Eternal Existence

Chapter 5088: Some rough judgments

The Gate of Time and Space wrapped up Chen Feng and disappeared silently.

When it reappeared, it was still at another edge of this origin.

It was obvious that the Gate of Time and Space did not want to continue fighting with the Chaos Origin. Strengthening itself was the kingly way.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a place that is useful to me, unless I go to other origins." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

"Other origins, I have indeed been to a few during this period, but if you want to find the laws of time and space, you still need to find them yourself. Besides, can we leave now?" Chen Feng said.

"I want to try, it's also an attempt." The Gate of Time and Space said and rushed directly to a space crack with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that the Gate of Time and Space wanted to take this opportunity to leave this origin.

Let alone, this time he actually left the Chaos Origin, but it's hard to say whether he can find other origins.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that he rushed out of the Chaos Origin in this way.

"If I hadn't entered this origin at that time, there would not be a series of subsequent events." Chen Feng muttered like this.

"So where is this area?" Looking at the nothingness in front of him, Chen Feng began to explore the direction.

But soon Chen Feng knew it.

This was because Chen Feng felt a strong power fluctuation.

"I didn't expect to return to the previous area. The confrontation between the origins of the mind has not ended yet." Chen Feng roughly guessed.

"This is a fight between the origins. Have you been here before?" The Gate of Time and Space asked curiously.

Although it is dangerous here, it is also an opportunity. Countless broken time and space can make the Gate of Time and Space stronger.

"Leave here quickly." Chen Feng said hurriedly, without any intention of staying.

In order not to cause trouble for the Gate of Time and Space, Chen Feng told the Gate of Space about the situation of the Emperor of the Mind.

This time, the Gate of Time and Space did not dare to stay.

Such a powerful existence is indeed not something that can be dealt with now.

If the other party really stares at it, he may not be able to escape.

Before he was about to leave, Chen Feng felt a beam of eyes ignoring the boundaries of time and space and shuttled in.

It was the Emperor of the Mind.

"I didn't expect that they would still target me." Chen Feng felt cold in his heart. At this time, the Gate of Time and Space even wrapped up Chen Feng and disappeared instantly.

Fortunately, the Soul Emperor did not chase them, but just watched the two disappear.

Chen Feng still felt unsafe until he reached another area, and urged the Gate of Time and Space to leave again.

In this way, he kept changing his position and finally left the area of ​​the fight far away.

However, even if they were separated by one origin, Chen Feng felt that the distance was too close.

If an existence like the Soul Emperor really attacked him, he would probably find him soon.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng wanted to urge the Gate of Time and Space to change its position, but suddenly he felt some familiar breath.

"Pluto, how did he get here? However, it is really a coincidence that we can meet here in the vast and endless void area. It seems that there is still a connection between the two of us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

However, the Iron Sword Saint and the Wind Shadow Saint were not there, only the Pluto was alone.

And Chen Feng also saw the other origin.

The Gate of Time and Space also had some surprises.

Sure enough, there are new discoveries. Now I am looking forward to whether I can gain some benefits from this origin.

"Can you establish a connection with the main body? Otherwise, how long can you last in this state?" Chen Feng is more concerned about this.

Although the time and space gate has swallowed some resources before and its strength has greatly increased, it is a rootless source after being separated from the main body.

If you encounter a strong opponent, it will be consumed very quickly.

However, it is still no problem to use it to move and escape.

Chen Feng's appearance also alarmed Hades. After seeing Chen Feng, Hades was also a little surprised and hurried forward to meet him.

"Daoyou is very powerful. Daoyou has come out in such a critical situation. If we had known this, we should have waited a little longer." Hades said.

"The situation was very dangerous at that time. Leaving each other was the most correct choice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But we can meet here and have this fate. What is this place? Isn't this the underworld?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Of course this is not the underworld, but it has something to do with the underworld. This is an area that was once separated from the underworld. After some changes, it has formed an origin. However, up to now, this origin has no name. If you are interested, you can go in and take a look." Hades said.

"It is quite interesting." Chen Feng nodded.

No matter what the origin is, it doesn't matter to Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space.

Then the two of them entered this area together.

During this process, the two of them were also communicating with each other. Chen Feng briefly talked about what happened at the time, and Hades also talked about the process of separating from the other two.

