Eternal Existence

Chapter 5050: Adjust the direction

The three had followed Chen Feng to the origin of the ancient soul. Who knew that Chen Feng changed to another place so quickly, but the three of them still caught up.

Just after seeing Chen Feng being blocked, the three of them chose to help Chen Feng after a simple discussion.

So after the three of them joined the battle, the situation changed and they successfully repelled the life coming.

After arriving at the origin of the ancient god, Chen Feng continued to swing his sword to cut the origin.

The three Hades also began to attack with some benefits.

Soon they were attracted by the origin and stopped following Chen Feng, but changed direction.

For this, Chen Feng did not stop them, but continued his actions.

After Chen Feng cut off a few pieces of origin fragments, he thought about it and came to the origin area.

It is said that the three Hades are fighting here, and the Iron Sword Saint has been injured.

It is not so easy to grab the benefits here.

Chen Feng looked at it, first swung his sword, and then urged the power of the origin of corrosive energy to cover it.

After Chen Feng left, this area directly turned into nothingness.

Chen Feng thought he would be attacked by the Ancient God Origin, but he received a message from the Ancient God Origin.

The content of the message shocked Chen Feng and made him fall into a state of contemplation.

Then a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Chen Feng.

This is the power from this origin, and it is the purest one, much purer than the power rewarded by the Soul Emperor before.

But Chen Feng did not absorb it, and Chen Feng was still thinking at this time.

Soon another force came, and the two forces enveloped Chen Feng.

This force came from the Ancient Soul Origin.

Then the power of the Ancient Qing Origin also came, all enveloped Chen Feng.

In fact, if the power of the three was to riot, it could completely deal a heavy blow to Chen Feng.

But the three origins did not do this, and Chen Feng seemed to know that the other party would not do this.

Finally, Chen Feng chose to absorb these energies.

This also means that Chen Feng and the three origins have reached an agreement.

However, Chen Feng was also a little cautious and did not refine and absorb these powers on the spot.

Instead, they were stored in the origin.

Chen Feng secretly calculated that the three forces he wanted to absorb could increase his mana cultivation by three kalpas.

This was already terrifying. After all, the stronger Chen Feng was now, the slower his mana cultivation would increase.

The long years of cultivation in the Savage Universe did not increase his mana cultivation so much.

But the three origins paid such a great price, and what Chen Feng was going to do became very dangerous.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

Then Chen Feng saw the three Hades rushing over quickly and soon joined him.

Only after feeling the fluctuations in the aura of the three people could he understand.

It was not just him who was making a deal with the three origins.

"Actually, I want a sacred mountain." Chen Feng muttered.

Although the increased mana cultivation was very important, Chen Feng didn't really value it. In comparison, treasures of the level of the Origin Sacred Mountain were more important.

And Chen Feng also understood that the three origins would not agree to his request.

"It seems that we have to fight side by side." Hades said.

"It will also be very dangerous." Chen Feng said.

"It's really dangerous if there are only a few of us, but what if there are enough people?" Hades said.

Then the light flashed, and powerful Hunyuan Above were moved over one by one.

Some of these Hunyuan Above came from the three broken origins, and some came from other origins.

There are hundreds of them!

"Good guy!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the three pairs of origins would make such a big move this time.

The price to pay for finding hundreds of Hunyuan Above is too high.

If everyone wants to ask for an origin treasure like himself, then wouldn't it be necessary to empty the three origins.

Even if each Hunyuan Above needs to pay some energy, it is a huge price for the three origins to win over hundreds of Hunyuan Above.

What's more, even if this is the case, the three origins may not be able to change the status quo. After all, they have been crippled by the Soul Emperor, and the ending is inevitable, unless they can turn around and really kill the Soul Emperor.

But this chance is still very small.

"Is it a struggle before death? Or do these three origins really have a certain degree of confidence?" Chen Feng pondered.

Finally, everyone was there, and three powerful forces descended, wrapping everyone tightly in it.

This is the power of displacement.

As the power surged, Chen Feng and others disappeared on the spot, and when they appeared again, they were already in the origin of the mind.

"I didn't expect that I would come back again." Chen Feng laughed.

And he came directly to the core area of ​​the origin of the mind.

Before Chen Feng could continue to observe too much, the Hunyuan Above who came together had already rioted.

Hundreds of Hunyuan Above took action together, stirring up the situation, and even one origin could not bear it.

