Eternal Existence

Chapter 4854 New Emerging Power

Under the sweep of power, the surrounding phantoms were scattered, and Chen Feng took the opportunity to activate the energy tower and collected some of the opponent's power.

Break the opponent's power and absorb the opponent's power.

At this time, Chen Feng also planned to weaken the opponent with two prongs.

Although this approach may not be useful, it can have some influence.

After all, Chen Feng has no other good way now.

So he can only do this.

Since Chen Feng failed to escape several times before, Chen Feng also had an idea, that is, to stay and fight with the opponent to the end.

Only after solving the opponent can he leave.

After all, Chen Feng's proud magic of walking can't get rid of the opponent.

So staying and fighting to the death is the only way.

The opponent may be very strong, but only a part of the power comes. Chen Feng doesn't believe that he can't do anything to the opponent.

Of course, this also shows that the long river of time has not really been destroyed, otherwise, the opponent will come with the main body.

So there is not much time, and Chen Feng also needs to fight quickly.

It is so difficult to fight a stronger existence than oneself and fight quickly.

The most likely outcome is that he will be killed quickly by the opponent.

So Chen Feng still couldn't find the opponent's weakness, so he could only explode madly.

The power of the energy tower, the power of the origin of the volcano, and the power imprint and special corrosive energy mastered by Chen Feng.

Only these kinds of power can fight against this phantom.

So this time Chen Feng kept using these powers to explode madly, and it seemed like he was really desperate.

Even Chen Feng didn't care about the erosion of the phantom's power, as if he had given up on himself and used a lose-lose style of play.

Even if he was invaded by power, he had to first eliminate the surrounding blockade power.

Sometimes there was even a gap opened, but Chen Feng didn't take the opportunity to leave. Instead, he continued to stay and lock in and find the opponent's power core.

It has to be said that the power of the phantom is very special, but be careful not to let Chen Feng find the power core.

Once hit by Chen Feng, part of the power will be weakened.

In fact, the phantom also used almost all means, and the opponent also wanted to quickly take down Chen Feng, but it just didn't do it.

Under Chen Feng's violent attack, the power of the phantom was constantly consumed.

Especially the several powers used by Chen Feng, which really shocked the phantom.

Because each of these powers is not inferior to himself, and even stronger than himself.

In the eyes of the phantom, it is because Chen Feng's strength is not strong enough. If Chen Feng can enter the realm above Hunyuan, and master these energies in his hands, then he can definitely solve himself.

In this way, the phantom is more greedy and wants to solve Chen Feng, and then take these powers for himself.

But it doesn't seem so easy to do so.

The two sides continue to fight.

Chen Feng secretly complained.

The energy tower consumes a lot, and the power of the origin of the volcano can no longer be used. Otherwise, the opponent may really take the opportunity to break the shackles.

At that time, it will be even more troublesome.

The power imprint and special corrosive energy can be used, and they can also exert a very powerful attack power in Chen Feng's hands.

Once the opponent is hit, it can also have a great effect.

But the power of this phantom is very broad, blocking all directions, even a little consumption, it seems that it can last for a while.

Chen Feng feels that he may not be able to wear the opponent.

Especially the energy tower and its own chaotic body, which were all eroded by the opponent's power, and now there was no extra power to fight against this invasion.

"In this case, it still needs to pay some price, otherwise the origin of the volcano will explode." Chen Feng thought so, and then caused some turbulence in the origin of the volcano.

So the origin of the volcano erupted with a stronger attack power than before, and wiped out a large area of ​​phantom energy in a short time.

Then Chen Feng took this opportunity to perform the swallowing technique and collected another piece of phantom energy.

"Sure enough, there is still power hidden and not used." Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

Thinking that he stimulated himself, the origin of the volcano really erupted.

However, Chen Feng was not without this thought. After all, facing such a tricky situation, if you want to escape, you must pay some price.

So the origin of the volcano erupted again, and once again dispersed a piece of phantom.

Chen Feng took the risk of using the energy tower to perform the swallowing technique to plunder a large area of ​​phantoms. After all, the opponent was invading the energy tower.

Chen Feng did this, and there was a feeling of inviting a wolf into the house.

However, Chen Feng believed that he should be able to suppress the opponent. Even if he couldn't, he could buy himself some time.

The phantom was greatly weakened by these explosions, and Chen Feng himself was also greatly invaded.

But now he can still resist.

So Chen Feng desperately burst out with punches, and this time Chen Feng used the power imprint.

Although the phantom mobilized more power than before, it collapsed and was defeated under Chen Feng's crazy attack.

