Eternal Existence

Chapter 4857 Touching the Boundary

Now Chen Feng has no clue and can only keep shuttling back and forth. Through the previous battles, Chen Feng also noticed that the power of Time River and the others in the energy tower cannot be used to fight at all.

However, since there is residual power, the coordinates can be re-formed in Guixu. If they can communicate with the Valley of the Abyss, then the power of Time Changhe and others can be mobilized again.

However, Chen Feng knew that it might be difficult. After all, the remaining power of Time River and the others was too weak.

And it is still being invaded by the power of shadow.

Unless Chen Feng is at his peak, using the power of the energy tower may be able to do this.

Therefore, Chen Feng's time is also very urgent.

It would stop after a while, because Chen Feng didn't know if he was closer to the Valley of the Abyss, or if he was continuing to go deep into Guixu.

At this time, Chen Feng just wanted to get rid of the shadow's power quickly.

Because the opponent's power was too difficult to deal with, the energy tower was almost invaded and penetrated by the opponent.

Moreover, there is also the power of phantom inside the energy tower.

At this time, Chen Feng's control over the energy tower was constantly being lost.

Then Chen Feng himself was eroded by this power, constantly destroying the structure in Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng's power operation was affected.

If you don't stop, you may really be overturned by the opponent.

"You can't run away, it's still the same condition as before. As long as you hand over this tower, I will let you go. Otherwise, when my body arrives, you won't be able to run away even if you want to." Xuying said.

"Then you have to wait until your true form comes before you can say these words. Your current strength can't do anything to me." Chen Feng sneered.

Next, Chen Feng began to mobilize the power brand and special corrosive energy to kill the opponent.

At the same time, Chen Feng's power of the Great Dao began to gather, and after condensing into one force, it also exploded one after another under Chen Feng's mobilization.

Not only that, Chen Feng is also seizing the opportunity to use the Devouring Technique.

Of course, this was not done to refine and absorb the opponent. After all, Chen Feng would not be able to do this in a short time.

What Chen Feng has to do is to swallow the power of the shadow, temporarily disperse the opponent's power, and then move it away.

This will make it easier for you to destroy the other party bit by bit.

Xuying also knew that the situation was not good, so he was also using various means to confront Chen Feng.

Next, it depends on whether Chen Feng can deal with the opponent. If he cannot deal with the opponent in a short time, once the shadow's body arrives, it will be a very difficult thing for Chen Feng.

Suddenly Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to move part of the attracted power into the origin of the volcano.

"Don't you want to regain your strength? I will help you now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Of course Volcano Origin wants to restore his strength and become stronger, so he naturally has to use means to refine the power of the shadow.

The shadow naturally does not want to be refined, so it must resist.

However, no matter how strong the phantom is, it is only at the origin level, and the volcanic origin is the real origin.

Soon the power of the shadow was absorbed by the volcanic origin refining.

It was extremely risky for Chen Feng to do this.

Because it's possible to let volcanic origins break free.

But Chen Feng had to do this, and after seeing this situation, Chen Feng drew more shadow power into the origin of the volcano.

In this way, Chen Feng gradually destroyed the power of the shadow, and the first person to recover was Chen Feng himself.

After he became normal, Chen Feng began to deal with the power in the energy tower.

In the past, Chen Feng would have suppressed the opponent's power, and I will slowly absorb it from now on.

But now something unexpected happened to Chen Feng, and he still dispersed the opponent's power bit by bit.

Chen Feng didn't want to leave any trouble.

In this way, the energy tower returned to normal, including Chen Feng who more or less transformed some of his power into the avenue.

The opponent's power is very strange, and Chen Feng needs to open up a new avenue.

Of course, Chen Feng had very little power to integrate into it, and after all, he was worried about something unexpected happening.

After finishing this, Chen Feng has been paying attention to the situation of Volcano Origin. It is impossible to say that Chen Feng is not worried. He is really worried that Volcano Origin will suddenly break free and give himself a strong blow.

Without the long river of time, Chen Feng and the others really wouldn't be able to handle it.

So the next thing Chen Feng has to do is to quickly find a way to communicate with the Valley of the Abyss and contact Dao Shichanghe and the others. As long as they have the power, they can handle it even if they encounter the previous situation.

But the idea was good, but Chen Feng didn't succeed after trying it for a while.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to change his direction again. Chen Feng was not sure whether staying in one place for a long time in Guixu would cause trouble.

