Eternal Existence

Chapter 506: Nine Heavens Soaring Cloud Seal

Sure enough, after this move of burning blood escape was performed, Liuguang and Qianhong immediately avoided Chen Feng's attack. The two disappeared in an instant, but they still left a strong bloody aura on the spot.

"Hey, they burned the blood of the heart. These two are really cruel, but it will take some time to recover in the future, unless there is a high-level elixir." Chen Feng was a little surprised to see that the other party had dodged his attack. After all, he also used almost all his strength to attack, but in the end he let the other party run away, and he also consumed a lot of energy to perform this attack.

However, Chen Feng did not hesitate, but communicated with the Longevity Tower while recovering his own strength. The phantom of the Longevity Tower suddenly flew out of Chen Feng's body, and then rapidly grew larger, and suddenly enveloped the ground. When the phantom of the Longevity Tower flew up again, the springs on the ground and the large area of ​​precious spiritual medicines around them all disappeared, leaving only a huge pit, and all of this naturally went to the Longevity Tower.

Although Chen Feng's harvest this time was not as good as the black iron ore last time, it also made Chen Feng almost laugh out loud. There were at least hundreds of spiritual medicines with a medicinal age of more than 5,000 years, and a spring that was constantly gushing out spiritual night. These things were placed in the Longevity Tower and Chen Feng's medicine field could be expanded again.

After collecting the spring and spiritual medicine, Chen Feng became invisible again and rushed towards the direction of the tiger monster. The movement of Chen Feng and Liuguang Qianhong's fight just now had attracted the attention of other cultivators in Jiuxiao Palace.

Standing on a high place to command, Yan Qing quickly flew towards the direction where Chen Feng was just now. Originally, according to Yan Qing's strength, he could easily attack from a distance, but he was afraid of damaging the spiritual medicine on the ground, so he didn't act immediately.

When he flew halfway, he saw a pagoda that collected the spring and spiritual medicine cleanly, which made Yan Qing so angry that he opened his mouth and roared. With Yan Qing's roar, a wave spread in the space. After a wave, Chen Feng immediately revealed his figure.

"Alas, although the Void Point has been opened, I didn't expect that I would be discovered one after another. It seems that my realm is still not enough." Chen Feng fell to the ground helplessly, and swung the Sword of Life in his hand quickly. The sword light of hundreds of meters kept flashing, and everything around was swept away.

"Tiger demon, I will lend you a hand." Chen Feng said as the Sword of Life flew out and slammed it against the formation. As the sword light surged, a hole was broken in the suppression that trapped the tiger demon.

"Tiger Roar Shock Wave!" A hole appeared in front of the tiger demon, and it immediately drilled out. After coming out, it launched an attack. The first one was a cultivator from the Jiuxiao Palace who was hit by the tiger roar shock wave, and the whole person turned into pieces.

Speaking of which, the tiger demon was not aware of the ambush at the beginning, so he was trapped in the formation. After escaping from the trap, he immediately attacked other cultivators like crazy. After killing and injuring two people, the tiger demon suddenly turned around and rushed towards his own nest.

However, when the tiger demon arrived at its lair, it saw the huge pit in front of it and shook angrily, and almost fell down.

"Roar! You damned humans, I will kill you all." The tiger demon was furious, and its body, which was already as big as a small mountain, became larger again like it was inflated.

At this time, Yan Qing also arrived. Yan Qing was a cultivator who had experienced nine thunder tribulations. He was one of the most powerful cultivators who entered the secret realm. He reached the distance of hundreds of feet in an instant. Looking at the deep pit in front of him, anger flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He and his companions had finally set up a trap, wanting to catch all the spiritual medicines and big monsters here. They were close to success, but who knew that something unexpected happened halfway. A cultivator who suddenly appeared disrupted his plan. Especially when he saw Liuguang and Qianhong covered in blood, Yan Qing's face became even uglier. Although there were many cultivators from Jiuxiao Palace this time, there were only a limited number of high-level cultivators. The death or injury of one was a huge loss for the sect. You know, cultivators who can survive eight or nine thunder tribulations have the hope of impacting the human immortal, especially Liuguang Qianhong himself is a genius.

"Nine Sky Soaring Cloud Seal!"

Two huge handprints brought up the wind and clouds, and suppressed Chen Feng and the tiger demon respectively. This seal method is the attack secret technique in the Nine Sky Sutra, the treasure of the Nine Sky Palace. It can be regarded as a small fairy technique. You should know that the Nine Sky Sutra, the Soaring Sky Sutra, and the Purple Sky Sutra, these three scriptures together are the Tianxiao Great Fairy Technique, which was passed down from the fairy world and is considered the top technique in the secular world.

"Spiral Sword Qi!"

The two sword energies of life and death quickly rotated and rushed into the sky, immediately piercing the big handprint, but what surprised Chen Feng was that the big handprint only had a hole, and did not dissipate, but slammed Chen Feng hard.


