Eternal Existence

Chapter 4913 Trouble

At the beginning, Chen Feng spent a long time to collect the corrosive energy area, refining it bit by bit, and spent a lot of effort.

Compared with other origins, this corrosive energy origin is more powerful.

It is also the most powerful force that Chen Feng has now.

It has been used by Chen Feng to suppress the previous harvest. On weekdays, he used the volcanic origin and the vortex origin in battle.

But in real comparison, these two origins plus Chen Feng’s own origin are not as good as this corrosive energy origin.

It is more unified and can burst out a strong suppressive pressure.

At this time, Chen Feng used it, which was also the strongest means, especially Chen Feng also mixed in the energy tower and the sacred mountain.

Even the previous harvest and the long sword began to stir.

If Chen Feng still cannot succeed this time, then Chen Feng really has no way.

Chen Feng believes that he can succeed.

In fact, when Chen Feng took out the corrosive energy origin, he did have the upper hand and constantly invaded this power imprint.

At this rate, it won't take long for Chen Feng to take over this place, and then he can even use it to surpass this power ocean.

When Chen Feng was in the Well of Eternal Night, he didn't think about controlling the power ocean. After all, Chen Feng just wanted to take some power.

But now the two sides are in war, if he can control this power ocean, it will definitely play a big role.

In any case, Chen Feng has had experience in controlling the origin before, and he also has some broken origins.

Chen Feng is quite skilled in this method and process.

Of course, these things are more long-term, and the most important thing at the moment is to collect the power imprint first.

In fact, the heart of origin is still in action, and there are still some Hunyuan outside. Even if Chen Feng has a little advantage now, it is not yet a sure thing.

Everything is still unknown, and there may be some changes in the process.

When the origin of corrosive energy invaded, it was indeed counterattacked by the power imprint.

Now the two sides have become a fight for control, so Chen Feng only needs to push the origin of corrosive energy with all his strength.

The energy tower and the sacred mountain are still increasing in all directions.

As for the power imprint that Chen Feng released at the beginning, it was still invaded by the opponent, just because of the appearance of the origin of corrosive energy.

The opponent's invasion speed slowed down.

This was also in Chen Feng's previous calculations. Chen Feng didn't worry about this from the beginning.

Everyone has a power imprint, how can it be so easy to be invaded.

And now everyone is expanding the origin of corrosive energy, and the power imprint that Chen Feng controls will gradually change from being invaded.

Once it turns around and invades in the opposite direction, it can really suppress the opponent.

It seems that the confrontation here is not fierce, but it is just as dangerous, because Chen Feng has put everything on it, and the price paid for a generation of failure is too high.

Chen Feng has also been paying attention to the situation outside. Those Hunyuan on the Gate of Origin are still fighting endlessly.

It seems that things are developing smoothly.

But soon Chen Feng frowned, because the power imprint here actually opened a channel, allowing those Hunyuan on the Gate of Origin to rush in.

Chen Feng knew the opponent's intention, which was to put the pressure on those Hunyuan on himself.

The other party is so bold. No matter what, at least they were in the same group at the beginning. Now they let the other party in, so they are not afraid of the two sides joining forces.

However, it must be said that the other party's approach did play a very good role.

Because after those Hunyuan rushed into the power imprint, they found Chen Feng's position and rushed up frantically.

At this moment, the other party no longer dealt with the power imprint, but dealt with Chen Feng first.

Obviously, they also knew the idea of ​​the power imprint, but they didn't care. Under this situation, the most important thing was to eliminate the biggest threat first.

In this way, Chen Feng felt that the situation was unfavorable.

The process of his invasion was fine, and he was just barely in the upper hand.

Now that there were no so many Hunyuan above to make trouble, Chen Feng thought he could not stop it.

"This is really troublesome." Chen Feng didn't have a good solution for a while.

But he was at a critical moment now, of course he couldn't give up this power imprint, otherwise wouldn't the previous efforts be wasted?

What's more, such a good thing must be in his hands.

"Everyone, if you do this, you will fight to the death with me. Please think carefully." Chen Feng threatened.

"At this point, it's useless to say these things. I just want to delay some time. You want such a good thing, and we certainly want it too." Hunyuan, who controlled the Wheel of Destruction, said.

"Dear Taoist friends, stop talking nonsense and attack quickly."

The other party also knew that Chen Feng was delaying time, so they attacked together.

Chen Feng certainly didn't care about the ordinary attacks of Hunyuan, but the Wheel of Destruction, the Spear of All Evil and the Fallen River were the power of these three families that Chen Feng had to deal with.

Although they didn't come in their original form, they could also burst out powerful power.

At least Chen Feng's origin of corrosive energy was affected, and the invasion process was even interrupted.

