Eternal Existence

Chapter 5041 Solve it in one fell swoop

But if you think about it carefully, since the other party can cultivate to such a level, he should not be the kind of person who cares about everything.

"What benefits did the Soul Emperor give you? He asked you to come here to fight for your life." The man above the Primordial continued.

"Of course there are benefits. Besides, I think this is fighting for my life. If you say it this way, it means that you are so powerful. Isn't it also involved?" Chen Feng responded.

"That's different. I am fighting for my hometown. Daoyou shouldn't get involved. The Soul Emperor is not a good person. Be careful that you will be swallowed up by the Soul Emperor in the end." The man above the Primordial said.

"Daoyou also has a point, so I didn't use my full strength. I came here just out of curiosity, so Daoyou might as well accompany me to learn from each other. In this way, I won't attack other people above the Primordial." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although he said so, Chen Feng did not slow down his attack. Once he found an opportunity, Chen Feng would also severely injure the other party.

Of course, the man above the Primordial also understood that Chen Feng's words could not be believed. The two talked to each other, but they kept using various means.

The weapons collided with each other, and no one could gain the upper hand, so they could only use various magical powers.

"Strange, you don't belong to the origin of the mind, nor are you from the other real estate companies I am familiar with. Where are you from?" said the Hunyuan.

"Even if I tell you, you don't know. Of course, I don't mind telling you about the area I came from, provided that you can give me the corresponding rewards." Chen Feng waved his sword to dissolve the opponent's attack, and then released the reincarnation field.

Although the reincarnation field was still pierced by the opponent's spear, it could dissolve part of the opponent's power.

The reason why Chen Feng released the reincarnation field is not to block the opponent's attack.

But in the previous battle, Chen Feng had a sense of crisis, not from the powerful opponent in front of him, but from other places.

So Chen Feng did this to guard against possible dangers.

Chen Feng's opponent seemed to have guessed Chen Feng's approach, so he waved his spear and continued to attack frantically.

"At our point, some sneak attacks have no effect at all. Even if there is another existence as powerful as you, it still can't do anything to me." Chen Feng said so.

"That's not necessarily true. I admit that you are very powerful, but so what? No matter how strong you are, there is a limit. What's more, you can't even deal with me. If another person gets involved, how will you deal with it?" The man above the Hunyuan said with a smile.

Suddenly, the attack momentum of the man above the Hunyuan became fierce, as if to create opportunities for the existence in the dark.

As a result, the existence in the dark did not appear.

In this way, the man above the Hunyuan kept grasping the rhythm, which made Chen Feng a little helpless for a while.

Although everyone responded in the same way, the opponent had completely controlled the rhythm.

Then Chen Feng became a little passive, and the consumption was naturally greater.

However, Chen Feng could still bear it in a short time.

Moreover, the current situation also made Chen Feng not too worried, because up to now, the origin of the mind has the upper hand.

The opponent can be solved quickly, and then everyone will rush up, even if there is another equally powerful opponent in the dark, he will be surrounded and killed.

Chen Feng can entangle the opponent at that time, so the opponent can't run away.

Chen Feng's idea is good, but things don't develop like this.

Amid the screams, one of the Hunyuan Above was torn into pieces.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he realized that the existence in the dark did not choose to sneak attack him, but chose to deal with other Hunyuan Above.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. Compared with Chen Feng, the other Hunyuan Above on the side of the Soul Origin is easier to deal with.

However, the reaction of the Three Souls Monk was also very fast, and he immediately surrounded the other party at the first time.

It's just that the existence hidden in the dark has a very good hiding skill, and he can hide in the first time after the sneak attack.

Unfortunately, the Three Souls Monk couldn't find the location of the other party, so this is a big problem.

A very powerful assassin is hiding in the dark, which makes the Three Souls Monk all alert, and their strength cannot be fully exerted, which affects the whole situation.

Soon, the second Hunyuan Above was attacked again, even if he was prepared, he didn't dodge.

This Hunyuan Above was also seriously injured.

In this way, the morale of the Soul Origin was affected.

In fact, Chen Feng was helpless. He could not change the situation at all and could only focus on dealing with his opponent.

As for using the power of origin to suppress the opponent, Chen Feng had thought about it. The key point was that even if he did so, he could not get rid of the opponent.

It was equivalent to exchanging positions with the opponent. If the origin of the mind could not suppress him, then the opponent could also kill him.

