Eternal Existence

Chapter 5071: Fighting with all one's might

This time, Chen Feng's fighting power surged again. With just one clash with Chen Feng, several pseudo-Hunyuan Fertilizers were crushed.

Next, Chen Feng charged back and forth with a long sword in his hand. The Hunyuan who had been fighting with Chen Feng from the beginning was also beaten back by Chen Feng.

However, the life force that came out of the evil ocean was indeed strong. Even if he couldn't stop Chen Feng, he had to do his best to resist.

There was no intention of relaxing at all, because this Hunyuan knew that Chen Feng wanted to escape, so he needed more means to entangle Chen Feng.

Once Chen Feng escaped, it would be difficult to seize the opportunity again.

Chen Feng smashed half of the opponent's body in one breath, and the opponent still did not retreat, and then waited for other helpers.

Although Chen Feng sighed, he had no choice but to deal with other opponents.

With the power of the origin of chaos, the Hunyuan, which had collapsed half of its body, quickly reshaped its body.

Chen Feng was still bursting out crazily, swinging his long sword while urging the mountain to hit, consuming a lot of mana every moment.

The burning fragments of the origin could not hold out for long.

Seeing Chen Feng's momentum begin to weaken, suddenly the power of time flashed, Chen Feng recovered to his peak state again, and beat back several opponents.

Seeing Chen Feng was about to kill, suddenly the ocean rushed in front of him, the waves rolled, and powerful forces blocked Chen Feng's way wave after wave.

It was the power of the evil ocean. Chen Feng rushed forward several times, but was blocked.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about letting go of the origin at all costs, he received news from the long river of time.

Chen Feng paused for a moment and asked: "Are you sure you can do this? If there is a problem, I will be unlucky. Here is just a little bit of residual power."

Then the long river of time and Chen Feng communicated again. Chen Feng seemed to be fighting desperately and colliding desperately, but in the end he was pulled into the evil ocean little by little.

Then it was like being suppressed under a mountain, unable to turn over at all.

During this process, Chen Feng was naturally injured and looked miserable, but this side of the origin also paid a great price.

Dozens of pseudo-Hunyuan were slaughtered by Chen Feng, and some of their power was plundered by Chen Feng. Similarly, the power of the evil ocean was reduced. Although not much, it was enough for Chen Feng to digest for a while.

This side of the origin also wanted to get rid of Chen Feng, but although Chen Feng was suppressed in the depths of the ocean, Chen Feng had treasures to protect himself, and his body was also extremely strong. Even if he could break Chen Feng's defense, he could recover quickly in an instant.

It was impossible to kill Chen Feng in a short time.

Being able to suppress is the best result.

"I didn't expect that I was suppressed again." Chen Feng remembered the situation when he was suppressed in the origin.

At that time, he was suppressed by five gods. If it weren't for the battle between that side of the origin and the gate of origin, he really had no chance to rush out.

Even if he killed it out, he didn't get any benefits, and the five sacred mountains were not fished out.

Just now, Chen Feng wanted to use the power of the origin. In fact, he was still sure to kill it out. Although it would cost some price, it was better than difficult.

But he received the news from the long river of time, which made Chen Feng plan to gamble.

"It's just that I paid such a huge price for a sea of ​​evil. I don't know if it's worth it in the end." Chen Feng thought so, and then began to practice.

Now that he has been suppressed, he can't do anything else. He can only practice here wholeheartedly.

"That's good, but I still hope to leave here as soon as possible, so you have to be faster, otherwise, once I release the combat power of the origin, I will find a way to rush out." Chen Feng said so.

However, the next practice is not so easy. One by one, the divine thunders began to bombard Chen Feng. Although they can't do anything to Chen Feng, they can also affect Chen Feng.

Besides, this is the divine thunder released by the origin, and the power is still very strong. Chen Feng dare not be careless and can only divide a part of his strength to resist.

So Chen Feng's life is not too easy.

"It was suppressed, this is impossible."

On the other side, the three Hades also knew about Chen Feng's situation and felt very shocked and puzzled.

After leaving the battlefield, the three Hades did not actually walk far. They thought Chen Feng would catch up soon, but they waited for a while and did not see Chen Feng.

So they went back to investigate, and only then did they know that Chen Feng had been suppressed in the evil ocean.

"It is indeed a bit strange. Fellow Daoist Chen Feng is very powerful. He came for the power of all evil, but now he is suppressed in this evil ocean. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Chen Feng did this on purpose?" said the Wind Shadow Saint.

"It is hard to say. The previous movement was too big. After all, even the Origin has taken action this time. No matter how strong you are, you can't really compete with a complete Origin. Maybe Fellow Daoist Chen Feng really can't get away this time." Iron Sword Saint shook his head and expressed his opinion.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng is indeed not the opponent of this Origin, but he can definitely rush out with his strength." Hades still felt unconvinced.