In the end, there was only a little bit of phantom left to escape from here.

Chen Feng wanted to completely get rid of the opponent, but unfortunately he didn't do it.

So Chen Feng used the magic of walking to leave quickly.

Need to find a safe place.

Because both Chen Feng and the energy tower are still being eroded by the power of the phantom.

Chen Feng needs to get rid of the other party.

Otherwise, the phantom may appear again, and then summon the real body, which will be Chen Feng's real trouble.

Now Chen Feng has no clue, he can only keep shuttling, and through the previous battle, Chen Feng also noticed that the power of the Time River in the energy tower can not be used for fighting at all.

However, since there is residual power, the coordinates can be re-formed in Guixu. If it can communicate with the Abyss Valley, the power of the Time River can be re-adjusted.

However, Chen Feng knows that it may be difficult, after all, the remaining power of the Time River is too weak.

And now it is still invaded by the power of the phantom.

Unless Chen Feng is in full strength, using the power of the energy tower may be able to do this.

So Chen Feng's time is also urgent.

It will stop after a while, because Chen Feng doesn't know whether he is closer to the Abyss Valley or is constantly going deeper into the Guixu.

At this time, Chen Feng just wants to get rid of the power of the phantom quickly.

Because the opponent's power was too difficult to deal with, the energy tower was almost invaded and infiltrated by the opponent.

And there was also the power of the phantom inside the energy tower.

At this time, Chen Feng's control over the energy tower was constantly lost.

Then Chen Feng himself was also eroded by this power and constantly destroyed the structure in Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng's power operation was affected.

If he didn't stop, he might really be overturned by the opponent.

"You can't run away, it's still the previous condition. As long as you hand over this tower, I will let you go. Otherwise, when my body arrives, you can't run away even if you want to." The phantom said.

"That can only be said after your body arrives. Your current power can't do anything to me." Chen Feng sneered.

Next, Chen Feng began to mobilize the power imprint and special corrosive energy to start wearing down the opponent.

At the same time, Chen Feng's avenue power began to gather, and after condensing into a stream, it also erupted again under Chen Feng's mobilization.

Not only that, Chen Feng was also seizing the opportunity to perform the swallowing technique.

Of course, this was not done to refine and absorb the opponent. After all, Chen Feng couldn't do this in a short time.

What Chen Feng had to do was to devour the power of the phantom, temporarily disperse the opponent's power, and then move away.

This would make it easier for him to destroy the opponent bit by bit.

The phantom also knew that the situation was not good, so it was also using various means to fight Chen Feng.

Next, it would depend on whether Chen Feng could deal with the opponent. If he could not deal with the opponent in a short time, once the phantom's body arrived, it would be a very difficult matter for Chen Feng.

Suddenly, Chen Feng used the devouring technique to move part of the attracted power to the origin of the volcano.

"Don't you want to restore your power? I will fulfill your wish now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The origin of the volcano certainly wanted to restore its power and become stronger, so it naturally had to use means to refine the power of the phantom.

The phantom naturally did not want to be refined, so it had to resist.

However, no matter how strong the phantom was, it was only at the origin level, while the origin of the volcano was the real origin.

Soon the power of the phantom was refined and absorbed by the origin of the volcano.

Chen Feng was extremely risky in doing this.

Because it might allow the origin of the volcano to break free.

But Chen Feng had to do this, and after seeing this situation, Chen Feng also extracted more phantom power into the origin of the volcano.

In this way, Chen Feng gradually eroded the power of the phantom, and the first to recover was Chen Feng himself.

After he was normal, Chen Feng began to deal with the power in the energy tower.

If it was in the past, Chen Feng would suppress the opponent's power, and I would slowly absorb it in the future.

But now Chen Feng was afraid of something happening, so he still dispersed the opponent's power little by little.

Chen Feng didn't want to leave any trouble.

In this way, the energy tower also returned to normal, including Chen Feng more or less still integrating some power into the avenue after that.

The opponent's power is very strange, and Chen Feng needs to open up a new avenue.

Of course, Chen Feng integrated very little power, after all, he was worried about something happening.

After getting these, Chen Feng has been paying attention to the situation of the origin of the volcano. It is impossible to say that Chen Feng is not worried. He is really worried that the origin of the volcano will suddenly break free and then give himself a strong blow.

Without the long river of time, Chen Feng really can't handle it.

So what Chen Feng needs to do next is to quickly find a way to communicate with the Valley of the Abyss and contact Dao Shiguang Changhe and the others. As long as their strength arrives, they will be able to deal with the situation even if they encounter the previous one.

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