Eternal Existence

Chapter 5098: Rushing Alone

It is also because of the worry that these situations will occur.

"Since there is no danger for the time being, then I will continue to comprehend the structure of the laws here. If I can improve the origin I collected, I can make that origin stronger, and perhaps it can become the second Yin Realm."

"Of course, what I want to do most is to devour the core area, but this kind of thing is not realistic at all, and I can't do it at all. This is to dig the foundation of the entire origin. If I really do this, I will definitely die here."

"Unless the entire Yin Realm is in chaos and attacked by the origin, there are too many forces to control itself, but that situation should be very rare. Although the economy cannot mobilize too much power to deal with me now, it does not mean that it is really impossible to fight against the two origins. Once the foundation is damaged, the Yin Realm will naturally make some choices."

Chen Feng knew what he was going to do next, so Chen Feng did not make too much noise, so that there was no huge reaction from the Yin Realm.

Everything is developing in a good direction. As long as Chen Feng practices here with peace of mind, he will continue to become stronger, and the origin he collected before will be more perfect.

Even the long river of time and the gate of time and space can benefit from it. When Chen Feng was practicing, the power of time was also extended little by little.

On the one hand, it was testing the situation here, and on the other hand, the power of time also needed to be strengthened, and it could also help Chen Feng at critical moments.

On this day, when Chen Feng was practicing, there was a wave of fighting, which affected Chen Feng.

Originally, Chen Feng didn't take it seriously, but both sides of the battle were powerful above the Hunyuan, and the power they used made Chen Feng very interested.

Chen Feng had to come out of retreat.

When Chen Feng just walked out of the cave, the two sides of the battle rolled towards Chen Feng, and the chaotic power swept in front of him. Those who didn't know thought it was deliberately coming to Chen Feng.

The cave opened by Chen Feng was directly shattered.

Chen Feng frowned a little, and thought it was coming to him at the first time, but soon found that it was indeed running to him accidentally.

"The power these two have is somewhat special, their magical powers are also good, and their strength is equal. It is difficult to determine the winner in this fight, and even if they can determine the winner, they cannot determine whether they live or die." Chen Feng simply took a look and saw through the true and false of the two warring parties.

The warring parties were also a little surprised by the sudden appearance of Chen Feng. They did not expect that there was also a powerful life hidden here.

After discovering that they had fought with each other and destroyed the other party's cultivation cave, the battle between the two Hunyuans slowed down a little, and one of them apologized to Chen Feng.

However, the battle between the two did not stop, and they continued to fight, and soon left this area.

Watching the other party walking farther and farther, there was chaos wherever they passed, and even the space was constantly shattered.

Chen Feng became curious and stared at them from a distance.

However, the purpose of Chen Feng's following was to see the methods of the two warring parties and to get some useful things from these two Hunyuans.

Who knew that Chen Feng had not followed far, and the two fighting Hunyuans suddenly stopped and locked Chen Feng with their breath at the same time.

Chen Feng felt the pressure. It seemed that they wanted to join forces to deal with him.

In fact, it was normal to think about it. When fighting, the most hated third parties appeared. If there really was a third party, then they would first join forces to kill the bystanders, so as to eliminate the trouble in the future.

If Chen Feng did not retreat, Chen Feng would be right, after all, Chen Feng's cave was destroyed by them.

The two fighting Hunyuans also understood this, so although they were staring at Chen Feng, they did not attack.

"We have already apologized, what else do you want, fellow Daoist? Why not retreat now, there will be no trouble between us." One of the Hunyuans said so.

Chen Feng laughed: "You fight yours, I'm just watching the excitement."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the faces of the two Hunyuans suddenly changed, and the pressure increased again, as if they would attack at any time.

But if they could overwhelm Chen Feng with their momentum, it would be the best.

Chen Feng didn't care about the momentum of these two people at all. Everything was like a breeze, and Chen Feng didn't move at all.

The two Hunyuans immediately felt that Chen Feng was not easy to mess with, and they seemed to be communicating with each other.

Suddenly, the two Hunyuans turned around and left. They did not attack Chen Feng, nor did they fight, but left the place far away.

"What a pity." Chen Feng shook his head.

I thought I could watch the excitement, even if the two Hunyuans could attack me, it would be good, so that I could further understand their methods by fighting with them.

Who knew that the two Hunyuans were cautious and left just like that, maybe they went to another place to continue fighting.

