Eternal Existence

Chapter 5031: Joining the War Again

It was just that Chen Feng encountered some troubles this time. He was targeted by a powerful force soon after entering the origin of the mind.

Then a force of displacement enveloped Chen Feng.

It was this origin that took action.

Chen Feng felt the power of this force, which was similar to the previous confrontation with the origin.

Of course, if Chen Feng was normal, he could get rid of it. Chen Feng was also worried that this would really anger this origin.

At the same time, Chen Feng was a little curious about why the other party was looking for him.

If it was because of some previous situations, then he could just attack him directly.

There was no need to use this method to pull himself over.

"Could it be that the other party didn't recognize me?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again. This was simply impossible.

While thinking, Chen Feng still chose to calm down suddenly and let the other party's power take over himself.

Chen Feng also wanted to see what the other party was going to do, and who had a certain degree of confidence in his own strength, so that he could kill it when there was danger.

What's more, the other party's method made Chen Feng feel familiar.

Soon Chen Feng appeared in an area.

Then Chen Feng also received some news from the origin of the mind.

"As expected, I am asked to participate in the Origin War." Chen Feng knew everything, and he had speculated about this before.

I just don't know whether it was the Origin or the Soul Emperor who sent me the news.

However, think about it, both of them are Soul Emperors.

"Interesting." Chen Feng couldn't understand the Soul Emperor's operation. Did the other party pull him here and calculate that he would help him in the war?

Why would the other party think so?

But soon he received another message. Before, he introduced the situation here, and now he is trading with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt that the one communicating with him this time was the real Soul Emperor.

"Participate in this war and reward you with corresponding benefits." The will of the Soul Emperor came.

Chen Feng naturally chose to refuse: "Let's not talk in secret. Since both of us understand, then give me a price that satisfies me."

"All the benefits obtained in the war belong to you." The Soul Emperor said.

"No, the gains in the war are originally mine, and you need to pay something else." Chen Feng refused again.

"I will teach you the method of opening up the origin." The Soul Emperor thought about it and said.

In this way, Chen Feng hesitated instead.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is not recommended to participate in the war between origins. Although this level of war is very dangerous, Chen Feng has experience after all, and Chen Feng himself has the ability to protect himself.

Of course, the current situation is still a bit dangerous. After all, this time, it is a war between strangers. There is no Origin Gate behind to act as a backstage, and the duration and their power cannot play a role here.

So compared with the past, Chen Feng is more adventurous this time.

As for the harvest in the war, it is normal. Of course, if it is said that the origin behind is harvesting part of it, there is nothing to do about it.

Since Chen Feng came here, Chen Feng believed in himself, and it might not be so easy to leave. With the means of the Soul Emperor, he might not be able to kill himself in the first time, but he can move himself to the battlefield.

And Chen Feng has no idea whether he can block the full attack of the Soul Emperor.

Even if it is the origin he has, it is after all an external thing. It is not the origin he opened up, and the power that can burst out will naturally be greatly reduced.

Although Chen Feng also knows how to open up the origin, the method obtained from the Tianyuan Saint is different from the method obtained from other powerful beings.

What's more, the strength between Tianyuan Saint and Soul Emperor is also very different.

Perhaps Tianyuan Saint may become as powerful as Soul Emperor, but there is still a long way to go.

Soul Emperor has really reached the same level as the Gate of Origin.

As a life that can cultivate to this level, it is incredible and unimaginable for Chen Feng.

The method of opening up the origin mastered by the other party is naturally very precious. Even a little experience is fatally attractive to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had already agreed in his heart, but on the surface he still made an excellent gesture, so that the other party would not think that he would surrender so easily.

"Okay, but I hope you can teach me the method of opening up the origin now, and you can't hold back. In this way, I will be able to exert my full strength in the next war. Otherwise, participating in the war is one aspect, but how much means and strength can be used. That's up to me, not to mention that you summoned me directly, which violated my will. I should have asked for some compensation, but now I don't want these compensations." Chen Feng said.

