Eternal Existence

Chapter 503: Essence of Black Iron

Even after this suction crushed Mo Xuan's arm, it was still not finished, but continued to devour Mo Xuan, apparently trying to cut Mo Xuan into pieces.


As soon as Mo Xuan gritted his teeth, his whole body was filled with energy. All the energy was compressed into a ball and then exploded violently.

Although Mo Xuan was completely shattered by the force of the explosion, he finally managed to escape from the black hole. Of course, this was also because the Eternal Life Tower did not try its best.

After reaching out and being seriously injured, Mo Xuan didn't dare to stay any longer. He turned around and grabbed Yu Xiaojian. The sword light flying all over his body flew away quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Mo Xuan was injured and ran away, so Chen Feng would naturally not chase him. The most important thing now was to collect the Xuan Iron here.


A piece of black and shiny dark iron flew out towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng grabbed it and then swayed his whole body, almost falling off the branch.

"Two hundred thousand pounds!"

Chen Feng's eyes widened when he looked at the palm-sized black iron in his hand. The weight of such a small piece of black iron was simply ridiculous, which could only explain one problem.

"No, this is the essence of black iron." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting.

"It's the essence of black iron." Along with the tower's voice, another piece of black iron essence of different sizes flew into the Eternal Life Tower, and soon piled up in the Eternal Life Tower to form a hill about ten meters high.

"So much dark iron essence." Chen Feng was startled and quickly jumped down from the spiritual tree and came to these dark iron essences. You must know that each piece of dark iron essence can be sold for a good price in the auction house. , but the amount of black iron essence in front of me now is at least tens of thousands. If it were all replaced by spirit stones, I'm afraid even two spirit stone mines wouldn't be able to exchange it.

"This is only one-tenth. I have to refine the remaining nine levels to recover from the injuries." Ta said.

"Haha, since the Black Iron Essence is useful to you, you might as well swallow it all. I won't be of much use anyway." Chen Feng laughed.

"You have a conscience." Hearing what Chen Feng said, Ta was a little happy.

Finally, the entire Black Iron Mine was completely swallowed up by the Eternal Life Tower. Occasionally, a few monks came and were directly killed by the Eternal Life Tower.

"Boy, there is a teleportation array here. Do you want to leave?" After the Xuantie Mine was mined, a teleportation array appeared deep in the mine.

"Is this the portal to the sixth floor of the tower?" Chen Feng was a little curious. He didn't expect that there would be a teleportation array here. This teleportation array was too secretive.

"Probably not." Ta said after analysis.

"The aura in front is even richer. To be honest, the black iron ore here may not be the best thing." Ta thought for a while and said.

"Yes, it makes sense. I think so too. Ta, you said there is a black iron mine here. There won't be a spirit stone mine ahead, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Maybe it's really possible." Ta said seriously.

"In this case, let's go and have a look in front. Hey, there has been no news about Brother Jian until now, and I don't know if he is still in the tower." Chen Feng said with emotion, and then he got out of the Eternal Life Tower. At this time, Chen Feng I saw a huge hole appeared where the mine was just now, with a radius of a thousand feet and a depth of thousands of meters. Almost all the black iron in it was collected by the Eternal Life Tower.

There were still some people around to watch the fun, but no one came forward again, because everyone could clearly see the scene where Zhao Feng and Mo Xuan were injured and escaped just now. Even the monks on the ninth level of Heaven and Humanity had fled. , if you don’t have the strength, don’t step forward and die.

Chen Feng still held the piece of Black Iron Essence in his hand, but Chen Feng was walking casually while running his skills to absorb the golden power in the Black Iron Essence.

As a trace of gold power was refined, the gold acupoint in Chen Feng's body also began to expand. The changes in the gold acupoint also caused movement in other five element acupoints.

"I still need to find some magic weapons with special properties. If there are five magic weapons with five elements properties sitting in the Five Elements Point, I'm afraid my physical strength will increase." Chen Feng secretly thought.

"You, come here." At this time, Chen Feng pointed to a monk in the distance and said.

The monk who was called by Chen Feng was a casual cultivator, a monk on the fourth level of heaven and earth. It was said that his realm was much higher than that of Chen Feng. However, under Chen Feng's call, he just hesitated and walked over. Just now Everyone can clearly see Chen Feng's strength. Even if he runs away, he can't escape Chen Feng's pursuit.

"Senior Brother Chen."

Although he was a little nervous, the monk still walked over and looked at Chen Feng with a smile.


With the magic power in Chen Feng's hand, he pinched off a small piece of the black iron essence and threw it to the man.

"Essence of Dark Iron!" The monk's eyes suddenly lit up, but he quickly suppressed it. He didn't understand what Chen Feng meant.

