Eternal Existence

Chapter 5083 Sheep

The most important thing for me is to collect the energy here and fight with the opponent. Even if it is just an ordinary Hunyuan, it is not so easy to kill.

As a result, Chen Feng did not threaten the opponent. This Hunyuan knew that Chen Feng was powerful, but he still chose to attack from a distance and summoned helpers.

"You are looking for death." Chen Feng was also angry.

The Gate of Time and Space shook, and this Hunyuan was wrapped by the shadow of the Gate of Time and Space, and disappeared in the next moment.


Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. He hadn't had time to make a move, and he was moved away by the Gate of Time and Space.

But this is good, so he doesn't have to make a move.

But the next moment, the space exploded, and another Hunyuan came out to kill.

There was more than one, and they actually joined forces to rush towards the Gate of Time and Space.


Chen Feng laughed.

Although the Gate of Time and Space is not the main body, the laws of time and space it has mastered are very powerful. It only relies on the laws to entangle two Hunyuans.

Chen Feng stepped forward to perform swordsmanship and pierced through the opponent's body one by one.


Chen Feng took the opportunity to perform the swallowing technique and plundered some of the opponent's vitality.

After the opponent finally reshaped his body, the law of time and space descended again, and Chen Feng, holding a long sword, killed him again.

Even if there were benefits in front of him, Chen Feng held the idea of ​​fighting if he could beat him, and running away if he couldn't.

Besides, there were not many Hunyuan Above who appeared now, and according to Chen Feng's speculation, there were indeed Hunyuan Above here, but there would definitely not be too many.

Chen Feng was slightly surprised that several had appeared so far, and even suspected whether it was arranged by the origin of chaos.

Everyone seemed to have won two consecutive battles and gained a lot, but it was also very dangerous, especially because of those powerful beings.

Think about the two sneak attackers hiding in the dark, with so many people present, no one could hide.

And Chen Feng then looked at the helper who came out last.

At this sight, Chen Feng's eyes shrank a little.

At first, Chen Feng thought that this was a very powerful Hunyuan Above, and now it seems to be true.

But it is somewhat different from a real practitioner, but Chen Feng cannot tell the specifics unless he uses the technique of detection.

But that would be too presumptuous, and doing so would simply be a provocation to the other party.

And the helper who came out last also noticed Chen Feng's gaze. He did not say anything, but left the broken space directly.

"I know what you are thinking, the one just now was a mind puppet created by the Soul Emperor." Sanhun Jushi secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"It turned out to be a puppet, why is it so weird?" Chen Feng understood.

"It's not as simple as a puppet, but a combat weapon created by the Soul Emperor at a great cost based on the life above the Hunyuan. The other party still retains everything of a practitioner, and it is also not like a real life. Although it has become stronger, everything is under the control of the Soul Emperor. Of course, I don't know much, and I can't explain the specific process." Sanhun Jushi said.

"It seems that the Soul Emperor's tyrannical means, I don't think anyone would be willing to let themselves become like this." Chen Feng said.

"It's hard to say. Someone was willing to become a mind puppet before. Maybe the other party is pursuing stronger power." Sanhun Jushi said.

After everyone waited here for a while, there was no more fluctuation.

"It seems that there will be no need to fight next. We can go back and have a good rest."

"But why didn't they move us back? Could it be that we were left alone?"

Some people began to discuss.

Chen Feng took the initiative to walk out of this broken space. After hesitating for a while, the people of Sanhun Jushi followed him.

Because Chen Feng had shown great strength before, these people had already regarded Chen Feng as the leader.

Thinking that following Chen Feng in the future would definitely give him more advantages, and the most important thing was that he could survive.

"These independent spaces were created by the origins of both sides in order to withstand the war between us above Hunyuan. There are many things involved. Even if we walk around casually, we may get lost or trapped." Someone above Hunyuan said so.

"Since we can break through this layer of space, other spaces can't stop us. Besides, the Soul Emperor won't watch us wandering around. Maybe he doesn't notice us now, but he will take us away when he comes to his senses. Now we are just walking around casually, maybe we can meet some lone opponents." Chen Feng said.

"Daoyou is right." Sanhun Jushi said hurriedly.

After Chen Feng walked out of this independent space, he immediately used special means to explore.

