Eternal Existence

Chapter 5065: The Power of Evil

It looked like Chen Feng was like a moth flying into a flame. Although the three Hades were a little worried, they changed their minds and realized that Chen Feng would definitely not go and die.

As a result, the development of the matter was still beyond their expectations. Chen Feng took the initiative to reach out and grab this power.

Even the magic weapon of the level of Shenshan could not resist it, so how could Chen Feng's flesh and blood body resist it?

As a result, this powerful force fell into Chen Feng's hands and disappeared, as if Chen Feng's palm was connected to another channel.

Hades and the others understood that Chen Feng might have received this power into the origin.

Even so, the process should not be so smooth.

In fact, Chen Feng did receive this power into the origin, but Chen Feng used the power of the same level.

For example, Chen Feng's power imprint and special energy can well restrain this power.

Seeing this scene, the Hunyuan above were dumbfounded. They wanted to explode again, but they saw Chen Feng suddenly rushed in front of them.

Chen Feng only saw a wave of his hand, and beams of light fell, and all the Hunyuan above present were pierced through the body.

Whether it was a strong body or a solid armor, it all turned into a sieve.

Chen Feng used the power imprint.

Even the three Hades saw Chen Feng use this level of power for the first time, and they were very shocked, thinking that they would not be able to resist it if it were them.

Before, they thought that Chen Feng's strongest means was to control the power of origin, but now it seems that Chen Feng is more and more unfathomable.

The move just now looked insignificant, but the ordinary Hunyuan was fragile and could not resist Chen Feng's attack at all.

Although there were unexpected factors, at least Chen Feng mastered this kind of big killer method.

After being shocked, the three Hades continued to attack, and they also wanted to kill all the Hunyuans on the scene.

The last method did not succeed, and the Hunyuans on the scene naturally had to flee everywhere.

Although they were injured, they were not dead after all, and they could still escape with the means of Hunyuan.

The premise is whether Chen Feng and others want to stop them with all their strength.

Chen Feng did not chase after him, and quickly came to an area where a powerful energy was sealed.

This was the biggest gain. Chen Feng naturally did not want to cause trouble, and only wanted to get the things first.

Chen Feng shattered the countless restrictions around him. This group of energy attacked Chen Feng while trying to leave this place.

In this way, ordinary Hunyuan could not withstand the attack of this kind of power, and it was not so easy to subdue it even with those means.

But Chen Feng had already prepared and experienced, and soon took this power for himself.

Chen Feng was relieved after getting the things.

Chen Feng has confirmed that this is the same level of power as the power imprint, which is the biggest gain of coming to this origin.

To be honest, it even surpasses the gains in the origin of the mind.

There, at most, some mana cultivation was increased, and some origin fragments were obtained, but it was not as good as this kind of high-quality special power.

"Speaking of which, I also got several kinds of power at this level, and I don't know where they came from? Are there any connections between them?" Chen Feng once again had this doubt and thought.

In the end, those above the Hunyuan still escaped, which disappointed Pluto and his men.

"This is the other party's territory after all." Pluto had only said this.

"That thing is useful to me." But Chen Feng just said this and didn't explain it.

Even if Pluto and his men knew that Chen Feng had obtained a treasure, they would not say anything more after seeing Chen Feng's attitude.

In the face of absolute interests, friends and relatives will turn against each other, not to mention that everyone is just a temporary companion.

Pluto and his three men even thought that if they asked for it, would they attract Chen Feng's killers.

Thinking about the previous means, no one dared to speak up, and it was simply seeking death.

However, Pluto and his men did not gain nothing, and they plundered all other resources in this area.

Then they set off again.

"It stands to reason that we have made such a big noise here, and we should have been targeted by this origin. As a result, apart from the fact that the opponent can cause the power of this origin in the battle, there is no other change. This origin seems to not care at all."

"That's right. If the will is not unified, even if it is a scattered will, it will attack us."

Chen Feng and his friends talked a lot. From the cautiousness at the beginning, they gradually let go.

After all, there was such a big noise before, and they were still a little worried. Who knows what will be attracted? It's just that after a period of time, it has been calm, and even the pressure on their own people has been reduced.

