Eternal Existence

Chapter 5059: Helpless

Seeing Chen Feng being so straightforward, Hades and the other two naturally followed him and left. Although they were still a little curious about the outcome of this war, they also knew that staying here might be dangerous.

The Soul Emperor was too powerful.

They had also gained some benefits before, so it was not a loss to leave this time.

"I remember there should be other origins nearby. Should we go in and find a place to rest?" Hades suggested.

"Is this place far from the underworld?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Are you interested in the underworld? If you want to go, I can lead the way, but this place is not close to the underworld. We need to pass through one origin. Of course, this is a shortcut. If you don't want to enter that origin, we need to take a detour." Hades said.

"Actually, I don't care, as long as it's an unfamiliar origin." Chen Feng did not say whether he wanted to go or not.

Soon Chen Feng also felt one origin.

In fact, it was very simple. The war between the Soul Origin and the others was too loud, which had alarmed the nearby origins. Naturally, some lives would come out of the origins to explore.

While Chen Feng felt the new origin, the life of this origin also sent a wave of will, asking Chen Feng and his friends what happened?

Chen Feng and his friends naturally responded simply, waiting until they entered this special origin. There was no reaction from the Hunyuan above who had communicated before.

"I thought the other party was going to take action?" said the Wind Shadow Saint.

"It's a good thing not to take action. We just came out and don't know about this. Besides, even if we know about this origin, we shouldn't go against the local life." Iron Sword Saint said.

"Has everyone never been to this origin?" Chen Feng asked.

"I just heard that this is the origin of chaos. It sounds chaotic here, but it's not the case. Especially the opponent we met just now, it seems that the opponent is quite cost-effective." The Wind Shadow Saint said.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if the Hunyuan above took action just now. After all, they only represent themselves, not this origin. Besides, if it's really dangerous, we can leave this place." Hades said.

In fact, Hades is not as wary and fearful of ordinary origins as other lives.

"We are here just to avoid the limelight temporarily, refine the previous harvest first, and then we will choose to leave. As for whether there are some interesting places in this origin? Let's talk about it later." Chen Feng said.

In the previous battle with the origin, Chen Feng and his friends had already felt strong pressure and didn't want to conflict with the origin again.

Of course, if this origin really wants to attack his people, then Chen Feng is not afraid.

Even if he is not the opponent of this origin, he can just leave.

Chen Feng doesn't believe that any random origin he encounters can be stronger than the spiritual power.

The reason why the spiritual emperor is powerful is not only because he is a life, but also because he can unify the origin.

Then most of the origins that Chen Feng has seen cannot do this. Even if they can unify their power, it will take some time to gather them.

While communicating, several people learned about this origin. In the end, they felt that there was nothing special to pay attention to, so they found a quiet area to stay.

"You can't practice here for a long time. Notify all Taoist friends that we are leaving. Of course, if any Taoist friends want to separate, I won't force it." Chen Feng expressed his point of view.

Without waiting for the Pluto and the others to respond, Chen Feng entered the independent space he had just opened up.

Chen Feng had consumed a lot of energy in the previous battle with the Soul Emperor, but fortunately, the Ancient God Origin and the others gave him benefits.

Otherwise, Chen Feng would have to consider whether he had suffered a loss in this battle.

Although Chen Feng's spirit and energy had been drained in the previous war, his mana cultivation had increased a lot, and there were also some Origin fragments that Chen Feng had obtained. Chen Feng didn't need to count them, and he knew that he had gained a lot this time.

As for the deficits caused by the previous battle, they could be recovered quickly with Chen Feng's abnormal means.

Sometimes plans can't keep up with changes.

Later, Chen Feng's idea was to practice here for a while and then leave.

Maybe he wanted to explore this Origin, or he might leave this Origin directly.

But Chen Feng felt the danger not long after practicing, or he was reminded by the Long River of Time.

Chen Feng notified the Pluto and the others as soon as possible, but before the two sides met, Chen Feng and the others were attacked.

"The attack from the local life, is it from the Hunyuan who had communicated with me before?" Chen Feng had this thought at the first time, but he couldn't be sure that it was the other party.

It was obvious that the other party came prepared, and Chen Feng and his friends were naturally not vegetarians, and the two sides had a violent collision.

The other party's sneak attack did not succeed, but it also broke the independent space opened up by Chen Feng and his friends.

