Eternal Existence

Chapter 5063: A Step Late

Since we have come to the origin of this life, it is also an opportunity. It is better to take a good walk here. Even if we don’t get much, we can just leave directly.

“This origin is not small in scale. If we want to explore it, it will take a very long time even if we use our power. However, it can be confirmed that this origin is still in its heyday and has not experienced war in a short period of time. There are also many lives above the level of Hunyuan. As for the number of powerful beings below the origin, it is hard to say.” Chen Feng said.

It is still very dangerous to be at the same level as the River of Time. Chen Feng did not dare to provoke rashly, otherwise he and his friends might really get into trouble.

At least Chen Feng was not sure to resist the attack of the River of Time in the free space, even if he burned the fragments of the origin.

Although he can control the origin now, after all, they are all broken, or the origin that has been revived after destruction. The power is far less than the peak state of the year, not to mention that Chen Feng cannot perfectly burst out all the power in his hands.

“The area ahead is quite interesting. I feel the power left above Hunyuan.” Hades suddenly said.

"Let's go and take a look." Chen Feng and his friends also became interested.

As a result, they were disappointed when they arrived at the place. There was indeed a breath of power that only existed above Hunyuan, but that was all.

"It turned out that there was someone above Hunyuan who stayed here for a while. The other party couldn't control himself for some special reasons, so he released some of his own power fluctuations, so he has stayed until now. In fact, for some lives at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, these power fluctuations alone can benefit a lot." Hades said.

Although they were a little disappointed, they still inferred the strength of the other party from these power fluctuations.

"Ordinary." Chen Feng came to this conclusion.

Not long after walking for a few days, they saw a sea of ​​blood, and many lives were adventuring in it.

"This is the blood that flowed out after the Hunyuan was injured. It has turned into an ocean. It is fatal to ordinary lives. Only a few Daluo Jinxian can come here to take risks." Chen Feng remembered some of his past experiences.

At that time, he was still very weak, and he also encountered blood that wanted to stay. At that time, he didn't know what level it represented.

However, as his strength grew, he no longer took the Hunyuan Jinxian seriously.

"It seems that there may be a fight between the above, but no other power fluctuations of the Hunyuan are detected, which means there is no battlefield nearby." Hades speculated.

Several people became interested and began to use means to trace the source, wanting to see if there was really a fight between the Hunyuan.

Even if the battle was over, there should at least be a reason and a venue.

As expected of being from the underworld, Hades had some special means and quickly locked the direction.

After moving forward for a distance, several people finally discovered the power fluctuations left by the second Hunyuan.

"This is interesting."

Chen Feng said with a smile, and he also had some interest. Although he had come into contact with strange origins and strange life systems when walking in this origin before, Chen Feng had had this experience many times before, so he was not too excited.

After feeling the power fluctuations left by the third Hunyuan, he saw some residual blood and corpses in the void.

"At least it is above the Primordial, even a drop of blood can bear the body, but these blood and body fragments have been wiped out of the life mark, and there is not much activity. The most important thing is that this is not caused by too long time, it may be a special method used by the opponent." Chen Feng said.

Pluto and the others also agreed with Chen Feng's statement, and then they slightly accelerated their speed.

Finally, another strange force appeared. These forces were entangled together and were still fighting.

"Even if it has left the body, it still contains the will of the other party. This is a battle between wills." The eyes of several people flashed, and they saw not only wills, but also the lives that emerged fighting.

Through this picture, Chen Feng and the others can even deduce the true state of the two warring parties.

"They are actually snatching the origin seeds." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and his strength was slightly stronger, which actually alarmed the wills that were entangled in front of him, and then these wills rushed directly to Chen Feng.

This time Chen Feng became interested, and the origin seeds were also what he needed.

It's just that this was a battle that happened before, and he was late now. Even so, the few people kept speeding up accordingly.

Since there is an origin seed, it is possible that the origin zone of this origin exists.

"It shouldn't be here. We haven't been in this origin for a long time, and we haven't really gone deep." Hades was also a little strange.

