Eternal Existence

Chapter 4897: Joining forces to fight

With another sword strike, a big hole was opened in the sword array. At this time, Chen Feng could have used it to leave. However, Chen Feng did not do so. Instead, he locked eyes on an opponent with his eyes and struck out with another sword. The swordsman who was targeted by Chen Feng immediately felt a sense of death. Fortunately, others took action and mobilized the power of the formation to resolve the sword.

"It's a pity that we still can't kill everyone." Chen Feng was a little calm. After all, even the Sword of Rigel couldn't suppress so many Hunyuan masters at once, let alone it was only in his own hands.

"It's better to fight out first." Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. He opened a path with the Rigelian sword and walked out of the sword formation.

Chen Feng turned around and saw only a vast expanse of sword energy. This was the sword formation that suppressed him before.

"How come you have such a weapon?" A strong will came out.

"Of course I got it on the battlefield. Are you greedy? Kill me and you can take it away." Chen Feng said with a smile. The next moment, Chen Feng turned around and left, not intending to fight head-on with the opponent.

The eight swordsmen in the sword formation were also stunned. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng chose to leave. They originally thought that Chen Feng was going to stay and continue fighting.

After all, it seems that Chen Feng is the one with the upper hand now.

"Chase! Even if the opponent uses that kind of weapon, he is no match for us." One of the swordsmen said, and then a piece of sword energy quickly condensed and turned into a long sword that quickly shuttled.

Chen Feng found the Black Devil in the shortest time, while the Black Devil was still entangled with his opponent.

At this time, Black Devil was a little embarrassed, because Black Devil's opponents had become three. They were fighting and running from the beginning, but now they are unable to escape. Black Devil was also very depressed. He thought he could help Chen Feng, but who knew that he could help Chen Feng? He also jumped in.

Just when the Black Devil boy was trying to escape, Chen Feng suddenly appeared and tore an opponent to pieces with just one sword strike.

This scene made Hei Mo stunned and looked at Chen Feng in disbelief. When Hei Mo came back to his senses, Chen Feng had already severely wounded another Hunyuan Shang with a sword.

"too weak!"

Chen Feng said this, but the black devil was greatly shocked. What did this mean? Didn't it mean that he was too weak?

Also, Chen Feng actually broke out of the sword formation. In that case, are the swordsmen who controlled the sword formation still alive?

Wouldn't he be killed by Chen Feng?

The Black Devil couldn't believe it when he thought of this, but the fighting power displayed in front of Chen Feng confirmed this.

And the long sword in Chen Feng's hand, the black devil looked at the Rigel Sword with his eyes, and understood in his heart that he had such a killing weapon, but how did Chen Feng master a weapon of this level.

If Chen Feng had succeeded in the sacrifice from the beginning, then he should have used it before, and he would not have been trapped in the sword formation in such an embarrassing situation.

Although he felt a little weird in his heart, the black devil also knew that the opportunity was coming and immediately entangled the last opponent with his backhand.

This Hunyuan Shang originally wanted to escape, but it was too late. The final result was that he was split in half by Chen Feng's sword and was suppressed and collected by the black devil.

Chen Feng didn't try to snatch it, because Chen Feng was still receiving the power of the Gate of Origin continuously.

"Have you taken care of those swordsmen?" Dark Devil asked.

Before Chen Feng could answer, the black devil already knew that the swordsmen had already caught up with him.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that they were still chasing him, but after thinking about it, it was natural.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while, relying on his current state and the black devil to see if he could fight against those swordsmen.

In the end, Chen Feng shook his head, unsure.

In this case, then choose to dodge. It is difficult to leave the Heart of Origin now. If the Heart of Origin attacks, those swordsmen may still catch up.

"Let's go first."

Chen Feng felt the condition of the sword in his hand, his expression changed, and then he left with the Black Demon.

After all, Chen Feng has not yet refined the Rigel Sword. He was able to use it before because he used the method taught by the Gate of Origin. In addition, he burned the beings above the Hunyuan level, so Chen Feng could only use it for a short period of time. use.

Now it has reached a limit.

Even if only one Hunyuan came, Chen Feng would not be able to use the Rigel Sword to fight.

What's more, there were eight swordsmen who couldn't be dealt with in the first place. Seeing Chen Feng leave so simply, the black devil also understood, so he didn't say anything more, but he was a little regretful.

They were both sword cultivators, so the Black Demon was still very interested in those eight swordsmen, and wanted to compete with them. He thought this was a good opportunity, but who knew that Chen Feng was still scared.

The Black Demon also understood the situation and left with him. Of course, the Black Demon was not afraid of one-on-one combat, but if he wanted to deal with the eight opponents who had arranged a sword formation, the Dark Demon knew that he was simply seeking death. He did not see even Chen Feng using such a level. sword, and finally chose to escape.

