Eternal Existence

Chapter 4903: Each has his own plan

"It's not just a simple energy blockage, there are other things involved. The magical power is the most difficult to solve. It involves some special laws and some evolutionary means based on one's own will. That is to say, I am now in the opponent's territory, and I can't be sure how many powerful beings are controlling this territory? If it's just the Destruction Spider, then it can still be killed. If the Heart of Origin is involved, it will be really troublesome." Chen Feng thought secretly, trying to analyze the situation in front of him. At the same time, Chen Feng also released the summoning technique to find the Black Demon.

As a result, the Black Demon did not respond, and Chen Feng was not disappointed. Since the other party made such an arrangement, he would definitely not let the two of them get together like that. This is also the same as Chen Feng guessed.

Chen Feng knew that this special magical power could not really connect him and the Black Demon even if they were not far apart, let alone the two of them joining forces.

Chen Feng even thought that the Black Demon must be in the same situation as himself, and was also trying to contact him and figure out the situation here.

"Just trap me? If so, it doesn't matter. Even if I stay here for a long time, there will be no problem. I will even become stronger and stronger due to long-term training."

"I think the other party must have means. It is impossible that it is just a simple trouble. But then again, I have been trapped in the core area of ​​Taisu Origin before. One Origin can't do anything to me. Even if the Origin Heart is stronger, will it use all its strength to deal with me? What's more, I still have the Origin Gate here."

After thinking about this, Chen Feng also learned about the situation through the Origin Gate. The news he got from the Origin Gate also made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

Although the Origin Gate did not explicitly say that it could change the current situation, it did not say that the situation would become worse.

"So, the Gate of Origin is still fighting against the Heart of Origin. This is why the Gate of Origin has not given me clear help. Similarly, although the Heart of Origin is also attacking me, the force of the attack is not too strong. Then, can I leave here next, or do I have to do it myself? This is really depressing because it will cost a lot of money." Chen Feng said, and suddenly activated the power of the vortex origin.

Just in front of Chen Feng, a huge vortex appeared, and the viscous force rolling around was pulled into the vortex.

"I want to see if your magical power can last to an origin area." For Chen Feng or for the vortex origin, the more energy it swallows, the better.

Because the vortex origin needs enough energy to restore itself, once the vortex origin can really restore to its previous peak state, it will be the real origin of one side, and it will be able to burst out at that time, and its strength will become stronger.

As for whether the absorbed energy can be refined and absorbed? It is not within Chen Feng's consideration for the time being, even if it is stored first, it is also possible.

However, the vortex in front of him was suppressed by a powerful force not long after absorbing, and the vortex collapsed directly.

Then Chen Feng tried several more times, but none of them succeeded.

It was not a simple force. In Chen Feng's perception and analysis, it should be a kind of existence similar to a higher rule, which forcibly suppressed the origin of the vortex.

After Chen Feng thought of this, he immediately used the origin of the volcano.

A stronger force erupted in Chen Feng's hands, and everything around him was disrupted. Chen Feng even took the opportunity to use the swallowing technique to plunder these chaotic forces.

Of course, this time Chen Feng used his own swallowing technique. Although it was not as good as the origin of the vortex, it should not be underestimated. He quickly swallowed up all the surrounding power.

Sure enough, the origin of the volcano did not erupt for long, and then it was suppressed by this special force. Chen Feng could not succeed in erupting.

But Chen Feng's own swallowing technique was not affected.

"This is a law specifically targeting the origin. This is my strongest trump card. If I can't use the power of the origin, how can I rush out?" Chen Feng said with a frown.

"I don't know if the black magic has a good way?" Chen Feng tried several more times. In addition to swallowing some power, there was no breakthrough.

In fact, Chen Feng really guessed it right. The Black Demon was not far from Chen Feng. He encountered the same situation as Chen Feng and made the same move as Chen Feng. As a result, he was naturally trapped in the darkness and could not rush out.

"This is really troublesome. This is clearly the means of the Heart of Origin. Will I be trapped here forever? I wonder if Chen Feng can solve the current situation?" The Black Demon knew that he could not rush out with his own situation, so he could only pin his hopes on Chen Feng.

And the Black Demon always believed that Chen Feng still had hidden means that he had not taken out.

Just like this, a period of time passed, and everything was still so calm. Chen Feng and the Black Demon were still wandering in the darkness, and they could not find a way to leave at all. The darkness had not attacked the two of them, as if they were really just trapped.