"Tell me what's ahead?" Chen Feng asked. The reason why he chose this person was because from the beginning, Chen Feng saw that this person was coming from the front and might know something.

"I heard that there is a huge volcano ahead, and spiritual energy is constantly spewing out from the crater." The monk looked at the black iron essence in his hand and then thought about the power of the killing god in front of him. He hesitated and spoke.

"Is it the spirit stone mine?" Chen Feng asked.

"I can't be sure about this. I haven't been close, I just heard about it." The monk answered carefully.

"Since there is such a strong spiritual energy ahead and there may be a spirit stone mine, why did you come here? Is it because of the black iron mine here or to see the excitement." A bright light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. This man immediately broke out in cold sweat.

"That's because the front is too dangerous. It's almost impossible to get close to the volcano. I happened to hear that black iron mines appeared here, so I thought of coming over to see the excitement." The monk said immediately.

"It's dangerous ahead. How dangerous is it?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Monsters and beasts are rampant, miasma is everywhere, and I heard that there is a demon king sitting in charge. A young monk with my strength can only pick some herbs in the periphery." The monk said with a wry smile.

"Okay, it's none of your business, let's go." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the monk immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then left quickly. In front of Chen Feng, this man felt that the pressure was too great.

"It seems that there are nine out of ten spiritual stone mines ahead." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"But with the Demon King sitting in charge, it's a bit troublesome. Ta, with your current strength, can you capture a few Demon Kings?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Okay, as long as you can attract the other party to you, a surprise should be enough." Ta said without thinking.

"It's not that easy to attract people to you. Otherwise, I'll be eaten directly." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Boy, is this the Black Iron Essence in your hand?" While Chen Feng was communicating with the tower, a monk suddenly came to Chen Feng quickly and reached out to grab the Black Iron Essence in Chen Feng's hand.

"Hey, someone is here to die again." Chen Feng sneered in his heart and punched out his palm. A burst of thunder and lightning exploded from his palm. The person who came was directly blown away. Blood spurted from his mouth. He fell to the ground and crawled for a while. Can't get up.

"Chen Feng!"

The newcomers finally recognized Chen Feng, and a look of surprise flashed across their faces. Although the monk just now was not powerful, he was still at the fourth level of heaven and human beings, but he was beaten half to death by Chen Feng with just one move. Everyone has indeed heard in rumors that Chen Feng has some tricks, but now that he has seen it with his own eyes, it is a different situation.

"Why, you people are also here for the black iron ore, but it's a pity that you are all late." A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face, and of course everyone could see the ridicule in it.

"Where is the black iron ore here, and what was the fight here just now?" One of the middle-aged monks shouted coldly at Chen Feng.

"Why are you talking so much? Let's capture this kid first. I heard that the reward issued by Jiuxiao Palace has been increased. If you catch Chen Feng, you will get a treasure house." A young monk couldn't help but take action and waved his hand. A square seal shining with starlight hit Chen Feng head-on. The four-square seal became larger as it rotated, and the starlight blooming on it continued to cross, forming a set of wire meshes, trying to trap Chen Feng. If these silk nets trap Chen Feng, the Sifang Seal that falls on his head can kill Chen Feng.

"It turns out he is from the Xingluo Sect." Chen Feng recognized at a glance that this magic weapon contained the pure power of the stars.

Swish swish swish!

These threads of starlight quickly enveloped Chen Feng from front to back, and then the square seal became ten feet long, as if a huge boulder was smashing against Chen Feng.

"No, let Liu Xiyun take the lead. This is a big advantage." When the others saw Liu Xiyun taking the lead, they all regretted it. You must know that in the eyes of these people, Chen Feng is directly linked to the sacred weapon. .


Facing Liu Xiyun's attack, Chen Feng sneered in his heart. The two swords of life and death flew out quickly and circled around him. All the starlight around him was cut off. Then the two swords of life and death rose into the sky and crossed everything quickly. A huge four-way seal immediately It turned into four halves, and Antan fell to the ground without any light, making four big holes in the ground.

"How is that possible?" Liu Xiyun of Xingluo Sect opened his eyes wide and spurted blood from his mouth. He screamed in disbelief. Before Xingluo Sect could finish speaking, he saw a long black sword flying towards him.

"Don't kill me, I'm from Xingluomen." Liu Xiyun immediately exclaimed, but then Liu Xiyun felt that the vitality in his body disappeared rapidly, that is, it dissipated completely in just one breath, and then his whole body became torn apart. , scattered all over the ground.


After killing Liu Xiyun, the two swords of life and death circled around Chen Feng. Everyone saw only two rays of light, one black and one white, circling around Chen Feng, giving people a strange feeling.

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