The matter is actually very simple, and there is no need to lie, not to mention that after entering this special origin, Chen Feng also felt a different place.

Chen Feng has seen too many origins, but the existence that is more powerful than the origin is the most interesting to Chen Feng.

Even if this is only a part of the power separated from the underworld, it is enough for Chen Feng to explore something.

Of course, the gate of time and space is hidden in Chen Feng's body and did not appear. However, after entering this origin, he also used his special means to explore whether there is what he needs here.

As for whether Hades has noticed the existence of the gate of time and space, Chen Feng does not care at all.

So far, Chen Feng is only worried about the existence of the origin level.

Moreover, although this place is a little special, it does not bring any threat to Chen Feng.

"The power here is indeed unfamiliar, and it can also be a little inspiring to me. Even if it cannot be swallowed into the avenue, if I practice here for a period of time, if I have gained something, I can directly open up a avenue." Chen Feng thought so.

An origin that has not been named is either not established for a long time, or it has no characteristics, or it is not unified enough.

However, since it is separated from the underworld, it should still have some characteristics.

And it should not be too far from the underworld.

Another point, does this origin really have no name? Could it be that Hades does not know it at all?

Even if Hades comes from the underworld, it is impossible to know everything.

Just like Chen Feng, although he came from the Gate of Origin, he didn't know much about the Gate of Origin, and he hadn't been to many places.

Of course, this is just one of the guesses, and Chen Feng still believes in Hades.

"But this place is still closer to the origin of the soul, so if there is nothing here that interests me, it's better to leave quickly." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that fellow Daoist is a little afraid of the Soul Emperor!" Hades said with a smile.

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded.

There is nothing to be forced, and he is indeed a little afraid of the Soul Emperor.

The main reason is that the gap between the two sides is too big. Think about it, when you are not even the opponent's opponent, do you feel too powerless?

"Now I am very worried that the Soul Emperor has a strong grudge. You said that the other party solved the current war, who knows if the other party will come to trouble me? Even if the other party does not come to me deliberately, who knows if the two sides will meet at such a close distance." Chen Feng continued.

"It is indeed worrying. After all, there are some causes and conditions between me and the origin of the mind. Now I can only pray that the other party will not take a small person like me seriously." In fact, Hades was not so worried at the beginning. According to Hades' previous cognition, how could an origin be so calculative? But it is obvious that the Emperor of the Mind is different from ordinary origins. Seeing Chen Feng's attitude, Hades is also uncertain.

Maybe the Emperor of the Mind will not come specifically for him. If he really meets him by chance, he can kill him with a wave of his hand.

Thinking of this, Hades also feels that it is not safe here, thinking about returning to the underworld.

Or think about why he left the underworld in the first place, and secretly shake his head again. Even if there is danger, he can't go back now.

"This origin is actually not bad. Although it is separated from the underworld, it has also been integrated into some other spaces. It is somewhat inspiring to me. Of course, it would be better if the power of the long river of time also came. The coverage of the power of time is much stronger than mine." The Gate of Time and Space secretly said this to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng naturally understood all this, but the River of Time was fighting in the chaotic clouds, and it had not come out with him before. If he communicated with it now, even if the River of Time could receive it, it would probably not be able to withdraw its power for a while.

Unless the resources here have a fatal attraction to the River of Time, but Chen Feng did not notice this.

Also, fighting the Origin of Chaos is the most important thing. The Gate of Time and Space has already left, and it is probably difficult for the River of Time to leave.

Even if he wanted to leave the Gate of Origin, he would not be willing to do so.

Not to mention the River of Time, even the power of the Origin of Fortune did not follow.

"So I am a little curious about what the Origin of Fortune is now, and where is Fortune now? Is it still in the free space?" Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea.

If it were me, I would have cultivated life suddenly in the long years, and I would definitely want to get rid of this kind of confinement. Even if it is not confinement, I would definitely want to go somewhere else.

"Perhaps the good fortune is no longer in the free space." Chen Feng thought about some things in the past. The source of good fortune also drew some forces to participate in the origin war, but the good fortune he first encountered never appeared.

After some analysis and speculation by Chen Feng, he roughly made some judgments in his mind.

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