps it was because these few dead lives were too dazzling and had killed many local lives before, so they were targeted by this stronger origin existence.

Two treasures of this level appeared at the same time, one blocked the four directions, and the other took the initiative to kill.

"But if it's just this level, I'm afraid it can't deal with us." Chen Feng took out the long sword, and the two weapons had a strong hostility towards each other.

The long sword in Chen Feng's hand was even more roaring and vibrating, and he wanted to go forward and fight with the opponent to the end.

This long stick also locked Chen Feng firmly, but did not take the lead in attacking Chen Feng, but continued to lock the injured dead life, wanting to get rid of the other party in one go.

However, the other two, or the strongest dead life, had taken the initiative to block the long stick.

Another dead life frantically bombarded the surrounding space, trying to break the opponent's restraint.

Although the death breath is very corrosive, it is impossible to open a passage in a short time.

Chen Feng has also been paying attention to the situation here. From the space that is constantly confined around, Chen Feng can deduce something.

This magic weapon that covers the four directions is very special and very powerful. These dead lives may really not be able to break it.

The opponent is not only a confinement-type treasure, but can also directly attack the life in it.

At this time, Chen Feng's every move was affected, and his soul will also felt the pressure, just like ice, and his thinking was affected.

Chen Feng swung his long sword to cut the four directions.

Under the indestructible attack, cracks appeared in the surrounding solid space, but these cracks soon disappeared again.

Chen Feng concentrated his strength and stabbed out with a sword, and this time Chen Feng stabbed a hole.

Before Chen Feng was surprised, countless silk threads extended from the hole, like living things constantly restraining Chen Feng.

This method was actually more like harassing Chen Feng. Although it was eventually cut into pieces by Chen Feng, the hole that had just been stabbed had also healed again.

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