Eternal Existence

Chapter 5057 Stay Away from Danger

After all, Chen Feng still has many means, and he can set up multiple layers of defense, but this time it is too late.

In just a moment, the defense created by several people was directly shattered.

Chen Feng's divine wings also exploded directly, and dense cracks appeared on the bodies of Hades and the other two.

These cracks flashed by, and the next moment they were shattered.

Rich vitality was released from the body, and he wanted to reshape his body, but he could never do it.

Unless the power of the Soul Emperor could be wiped out, it would be Hades and the others who would be wiped out.

Chen Feng's situation was slightly better, but his body was also covered with cracks.

The reason why Chen Feng did not collapse like Hades and the other two was that in addition to Chen Feng's strong physical body, he also had a stronger life path.

Even so, Chen Feng could not hold on, and his body was about to collapse.

At this time, the shadow of the long river of time emerged, covering Chen Feng and the others in a circle.

The shadows of the long river of time connected end to end, and the power of time began to flow backwards. Not only that, the Gate of Time and Space also took action to stabilize the four-sided void.

Chen Feng's broken body stabilized, and Hades and his men also reshaped their bodies.

Everything seemed to have returned to the past.

The divine wings behind Chen Feng also grew out again, and the next moment Chen Feng disappeared along with the surrounding void.

The Soul Emperor wanted to continue attacking, but for a moment he could not lock the specific location of Chen Feng. At the same time, the attacks of the Ancient God Origin and his men also arrived. This delay made it impossible to chase Chen Feng and his men.

Feeling that the Soul Emperor did not catch up, Chen Feng and Hades and his men also breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation just now was too dangerous, and no one was sure that they could stop the Soul Emperor's next attack.

You know, the Soul Emperor drew out his strength to deal with several people during the battle with other origins.

In this way, no one could resist, so they had no idea how much power the Soul Emperor would mobilize next.

"I'm wondering how strong the Soul Emperor would be if he went all out?" Hades said.

"Daoyou are from the underworld, haven't you seen such a powerful existence?" Chen Feng asked.

Hades shook his head: "I haven't seen it, this powerful existence has exceeded my imagination."

"But there must be such a powerful existence in the underworld, but I haven't come into contact with it."

Although Hades said it again at the end, Chen Feng was still thinking in his heart.

The underworld is very powerful, and it is an existence of the same level as Guixu. In this case, he has never seen a figure like the Soul Emperor. Is it that Hades has never seen it, or is it because there is no life like the Soul Emperor?

But no matter what, the Soul Emperor is indeed very powerful, and even Chen Feng is a little shocked at this time.

Chen Feng has seen many powerful origins, and he can accept them, but to be honest, Chen Feng has never encountered such a powerful life.

However, Chen Feng thought about the origin he had encountered before, which was also opened up by life, but in comparison, the other party was still not as good as the Soul Origin.

After all, Chen Feng and others could control which origin at that time.

However, since he had seen and heard before, and met the Soul Emperor this time, Chen Feng also saw a way.

That is, life can also become so powerful.

Chen Feng thought of the Tianyuan Saint who opened up his own origin. The other party took this path. If the Tianyuan Saint can continue to move forward smoothly over time, maybe one day he can really become as powerful as the Soul Emperor.

And Chen Feng thought about himself again. Although he has not yet opened up his own origin, with the breakthrough of cultivation, the accumulation of mana will come sooner or later.

Maybe there is a big gap compared with the Soul Emperor now, but Chen Feng believes that he will be so powerful sooner or later.

Several people can't stop. At this time, they are extremely far away from the battlefield. Only by performing pupil skills can they see some shadows of the battle from a distance.

Even the energy generated by the battle cannot be transmitted for a while.

"The outcome of this war is already determined. The Soul Emperor is the winner. I am a little worried that the Soul Emperor will cause trouble for us in the future?" Pluto is still a little worried.

"You are fine, but the Soul Emperor must have locked onto me. After all, I came out of the Soul Origin from the beginning. In fact, the Soul Emperor and I are partners, but I messed with him. And the Soul Emperor also communicated with me secretly before." Chen Feng said slowly.

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much. Such a powerful existence should not care about us. Besides, there are so many participants, how could it be possible that they only targeted us?" Iron Sword Saint said.

"I hope so, provided that we stay away from here and don't meet the Soul Emperor." Chen Feng said.