With a loud bang, the ground trembled, and Chen Feng was directly slammed into the ground, and a huge palm-shaped deep pit appeared on the ground.

Not to mention Chen Feng, even the tiger demon was slapped away by a palm strike. However, this tiger demon had a strong body and a huge size. It just rolled over a few times on the ground and stood up again, and then attacked Yan Qing in the air with a tiger roar shock wave.


Chen Feng flew out of the pit as if nothing had happened, and then his whole body was flashing with sword light. The two swords of life and death emitted black and white sword light, wrapped Chen Feng and flew away.

"Tiger demon, I saved you, and that's the reward from your territory. Okay, I should leave now. You can deal with these people next." Chen Feng shouted to the tiger demon before leaving.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Yan Qing waved his hand and used the Nine Heavens Soaring Cloud Seal again. This time, the palm print was more powerful and faster, locking Chen Feng firmly, as if the sky was falling.

"Alas, a cultivator of the ninth level of heaven and man is not a match at all." Chen Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. Not to mention that his strength was consumed now, even at the peak stage, he was not a match for Yan Qing.


The shadow of the Longevity Tower suddenly appeared, covering Chen Feng completely, and he took Yan Qing's big handprint attack.


It was like two huge meteorites collided with each other, and the sound made the other cultivators in Jiuxiao Palace feel stars in their eyes and their blood boiled.

"Brother Yan is really amazing. This time, I think he can kill that guy."

"Hahaha, thank you very much." Chen Feng was not hurt by the attack of Jiuxiao Lingyun Seal. Instead, he flew forward at a faster speed. Like a trend, he flashed a ray of light in the air and disappeared in an instant.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and chase him. That's Chen Feng." Yan Qing shouted coldly. Thinking that he had not been able to stop the opponent after two consecutive attacks, Yan Qing's face was still not good.

"I'll do it!" At this time, Yan Huo came out, and the fire bow in his hand was pulled open suddenly. The fire power around gathered violently, forming a long rocket. When his palm was loosened, the huge rocket turned into a red light and chased in the direction where Chen Feng disappeared.

The fire bow in Yan Huo's hand was also a holy weapon. It had attacked Chen Feng before, but at that time Yan Huo was at the sixth level of the heavenly man realm. Now he has been promoted to the seventh level of the heavenly man.

"Catch that tiger demon."

At this time, the tiger demon saw Chen Feng running away, hesitated for a moment, and rushed out quickly, and the direction was also the place where Chen Feng disappeared. There were no more spiritual medicines on his territory, and the other party was outnumbered. If he stayed, he would die, so he might as well escape first, seek help from other big demons, and then deal with these humans.

This tiger demon was even stronger than Chen Feng. Although he was injured, he rushed out quickly.

"Liuguang, Qianhong, how are you?" Yan Qing asked Liuguang and the others when he landed beside them.

"I almost died just now. It takes a while to recover after performing the Burning Blood Escape Technique." Liuguang's face was a little ugly.

"I have a ground-level Yuan Dan, you take it first, and then Yanhuo, you help Liuguang and the others heal their wounds, I will chase Chen Feng first, this guy has a holy weapon on him, this time I can't let him go no matter what." Yan Qing said.

"Brother, be careful, there are many big demons here, and there may be a demon king." Yanhuo said.

"Don't worry, you should contact other fellow disciples immediately, and notify Zixiao and Lingxiao Palaces, and tell them that we have discovered a large spiritual stone mine." After Yan Qing finished his instructions, a long sword flew out of his body, and then Yan Qing stepped on it and quickly chased Chen Feng.

"I want to see how far you can escape. You have a holy weapon, and I also have a holy weapon." Yan Qing sneered.

Chen Feng flew hundreds of miles in one breath before he began to slow down. As soon as Chen Feng slowed down, he felt that the tiger monster was chasing him from behind.

"Hey, does this tiger monster know that I took away the spring eye." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although Chen Feng was not afraid of this tiger monster, it was inevitable that there would be some other troubles in fighting here, after all, this was the territory of monsters.

Just as he paused, the tiger monster caught up with him, and saw Chen Feng and immediately said: "Thank you for your action just now, but we have to speed up, the pursuers behind should catch up."

Hearing this, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the tiger monster must have thought that the spring eye and spiritual medicine fell into the hands of Jiuxiao Palace.

"After another thousand miles, it's not my territory anymore. It's the territory of my good friend Shadowless Leopard. I'll contact a few more partners later. I can't wait for them to catch up." The tiger demon said murderously.

"By the way, tiger demon, how many big demons are there here? Are there any demon kings?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

Perhaps because of Chen Feng's attack just now, the tiger demon was not very wary of Chen Feng. When he heard Chen Feng's question, he immediately answered: "I don't know exactly how many big demons there are. There are at least hundreds of big demons above the fifth level. Of course, there are demon kings, a total of seven."

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