But after several people found a dried origin seed, they changed their previous ideas.

This origin seed turned into a huge planet, almost hiding it from Chen Feng and others.

"This origin seed has been drained of energy and has no vitality." Chen Feng covered the planet with a thought, and everything was under Chen Feng's exploration.

"This origin seed is not bad, better quality than the ones I encountered before, but it's a pity that it has become an empty shell now." Hades said.

Chen Feng thought about it and stretched out his finger, and a force of life rushed towards the planet.

This dry planet is like a bottomless pit. At the same time, Chen Feng's power reached a certain level, and the whole planet trembled slightly, and life inside the planet began to erupt.

"There is no need to do this." Hades was a little curious about Chen Feng's actions.

Even if Chen Feng could revive this origin seed, the vitality he paid was enough to match the value of this origin seed. Chen Feng's doing this was simply not worth the loss.

"It's just a waste of life energy. I just want to understand the origin seeds of different origins." Chen Feng waved his hand and collected the entire planet.

In Chen Feng's words, it has a certain research value, so I don't know if it is good for me.

Chen Feng can afford to waste life energy.

For Chen Feng, it was just an insignificant experience. He just felt it was interesting and did it casually.

But for several people, being able to encounter a dry origin seed here means that something interesting has happened before.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. I directly extracted all the life energy in the origin seed and threw the shell here." The good ones of the Wind Shadow Saint continued.

"Yes, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation." Iron Sword Saint said.

"It is also possible that a special skill was used during the battle." Hades guessed.

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded. If he used the Devouring Technique, he could also cause such a situation. The several people above the Primordial Stage present all had this method.

The method is actually not rare, but no one would do it.

"Look what's in front of you?" Several people finally found a chaotic space in front of them, with a strong bloody aura.

It is obvious that this is a battlefield, and it is also suitable for the Primordial Stage to stay.

"The movement caused by such a level of life cannot be calmed down in a short time, unless someone directly suppresses it, or the law of this origin intervenes." Chen Feng said.

I want to use the method of time retracing here, but I am worried that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"What a pity."

Chen Feng felt the will from the River of Time.

Chen Feng has found the origins of each side during this period, and this is another new origin, but the River of Time and the others don't have enough power.

I have to say, it's really depressing.

But there is no way. Due to their strength and their own limitations, the River of Time can only become stronger little by little.

This is because they follow Chen Feng, otherwise they can't leave the Gate of Origin, let alone grow stronger.

Not to mention the River of Time, even the Gate of Origin can't expand on a large scale. It can only invade the nearby origins little by little. Only after defeating the nearby origins can it grow stronger.

There is also a possibility that both sides will suffer losses.

Unless the Gate of Origin evolves into a special life like the Soul Emperor, even if it can't move with free space, it can run around by itself.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng understands the horror and danger of the Soul Emperor more and more, and even regrets that he has encountered such a powerful enemy.

If the other party is narrow-minded and deliberately targets himself, I am afraid that he will really have trouble in the future.

"Facing the oppression of the Soul Emperor, I can only hide in the Gate of Origin to be safe, otherwise I can't run away. I hope the other party doesn't take me to heart." Chen Feng became more and more depressed as he thought about it. Even if his cultivation speed is very fast, even if he breaks through to the realm above Hunyuan, he is far from being the opponent of the Soul Emperor.

Because this is a gap at different levels.

"It seems that I can't stay in this origin for too long. I have to stay away from this area. In this way, even if the Soul Emperor wants to find me, he can't lock my position for a while." Chen Feng thought.

After getting closer, Chen Feng and his friends could see more things clearly.

"This is indeed a war zone left by a group of Hunyuan above fighting. The participants are at least ten Hunyuan above." Chen Feng felt the power of ten different attributes.

And with the means of several people, they can even restore the scene of the battle here at that time.

"No matter what treasures there are, we are late. The war here has ended for a while, and the warring parties have left long ago." Hades said with some disappointment.

Chen Feng nodded, it was true.

"It's a pity, didn't we make a wasted trip?" Iron Sword Saint also said so.

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