Eternal Existence

Chapter 4929: Origin Array

"This is troublesome. I don't know if the Gate of Origin will rescue me." Chen Feng only sensed it a little bit and knew that it would be difficult to rush out with his current means.

"I have encountered this situation before. At that time, it was the star space, but now it is the origins that make up the formation. This kind of hand, let alone those above the Hunyuan level, even those above the origin level, I am afraid they can't rush out."

After calming down, Chen Feng recalled this series of changes and roughly figured out what was going on.

This time, the formation was composed of the origins of the party. Of course, these origins are like the origins in Guixu that were silent after being invaded. Although they are not as powerful as they were in the past, even if there is only a little left, it is powerful enough. Think about the origins that Chen Feng manually opened.

Chen Feng didn't expect to use the origin to arrange the formation. In fact, Chen Feng didn't think so before.

Now things are beyond expectations, and it has fallen on his head. Chen Feng wanted to use the Sword of Cangsu at the first time.

However, Chen Feng also understood that even if he used this weapon, he couldn't leave this place. At most, he would mess up the origin.

Unless we can reach the edge, or find some loopholes, it will be a waste of effort even if we burst out with the strongest power.

"In this case, we can only wait for the Gate of Origin to take action, but I can't get out now, and the Seven Star Taoists can't get out even more. There is such a large formation, it is impossible for it to just target us, and it will definitely attack other Hunyuan Above. If the Gate of Origin does not have corresponding means to fight this time, maybe even the Spear of All Evil can't escape." Chen Feng quickly shuttled through the starry sky, but he never found the end.

Chen Feng's current speed can quickly pass through even a universe, so these stars in front of him may be collected from the entire origin.

Although it is not known what attack methods the other party has now, this star space that makes people unable to escape is enough to give people a headache.

"Maybe I can use the Devouring Technique to plunder these stars. Although it is slower, I think it will have some effect over time." Chen Feng suddenly stopped.

Chen Feng first entered the Devouring Vortex and spent some time to kill the two Hunyuan Aboves who had been suppressed before.

After releasing the fighting power, Chen Feng began to act.

In Chen Feng's view, he couldn't get out of this formation in a short time, so he didn't rush and took it step by step. As for the life and death of others, Chen Feng couldn't care about it now, and could only ensure his own safety.

So Chen Feng used the sacred mountain to sit in the origin of the vortex, and then began to release a huge vortex to plunder the stars in front of him.

At Chen Feng's level, these things are of course not worth looking at, and now it's just to get out of trouble.

A large number of stars were pulled into the vortex by Chen Feng, and wherever Chen Feng passed, they became empty.

It looks like a lot of movement, but Chen Feng knows that his speed is still too slow. Compared with the entire origin, this little bit of work is nothing.

What Chen Feng wants to do is a long-term action. Of course, there is another point that Chen Feng doesn't believe that the other party will watch him do this, and will definitely use some means to deal with him. In this way, he can take this opportunity to learn more information.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess was correct. Before Chen Feng collected many stars, the space suddenly changed and Chen Feng entered a piece of chaos.

The imagined attack did not appear. Chen Feng secretly calculated and immediately knew what was going on.

It turned out that this was to move himself to another origin.

Think about it, even if the origin after taking advantage of the opportunity is very large, but now it is moved at will, so Chen Feng can't interrupt this process. This shows how strong the opponent's means are.

"Even if I move to another place, the result is still the same." Chen Feng continued to perform the swallowing technique to collect the surrounding energy.

But soon Chen Feng's action was disrupted again.

In this way, Chen Feng roughly understood the opponent's strength.

The origin is very powerful, but not as strong as he imagined. Otherwise, he would not stop it just because he collected some power.

In other words, if he continues to do this, it will definitely cause certain damage to the opponent.

"If I can find some weak spots, I might be able to break out with my own means, but will the other party give me this opportunity?" Chen Feng thought while observing the surrounding situation.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about using his means to attack, the surrounding space twisted and chains appeared out of thin air.

These chains did not come up to bind Chen Feng, but with the appearance of the chains, Chen Feng felt the powerful binding force acting on himself.

And it is getting stronger and stronger.

After all, this is the opponent's territory. The opponent can modify the rules at will and mobilize all the forces to target the elements.

The power condensed into a huge mountain and hit Chen Feng fiercely.

A large number of stars suddenly gathered together and turned into a long river of stars to wash Chen Feng.

