Eternal Existence

Chapter 4860 Obtain

Chen Feng had been attacked by an origin area before, so what Chen Feng had to do this time was to ignite the power of this dormant origin area and let the other party enter a recovery state.

Since he wanted to revive, he needed more power.

Hunyuan Shangshi was a very good tonic, how could this origin area let it go?

The most unfortunate thing was that in this way, all the benefits went to this origin area, but Chen Feng had no choice but to use external forces to get rid of Hunyuan Shangshi.

As for whether this origin area would turn around and deal with Chen Feng next, that was what Chen Feng had to consider next.

The broken body of this Hunyuan Shangshi was constantly captured and then integrated into this origin area.

This Hunyuan Shangshi wanted to escape from here, but how could a resurrecting origin area let the other party leave? The powerful power in the darkness was resurrecting, and the scale of the origin was expanding.

Let the broken body of this Hunyuan Shangshi continue to flee around and escape from the scope of this origin area.

And Chen Feng was still in the core area of ​​this origin area at this time.

It would not be a good idea to choose to leave at that time, otherwise, you might end up like that person from the Hunyuan.

Of course, after all, it is a newly revived origin area, and the power generated by the first eruption is of course fierce. If that person from the Hunyuan had avoided the momentum of the energy at the beginning, he would not necessarily end up like this.

Chen Feng was calculating how strong the power of this origin was at this time, which would also be beneficial to his next actions.

It seems that this origin is not too strong, not as strong as the previous corrosive energy origin, nor as strong as the dark origin that attacked him.

Of course, it is possible that this origin was once very strong, but it was annihilated in Guixu for too long, and it can only retain some of its current power.

The previous eruption looked fierce, but in fact it also released the accumulation of a long time at once.

So Chen Feng did not feel any threat, but it was not so wise to leave now.

"I don't know if that person from the Hunyuan can escape." Chen Feng said in his heart, and began to make some preparations at the same time.

Chen Feng wanted to collect this origin.

Although it was a bit risky, Chen Feng had to do so because the previous confrontation between the two sides consumed a lot of himself.

Even a little overdrawn.

And Chen Feng still needs the power of this origin to balance the origin of the volcano.

And Chen Feng also feels that this origin is about to break free from its shackles. If it goes on like this, he will be the one who suffers.

If it were the same as before, Chen Feng would not think of putting away the origin, but let the other party revive to counter Guixu.

But now Chen Feng has to take a risk and try.

And Chen Feng needs to choose a suitable opportunity, not to let this origin be too strong, nor to let the other party be too weak.

Otherwise, it will not meet his needs.

Chen Feng did not wait long before taking action, because this origin solved the Hunyuan Above.

Of course, Chen Feng did not fully sense it, maybe some of them escaped.

But it doesn't matter. At this time, the revived origin is constantly expanding, quickly plundering the power of Guixu to strengthen itself.

This makes Chen Feng feel a little curious. The other party seems not to have discovered him, or to have forgotten him.

In any case, Chen Feng took action directly, urging the power of the energy tower to suppress and cover the expanding origin.

Chen Feng is pushing the energy tower with all his strength this time. He does not want to devour all of this origin. What Chen Feng wants to devour is the core area of ​​this origin.

The reason why the volcanic origin was able to fall completely into Chen Feng's hands was because the power of the volcanic origin was shrinking.

At this time, this origin has no shrinking power, but is constantly expanding, so Chen Feng's current power is simply not enough to devour one origin.

Not counting now, Chen Feng is not sure of success.

So in addition to fully activating the energy tower, Chen Feng has no other way, and can only hope to succeed.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's sudden attack caught the other party off guard, and this origin was actually in the recovery stage. The previous power was detonated, and now it is impossible to retract the power, and it can't resist the suppression of the energy tower.

The energy core area is collected in the energy tower.

Then Chen Feng quickly left this place.

Without the core, the other areas of this origin will really collapse in a short time, and then merge into Guixu.

"It's a bit of a waste." The volcanic origin said so.

After all, if Chen Feng had the help of Guang Changhe and others, he could completely take away this origin.

"It's a bit of a waste, but I have no other choice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It was going well before, and next I just need to find a quiet place to refine the origin.

At that time, I will have an extra trump card, and I can also control this origin to limit the volcanic origin.

