Eternal Existence

Chapter 5048: The long-awaited crisis

If the Hunyuan on the side of the Soul Origin took this road, they would really be caught off guard.

"Please make way, fellow Taoists." Chen Feng said this, but he used his swordsmanship to rush forward quickly.

The great formations jointly arranged by those Hunyuan were naturally extremely powerful, but they still could not stop Chen Feng's way.

The great formation was directly split in half by Chen Feng from the middle.

Chen Feng also came, stayed to fight with them, and immediately changed direction after getting rid of the other party.

Because Chen Feng was not sure if there were any obstacles ahead.

Next, Chen Feng did not encounter any danger. As Chen Feng continued to shuttle in the void, he finally entered the Ancient Soul Origin.

"The distance between the three origins is indeed not far, but if I enter the Ancient Soul Origin, will I be discovered by the other party?" Chen Feng used the method of concealment.

In fact, the situation is also known. Unless this origin uses all its strength to find itself, or if it makes too much noise, otherwise, the other party will not discover itself.

Moreover, the three origins are fighting with the Soul Emperor at this time, and there is not so much power to monitor the four directions.

"In this case, can I take the opportunity to find some benefits?" Chen Feng thought.

"What a pity!"

A thought came from the Gate of Time and Space.

Chen Feng certainly knew why they were a little depressed.

Recently, Chen Feng has found strange origins one after another. For the long river of time, the Gate of Time and Space are all great opportunities.

Once their power is unfolded in the strange origin, they will become stronger and stronger.

It's a pity that they have been spreading in one origin, and there is no extra power to follow Chen Feng.

Even if there is a little power following Chen Feng now, it is very weak. Although it has expanded a little during this period, it is still far from enough.

"Unless you can establish a connection with the main body." Chen Feng also felt sorry for the Gate of Time and Space.

But fortunately, since he found the strange origin before, he can start over in the future.

It's just that these origins in front of him are bound to fall this time. If you miss this store, there will be no such good opportunity again.

When he was in the ancient Qing origin before, Chen Feng originally thought of taking advantage of the chaos to cut some origin fragments with a long sword and collect them, but under pressure, Chen Feng still chose to leave.

This time when he came to the Ancient Soul Origin, Chen Feng certainly put some thought into it.

Because of the confrontation with the Origin before, Chen Feng actually burned a lot of Origin fragments.

This is also a huge consumption for Chen Feng, and of course he needs to replenish it.

After all, although Chen Feng has controlled some broken Origins, he is not willing to burn them at all.

Chen Feng also wants to find a large number of Origin fragments so that the Vortex Origin can better restore their previous strength.

Although Chen Feng didn't care much about the Origin fragments before, who would dislike having more good things?

Although Chen Feng was hiding in the dark, he quickly locked a direction.

For Chen Feng, finding the core of an Origin has long been more skilled, not to mention that the Origin is fighting at this time, and some inferences can be made from the power fluctuations alone.

So what Chen Feng is looking for this time is the origin of this Origin.

Before, Chen Feng got a sacred mountain in the Ancient Qing Origin, and this time he might have such a good opportunity.

As a result, Chen Feng really found the Origin Sacred Mountain, but it is also unsafe here, and there are also mind puppets.

"This is an attack on two or possibly three families at the same time. The ambition of the Soul Emperor is really big." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and at the same time, he was also curious about how many Soul Emperor had refined.

Think about it, the Soul Emperor wants to eat up the three origins in one go, and it seems that the other party will succeed.

"The two sides fought for a long time before. Why did the Soul Emperor want to solve everything in one go this time? Is the time ripe? Or is there another reason?" Chen Feng lurked in the dark, observing the changes in things.

Unexpectedly, there were also several Soul Puppets here. In fact, up to now, Chen Feng has not seen which one is the clone of the Soul Emperor. It is also possible that the Soul Land itself did not come here, but just sent some forces to make trouble.

But no matter what, Chen Feng should not take action in advance now.

The next thing to do is to fish in troubled waters, seize the best opportunity, grab a benefit and leave quickly.

There is no need to fight with them here.

And Chen Feng feels that he does not need to be greedy next. As long as he can grab a mountain, if he can cut some more origin fragments, it will be even better.

What Chen Feng was most worried about was whether the Soul Land was lurking in the dark, and the attack from this origin itself.

Other than that, Chen Feng was confident that he could retreat unscathed.

And in Chen Feng's opinion, the two sides of the battle were the focus. He was just a small life, and even if he burst out some powerful power, it would not attract too much attention.

At that time, he could take the opportunity to leave.