After another period of time, it is still smooth sailing. Several people have collected some good resources one after another.

After all, it is above Hunyuan, even if the resources that several people are interested in are very few. But after such a large scale of wandering, and relying on the super perception of several people, they can naturally detect the existence of some good things.

This is still the reason for moving forward directly according to what Chen Feng said. If they are willing to release a greater perception and explore other areas, they will definitely gain more.

At first, Chen Feng thought about choosing a direction and kept moving forward in order to quickly leave this place of origin.

But as time went by, Chen Feng had some other ideas, that is, he wanted to see how long it would take him to leave this origin, so that he could at least guess how big the scale of this chaotic origin was.

"We are not actually moving very fast, and we are also affected here to some extent. If we were outside the origin, our speed would be several times faster." Pluto said.

"That's true. In fact, if we speed up, we can still explore this origin, but it's not necessary for the time being. After all, we don't feel any threat. If there are pursuers behind, we can speed up." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The few people talked and laughed, and finally met a life above the level of Hunyuan.

This is a huge creature, floating in the origin void like that, and the faint power it radiates affects the surrounding time and space.

Ordinary life can't find such a huge creature here.

"Life of this size is still rare. It seems that the other party is sleeping. Once an external enemy approaches, the other party will notice it. Maybe it has already noticed our appearance." Chen Feng said.

"So should we go? I think the life force in front of us is quite strong, and it contains boundless power, as if it is the origin of a world." The Wind Shadow Saint said.

"Such a powerful creature must have sufficient blood and qi in its body. Why don't we join forces to kill it? Maybe in addition to the other party itself, we can also explode some magic weapons and weapons." Hades suggested.

"Forget it, let's take a detour." Chen Feng thought about it and said.

Although he didn't understand why Chen Feng made such a decision, Hades didn't say more.

After all, if Chen Feng hadn't successfully participated, they really wouldn't be sure to deal with the huge creature in front of them.

Although this huge creature was like a universe, blocking a large area of ​​the way, it was nothing to Chen Feng and his friends. It just took a little more time to go around.

He waited until Chen Feng and others were far away from this huge creature before opening his eyes. The look in his eyes was a little complicated, and finally fell into a deep sleep again.

"I feel the power of all evil, a very strong power of all evil." While moving forward, Chen Feng received the news from the evil.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he released the Great Way of All Evil. Sure enough, the Great Way of All Things was also attracted.

"Good stuff."

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Did Daoyou find anything?" Chen Feng's changes naturally could not be hidden from Hades and others.

"I found a power that helps me." Chen Feng said slightly changing the direction of the prospect.

It didn't take long for Hades and others to notice it.

"What an evil power, could it be that the evil power of the entire origin is gathered here?" Ming Wang said the latest.

"The evil breath is too strong and can threaten our lives." Fengying Saint also said so.

"I practice many kinds of great ways, and the stronger this power is, the better." Chen Feng said and released the Great Way of All Evil.

The powerful aura of all evil was released, and Hades and the other two couldn't help but retreat again and again.

"I didn't expect Daoyou to practice such a great way. In fact, every origin has this kind of power, but it's not that easy to collect it, because this kind of power is easy to give birth to innate powerful life." Hades has some understanding.

"That's true. I opened up this avenue because of luck. Since I have practiced, I will not miss some opportunities. If I don't meet it, it's fine. Since I meet it here, I will certainly not let it go." Chen Feng said as he slightly accelerated his speed.

"I also want to see if there are any evil lives." Hades and the other two followed closely.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care whether there were any evil lives in the front. What Chen Feng was worried about was whether he would encounter something similar to the evil swamp.

If there really was, then it would be difficult for him to take advantage next time.

Chen Feng was not worried about ordinary Hunyuan, but Chen Feng was not an opponent of this level of special existence for the time being.

Of course, now it was just some speculation, and it was hard to say without really facing it.

And even if it was really powerful, Chen Feng had to find a way to get some benefits.

After all, it was still difficult to advance his own evil avenue. Unlike other avenues that could be directly seized by force, Chen Feng naturally could not plunder the evil swamp.

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