"No problem, I can teach you now." This time, the Soul Emperor did not hesitate and agreed directly. This straightforwardness surprised Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng received the cultivation imprint passed to him by the Soul Emperor, which contained the method of opening up the origin, and even the process of the Soul Emperor opening up the origin in the past.

Without looking carefully, Chen Feng knew that the Soul Emperor did not fool him. Even if he did not teach him all the methods clearly, he did not lack the general methods and processes.

Chen Feng touched it slightly, and was almost immersed in it. It took great perseverance to withdraw his will.

Otherwise, Chen Feng knew that he would stay in seclusion here for a long time, and it might even be possible to break through to the realm above Hunyuan directly, and then find a way to open up the origin.

Then the Soul Emperor did not communicate too much with Chen Feng, and Chen Feng did not mean to ask any more questions.

"This time, it's really a bit strange. Just to attract a life to participate in the exhibition here, he actually shared his method of opening up the origin. To be honest, the price is too high." Chen Feng stepped out of his own standpoint and looked at this matter from the standpoint of the Soul Emperor.

It's not as simple as who suffers and who gains in this transaction, but the strength between the two parties is not equal.

Although I have some means, I still seem very weak in front of such a person as the Soul Emperor.

"Could it be that they saw the power of the origin that I had used before and regarded me as above the top Hunyuan? If so, it would be understandable, but it shouldn't be that simple."

"But from my point of view, although I have gained huge benefits, I have also paid a lot. If I participate in this war, I may die here if I am not careful. From this point of view, the price I paid is greater."

After thinking about this, Chen Feng didn't have to think too much. Anyway, he had planned to see it in the next origin war, and now he got the benefits given to him by the Soul Emperor.

It was enough to understand these. Anyway, he couldn't leave, otherwise he would definitely be hunted down by the Soul Emperor.

Then he would kill as many opponents as possible in the next war, which would be worthy of the benefits he had received.

In the next period of time, Chen Feng had a certain understanding of this battlefield. Of course, Chen Feng was only at the rear of the battlefield.

Chen Feng also knew that he would not participate in the war in a short time, which was a better result for Chen Feng.

This was a war between the Soul Origin and the three broken origins.

These three broken origins are extremely ancient. It is unknown whether they were broken in the past or were broken in the war with the origin of the mind.

"Will the origin also slowly age?" Chen Feng had such doubts after receiving this news.

But no matter what, since the opponent this time is broken, even if the three parties join forces, they will not be too strong.

However, Chen Feng was still a little surprised. He did not expect that the Emperor of the Mind was so powerful that he could fight against the three origins at the same time.

"In this case, all the Hunyuan Aboves in the Origin of the Mind were drawn here by him, so can I find some Hunyuan Aboves here?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and he remained silent in the vortex origin.

Hearing that Chen Feng came to the battlefield of the origin, those Hunyuan Aboves who were healing were excited.

Of course, they are now better than before. Although they are still very weak, they have gotten rid of the form of the brand and have returned to their normal state.

Next, they just need to continuously improve their strength.

"Then you can sense whether the original body inside is here? Is it still alive?" Chen Feng said.

These Hunyuan Aboves used their means to sense, and soon someone excitedly spoke.

"I sensed the existence of the original body, and my original body is still alive." One Hunyuan Above shouted.

"My original body is also alive, but it's a bit strange. Since the original body is still alive, why is our brand so broken?"

"It seems that there is still a problem with the original body."

"But no matter what the problem is, as long as it is still alive, it's fine."

"My original body is not here."

"I didn't sense it either. Could it be that my original body has fallen?"

Chen Feng noticed that five Hunyuan Aboves felt the existence of the original body, and these broken brands became excited and wanted to leave the vortex origin to join the original body.

Chen Feng frowned a little and said, "Fellow Daoists, don't be so anxious, figure out the situation first, since you are here, it doesn't matter if you have a little time."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the five Hunyuan Aboves were dissatisfied, but they still suppressed it.

After all, it is still in Chen Feng's hands. If Chen Feng is really angry, the brand will disappear with a wave of his hand.

Of course, everyone was rescued by Chen Feng, and they owed Chen Feng a huge favor, so they couldn't just leave.

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