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect that the opponent would have such a powerful existence. If this goes on, the origin of the mind will collapse." Although Chen Feng was still calm, he was still a little worried.

Although there was not much relationship between him and the origin of the mind, he belonged to the origin of the mind after all. Even if there was no friendship between them, he could not sit idly by.

What's more, there was a deep cause and effect between Chen Feng and the three souls. Chen Feng even thought about finding an opportunity to take them away from here in the future.

Who knew that he would be in a dangerous situation now.

This situation is actually very normal. After all, in a war, it is either you die or I live.

How can you keep killing your opponent without getting into danger?

"It seems that you are a little anxious." Chen Feng's opponent said with a smile.

"It is indeed a little anxious, but I still believe that the Soul Emperor has made some arrangements." Chen Feng said so.

"Maybe the Soul Emperor's arrangement is you." The Hunyuan above continued.

"Even if it is me, I will not fight desperately. What I have to do is to entangle you." Chen Feng was frank about his purpose.

The two sides communicated, and the powerful assassin attacked again. This time the target was someone familiar to Chen Feng.

The Hunyuan above who was waving a spear immediately noticed Chen Feng's mental fluctuations, and then burst out with a stronger attack frequency.

The two sides fought, and no one could hide from each other. In this situation, only by using stronger power can the opponent be suppressed. Some small tricks and means actually have no effect.

Even some seemingly good magical powers cannot change the situation at all.

After all, both of them were very powerful, and the weapons they held were of the same level. In this situation, there was no room for any tricks.

However, this Hunyuan Above did not know that Chen Feng had stronger means that he had not used, and thought that even if Chen Feng concealed something, it was within his ability to deal with.

Chen Feng actually wanted to explode, but in this situation, even if he exploded, it was too late, so Chen Feng could only pray that the Hunyuan Above could resist.

As a result, Chen Feng's prayers could not change the facts, and the Hunyuan Above was injured.

Not dying, this is also the best result.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then the space fluctuated, and a cold light appeared on Chen Feng's back.

It turned out that the powerful Hunyuan Above chose to sneak attack Chen Feng after hiding in the dark.

The opponent obviously wanted to catch Chen Feng off guard. After all, according to the previous situation, the assassin would need to sneak attack other Hunyuan Above.

Who knew that the opponent's target was actually Chen Feng from the beginning, and it was just a cover before.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng was the most difficult one to deal with on the scene.

The opponent thought that this should catch Chen Feng off guard, but who knew that he still underestimated Chen Feng.

In this situation, anyone could be hit.

After all, the opponent in front of Chen Feng was speeding up the frequency of attack, which locked Chen Feng's action.

Seeing that the opponent's weapon was about to pierce Chen Feng, Sanhun Jushi was a little anxious, but at the same time he had some expectations.

Because Sanhun Jushi knew how powerful Chen Feng was, he thought that Chen Feng should be able to deal with this situation.

But there was still a little worry.

Although Chen Feng could fight with the origin, the opponent he had to face this time was also very powerful, not to mention that the opponent was a sneak attack, so could Chen Feng avoid the opponent's sneak attack?

In fact, Chen Feng was also startled, but because of the previous reasons, a vortex appeared on Chen Feng's back.

There were two kinds of power erupting in the vortex.

One power belonged to the vortex body. Although this power could affect the sneak attack on the two Hunyuan, it could not be completely resolved.

After all, the origin of the vortex controlled by Chen Feng was also broken, but there was another power in the vortex.

It was the mental storm.

Although those Hunyuans have not fully recovered, they are numerous and can still explode with a strong attack when they join forces.

The combination of the two powers seriously affected the sneak attack of the Hunyuan.

Chen Feng not only avoided the opponent's attack, but also the volcanic origin and vortex origin erupted together, directly injuring the sneak attacker.

Chen Feng's sudden explosion shook the entire battlefield.

This is no longer the power of the Hunyuan.

Although the weapons in the hands of Chen Feng and the Hunyuan are very powerful, they are also within the acceptable range.

But Chen Feng suddenly used the power of the two origins, even if it was only broken, even if it was not as strong as the normal origin, it was no longer something that an ordinary Hunyuan could bear.

Seeing that Chen Feng finally used this power, Sanhun Jushi was relieved.

Since Chen Feng used this method, the situation should be completely stable next.

Chen Feng actually thought so too. Since he had already used the power of the origin, he would solve the opponent in one fell swoop.

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