Eternal Existence

Chapter 4873 Seven Star Tower

Then Chen Feng saw another magic weapon appearing behind the shadows of these places of life.

This magical weapon sitting behind the command actually connected the shadows of these places of life.

"This is?"

Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

This is a tower, a very powerful magic weapon.

When Chen Feng saw a lot of things, this tower was refined the day after tomorrow, but it happened to reach the origin level.

You must know that Chen Feng has many magic weapons and weapons in his hands, so he naturally knows more about them.

Chen Feng himself refined a lot, but none of them reached the origin level.

Sometimes even some magic weapons look very powerful and are close to the origin level.

But after all, it is not an origin-level treasure.

And in Chen Feng's view, even if the magic weapons he built could reach the origin level, their strength would still be limited.

But the tower we see now is indeed refined by life, and its realm has reached the origin level, but the power it exerts exceeds most origin-level treasures.

Chen Feng has many origin-level magic weapons in his hands, and some have even reached their peak, but they are still not as good as this tower.

When Chen Feng saw the starlight emanating from the tower, he immediately knew which treasure it was.

"It turns out to be the Seven Star Tower. I asked why it is so familiar? This swordsman should be the Seven Star Taoist. These life areas that emerged also belong to the Seven Star Tower life area. The Seven Star Taoist is very creative." Chen Feng saw it. More stuff.

The strange things that Chen Feng felt before were now solved.

Chen Feng had been to the seven-star tower's life area before. At first, he was thinking about whether he could find the seven-star tower's treasure and then integrate it into his own longevity tower.

Now it seems that the original idea was really naive.

The Seven Star Tower is indeed sitting in the Seven Star Tower's life area, but the other party is too strong, and I didn't notice it at all.

Moreover, Chen Feng also understood that even if he found the Seven Star Tower, he would only suffer the loss, and he might be directly suppressed by the other party.

"It turns out that Taoist Seven Stars trained this treasure into his own avatar. He has been sitting in the life area of ​​Seven Star Tower for a long time, and it has also connected other places of life. The area of ​​one place of life is actually very large. For a long time This cultivation method is really strange, but it is understandable. No wonder the Seven-Star Taoist wants to rush into the free space. It turns out that he uses this method to fight against these destructive creatures. "

"It's just that these destructive creatures are all above the level of Hunyuan. Even if they leave the Gate of Origin, their combat effectiveness is still not affected. Even the Seven Star Tower can exert its strength above Hunyuan. Now it's three against three, both sides The numbers are still equal. If this continues, these destructive creatures can unleash an army of destruction, and the entire living area of ​​the Seven Star Tower may become devastated."

Chen Feng now feels that the excitement is getting better and better. The exposure of the Seven Star Taoist surprised Chen Feng.

Chen Feng really didn't know that Qixing Taoist was such a powerful swordsman.

Although he had known that the other party was the master of one's life area and must be very strong, now that he met him, the strength of the Seven Star Taoist was still beyond Chen Feng's expectation.

Chen Feng thought of Tianxing, who was also the master of the origin area. He also had many means and powerful strength.

But now in comparison, Tianxing is still not as good as Qixing Taoist.

Of course, after not seeing each other for such a long time, maybe Tianxing has also broken through, or maybe he is still cultivating in the Gate of Origin.

"As expected, the owners of these life areas are all wandering in the Gate of Origin. I have never seen them before, and it is also because I have been to relatively few places. Now that I have met them, I can confirm that since they can become the owners of a life area in the first place, The strongest ones are enough to show how extraordinary they are.”

Chen Feng compared Tianxing and Qixing Taoist. Both of them are good, and they are both the kind of heaven-defying beings who are top-notch in all aspects.

"It's a pity that we encountered the same powerful destructive creature. There will definitely be a fierce fight next. I want to see if these two have any means?" Chen Feng looked at the other swordsman.

Being able to become a friend of the Seven Star Taoist also possesses strength above Hunyuan. Chen Feng guessed that he might also belong to the master of the other life area.

However, the other party did not use Qixing Taoist's methods at this time, so this cannot be determined.

Chen Feng originally wanted to continue watching the fun, but he received a message from Taoist Qixing.

"Please also ask fellow Taoists to help."

Regardless of whether Qixing Taoist knows that Chen Feng is secretly there, since Chen Feng has received Qixing Taoist's request for help, he cannot pretend not to hear it.

At this time, Chen Feng still felt a little emotional. Compared with the methods of Taoist Seven Stars, he was only building a wild universe. Although he was also developing some other universes, the layout was still too small.

But Chen Feng also believes that his ability in the wild universe is probably not comparable to that of the Seven Star Taoist.

"After all, the place where I am still belongs to the Tianxing life area. It's a pity that the relationship between Tianxing and I was not handled well at the beginning. I have a feeling that we will meet again in the future. I don't know how strong Tianxing is now?" Chen Although Feng thinks so, Chen Feng still believes that Tianxing's strength is definitely not as good as his own. Even if Tianxing has made great gains in the Gate of Origin, it is definitely not as fast as his own progress.