For this, Chen Feng did not chase after them. In fact, Chen Feng thought that if he chased after them, there would definitely be a conflict between the two sides.

It's just that there is no need.

Since the other party is so cautious, he will not be too aggressive.

Chen Feng did not chase after the other party. Who knew that not long after, Chen Feng actually met the two Hunyuans again.

This time, the other party was not fighting, but joined forces to fight other lives.

This made Chen Feng feel very curious.

The two Hunyuans who had been fighting each other to the death have now formed an alliance.

"Don't blame me, I just followed the path I took before, you blocked my way." Chen Feng said.

No matter what Chen Feng thought, the two warring parties didn't think so, they thought Chen Feng was a third party.

One of the irritable Hunyuan immediately attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng made a lightning move and directly smashed the opponent's attack. Not only that, Chen Feng's fist fell on the opponent, hitting the Hunyuan and rolling over and over again.

Even the space was directly smashed.

When the Hunyuan hadn't stabilized his body, Chen Feng instantly came in front of the opponent and kicked him hard.

This time, the Hunyuan was almost kicked to pieces.

There were dense cracks on his body.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and the power formed a silk thread to wrap around the Hunyuan, and soon pulled the opponent into the palm.


Seeing this scene, the other three beings couldn't bear it anymore. Whether they were accomplices or previous opponents, they all stepped forward to stop.

Chen Feng released a series of great ways, constantly evolving various magical powers, and actually blocked the attacks of the three Hunyuan Above in a short time.

One against four, Chen Feng's means are shocking.

Especially the first two Hunyuan Above were secretly lucky, thinking that fortunately there was no conflict between the two sides before.

Otherwise, wouldn't the two of them be unlucky? But the situation is the same now, the two sides have already faced each other.

The only advantage is that there are more people on his side, but there is also a Hunyuan Above who fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"I just passed by here, you just attacked me, this is not my fault." Chen Feng pinched his palm fiercely, and the Hunyuan Above in his palm could no longer resist, and directly broke into pieces, and the whole person turned into countless fragments, some of which burned and burst out with powerful power, trying to take the opportunity to get rid of Chen Feng's control.

Although injured, but not dead, saving life is the most important thing at the moment.

At the same time, the other three Hunyuan Above also used various means to break through Chen Feng's blockade and rushed to Chen Feng.

One of the magical powers was similar to the law of reversing everything, which actually affected Chen Feng. The person in the palm of the Hunyuan took the opportunity to rush out.

After Chen Feng stood firm, he still couldn't tell the direction, only felt the space reversed and time and space reversed.

"The means are not bad." Chen Feng said with a smile, as if he was not panicked at all, but took out the long sword.

As the sword flashed, everything around was cut into pieces, and some of the opponent's subsequent means were also disrupted.

Finally, Chen Feng walked out of the chaos, and avenues were released from his body, forming a field around him.

Chen Feng stood in his own territory and felt extremely safe. Everything around him seemed to be under his control. Even if there were some dangers, he could deal with it.

"Daoyou, stop for now." At this time, one of the Hunyuans shouted hurriedly.

But the existence injured by Chen Feng reshaped his body and rushed towards Chen Feng first.

The opponent thought that he was careless just now. Now that he had four Hunyuans working together, he could completely deal with the intruder who suddenly appeared.

The other three Hunyuan Above also secretly groaned when they saw this scene. They wanted to stop it but it was too late. They had no choice but to block the four directions.

After a collision, the Hunyuan Above who rushed forward was hit hard by Chen Feng's sword again.

At this time, these Hunyuan Above also saw clearly what level the long sword in Chen Feng's hand was. After being shocked, they were a little envious, a little greedy, and also a little restrained.

Under the same realm, Chen Feng could stop these four opponents with this long sword alone. Even if they were not opponents, he could kill a way out.

The confrontation between the two sides would definitely be a lose-lose situation.

What's more, Chen Feng's own strength is even greater than these four Hunyuan Above, so he had to think more about it.

Even if he was greedy, what kind of situation would it be if he really fought?

Moreover, there was no feud between the two sides, and the fight between them could have been avoided.

It's not that these Hunyuan Above are timid, but it's also that it's not worth fighting to the death.

These three Hunyuan Shangshang did not really participate, causing the Hunyuan Shangshang who rushed forward to be injured again. At the same time, he also saw the situation clearly, and retreated while repeating his movements, never daring to rush forward alone again.

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