Chen Feng now thought of the corrosion origin he encountered before, but he was in a bad situation now, and he was afraid that he could not collect the other party.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng suddenly had an idea. Since he could not mobilize the power of the Time River, he might as well go to find the origin of the corrosion energy.

He had a special corrosion energy in his hand, and he didn't know if he could establish a connection with the other party.

In fact, Chen Feng was not very sure, he just wanted to give it a try, thinking that if it succeeded, then he would take a risk, which was better than being without direction.

Besides, even if he could not successfully collect the origin of the corrosion, he could re-determine the direction from there.

To Chen's surprise, how could he actually contact the area of ​​the origin of the corrosion.

Chen Feng had a sense of unreality.

He just had a try attitude, and did not think that he could succeed at all. After all, their power had not succeeded in the long river of time before.

However, now he felt the location of the origin of the corrosion.

Chen Feng tried carefully several times, and then he was sure that there was indeed a connection between him and the other party, and even the causal line was much clearer than before.

Since the origin of the corrosion energy can be determined, Chen Feng can take this opportunity to calculate the location of the accident.

In this way, Chen Feng has a sense of direction.

At this time, he can completely return to the Abyss Valley.

But Chen Feng changed his mind. Since he could contact the origin of the corrosive energy, it means that there is indeed a connection between the two parties. In this case, it is better to go and take a look first.

Go and try it. If you succeed, you will also have a huge gain. If you fail, you can find a way to go back to the Abyss Valley.

And although the next action is not on the way, it is not against the way.

Even if you choose to go back to the Abyss Valley now, it will not save too much time.

What's more, it is extremely far away from the Abyss Valley. Will there be danger again during the return process?

Chen Feng was also unsure.

So Chen Feng took action.

Although Chen Feng and the origin of the corrosive energy have established a connection, the distance between the two parties is still very far.

Chen Feng hopes that there will be no trouble in the next journey, and Chen Feng is also trying to recover some strength as much as possible.

The most important thing is to refine the origin core obtained before. This is not only to guard against the origin of the volcano, but also to strengthen oneself and enhance a powerful means.

Chen Feng is lucky.

There was no trouble in the next period of time, and there was no change in the origin of the volcano.

He had also mastered a part of the origin core that he had suppressed in the energy tower.

Although he could not exert his full strength, Chen Feng had already begun to have a bottom line in his heart.

Finally, Chen Feng found the origin of the corrosive energy. Although the surrounding area was still the vast Guixu area, Chen Feng felt a little familiar.

After all, he had been here before.

When he arrived at this time, Chen Feng felt that the connection between himself and the origin of the corrosive energy was deeper, and the other party was still calling him constantly.

You must know that this time Chen Feng did not use special corrosive energy, which means that the other party had already established a connection with him.

"So should I go in next?" Chen Feng actually regretted it at this time.

When Shi Guang Changhe and the others were there, he should have asked them for help.

Now that he is back, he is not in full condition, and Chen Feng is not sure that he can collect this piece of corrosive energy origin.

After all, this piece of origin is stronger than the origins he has seen before, and Chen Feng took a long time to cross over.

You must know that Chen Feng thought that the entire Guixu was in this situation at the beginning.

"This is the power that Guixu left behind. If I take it away, it will definitely alarm Guixu." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

You should know that some of the previous origins that have been revived, even if they have been plundering Guixu's energy, have not attracted Guixu's full force.

But now Chen Feng has set his sights on this corrosive energy origin, and he has to consider some possible consequences.

"You want to take this origin, with your current strength, I'm afraid you can't do it, even if I do it." The origin of the volcano was a little anxious at this time.

He was not doing it for Chen Feng's good, but because if Chen Feng failed, he might be swallowed by this origin.

After all, although it is a bit unfree to follow Chen Feng now, at least he still exists. If there is a worse result than now, it is possible that he will really disappear.

So the origin of the volcano persuaded Chen Feng to calm down.

"I don't want to do this unless it's absolutely necessary. There is no other way." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although he came here, Chen Feng did not rush in immediately, but adjusted his own state and was also considering how to act next to succeed.

"The most important thing is the control of special energy and the burst of the energy tower. Once the opponent wants to deal with me, the powerful energy tower will be my own protection." Chen Feng thought secretly.

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