After all, the previous Phantoms were definitely the victors. Once they completely eliminated the power of Time River and others, they might come looking for themselves.

When he thought that there were so many powerful origin-level beings eyeing him in the opponent's territory, Chen Feng didn't feel safe at all.

Therefore, the next path makes Chen Feng feel a little entangled. He must either find a place to hide and not be discovered by the other party. Chen Feng is not sure whether he can hide it from the other party's search.

And even if you find a quiet place to stay, you will have to come out sooner or later. Can you compare to these powerful beings in terms of patience?

There is also the power to summon the River of Time and them.

This is also very important.

Therefore, Chen Feng would feel safe only if he mobilized the power of the River of Time. However, if he failed, there would be some power fluctuations, which might lead to the other party discovering him in advance.

In short, the phantom existence brought great pressure to Chen Feng.

Moreover, Chen Feng was not sure whether the other powerful beings were also eyeing him, after all, he had exploded the energy tower before.

Now that he could not detect it, it did not mean that the other party had really left.

After Chen Feng changed his place, he continued to activate the power of the River of Time remaining in the energy tower, but it still had no effect.

This time, he caused some trouble before Chen Feng left.

This powerful life had targeted Chen Feng.

Or it was a coincidence.

The place where Chen Feng appeared was not far from the powerful life.

The power of time alarmed the other party.

When Chen Feng put away the power of time and wanted to leave, this powerful life had already found him.

Above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he was ready to commit suicide at any time.

This level of existence is indeed very powerful, but in Chen Feng's view, it is far less difficult to deal with than the previous phantom.

Even if the phantom was only a part of the power, the life in front of him was in full strength.

This powerful life above the level of Hunyuan found Chen Feng after he arrived.

The other party used means to explore the four directions, as if looking for the power of time he had sensed before, and finally set his sights on Chengdu.

"Did you create the power just now?" The powerful Hunyuan asked curiously.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded.

"Let me see that kind of power." The other party said a wave of power swept towards Chen Feng.

Then it was smashed by Chen Feng's punch.

Wait, this Hunyuan was a little surprised, and he underestimated this little life that was not as good as himself in the realm.

So he came directly to Chen Feng, and a very strong energy similar to the power of blood and qi hit Chen Feng fiercely.

This power almost condensed into substance, just like attacking himself.

And Chen Feng also felt that his own power was also affected, and it was no longer completely under his control as normal.

This is considered that the other party's power attribute is somewhat special, or it may be that the other party has mastered a special field.

In short, doing so can weaken some of the strength of success and better get rid of Chen Feng.

Facing this kind of attack, Chen Feng was still the same as before.

This was because he had blocked the opponent's attack momentum before.

"It's not good for this friend to attack me for no reason. I don't think there is any grudge between us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng spread his wings of divine movement, seemingly floating in an area, but in fact, he felt that he was constantly changing directions.

This person above the primordial world felt that Chen Feng did not belong to Guixu.

Such a powerful divine movement technique can get rid of this powerful life at any time.

This person above the primordial world naturally had this feeling. Even if he could gain the upper hand, the person in front of him would leave at any time.

In this case, there would be no point in continuing to fight.

So this person above the primordial world stopped his move and looked at Chen Feng, trying to see something.

"I just want to see the strange power just now. It should be the power of time." This person above the primordial world said.

"I think you sensed it wrongly. If Daoyou is fine, I will leave now. Of course, if Daoyou wants to continue to attack, I will also leave." Chen Feng said and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

This powerful Hunyuan Above thought about it and actually chased after him again.

Chen Feng was a little helpless, but he didn't care, as long as the other party couldn't catch up with him.

Of course, he still had to get rid of the other party quickly.

Otherwise, who knows if it would cause trouble?

It's not an easy thing to get rid of a Hunyuan Above. The other party is not the level of the previous phantom, but this Hunyuan Above is in a complete state.

Chen Feng's magic of movement gradually reached its extreme.

You should know that Chen Feng has been in Guixu for a long time and has adapted to the situation here.

His own combat power can almost be fully exerted.

In this way, Chen Feng spent some time to get rid of the other party.

Then he slowed down a little.

Chen Feng didn't take it to heart, but it was just a Hunyuan Above he met accidentally.

If it weren't for some concerns in his heart, Chen Feng would have fought with the other party long ago.

Under desperate efforts, it's hard to say who will win or lose.

"But I don't know if the movement just now is farther or closer to the Abyss Valley." Chen Feng calculated secretly, but he had no clue at all.

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