Eternal Existence

Chapter 5105: Backing out

"That's right, I haven't opened the Origin for a long time, and the Origin is not too powerful. I wonder how strong the Origin is?" Ye Jing said.

"I haven't opened up the origin for a long time, but I have mastered one origin." Chen Feng said.

"The origin of robbing people from other places, then fellow Taoist is really amazing." Ye Jingtian understood and was a little envious.

"What you get by chance is nothing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two parties originally wanted to have a good exchange, but who knew that while they were talking, they talked about how to collect this law.

Of course, this is what the two of them are most concerned about.

It was only after the two had a chat that they finally discovered that it was not that easy to collect this law.

There is even a feeling that everything is back to square one.

"But you can give it a try." Ye Jingtian suggested.

"Even if I try, I can't get started, so I'd better learn more about it first." Chen Feng said.

"Friend, what are your plans next?" Ye Jingtian asked.

"Of course I will continue to understand this law. I will go through all of this law. When the other party cannot stop my steps, I will take action to refine it." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng actually had some ideas in his mind, which was to use the original refining method, refine it bit by bit, and finally collect it in a unified way.

However, this law is integrated into one, and it is hard to say whether it can be distinguished and refined.

Chen Feng didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Just like what the two people communicated just now, they can only give it a try.

It's best if it succeeds. If it doesn't, think of other ways and learn from experience.

Seeing Chen Feng about to leave, Ye Jingtian hesitated and chose to follow Chen Feng.

Chen Feng doesn't object to someone joining him, but whether this person can keep up with him depends on the other person's ability.

If he couldn't keep up, Chen Feng wouldn't wait for him.

We met by chance and had no friendship at all.

In this way, the two began to move forward within the rules.

"It's a little strange. There's not as much pressure as before." Ye Jingtian said curiously after a while.

"Maybe this law has encountered some troubles. There is no extra power to stop us. Maybe there are powerful beings here to cause trouble." Chen Feng guessed.

"If this is possible, after all, there are many powerful beings trapped here. I was thinking about this law at the beginning, and trapped so many lives. Sooner or later, there will be big trouble. Now it seems that it should be like this Something." Ye Jingtian also agreed with Chen Feng's guess.

When there was pressure before, Chen Feng felt that his speed was slow. Now that the pressure is less, Chen Feng feels uncomfortable.

If there's no challenge, then what's the point.

Next, Chen Feng released the law and some avenues. Even if there was no pressure, Chen Feng could actively try and touch this law.

The more you know, the better.

Ye Jingtian didn't pay attention at first, but when the number of laws released by Chen Feng reached a certain level, Ye Jingtian began to be surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was involved in the laws of so many attributes. It does not mean that the more things involved, the more he has to practice to an extremely high level, because this requires distracting the mind from cultivating single-mindedly.

However, Chen Feng is very powerful.

"It seems that the cultivation is so far away. This is the only reason." In the end, Ye Jingtian could only attribute all this to the fact that Chen Feng had practiced for a long time.

Chen Feng didn't know what Ye Jingtian was thinking. As he continued to release the avenues and laws, Chen Feng gradually entered the state of practice again, and felt that the connection with this law began to deepen.

Seeing Chen Feng falling into the rhythm of practice, Ye Jingtian felt helpless, but did not disturb Chen Feng.

Ye Jingtian had a lot of patience, so while slowing down, he also used his own methods to explore the surroundings.

Since he is not as stressed as before, he can just take a walk. Isn't this what he has always wanted to do?

"It's a little strange. I thought this law encountered something, but now it seems that the law is getting calmer and calmer. It doesn't seem to be attacked by external forces. Could it be because this area is special?" Ye Jingtian guessed in his mind. .

Chen Feng suddenly accelerated his speed. It turned out that he had gained something, and the road ahead became smoother.

Ye Jingtian quickly chased after him and almost lost him.

Fortunately, Chen Feng slowed down, otherwise Ye Jingtian would really be a little embarrassed.

Just when Ye Jing was talking, Chen Feng had a conflict with a powerful being.

The other party was practicing here, and Chen Feng suddenly appeared, making the other party think that there was an enemy invasion. Before Chen Feng could say anything, he took the initiative to attack.

"There are powerful beings here. I have never seen them before." Ye Jingtian was also a little surprised after arriving.

After all, this place is not too far from where he was before, so it stands to reason that he would be somewhat aware of it.

