Eternal Existence

Chapter 5052: Unable to Kill

"No matter what, let's leave here first. I always feel something is wrong. Let's not talk about anything else. Just say these mind puppets that appeared in front of us. One-on-one, you are not opponents." Chen Feng said.

"Daoyou is right. Let's leave first." Hades was the first to choose to support Chen Feng.

Because Hades also felt the pressure from the mind puppets.

Especially the following situation, Hades confirmed Chen Feng's guess.

After all, everyone didn't go far. A strong binding force began to appear, and the light of the mind intertwined into a silk net in front of them. In this process, complex runes and prohibitions evolved.

More mind power swept here from all directions of the entire origin.

The origin of the mind has a method of boiling a frog in warm water, and now it seems that this method is getting more and more intense.

Chen Feng knew that his previous intuition was correct.

A sword fell, and a crack was torn in the mirror in front of him. Several people urged the fortune array diagram and rushed in.

I thought I had gotten rid of the trouble, but who knew that the mind power in front of me was rolling in, very strong, and soon formed a new light curtain.

At this time, everyone began to worry, but Chen Feng still tore the crack with a sword.

Seeing that Chen Feng had an invincible spirit of moving forward, the three Hades felt relieved.

But a piece of light suddenly exploded, like thousands of arrows shooting at the fortune array.

Even if several people output at full strength, the fortune array almost became riddled with holes.

The speed of advancement finally slowed down.

"Don't worry, you just need to master this lens, and leave the front to me." Chen Feng said lightly.

In fact, the three Hades were also worried that Chen Feng would leave alone. Although the three of them had some special means that they had not used, the situation in front of them was too terrifying.

I don't feel very confident.

Fortunately, Chen Feng was very calm, and the long sword in his hand was even more invincible.

And in order to move forward better, Chen Feng also adjusted the power output of the fortune array.

The fortune array shrank slightly, and at the same time, the power of the array was blessed to the long sword.

In this way, Chen Feng's explosive power will become very strong, and there is no need to burn the origin fragments at all.

Up to now, Chen Feng has not burned the origin fragments, and he doesn't even have the power of the power origin. This is also Chen Feng's confidence.

It's not that Chen Feng's calmness is pretended, but Chen Feng really has a bottom line.

No matter what obstacles are ahead, they are all torn apart by Chen Feng's swords.

Pluto and the other two also noticed that the obstacles that kept appearing in front of them were deliberately aimed at everyone. It is obvious that the Soul Emperor has locked several people.

Otherwise, the Soul Emperor did not think of letting an invader escape from the beginning.

"But if all the invaders who suddenly appeared this time are blocked and suppressed, how much power and cost will it take?" Pluto was actually a little curious.

A piece of soul light appeared again, and everyone was affected even if there was a formation diagram to protect them this time.

This is an attack on the soul, and even Chen Feng slowed down.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng practiced the soul avenue, and even if he didn't use it, he would bear enough strong pressure.

Of course, as outsiders, Pluto and the others also suffered the suppression of different power origins.

This is the home court of the Soul Emperor after all.

"I can't get out, which is a bit troublesome." Chen Feng broke through several obstacles again, but the obstacles around him kept appearing.

After all, as long as he didn't leave the origin of the mind, he would always find the other party to attack.

Chen Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Don't worry, stop here now."

Chen Feng no longer chose to move forward, but stayed in the fortune array, and then focused on defense.

Chen Feng took out the sacred mountain, and the defense of the fortune array became stronger with the sacred mountain.

No matter what kind of attack was around, it couldn't break the fortune array.

At first, the three Hades were still a little worried, but after a long time, they gradually felt relieved when they saw that the array was safe and sound.

"Is this really okay? When it is solved, others will come to deal with it, and we will be even more unable to escape." Hades asked.

"You have seen it before. I wanted to rush out in one go, but I was targeted by the Soul Emperor. In this case, it is better to stop and rest and see the situation. This time we come here, there are so many Hunyuan above, and there are three origins outside to cooperate. I think this time the Soul Emperor is not easy." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that we can only wait." Hearing Chen Feng say this, Hades and others have no better solution.

After waiting for a while, the surrounding attacks weakened.

"Should we take the opportunity to rush out?" Iron Sword Saint suggested.

"Wait and see the situation." Chen Feng has actually been sensing the situation outside, trying to figure out what state the Soul Origin is in now.

And have the many intruders who came before been suppressed?

The result is that the situation is not very good. Those Hunyuan above do not seem to have rushed out and are still in the previous core area.