The space here is indeed a bit strange. Of course, the most important thing is that the origins of both sides took action, and the power of blessing was too strong, which made the space here very stable.

Even so, Chen Feng could penetrate some spaces and see more things.

Just as Chen Feng said, Chen Feng also wanted to find some lone opponents. It was too easy for everyone to gather together and kill each other.

"I think we should not make any noise. After all, we have gained enough. It is better to go back and have a good rest." You Hunyuan Shangzhi suddenly said.

"If there is a chance, of course I want it. Maybe there are more benefits. We can survive this time, but in the next war, maybe we will encounter stronger opponents. So the only way to survive is to keep getting stronger." You Hunyuan Shangzhi retorted.

"I'm looking forward to the other side being completely defeated, so that we can return to the origin of the mind and stay there. I don't know how long I haven't been back."

"Don't think so well. If we can really defeat those origins, according to the character of the Emperor of the Mind, he may continue to invade other origins and treat us as the vanguard."

"Fellow Daoists, isn't it not good to say bad things about the Emperor of the Mind behind his back? If the Emperor of the Mind senses it, he may put us in danger next time."

"It's definitely not sensed now. Maybe the Emperor of the Mind is fighting with the origin of the other side. Of course, it's better not to mention the name of that adult, or the other side may really sense it."

These people on the Hunyuan were talking about it, but Chen Feng also noticed that they didn't restrain themselves. Many people had some resentment towards the Emperor of the Mind.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. No one wants to be cannon fodder. Even if someone is willing to participate in the war between origins, they don't want to participate until death.

There is a degree to go further. They should go back and have a good rest.

"It seems that the Soul Emperor will not let me go so easily, but it doesn't matter, I have my own ideas." Chen Feng walked and suddenly slashed with a sword.

A layer of space was neatly cut, and then the cut continued to expand.

Finally, another independent space was seen. It was an independent space because several Hunyuan Above were fighting in it.

"It is our companions of the Soul Origin, and the other party is from the Ancient God Origin." Sanhun Jushi said.

"Ancient God Origin."

Chen Feng looked at it. The opponent had always been fighting with powerful masters of the Ancient God Origin. This was the first time he saw a life from another origin.

"What a strong body and blood." Chen Feng became interested.

"It seems that the Wuhun Origin is good at the soul, and the Ancient God Origin is good at the body. The three families may have the same origin." Chen Feng remembered the news he had learned before, and he was more certain of this.

"Together kill each other." Someone suggested this.

But before everyone rushed up to do it, the Hunyuan Above of the Ancient God Origin immediately broke the space and escaped.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't expect the other party to run so fast.

"Why are you here?" The Hunyuan Above who were fighting on the side of the Soul Origin asked curiously.

They were of course happy to have helpers coming, but they were a little depressed that their opponents were scared away.

Of course, these Hunyuan Above didn't think much about it. They thought Chen Feng and others were sent by the Soul Emperor, and didn't know that everyone was walking on their own initiative.

Chen Feng and others didn't say much to them, but immediately broke a layer of space with a sword.

Then he left with everyone.

After Chen Feng and others left, the remaining Hunyuan Above would look at each other curiously, not knowing what was going on, but anyway, their opponents ran away, so they could only wait for the arrangements of the Soul Emperor.

The space that was cut this time was empty, with nothing in it. Of course, there were some residual breath energy.

It can be confirmed that there was a fight here before, but it was over.

Seeing Chen Feng constantly looking for an independent space, at first the Three Souls and the others thought that Chen Feng wanted to continue fighting, but soon they felt something was wrong.

Looking at Chen Feng's appearance, it seemed that it was not just like that.

"In fact, I want to take the initiative to kill into the three-party universe to take a look. Instead of waiting for the arrangement of the Soul Emperor here, it is better to choose another route." Chen Feng said.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the Three Souls and the others were a little moved. In fact, they had this idea in the past years.

After all, if they stay here all the time, they will die in the battlefield sooner or later. It's just that the Soul Emperor has always been very cautious in controlling everyone. No matter where they go, they will move. This is also one of the reasons for arranging an independent battlefield.

Some people also want to try it, but just like what Chen Feng did just now, cutting a layer of space, there is another layer of space, and I don't know the clear route. Maybe after cutting the space, they will come to the Soul Emperor.

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