Eternal Existence

Chapter 5095: The Thoughts of the Gate of Origin

"Let's not talk about this matter for now, let's take a look at the origin in front of us." Chen Feng changed the subject.

In Chen Feng's opinion, there is no such thing as guarding against thieves for a thousand days. Even if he communicated with the Gate of Origin, he could not always guard against the Soul Emperor.

If such a powerful person really wanted to attack him, it would be useless even if he had any means.

It is better not to think about it than to do so. It is still the kingly way to continuously improve one's own strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt much more comfortable.

This is an unfamiliar origin. Everything went well here. He was not attacked by this origin, nor did he encounter powerful life.

Some benefits that Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space all got.

For the River of Time, no matter what the origin is, no matter how complex and special this origin is, the power of time spreads, and it can become stronger.

In comparison, the way to progress in the Evil Swamp is somewhat limited, but there are still some gains.

"There are so many origins. It seems that we should have walked out of the Gate of Origin before." The River of Time said so.

However, the idea is good, but it is difficult to do.

This time, following Chen Feng everywhere was also due to special circumstances.

And if they can't connect with the main body for a long time, there will be some impact. This is also an important reason why the Gate of Origin is not worried about them leaving the free space.

As long as they have not evolved into real life, even if they can leave the Gate of Origin, they can't get rid of the shackles of the Gate of Origin, and they will go back sooner or later.

No matter how powerful they become and how many benefits they get, once they go back, they will give back to the Gate of Origin.

This is a bit embarrassing. No matter how strong the Time River becomes, they have to share some benefits with the Gate of Origin.

"Or our lives have countless changes. I think the Gate of Time and Space will always be imprisoned. As long as I can be strong enough, I can leave the origin to a certain extent and go to other places. Although it will be dangerous, I can also gain great freedom." Chen Feng also knows the situation of the Gate of Time and Space, but apart from sighing, he has no other way.

Speaking of this, Chen Feng has not really gotten rid of the Gate of Origin yet, just like when he encountered the threat of the Soul Emperor before, he also wanted to use the power of the Spirit of Origin to fight against it.

"The camps have been pulling each other a bit recently. It's not appropriate to continue like this. If you want to become stronger, you still have to do it little by little." Just when Chen Feng was about to leave this origin, he heard the Gate of Time and Space say this.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. This didn't seem like what the Gate of Time and Space would say. Could it be that the more origins you go to, the better?

"I need to communicate with the main body now. After all, my current state is the rootless source. If the main body can leave the Gate of Origin, then it doesn't matter how far or how many places I go. And I'm not as pure as the River of Time. Wherever the power of time passes is the territory." The Gate of Time and Space said this.

"That's the case. I also need to rest for a while." The River of Time said this.

"You two have gained enough benefits. Of course, you need to digest it well after eating. We haven't gained so many benefits." The Swamp of All Evil said a little unhappy.

After all, the power of all evil is still very rare, especially the level required by the Swamp of All Evil.

And Chen Feng also practiced the Great Way of All Evil. Even if he encountered this kind of power, Chen Feng would have to divide a part of it.

Another point is that the Evil Swamp itself is not as strong as the Time River. Now the speed of the two sides' strengthening has widened again, and the strength between the two sides will naturally widen.

"In this case, let's stop and rest for a while." Chen Feng thought about it. He had obtained a lot of things, and he also needed some time to digest them.

Especially the road to breakthrough, he also needed to sort it out.

And Chen Feng also had to consider the next path of cultivation and prepare to break through the realm above Hunyuan.

"But if I want to break through at that time, should I return to the Gate of Origin, or just find a place." Chen Feng had such an idea.

After all, breaking through Hunyuan is not just a matter of breaking through, and all aspects must be improved.

Even if there is a little error, it will have a huge impact on cultivation.

After having the idea, Chen Feng consulted the Time River.

It's a pity that there is no powerful Hunyuan around Chen Feng, so he can learn from it.

Although the Time River is powerful, it is not a real life after all. Even if they give Chen Feng some help, it is just some cultivation materials, which cannot bring Chen Feng a clearer and more accurate experience.

However, for Chen Feng, a little effect is enough, especially the Long River of Time, which has preserved many cultivation marks left by masters. As long as the Long River of Time is willing, it can let Chen Feng see many cultivation paths above Hunyuan.