"So should I go to the Ancient God Origin next?" Chen Feng has begun to think about where to go next.

In fact, these three origins are still good in Chen Feng's opinion.

Extremely ancient.

Maybe it was once very powerful, but it was a pity that it still could not withstand the changes of time.

The former source of life has actually declined a little.

Of course, there may be some other reasons, such as being attacked by other powerful origins.

Otherwise, why are the three origins a little broken? Chen Feng knows that the reason why the three origins are broken is not because of the spiritual origin.

In other words, the spiritual land has taken advantage.

"There are many other origins nearby, and perhaps there were some conflicts in the past."

Chen Feng left the place in an instant, and a strong wave of power swept over.

It's not that someone has discovered Chen Feng. It seems that the powerful force generated by the battle between the two sides has been continuously sweeping around. It is considered hidden, and it is useless no matter how good it is.

Chen Feng felt that he could not continue to hide, and Chen Feng was your suspicion. The two warring parties had actually discovered his existence, but they did not take him seriously.

So, when the opportunity appeared, Chen Feng immediately chose to take action.

As soon as he came up, Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, and a sword chopped off a spiritual puppet. The sacred mountain appeared and knocked away the two ancient soul origins of the Hunyuan.

Then Chen Feng urged the sacred mountain and hit the origin of this origin fiercely.

This collision seemed to shake the entire origin.

The origin mountain and the origin merged into one, and cracks appeared. Chen Feng took the opportunity to release the corrosive energy origin to wrap the mountain.

At this time, both sides of the war had the power to rush towards Chen Feng, and Chen Feng held a long sword and tried his best to stop them.

Seeing Chen Feng falling behind and retreating step by step, Chen Feng suddenly put away the origin and left quickly.

A big pit appeared in the void, and the space was constantly collapsing.

Chen Feng successfully collected a sacred mountain.

With the things in hand, of course he didn't want to stay here.

The mind puppet didn't continue to chase, but Chen Feng felt the lock of the origin from this side.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

Chen Feng didn't panic, all of this was in his previous calculations.

The only thing to worry about was how much power this origin would use to stop him.

The space collapsed, and a huge vortex appeared in front of Chen Feng, trying to pull Chen Feng in.

As a result, Chen Feng also released a huge vortex, and the power of the two offset each other, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to leave.

In fact, the origin of the ancient soul has long been unstable, and Chen Feng can rush out of the space crack.

This is Chen Feng, still thinking about whether he can get some more benefits.

Finally, Chen Feng slashed out with a sword and cut off a piece of the origin space.

It was the origin fragment.

Although it is not the core area of ​​the origin, it can also be burned for Chen Feng to enhance his strength.

"It's a pity. The core area is the most precious, but it is also more dangerous there."

Chen Feng waved his sword and cut some more origin fragments one after another, and then jumped away.


Chen Feng felt a sense of fun. Although it was a bit risky, the benefits came one after another.

But soon Chen Feng felt a strong crisis rising from behind.

A long chain chased from behind. The chain that looked ordinary locked Chen Feng tightly, and exuded a power form similar to tentacles, trying to wrap Chen Feng tightly.

The speed was extremely fast, and it actually caught up with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng backhanded a sword and broke the chain from the beginning.

However, the power of this chain was too strong. It was also repairing rapidly during the process of breaking, and soon recovered again.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, he immediately knew that it was the ancient god origin mobilizing power.

"Instead of dealing with the Soul Emperor properly, you actually took out your strength to deal with me. I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time." Chen Feng sneered and continued to draw his sword.

This one formed a sword energy storm, which directly tore the chain into pieces.

Then Chen Feng saw that the other party was still recovering rapidly. At this time, another chain came from a distance, ignoring time and space, and instantly arrived beside Chen Feng, and hit Chen Feng fiercely.

This hit made Chen Feng's skin and flesh torn apart, not only targeting Chen Feng's physical body, but also the sea of ​​consciousness began to shake.

Chen Feng clearly saw the shadow of the chain entering the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly erasing his will and soul.

It turned out that the previous chain was responsible for the main attack, and there was another chain sneak attack, but Chen Feng didn't notice it.

Then two chains appeared at the same time, firmly locked Chen Feng, extending countless energy tentacles, trying to tie Chen Feng up.

In fact, Chen Feng's will was weakened just now, and he almost lost the courage to resist.

Chen Feng was affected, but he recovered immediately and burned the origin fragments he had just obtained.

For a while, Chen Feng's combat power rose steadily, and the long sword in his hand slashed and cut the chain abruptly.

However, Chen Feng's speed was fast, and the chain extended fast, and Chen Feng was about to be surrounded by layers.

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