Chen Feng walked out while thinking about random things.

"I wanted to see the methods of the Taoist friends, but I didn't expect that the Taoist friends were anxious." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Please entangle me as an opponent." Qixing Taoist said.

"Of course, no problem." Chen Feng came to the destruction creature that had just been born from the Heart of Destruction.

Chen Feng chose the other party not because of the other party's strength. To be honest, the strength of this newly born destruction creature is still good, not inferior to the previous destruction spider.

Chen Feng chose the other party because the other party was just born and still had the power of the Heart of Destruction in his body.

For Chen Feng, this most primitive power is more suitable for him.

"Qixing, this is the helper you found. Why do I think it's a Hunyuan Jinxian?" The other swordsman secretly communicated with Qixing Taoist.

"No matter whether he is a Hunyuan Jinxian or not, as long as he can entangle an opponent, it's fine." Qixing Taoist said with a smile.

After all, Qixing Taoist has seen Chen Feng's strength, and naturally understands that this is a level of existence with himself.

Moreover, the Seven Star Taoist also felt pressure and danger from Chen Feng.

How can I say this?

In other words, in the eyes of the Seven Star Taoist, Chen Feng has the means to kill him. No matter what price this means has to pay, since he can do this, it is enough to shock him.

Seeing Chen Feng and the destructive creature fighting fiercely, the Seven Star Taoist and the swordsman finally put their minds at ease.

The two also wanted to make a quick decision, because the Seven Stars' method consumes a lot of energy.

If the opponent cannot be solved for a long time, then the Seven Star Taoist's method will also collapse.

So the battle on their side is the most intense.

Of course, Chen Feng did not exert all his strength. In Chen Feng's mind, although he also wanted to kill the destructive creature, he was not in a dominant position this time. Could it be that his previous idea was to watch the excitement in secret? Now that he has intervened, as long as he can complete the requirements of the Seven Star Taoist, it will be fine.

So Chen Feng only wanted to entangle his opponent and wait for the Seven Star Taoist to resolve the battle.

But soon Chen Feng frowned.

The Seven Star Taoist and the swordsman are indeed above the Hunyuan level, and the power they burst out is also very powerful.

But under normal circumstances, it is difficult to kill the destructive creature in a one-on-one fight.

So the means summoned by the Seven Star Taoist are crucial. At the beginning, the Seven Star Tower and the Seven Star Taoist have a close connection, and they continuously transmit a large amount of power.

In Chen Feng's view, the Seven Star Tower is also equivalent to a Hunyun level, and the power it bursts out is even greater than that of the Hunyuan level, except that it is not so flexible.

"Under this situation, the Seven Star Taoist can have the upper hand, but it is still very difficult to win a quick battle, and the most feared thing under this situation is that there will be other changes." Chen Feng said.

The reason why Chen Feng said this is because Chen Feng realized that there will definitely be changes next.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's premonition is correct.

A space channel suddenly opened, and this space channel directly led to the life area of ​​the Seven Star Tower.

Then a large number of Destruction Demon Spiders killed in.

Chen Feng took a look and found that there were at least dozens of Destruction Demon Spiders at the Hunyuan Jinxian level.

The number of Destruction Spiders below the level of Hunyuan Jinxian is even greater. Once so many Destruction Creatures rush into any area of ​​the Seven Star Tower, it is conceivable how much damage they will cause.

"I knew this would happen before, and these Destruction Creatures really did it." Chen Feng was shocked, and wanted to see if the Seven Star Taoist had any means to deal with it.

The Seven Star Taoist and the swordsman naturally wanted to break this passage to block the transmission of the Destruction Creatures.

However, they were entangled by the two Destruction Creatures and could not spare their hands to destroy the passage.

Moreover, the passage made by these two Destruction Creatures and the passage that the Seven Star Taoist made through the Seven Star Tower were almost close together.

If the passage was really destroyed, then they would not be able to use the power of the Seven Star Tower, and the situation would change again.

So it was not that the Seven Star Taoist could not do this, but that the Seven Star Taoist was hesitating whether to destroy the passage?

In this way, the Destruction Spiders had already rushed into the life area of ​​the Seven Star Tower.

"The Seven Star Taoist is really ruthless, or is he sure that he can solve these two opponents in the shortest time?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

If it were me, I would definitely destroy the channel regardless of everything. Even if I left some means of control in the Savage Universe, I would not want those Destruction Spiders to rush in, otherwise it would bring a great disaster. Even if it could be cleaned up afterwards, many life areas would definitely be destroyed by the opponent.

"Daoyou, please help me." Qixing Taoist looked at Chen Feng again.

"I have already entangled an opponent now. It is still very difficult for me to fight two alone." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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