Not only that, some of the control that Chen Feng had finally gained was also destroyed.

This filled his heart with anger.

These guys really deserve to die, but the Gate of Origin didn't intervene at this time.

Chen Feng would not believe that the Gate of Origin didn't know the situation here, which also shows that the Gate of Origin acquiesced to this situation.

In fact, from another perspective, this is also normal. After all, everyone belongs to the Gate of Origin, and the Gate of Origin can't help Chen Feng.

What's more, the opponent contacted three beings beyond the level of Origin.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng became more and more depressed. In the past, he liked to suppress his opponents with the Gate of Time and Space. I didn't expect that this time I had no helpers, and the opponent used this method to deal with me.

"Fortunately, I have mastered the origin, otherwise I would really suffer a great loss." Chen Feng said so.

The vortex origin broke out and began to devour the opponent's attack frantically.

Chen Feng was indeed delaying time, but the opponent didn't give Chen Feng this opportunity.

During this process, Chen Feng was also constantly communicating with the Gate of Origin. After all, Chen Feng was still in contact with the Gate of Origin, and the channel was still there, but the Gate of Origin had not responded.

The vortex just swallowed a part of the power and collapsed directly. The powerful force rushed in, and the origin of the vortex was affected and began to vibrate continuously.

"If you do this, the final result will only be a fight with me that will be a lose-lose situation, and you will not get the heart of origin cheaply." Chen Feng said.

"In this case, Daoyou might as well withdraw and give this thing to us."

"That's right, Daoyou can't have the things here alone. We have agreed to let you extract some power before, and now we still have this idea. I think this is very generous."

These Hunyuan above also knew that Chen Feng was difficult to deal with, so they also wanted to make some compromises.

"Hehe, don't forget, this place is where I brought you. If I had known this, I should have been more ruthless and let you die on the battlefield." Chen Feng sneered.

"It's meaningless to say this. The previous war was just a matter of mutual benefit. Without our power, you wouldn't have come here. Didn't you also use our power from the beginning? Now you say this again, as if we are sorry for you." These Hunyuan above also sneered in their hearts.

How could they change their minds because of a few words when they can cultivate to this point.

Besides, with such a good thing in front of them, even close brothers and good friends will sometimes turn against each other.


Chen Feng used the power of the volcanic origin again, but was soon blown up again.

After all, all Chen Feng's energy was on the origin of the corrosive energy at this time, and the combat power that could be allocated at this time was also discounted.

Chen Feng was really getting more and more angry now, and he wanted to take back the origin of the corrosive energy and deal with these Hunyuan above first.

But in this way, the previous efforts would be in vain, and Chen Feng was certainly unwilling to accept it.

"You are looking for death. Do you really think that you can go against me with this little power? I warn you now. If you attack me again, I will kill you at a price." Chen Feng shouted.

"Haha, can this scare us? It's a joke. Just use your means." These Hunyuan above certainly didn't care about Chen Feng's threats. If they were afraid, they would not have gone against Chen Feng before.

"Well, in that case, I will kill you first." Chen Feng said, and a piece of origin emerged, and slammed into these Hunyuan above fiercely.

This is the broken origin that Chen Feng collected before and has not been completely refined. He originally wanted to integrate it into other origins, but it also takes time.

For Chen Feng, this is a good thing, better than the above Hunyuan, and this time he is also ruthless.

Seeing a piece of origin rushing over, these above Hunyuan didn't care at first, and wanted to break it. Who knew that this piece of origin suddenly burned during the collision, and a breath ten times and a hundred times stronger than before rose up, and finally turned into a rolling energy torrent.

If they were together, Chen Feng could only do this step, but he learned the way to control the origin from the Gate of Origin before, so Chen Feng could play some tricks.

"I paid a great price this time. If I can't collect this piece of power imprint, I will lose a lot." Chen Feng said as spears shot out from the energy torrent.

This is the condensation of the power of the origin. The power is compressed, and the attack power is naturally doubled.

In order to achieve this step, Chen Feng stopped invading the power imprint, and he was burning a lot of mana every moment.

"Not good!"

"Be careful!"

Seeing this move, the faces of these Hunyuan above changed drastically, just like when they were attacked by the Heart of Origin before, they had Chen Feng's Samsara Domain to resist at that time, but now they can only rely on themselves.

The power of the Fallen River blocked the front and blocked some war spears. The power of the Wheel of Destruction and the Spear of All Evil was also erupting, and the war spears rushing towards them were shredded into pieces.

But Chen Feng's attack had just begun. As long as the power of the Origin was not used up, there would be a continuous stream of war spears.

This group of Hunyuan above had to withstand the attack of a rain of arrows.

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