No matter how the three people discussed, no matter whether Chen Feng was suppressed on purpose, but Chen Feng has now been relieved by the huge evil ocean. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

No matter how powerful the three Hades were, they would not dare to return to rescue Chen Feng, and they did not even dare to use any means to contact Chen Feng.

The three finally left the area with a sigh, and left the Chaos Origin without any danger.

In order to get rid of the possible appearance of the Soul Emperor, the three Hades also separated and entered the vast space from different directions.

For the origin of one side, the above Hunyuan is not weak, but this level of life also takes some time to travel through the entire origin.

But after leaving the origin, the road ahead is vast, and there are enough mysterious places waiting to be explored.

Maybe they will meet again after billions of years.

Chen Feng practiced while enduring various attacks from all directions.

Under pressure, Chen Feng practiced very quickly, and the Avenue of All Evils broke through again, and some of the evil power collected before was absorbed.

"If I control this Avenue of All Evils now, I can burst out the combat power above Hunyuan." This is what the Evil Swamp said.

"We can't rush out if there is one more above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said so.

In any case, the breakthrough of a road is good for Chen Feng's overall situation. Chen Feng clearly felt that he was one step closer to Hunyuan.

"Maybe if there are a few more avenues that break through, my realm will not be suppressed." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng's accumulation is getting deeper and deeper. Originally, Chen Feng's own cultivation speed is very fast, and later he was blessed by the origin.

The mana cultivation level is rising steadily.

If there were no magic weapon to suppress himself, Chen Feng would have broken through long ago.

Even now, Chen Feng feels that he is gradually saturated and can break through the realm above Hunyuan at any time.

Once the breakthrough occurs, Chen Feng's strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

However, Chen Feng still wants to wait a little longer, and when he can't hold on any longer, he will find a way to break through.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the avenue of life broke through next.

Although a little surprised, but more of a surprise, many powerful avenues have reached the edge of breakthrough before, who knows that the avenue of life has broken through quietly.

The breakthrough of the avenue of life means that the physical body will become stronger.

Chen Feng's chaotic body has long seen no signs of breakthrough, and this time the chaotic body is a little loose, and Chen Feng sees some hope.

Even if the chaotic body reaches the limit, then he must break this limit.

Chen Feng carefully felt the changes in himself. It can be said that Chen Feng gradually completely sank into his own state.

He even took back the power of the surrounding attacks little by little in order to feel himself more wholeheartedly.

Chen Feng burned a little of the power of the origin fragments to form a barrier around him. These barriers can block the surrounding attacks for a period of time.

During this period of time, Chen Feng can practice with all his mind.

Chen Feng's chaotic body is changing all the time, and various subtle places are sublimated and reorganized.

Chen Feng can clearly feel that he is becoming more and more powerful, and other avenues are also beginning to spread to the edge of breakthrough.

Finally, a great way has broken through.

This time, the breakthrough is the avenue of blood, which is not the strongest among all the avenues, so it is normal to break through first.

The avenue of life is Chen Feng's foundation. The breakthrough of the foundation means that there will be a qualitative sublimation and leap in all aspects of himself.

Naturally, the weaker the avenue is, the easier it is to break through, and those powerful avenues need to accumulate more.

Then the avenues broke through one after another.

The avenue of destruction, the avenue of life and death, the avenue of creation, the avenue of reincarnation, the avenue of chaos, and various avenues are constantly breaking through.

Every breakthrough in the avenue will bring more or less influence to oneself. Chen Feng felt that his realm was loosening again, and he had no choice but to increase the intensity of his suppression.

I don’t know how long it has been, and Chen Feng hasn’t practiced like this for a long time.

When his own state slowly stabilized, the barrier that Chen Feng arranged around him had also been broken.

Lightning and other various attack methods continued to fall on him. This time Chen Feng clearly felt that the attack force was weakened, or his own defense was strengthened.

"It’s a pity that the chaotic body has not broken through, otherwise this kind of attack can’t break my defense at all." Chen Feng said that some injuries on his body recovered quickly, and then Chen Feng waved his hand to release the domain to protect the four directions.

The domain is naturally transformed by the avenue.

Although the avenue has broken through, it still needs to be tempered so that it can be more perfect.

Chen Feng communicated with the Time Hall and knew that he had to wait.

However, Chen Feng just calmed down in his heart and was not as worried as at the beginning.

Even if the long river of time, their means can’t come, this feeling is a big deal. At most, he can break through directly to the Hunyuan, and then use the power of the origin to kill it.

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