Then the two sides gathered together, and at this time Chen Feng also felt a familiar breath.

"It was indeed the other party." Hades said.

"I said something was wrong, and I thought the other party didn't like fighting, but I didn't expect that it could be calculated from the beginning." Iron Sword Saint said.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. Let's think about how to deal with the other party. Although these people are average in strength, this is the other party's territory after all, and our strength itself has been suppressed." Hades said.

"Then let's fight quickly and kill them." Chen Feng said.

"It's a pity that my fortune formation diagram has not been repaired yet, otherwise it would be easy for us to rush out together."

Chen Feng did not use the power of origin next, because he was worried about attracting the targeting of this side's origin, and he did not use the sword of Cangsu, also worried about attracting the existence of the same level.

Chen Feng only used his own strength, even so, Chen Feng no longer took ordinary Hunyuan above in his eyes.

This is the reason why Chen Feng's vision is getting higher and higher. Although the speed of such strength has not kept up with the vision, it has also improved rapidly.

What's more, with Chen Feng's current mentality, he is also worried about what will happen. If you can't do anything to the opponent, you can also burst out stronger means again.

So the two sides fought, and soon Chen Feng beat back an opponent with a punch, and then Chen Feng released a road.

The power of the road suppressed another Hunyuan above.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not use the power of the origin, Hades and the other two also understood Chen Feng's idea.

However, like Chen Feng, they were not worried, even if they were in the opponent's territory, it didn't matter.

Hades and the others thought that they had participated in the previous origin war, and the one in front of them was just a small scene.

Hades came from the underworld, and he didn't take other Hunyuan above seriously.

One against two, Hades even had the upper hand.

The two Iron Sword Saints also blocked an opponent each.

Although the opponent was a sneak attack, Chen Feng and his friends did not suffer any loss, and it was hard to say who would win or lose if the current situation continued.

Especially the few who took action, it could be seen that Chen Feng had not used his full strength yet, and some bad feelings had begun to arise in his heart.




The rolling energy came from all directions, and at the same time, there was pressure, suppressing Chen Feng and his friends while strengthening their own power.

These Hunyuan above finally began to mobilize the power of the origin of chaos.

Chen Feng felt relieved. Judging from the opponent's methods, the origin power they could mobilize was not strong at all, and Chen Feng could deal with it easily.

However, the first to explode was Hades.

In the previous origin-level war, Hades did not stand out much. He just followed Chen Feng's continuous output of mana cultivation, and only had that kind of blessing method, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

But now against these ordinary Hunyuan Above, Hades finally showed his strength.

The explosion of magical power directly hit an opponent, and then he used a special secret method to beat another Hunyuan Above to pieces.

Then Hades rushed around and actually faced other Hunyuan Above.

Seeing that Hades was so fierce, Chen Feng was also a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it, but suddenly used boxing. This punch was more powerful, and the opponent couldn't resist it at all, and was punched through by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stepped forward casually, and an attack fell on Chen Feng, but was directly resisted by Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng punched again, and a huge life was thrown out directly.

With Chen Feng and Hades charging forward, they soon put the opponents in chaos, and some even wanted to retreat.

Because they found that even if they mobilized the power of the origin of chaos, they could not deal with these outsiders.

At this time, it was no longer a matter of regret or not, but whether they could save their lives.

When a person above the Hunyuan was severely injured by Chen Feng again, someone finally chose to flee from here.

"It's too late to leave now. Since they attacked us, we must be prepared to stay." Hades said murderously.

But at this moment, a beam of light swept in from the depths of the origin. It didn't seem to be fast, but Chen Feng and others had an illusion that they couldn't dodge.

At the first time, Chen Feng thought that Fang Qiyuan had taken action personally, but when Chen Feng used boxing to break the beam of light, Chen Feng had some judgment in his heart.

This is a power beyond the Hunyuan, that is, the existence above the origin-level magic weapon.

"Under normal circumstances, they should not take action. Is there something wrong here?" Chen Feng guessed.

Then the light appeared again, this time not only one beam of light, but also lights of different colors appeared in other directions.

Chen Feng doubted his previous judgment, it seemed a little wrong, it felt like the origin of the light.

But someone must be secretly monitoring everything here.

While thinking about it, Chen Feng secretly took out the long sword. Although his chaotic body was very powerful, he would still be injured if he encountered these origin lights.

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