Eternal Existence

Chapter 5101: Space Isolation

In the case of the same realm, Chen Feng can block these four opponents with this long sword alone. Even if they are not opponents, he can still fight his way out.

The confrontation between the two sides will definitely be a lose-lose situation.

What's more, Chen Feng's own strength is even greater than these four Hunyuans, so he has to think more about it.

Even if he is greedy, what kind of situation will it be if he really fights?

Moreover, there is no grudge between the two sides, and the fight between them can be avoided.

It's not that these Hunyuans are timid, but it's not worth fighting to the death.

These three Hunyuans did not really participate, causing the Hunyuan who rushed forward to be injured again, and at the same time he saw the situation clearly, retreating and repeating his body, and never dared to rush forward alone again.

"You all want to talk to me." Chen Feng waited for a while, and seeing that the other party did not make a move, he couldn't help but smile and said.

"Daoyou, there is no grudge between us, there is no need to be so aggressive." Hunyuanshang, who had contact with Chen Feng first, said this.

"I'm not aggressive. You were the first to attack me. I was just passing by." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better for us to stop fighting now? There's no need to continue fighting." Seeing Chen Feng say this, the Hunyuan Above said hurriedly.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, but was a little thoughtful. The Hunyuan Above became more alert.

The injured Hunyuan Above was dissatisfied, but after seeing Chen Feng's strength, he knew that he couldn't continue fighting unless the other three could go all out.

But it was obviously impossible. The two before were still opponents.

Chen Feng didn't want to continue fighting. In the previous confrontation, these opponents didn't use their full strength.

He didn't want to make too much trouble when he came here. Since the Yin Realm didn't use its full strength to deal with him for the time being, he could just search for what he needed.

After all, if the noise of the battle hadn't affected Chen Feng before, Chen Feng believed that he might even change his way forward.

Of course, the overall direction is still the same, but he won't deal with these Hunyuan Above.

"But it's hard to say. I will still notice any movement." Just as Chen Feng was thinking, another power fluctuation came from afar.

This time, both sides were alarmed, and the few above the Hunyuan even breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had found a way out.

"Let's go and take a look." The few above the Hunyuan chose to leave.

Although the Hunyuan who was injured by Chen Feng was unwilling, he also left with hatred.

"Could it be that there is another fight ahead?" Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head and followed him slowly.

In fact, it was really as Chen Feng guessed, there were really powerful lives fighting.

This time it was multiple above the Hunyuan.

Chen Feng slowed down a little. If he rashly approached and got involved in such a large-scale battle, it would not be as easy as before.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also a little curious.

The Yin Realm was at war with other origins, and it was just when they needed manpower. It was still a random area that he came to, and he encountered so many above the Hunyuan.

Did they not receive the call of the Yin Realm, or did they not intend to participate in this kind of war at all?

"Outside, people are fighting to the death, but inside, the fighting is very fierce. This is really interesting." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng only took a simple look to determine that all these fighting lives belonged to the Yin Realm.

"I have refined a part of the Yin Realm, and there is a huge cause and effect with the Yin Realm. It can be said that I am also a part of the Yin Realm, so will I also be summoned by the Yin Realm?" Chen Feng suddenly had such a thought.

Then Chen Feng received a message from the Yin Realm, summoning himself to participate in the Origin War.

This made Chen Feng a little dazed.

Is it wrong?

Before, the Yin Realm was still using means to deal with him. How long has it been? He regarded himself as his own.

Chen Feng did not believe that there was a problem with the Yin Realm. It must be the means of the Yin Realm.

But no matter what the purpose of the Yin Realm is, Chen Feng will not choose to join the Origin War.

For no reason, even if the Yin Realm can give some benefits, Chen Feng will not agree.

Unless this benefit can make Chen Feng excited.

In fact, there are too few benefits that can make Chen Feng excited. Besides, even if there are, Yinjie is reluctant to give them out.

Chen Feng ignored it and continued to watch the fight in front.

"It's impossible to be a competition for no reason. So is it a previous festival, or is it a fight for grabbing things now?" Chen Feng thought.

Having learned from the previous lessons, he should be more cautious even if he is watching the excitement.

However, Chen Feng found that the four Hunyuan Above took the initiative to join in.

At first, the four Hunyuan Above stopped to watch the excitement, but they joined in after receiving the message from the warring parties.