Especially among these hundreds of Hunyuan Above, there were actually several people who mastered weapons above the origin level, and some even burned the origin fragments.

Chen Feng knew that these Hunyuan Above were not prepared, or that the three origins had planned and prepared long ago.

The three Hades were not in a hurry to take action, but looked at Chen Feng. They wanted to see Chen Feng's opinion.

Even if there were hundreds of Hunyuan, there would be small groups of people on their own.

The previous experience made the three of them know that it was safer to follow Chen Feng.

So many Hunyuans rioting together could easily hurt some of their own practitioners.

Chen Feng stayed in the origin of the mind for a while, but he really hadn't come to this core area.

In fact, Chen Feng was not in a hurry, but released the fortune formation diagram to wrap up the surroundings.

"Fellow Taoists, if you believe me, act with me." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, in this situation, fighting alone can easily kill you." Iron Sword Saint said hurriedly.

Then everyone worked together to activate the fortune mirror diagram, and a powerful field appeared, blocking the chaotic energy around.

Hades and the others also felt much safer.

"This square formation diagram is really good, it feels like there is no upper limit." Hades said with some surprise.

Chen Feng did not explain.

The summoning itself is very powerful. Chen Feng once used it to fight against the origin. Now Chen Feng has integrated the power of reincarnation into it.

This way, it can withstand stronger power.

The reason why Chen Feng did not use the stronger means of origin was that he wanted to see the situation first.

He just arrived, so there is no need to fight hard right away.

The origin of the mind is a complete and powerful origin, and it is controlled by the Emperor of the Mind. It is different from those broken origins. If he shows up, he may be treated by the Emperor of the Mind.

So Chen Feng does not plan to show up for the time being. Of course, if there is any benefit, Chen Feng will have to adapt to the situation.

But at least now it seems that the Emperor of the Mind did not expect someone to be able to airdrop into his core area.

This affected the entire origin of the mind.

The rich power of the mind is constantly evaporating, rolling, and colliding outward, and the laws of the mind are constantly collapsing.

In addition, the space is constantly annihilating, and large areas of time and space are beginning to collapse.

Chen Feng was a little surprised when he saw this scene, and couldn't help thinking that if this situation continues, it may really cause serious damage to the origin of the mind.

At that time, it will buy some time for the ancient god origin. If the origin of the mind can be torn into pieces, it may affect the power of the mind itself.

At that time, the war between the two sides will undergo a huge change.

After the riot, the origin of the mind also immediately counterattacked, and powerful forces came from all directions to suppress these invaders.

Chen Feng noticed that the forces coming from all directions were all spiritual forces.

After stabilization, Chen Feng also began to think about getting some resources.

Although he had received benefits from the three origins before coming here, if he was lucky here, he could get more benefits.

Except for a few people, the hundreds of Hunyuan above were almost plundering crazily.

Plundering is equivalent to sabotage.

At this point, even if they did not take action, they would be suppressed by the origin of the mind.

"Your chance has come."

Chen Feng released the vortex origin, and the powerful devouring power enveloped the four directions, and a large amount of spiritual power was pulled in.

In addition to satisfying himself, Chen Feng did this to allow those Hunyuan above in the vortex origin to quickly recover their strength.

Therefore, the vortex created by Chen Feng has three kinds of power.

One is the power of the vortex enterprise itself, one is the devouring technique performed by Chen Feng, and the last one is the power of the Hunyuan above the origin of the mind.

They have been in the origin of the vortex. After refining and absorbing some of the power provided by Chen Feng, their own strength has been recovering.

Although it is still far from the peak state, at least they have seen hope.

The most important thing is that there are enough of these Hunyuan above people. They can unite to show some special means, especially absorbing the power of the mind, which is much stronger than outsiders like Chen Feng.

So all the Hunyuan above people present saw a huge and powerful black hole plundering everything, and the spiritual power swept from the surroundings was constantly pulled in by the black hole.

Chen Feng's domineering means almost shocked everyone.

And Chen Feng himself did not seem to expect that the origin of the vortex could make such a big noise, so when the light of the mind shot towards him, Chen Feng's heart was also a little shocked, knowing that he was still in the limelight.

However, those powerful spiritual lights were still pulled into the vortex. Although they caused some damage to the vortex, it was a pity that the effect was not very good.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was relieved.

So he adjusted the strength and began to plunder the spiritual origin and those crisscrossing laws.

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