Just when Ye Jingtian was thinking about whether to step forward, the space suddenly fluctuated, and another life appeared in front of everyone.

The other party seemed a little confused, but quickly locked onto Chen Feng.

"It's for me."

Chen Feng thought this way, and sure enough, this being launched an attack on him.

"It's a method of law." Chen Feng immediately came to this conclusion.

This law is the only one that can move powerful lives here at will. The other party should be free to deal with him now.

When he thought of this law, Chen Feng had roughly figured out what might happen next.

"Daoyou Daoyou Daoyou, let's talk it over." Ye Jingtian immediately stepped forward to stop him. This behavior was somewhat unexpected by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng thought that the other party would stand by and watch.

"None of your business?" The powerful life that was stopped warned Ye Jingtian fiercely.

"Hehe, I know you have become a running dog of this law. Why bother? It would be very embarrassing for us adventurers to do this." Ye Jingtian looked like he had seen through it.

"You are so presumptuous. Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." This powerful life was also angered and stopped attacking Chen Feng, but focused on dealing with Ye Jingtian.

"Daoyou, I think you should understand what happened. This is a huge trouble. I have also been dragged into the vortex." Ye Jingtian communicated with Chen Feng in this way.

"I understand. Thank you, fellow Taoist. Let's fight quickly and decisively." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng used his magical power as soon as he finished speaking.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng hasn't used pure magical power for a long time. He didn't use it during the long period of vibration before. This time it was also a sudden idea.

Double combat power!

Chen Feng used this magical power to increase combat power frequently before to fight against powerful opponents.

However, as Chen Feng's strength continued to grow, this magical power was difficult to use, because it would exceed his own load and sometimes might not succeed.

This time it was successful.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched. Chen Feng's combat power doubled directly, and the situation of the opponent could be imagined.

Seeing Chen Feng beat the opponent to pieces in one fell swoop, Ye Jingtian was also shocked.

I didn't expect Chen Feng to be so quick and decisive.

The sealing technique appeared, and the body of this broken life was all sealed, and then pulled into the origin of the vortex by Chen Feng.

It is one thing to be able to severely injure the opponent, and it is another thing to be able to solve the opponent.

Ye Jingtian was just startled before, but now he is really shocked to the extreme.

However, after seeing Chen Feng's method, Ye Jingtian understood.

"So it was suppressed into the origin. This is indeed a good method. I wonder if my origin can suppress a Hunyuan." Ye Jingtian thought in his heart.

Then Ye Jingtian wanted to try it, but in order to suppress the opponent, he had to severely injure the opponent first.

"Daoyou, come and help me." Ye Jingtian shouted.

If he can't do it himself, he can ask Chen Feng for help. When he thought that he could suppress a powerful Hunyuan, everything of the opponent would belong to him in the future, Ye Jingtian was a little excited.

As a result, Chen Feng did not come forward, and stayed in place cautiously.

The space fluctuated again.

Another life appeared, and it was still this law that moved over.

"This law is delivering food little by little. Is it to hone you?" Ye Jingtian asked curiously.

"I hope so, but it's obviously not." Chen Feng shook his head and still paid careful attention to the four directions.

Sure enough, before the two sides fought, another life came.

"Two against one, the chances of winning are very high." The second Hunyuan said.

"I'm afraid it's not just one against two, maybe the law will put more pressure on me." Chen Feng said.

"What do you mean, you look down on us, I can kill you one on one, but I don't want to make trouble, so I want to make a quick decision." The Hunyuan was angry and took the initiative to step forward. His huge body rushed towards Chen Feng like a mountain.

The first Hunyuan was a little wary. Although he stared at Chen Feng, he didn't make a move at the first time. Seeing the other party's hesitation, he might choose not to make a move.

"It seems that I have to make a quick decision too." Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtian had to say this.

However, Ye Jingtian was relieved. It was obvious that the law was targeting Chen Feng. If the situation was really critical, he could choose to leave. I think the law would not trouble him.

Another powerful life appeared.

Chen Feng felt the pressure and felt that it was still not as good as the previous fight. These three opponents were quite strong and not worth his life.

"Three of you are still not enough. If you want to come, come together. At worst, I will leave here. No, you just want me to leave here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The law did not respond, but the space continued to fluctuate, and more life appeared.

"It's endless. No matter how powerful it is, you have to resist it now." Ye Jingtian retreated.

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