The Black Demon was a little anxious, but Chen Feng stopped and practiced at ease.

Because Chen Feng knew that if he exploded, it would only be a waste of energy. It would be better to wait and see if the other party would attack him. Even if the other party had no other means, he could recover his strength by practicing here for a while.

Moreover, Chen Feng also thought that if the time was long enough, he could even release all his combat power.

Perhaps the special laws here can imprison the origin of the volcano and the origin of the vortex. Chen Feng does not believe that the other party can imprison all the origins. If they can really do this, then they must be powerful to a certain extent, and they will not simply trap themselves here.

But before Chen Feng could practice for long, he received the news from the Gate of Origin. After learning about these news, Chen Feng became energetic but also felt a little speechless.

It is so quiet here, it is obviously a good opportunity to practice, but the war is about to start next.

However, since the Heart of Origin has made a big move, Chen Feng believes that he should be able to get rid of the current situation.

A channel extends from it. This is the power from the Gate of Origin itself. Chen Feng actually established a connection with the Gate of Origin in this special environment.

And this connection is unprecedentedly clear, as if the Gate of Origin is right in front of him. Not long after, the phantom of the Gate of Origin appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Of course, this is what Chen Feng saw, but it is actually presented in Chen Feng's body, that is to say, just like the clone that Chen Feng collected at the beginning, Chen Feng was regarded as an important carrier.

At the moment when Chen Feng established a connection with the Gate of Origin, the Black Demon also noticed something unusual.

Because this dark area can actually be regarded as a special whole, now because of the penetration of the power of the Gate of Origin, this whole has changed, and the Black Demon can naturally feel it. After a slight hesitation, the Black Demon took action.

Because of the Gate of Origin, the Heart of Origin was also alarmed. Chen Feng found that the other party wanted to cut off the connection between him and the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng was a little worried about this, fearing that the Heart of Origin could really do this.

Who knew that a second channel appeared in Chen Feng's body. One channel continued to pour power into Chen Feng's body, and the other channel sent a strong suction force. The suction force became stronger and stronger. Chen Feng's heart moved and he quickly performed the swallowing technique, and at the same time connected the vortex origin and this channel together.

Sure enough, this channel began to absorb these energies, whether it was the dark energy that Chen Feng had just absorbed, or the energy that Chen Feng had stored in the vortex origin without change before, this channel accepted all of them.

Chen Feng didn't care about this. Since the Gate of Origin needed it, he would provide him with a better opportunity.

So Chen Feng began to riot, constantly bombarding all directions and plundering everything.

The vortex origin that was imprisoned before was gradually able to be used. Later, a huge vortex appeared in front of the starry sky. Coupled with Chen Feng's own devouring technique, the dark energy here quickly disappeared.

Chen Feng believed that under this situation, even the origin of one side would be plundered.

Chen Feng remembered the situation when he met the Tianyuan Saint. At that time, he and others were stealing the power of other origins.

This time it was quite similar, but there was a gate of origin behind, and the devouring power was getting stronger and stronger. Chen Feng believed that the opponent would definitely not be able to bear it.

Chen Feng was also waiting for the opponent to have any means, but in the end, there was no other means except for the more concentrated dark energy. This made Chen Feng a little disappointed, and he was sure in his heart that the opponent simply trapped himself here.

"It doesn't look like the strength of one side of the origin. Even if some masters are transferred to surround and kill me, it's okay. What about the swordsmen before, and those powerful destruction spiders?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

The next moment, the dark energy kept rolling, and a group of destruction spiders came out. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng shut up.

This time, I became a crow's mouth.

"It's good that they came. If there had been no movement, it would have been disappointing. Now that an opponent has appeared, I feel relieved. But why didn't they come before? I waited for so long." Chen Feng couldn't figure out the operation of the Heart of Origin, but now that the opponent had come, he had to fight to the end.

Chen Feng took the initiative to attack. This time, there were four people above the Hunyuan level. Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng was no match at all.

But the phantom of the Name of Origin suddenly appeared and directly suppressed the four powerful Destruction Spiders.

Chen Feng, of course, seized the opportunity to attack, and soon smashed the four Destruction Spiders above the Hunyuan level into pieces, and then they were taken away by the Gate of Origin.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng suddenly remembered something, thinking that the Gate of Origin would not cultivate its own Destruction Spiders, right?

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