Although the Soul Origin is still shaking, the fact that those intruders did not come out means that at least they have to compete with the Soul Origin.

The worst situation is that it has been suppressed by the Soul Origin.

Chen Feng originally thought about contacting those Hunyuan masters who came together, but after Chen Feng's investigation, he gave up this plan.

"Get out of here quickly."

At this time, Chen Feng received the news from Time Changhe.

"The origin of this side is gradually growing. The other side should be constantly absorbing external forces. There is no sign of collapse at all. If you don't rush out quickly, the situation will become more and more difficult in the future." Shiguang Changhe said.

During this period of time, this power of time has grown a lot with Chen Feng. Although he cannot come out to participate in such high-level battles, he can still sense some things.

Chen Feng naturally believed in the long river of time, so he no longer planned to stay, but chose a direction according to the guidance of the long river of time.

"Fellow Taoists, the situation is not good either. Next we need to kill them all at once. I hope that these fellow Taoists can use all their strength and means. Otherwise, we may never be able to leave the origin of the soul." Chen Feng said cautiously.

The three Plutos felt Chen Feng's tone and knew that something was wrong, so they naturally agreed.

Chen Feng didn't say much. He had already said what he said. The next process of leaving would definitely not be so smooth. Then they would naturally understand how dangerous it would be if they did not give up their rights.

It was still in its previous state. After a period of accumulation, the formation of creation suddenly exploded. Chen Feng drew out a sword, and a crack continued to expand, as if it wanted to split the origin of the soul.

The power of this sword is much greater than before.

Chen Feng rushed forward quickly.

This time, he advanced very far in one breath before being attacked by the origin of the soul, but Chen Feng was ready to swing his sword again.

In this way, Chen Feng exploded with all his strength, and finally felt that he was getting closer and closer to the edge of the origin of his soul.

Chen Feng originally thought that he would rush out soon, but who knew that the stars would change and the space would tremble.

Chen Feng and others were actually moved to another area.

Not only was Chen Feng unable to sense his previous state, he also felt that the surrounding space was constantly strengthening.

This made Chen Feng immediately think of the independent space in the origin battlefield.

It was obvious that this was the Psychic Emperor's method. Chen Feng understood that the Psychic Emperor had taken direct action against him.

"Even so, how much more power can you unleash now?" Although Chen Feng was a little depressed, he still didn't panic.

The more the Mind Emperor targets himself, it also shows that the other party attaches more importance to him.

So Chen Feng drew out his sword, and the solid space in front of him was cut open.

But the next moment, several people entered another independent space.

"This can't go on like this. It's obviously consuming our strength." Pluto said.

"The Great Mind Emperor is even more uncomfortable. Could it be that we are waiting with peace of mind like before." Chen Feng continued to pour power into the Sword of Rigel as he spoke.

The three Plutos were not lazy and continued to send energy into the formation.

This time Chen Feng took longer to accumulate, so the sword energy that was difficult to release was more powerful.

The space in front of him was torn open again.

"Actually, when the power is strong enough, no matter where it originates from, it cannot directly open a passage to come out. It is obvious that my current power is not strong enough." Chen Feng said.

"I think this should be the limit for fellow Taoist." Pluto said.

"Yes, due to some restrictions, even if the energy is superimposed, it will be difficult to increase the power." Chen Feng said.

"I do have a secret method that can increase the attack power of this long sword." Hades said.

"That's really the best." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Of course, this was also pretended by Chen Feng. Chen Feng was not surprised that these few had stronger fighting power.

Especially Pluto, he comes from the underworld, so he doesn't have any special means.

Pluto didn't say this before, it must be because this method is not easy to use, or because he believes in Chen Feng.

Now seeing that Chen Feng really couldn't rush out, coupled with the increasing pressure around him, Pluto finally became anxious.

"I also have some auxiliary means." The Wind Shadow Saint also said.

"Okay, let's give it a try and let me determine the direction first," Chen Feng said.

No matter what, you can still give it a try, not to mention that with them taking action, Chen Feng can feel more relaxed.

"The main thing is that we don't know the situation outside, otherwise we can be aware of it." Iron Sword Saint Lord said.

With the help of the power of time, Chen Feng locked the direction again and slashed out with his sword.

Chen Feng almost lost control of this sword.

In addition to Chen Feng's own power, there is also the power of the formation of creation, coupled with Pluto's special secret method, and the blessing method of the Wind Shadow Saint, the power of this sword is beyond imagination.

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