This is the difference in numbers.

However, those few pursuers kept chasing relentlessly, which gave the Black Devil some ideas.

"It seems that it is difficult to get rid of them. Maybe there will be a battle between the two of us." The black devil said.

"We are not their opponents now, not to mention that we are still on the territory of the Heart of Origin. In fact, I am not worried about the eight swordsmen above the level of Hunyuan. Although they are very powerful, I can still deal with them at a cost. What I am worried about is that the Heart of Origin will attack me directly." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that Daoyou paid a great price to break through the opponent's sword formation before." Black Demon said with a smile.

"It is true. The price I paid before was too high. Maybe only killing the eight pursuers can make up for my losses." Chen Feng said.


A strong air wave suddenly appeared in front of him. There was no sign before, as if it appeared out of thin air. In this case, Chen Feng and Black Demon immediately thought that it was the Heart of Origin who attacked.

And from another perspective, if it was not the Heart of Origin who attacked, but other lives, it would be enough to cause some trouble to themselves if they could make such a big move.

"It seems that we have to satisfy some of Daoyou's wishes. I hope that Daoyou can burst out with surprising means, so that we may be able to kill the opponent in return. As long as we can kill one opponent, it will have a chain reaction and solve more opponents in one fell swoop. The premise is that we are the winner. If we fail, we may be suppressed by them again." Chen Feng said.

"There is really no good way now. It is too early to say who will win or lose." Black Demon said.

Because there was a force blocking in front, the eight swordsmen finally caught up. They had already launched an attack from a distance. The eight people joined forces with a beam of sword light to catch up with Chen Feng.

The target of these eight swordsmen has always been Chen Feng. As for Black Demon, he may have some strength, but he has not been taken seriously by these eight swordsmen.

There are too many good things that Chen Feng has shown before. Even if it is not for the Heart of Origin, they have to work together to solve Chen Feng.

Chen Feng also felt the greedy thoughts from these opponents. These guys may continue to entangle him.

So Chen Feng also thought about finding an opportunity to solve one or two people. Even if the opponent can still set up a large formation, the power will be greatly reduced.

The opponent's attack was too strong, so Chen Feng had to use the power of the origin of the volcano to fight back.

The Black Demon was still surprised, but he didn't show it. He had some guesses about Chen Feng's methods before, and now it was just confirmed.

However, this method alone might not be able to do anything to the pursuers. In the Black Demon's opinion, unless Chen Feng continued to use the long sword as before, and then he also burst out, maybe he could solve the opponent.

So the Black Demon told Chen Feng about this idea, and Chen Feng was also moved. You know, the Black Demon also mastered the power of the Flowing Wind Sword. Even if it was not the main body, a short-term burst was still possible.

Think about two long swords of this level attacking at the same time, even the eight swordsmen would not be able to bear it.

"Okay, let's try it, I'll pay some more price, otherwise, these swordsmen will keep entangled like this, it will still be a very troublesome thing." Chen Feng said and burned a Hunyuan.

Although it was not the first time Chen Feng did this, it felt very strenuous when it appeared in Chen Feng's face.

It was almost at the limit. The constant fighting when he was besieged before had already overdrawn Chen Feng's energy, especially when he used the Sword of Cangsu, which also made Chen Feng feel that he could not control it.

At this point, Chen Feng could only bite the bullet and take action.

So Chen Feng took out the Sword of Taisu again, and the eight swordsmen became careful. They had suffered a loss from this long sword before, otherwise how could Chen Feng rush out easily?

In fact, the eight of them joined forces and were still rushed out. Even if they used special weapons, these swordsmen were still dissatisfied. They just wanted to get rid of this opponent and make up for the previous mistakes.

Chen Feng waved the Sword of Taisu and took the initiative to fight. Seeing this scene, these swordsmen were overjoyed. They didn't expect Chen Feng to dare to fall into the trap.

So the sword light was crisscrossed, and in the blink of an eye, it was arranged into a sword formation, once again covering Chen Feng.

Just when these swordsmen were happy, a strong sense of crisis arose. Only then did they realize that the black demon actually had a long sword of such a level in his hand.

In fact, these swordsmen did not underestimate the Black Demon. After all, those who could be with Chen Feng must have some tricks. But they did not expect that they had the same tricks.

This was not good.

Although they tried their best to resist, one of the swordsmen was still pierced through.

A big hole appeared in the sword formation. Chen Feng felt that the power of the sword formation was rapidly decreasing, so he started to counterattack and severely injured a swordsman with one sword.

On the other side, the Black Demon did not stop after his attack, but continued to target other swordsmen. The power of the Flowing Wind Sword swept out and arrived in an instant, and it seemed that it was about to drown the opponent.

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