"But this war can't be ended in a short time. Even if we can swallow the three origins, it will take enough time. And it will take more time to digest this time." Chen Feng knew that even if it was a life, it would take a long time to digest so many things at once.

Of course, the Soul Emperor could also seal all these things and digest them later.

In short, Chen Feng didn't know much about this level of existence, and there might be more means.

After the exchange, several people were silent.

Although we have escaped the pursuit of the Soul Emperor, now that we are safe, the place is a little empty.

Of course, there are still some entanglements.

Should we leave now, or stay close to see the excitement? As for the few people who participated in it, they would not do so.

The Soul Emperor has taken the initiative to attack, and Chen Feng would not choose to attack even if there are tempting resources.

"Someone has chosen to leave." Chen Feng said so.

At this time, Hades and others also saw powerful lives leaving the battlefield, including several familiar people.

What's interesting is that in addition to those Hunyuan Above who attacked the Soul Origin, there are also some native lives in the Soul Origin.

Hades and others didn't think much about it, but Chen Feng knew that these Hunyuan Above were controlled by the Soul Emperor. Could they succeed in escaping in the chaos?

However, this is a great opportunity. The power of the Soul Emperor is entangled, and maybe they can really escape far away.

"Interesting, I wonder how the Soul Emperor will deal with it." Chen Feng was a little curious.

As a result, those Hunyuan Above didn't walk far and began to scream. It was obvious that the Soul Emperor had used his means.

"How cruel! In this case, these Hunyuan Aboves will never be able to escape the control of the Soul Emperor until they die." Chen Feng sneered.

The next moment, Chen Feng disappeared from the spot. When Chen Feng reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the Hunyuan Aboves on the Soul Origin side.

Pluto and the others came to their senses, and Chen Feng was going to attack those Hunyuan Aboves, and Chen Feng did attack. He only saw Chen Feng using the power of the origin to directly cover those Hunyuan Aboves.

And those Hunyuan Aboves did not struggle. Pluto and the other three wanted to help, but after seeing this situation, they also stopped where they were and looked at each other in surprise.

Even if those Hunyuan Aboves were restricted by the Soul Emperor, it was not as easy as Chen Feng to suppress them.

"Could it be because of that?" Pluto thought of another guess.

Chen Feng did not return immediately, but went to another area, because there were also Hunyuan Aboves rushing out there.

In this way, Chen Feng kept wandering around, suppressing dozens of Hunyuan Aboves in one breath, and then chose to leave.

Chen Feng had to leave, because he felt that if he continued, he would be attacked by the Soul Emperor.

Or the Soul Emperor had already locked his eyes on Chen Feng, and he and Chen Feng were ready to fight with all their strength, but the Soul Emperor did not make a move, but let Chen Feng leave.

Chen Feng thought that the other party probably did not have much power to deal with him.

However, Chen Feng also understood that his previous actions were really risky, so after collecting these dozens of Hunyuan, he made up his mind and never went forward again.

"Daoyou, what are you doing?" Hades asked curiously.

"I just want to weaken the power of the Soul Origin as much as possible. Since they are willing to leave, I will help them." Chen Feng said, which also confirmed Hades's guess just now.

"Let's go."

Chen Feng began to move away from here.

Seeing Chen Feng so straightforward, Hades and the other two naturally left. Although they were still a little curious about the outcome of this war, everyone knew that it might be dangerous to stay here.

The Soul Emperor was too powerful.

Everyone had also taken some benefits before, so leaving this time was not a loss.

"I remember there should be other origins nearby. Should we go in and find a place to rest?" Hades suggested.

"Is this place far from the underworld?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Are you interested in the underworld? If you want to go, I can lead the way, but this place is not close to the underworld. We need to pass through one origin. Of course, this is a shortcut. If we don't want to enter that origin, we need to take a detour." Hades said.

"Actually, I don't care, as long as it is an unfamiliar origin." Chen Feng did not express whether he wanted to go or not.

Soon Chen Feng also felt one origin.

In fact, it is very simple. The war between the two sides of the spiritual origin was too loud, which had alarmed the nearby origins. Naturally, some lives would come out of the origin to explore.

At the same time that Chen Feng felt the new origin, there was also a wave from the life of the wind origin, asking Chen Feng and his friends what happened?

And Chen Feng and his friends naturally responded simply, waiting to enter this special origin, and there was no reaction from the previous exchanges of the Hunyuan.

"I thought it was the other party's attack?" said the Wind Shadow Saint.

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