"It's just right to hone my chaotic body." Although he felt a strong pressure, Chen Feng still took the initiative to step forward and withstand the opponent's attack.

At Chen Feng's point, if he does not break through the realm above Hunyuan, it will be difficult for Chen Feng's chaotic body to break through again.

This time it was really a good opportunity. Even the opponent would not attack like this all the time. When he saw that he could not pose a big threat to Chen Feng, he immediately changed his attack method.

In this way, Chen Feng kept changing directions and constantly dealt with various strange attacks from all directions.

Although Chen Feng was not in a hurry, he could not find a chance to rush out.

Until a Hunyuan above appeared in front of Chen Feng with an origin-level weapon, Chen Feng knew that the real threat had arrived.

Whether it was the gathering of origin energy or the powerful Hunyuan above in front of him, it could cause great trouble to Chen Feng. Now the two sides joined forces, and this was just the beginning. Chen Feng was not sure whether there would be more powerful existences to continue to appear?

"Your strength is not bad. You can persist until now, but that's it. I will kill you now. Of course, I am a soft-hearted person. I can give you a chance. As long as you choose to surrender and join us in Guixu, you can survive. The premise is to hand over the treasure in your hand." The powerful opponent said.

Chen Feng locked onto the other party firmly, and felt the strong blood and the soul will that had not completely dissipated from the other party and the weapon in his hand.

Chen Feng knew that this was the breath left by the other party when he killed a powerful life before.

"How many people are trapped here?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he asked.

"I just killed two people above the Hunyuan, and now it's your turn." This powerful existence said.

Chen Feng knew that his previous guess had come true. This powerful formation was not specifically aimed at him, and other people above the Hunyuan could not escape.

However, the other party did not have the breath of the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman, which meant that the two of them might still be alive.

It was just a possibility, because Chen Feng didn't know if there were other powerful hunters besides the one in front of him.

In short, entering here would be a dangerous end.

"Surrender is not my style, unless you can suppress me. If you don't have the strength that satisfies me, how can you be qualified to say these words in front of me?" Chen Feng took out a long sword, and the long sword was surrounded by the avenue of sword.

Chen Feng did not use weapons above the origin level, but what he had in his hand was not just a long sword, but several long swords of the origin level. With the sword, Chen Feng was sure to fight with the opponent.

If the opportunity was right, Chen Feng even thought about pulling the opponent into his origin and suppressing him.

Because Chen Feng was attracted by the weapons in the opponent's hands, and also by the powerful magic power he possessed.

Now he was at a disadvantage. If he could burn the opponent and burst out with a powerful attack, he might be able to break a passage and leave here.

Even if he wanted his own home, it would not be so easy for the opponent. This was originally the opponent's territory.

Whether it was a strong backing or a strong fighting power, it was better than himself, so this opportunity was difficult to grasp.

Maybe he was the one who was suppressed.

"In this case, I will let you see my means."

This person above the Hunyuan certainly knew that Chen Feng would not surrender, so he held a weapon and went forward to kill Chen Feng.

During this process, Chen Feng still endured various attacks from the surrounding origins. The powerful force restraint could limit Chen Feng's fighting power to a greater extent.

As expected, Chen Feng was at a disadvantage as soon as they started fighting. The opponent did not hold back at all, just to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng even believed that even if he surrendered now, the opponent would not stop.

The battle on the battlefield was not fair, and soon a deep wound appeared on Chen Feng's body.

Then Chen Feng had the opportunity to stab the opponent, but he was whipped by a chain. Although he was not injured, Chen Feng's actions were affected.

"Hey, it's really a fair fight." Chen Feng sneered.

"This is not a fight, I just want to kill you." This powerful existence said, not caring about Chen Feng's sarcasm at all. This is a war, a life-and-death war. Killing the opponent as much as possible is the most correct way. Fighting is just a fool's behavior.


The opponent broke up Chen Feng's sword avenue, and then the weapon slashed at Chen Feng fiercely.

Facing this powerful attack, Chen Feng suddenly reached out and grabbed the opponent's weapon. The next moment, Chen Feng's palm began to rot. If Chen Feng also took the opportunity to stab the opponent with a sword.

This was a losing strategy, and even so, Chen Feng would suffer a greater loss. "Haha!" The Hunyuan Master didn't care at all and continued to attack. At the same time, two chains appeared out of thin air behind Chen Feng and hit him hard at a very tricky angle, making it impossible for Chen Feng to dodge.

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