But in this way, Chen Feng will establish some cause and effect with these Hunyuan, which may not be a good thing.

Chen Feng still stopped and sorted himself out.

It was not long after practicing, the power of the Gate of Origin came.

The Long River of Origin came with the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng knew that the Long River of Origin and the Gate of Origin were closer, and some subsequent battles of origin also proved this. Now the Gate of Origin is taking the Long River of Origin with it.

Chen Feng was also wondering if they had something to do. He had been practicing to a critical moment and didn't want to leave at all.

Sure enough, the Gate of Origin wanted to invite Chen Feng to participate in the Battle of Origin.

Chen Feng did not ask any more questions and directly refused.

As a result, the Gate of Origin did not continue to pester him, but left after leaving a word.

That is to give Chen Feng some time. The Gate of Origin still hopes that Chen Feng will participate in the Battle of Origin.

"I am not even above Hunyuan, there is no need to find me. With this effort, you can cultivate many above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said.

Having said that, Chen Feng actually understands why the Gate of Origin is looking for him?

Although he is not above Hunyuan, the power he controls can suppress those above Hunyuan.

And there are multiple people.

To put it bluntly, the Gate of Origin needs Chen Feng's power.

The origin that Chen Feng controls alone is enough to play a key role in the war.

Although Chen Feng did not go, Chen Feng also learned some news from the Gate of Origin.

The Gate of Origin has a conflict with other origins.

Seeing that the Gate of Origin is so excited, Chen Feng can be sure that the Gate of Origin still has the upper hand in the Battle of Origin.

Moreover, it is unknown when the Gate of Origin started the War of Origin, and it is unknown how many origins it has invaded.

Chen Feng is also guessing whether the Gate of Origin he knows is the real Gate of Origin.

If what he saw is true, then it means that the Gate of Origin was not so strong before, and it became stronger little by little through the war.

Of course, Chen Feng can ask the Time River to verify this point. The main thing is that if the Gate of Origin is concealed, then the Time River will not notice it.

Time River is actually thinking seriously about Chen Feng's suspicion.

"It is indeed a bit weird if you say so. Maybe the Gate of Origin is really stronger than I thought. I have had this guess before. After all, everyone will conceal some power. It depends on how much the Gate of Origin will hide." Time River said.

With the power of Time River, it would be abnormal if some clues of the Origin could not be detected.

The more perfect the concealment is, the more it means there is something.

"We have also received a message from Time River, wanting us to participate in the War of Origin, and I don't know if the main body will agree." Time and Space Gate said.

"It seems that the opponent of the Gate of Origin this time is not simple. Otherwise, why would they ask us to help? After all, the Gate of Origin has a lot of power and has trained some masters." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Forget it, getting stronger now is the most important thing. Let's go and see what the situation is after we stabilize ourselves. It's not to help the Gate of Origin, but to see other origins. Besides, if we can really solve some opponents, we can also get rewards from the Gate of Origin." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

"Indeed, it is very difficult to find some original power that matches our own attributes, but if we can get the blessing of the Gate of Origin, then our own cultivation speed will advance by leaps and bounds." The Evil Swamp agreed with this.

Chen Feng could see that these people were somewhat tempted, and from this, it can be inferred that their original bodies would most likely accept the invitation of the Gate of Origin.

On the one hand, it was indeed because of themselves, and on the other hand, under the call of the Gate of Origin, they did not dare to resist.

"So I am still very courageous, so straightforward to reject the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After a while, Chen Feng has been cultivating himself, and the Gate of Time and Space has also been cultivating.

And the process was relatively smooth. The danger that Chen Feng was worried about never appeared, and even no life above the level of Hunyuan appeared.

Of course, this is actually the normal situation. If there is no big commotion, life above the level of Hunyuan is generally rare.

They either practice with peace of mind or participate in some major events.

Of course, the most lively is the Battle of Origin, where there must be many people above Hunyuan.

And they are all cannon fodder.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng was also somewhat tempted. Maybe he could really go and see the object of the confrontation with the Gate of Origin.

"However, many origins have been discovered during this period, and the war with the Chaos Origin has not really ended. Is it really okay to leave like this? Or does the Gate of Origin not worry about these at all? At least some territory was left in the Chaos Origin before, and the Gate of Origin should not give up just like that." Chen Feng also felt that he could not guess the thoughts of the Gate of Origin.

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