What's interesting is that the four Hunyuan Above, who were divided into two camps before, actually chose to help one side.

With the addition of four Hunyuan Above, the battle situation suddenly got out of control.

At this time, Chen Feng received a request for help from the weaker party. The other party first used rewards to exchange for Chen Feng's action, but was rejected by Chen Feng. In desperation, the other party finally told the reason for the war between the two sides.

"A mysterious law beyond the origin!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

It has to be said that Chen Feng was moved. No matter what this thing is, it has surpassed the origin, and this one is enough.

"A complete law? Interesting, it seems that I have to participate."

Chen Feng had obtained this level of power before, so he naturally understood how magical and powerful it was. It was top luck to encounter it.

But luck is luck, whether he can get it is another matter.

Chen Feng even thought about using the strongest means to suppress everything, but then he gave up the idea.

There are many Hunyuan Above present, and now they have not used their full strength. Who knows what special means they have.

Besides, especially in the core area of ​​the Yin Realm, doesn't the Yin Realm know? It must know, why let the law exist, these are all places that need attention.

"Then let's understand the situation first." Chen Feng made up his mind and walked into the battlefield slowly.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly join the battlefield, the Hunyuan Above was a little surprised, but the one who was injured by Chen Feng before was a little surprised, and began to communicate secretly with other Hunyuan Above, wanting to take this opportunity to solve Chen Feng and get back the place where he was injured before.

However, none of those who can reach the realm of Hunyuan are stupid, so naturally, it is impossible for others to believe what he says.

Although Chen Feng represents the opponent, we have to see the situation first.

Some people with vision can see that Chen Feng is extraordinary, so let's find out the truth about Chen Feng first.

Chen Feng took out the sword of Cangsu, and all the lives present felt threatened. Both sides of the war focused their attention on Chen Feng.

Vigilance, envy, fear, greed, all kinds of thoughts were captured by Chen Feng.

At first, some people did not take Chen Feng seriously, but when Chen Feng took out this long sword, most of the existences had already regarded Chen Feng as the most threatening troublemaker.

The party that invited Chen Feng also had a shudder in their hearts, and their hearts were a little complicated.

Some were surprised to invite helpers, and their strength was very strong, but they were worried that Chen Feng's strength was too strong.

And after Chen Feng took out the long sword, these people above Hunyuan could already be sure that Chen Feng did not belong to the underworld.

This is an outsider. Although Chen Feng's aura is a bit strange, Chen Feng can't help but make people more alert.

But the battle in front of him is very important. Since things have come to this point, the party that invited Chen Feng can only think that this is a good thing.

Although Chen Feng took out a magic weapon, it also made people feel alert, but he did not show too strong combat power.

One against two, the two sides were tied for four kills.

In this way, the situation has changed again, and it will not collapse like before.

It is obvious that Chen Feng did not exert his full strength, but Chen Feng could also see that most of the people present did not exert their full strength.

It looks like the fight is fierce, but it is not really a life-and-death struggle.

"This is because the law has not appeared yet. Once it appears, it will be truly white-hot. At that time, no one can believe that whoever takes the lead in grabbing the law may be attacked by everyone present, and the underworld may also intervene. In addition, there may be other changes." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

While fighting with his opponent, Chen Feng also made some preparations. He knew that the long sword in his hand also had a strong attraction, and someone might attack him.

It was hard to say.

Chen Feng was distracted for a moment, and the opponent used a special magical power, which actually worked on the long sword in Chen Feng's hand.

The long sword in Chen Feng's hand changed a little, and it wanted to escape from Chen Feng's control.

This magical power surprised Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was not panicked.

In fact, this magical power is very useful, and it can really change the situation at a critical moment.

The two opponents thought they had found a good opportunity, but they still underestimated Chen Feng.

Another opponent took the opportunity to snatch the long sword in Chen Feng's hand, but was trapped for a moment by the illusion cast by Chen Feng.

This was enough for Chen Feng. Chen Feng just punched the opponent back, and then stepped forward to hold the long sword firmly in his hand, unfolding the swordsmanship, and the sword energy was agitated, forcing the other opponent to retreat again and again.

"The magical power is good, but unfortunately the strength of the two of you is a little weak." Chen Feng said lightly.

Then Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and layers of overlapping space began to appear in his pupils, and the space in front of him also overlapped.

This was Chen Feng's pupil technique combined with the law of space to directly separate the two opponents.

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